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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Committees/Groups in which UMIC Assures the Representation or Participation of Portugal and respective delegates within OECD:

  • ICCP – Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy
    National Delegate and Vice Chair of ICCP: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
    The OECD Committee ICCP operates within the OECD DSTI – Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry and has the responsibility of promoting the policies and the regulatory environments necessary for the expansion of Internet and ICT as drivers for innovation, productivity, growth and welfare.
  • OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future Internet Economy (in Portuguese), prepared by the ICCP, with substantial contributions of the Portuguese delegation to the Joint Declaration on the Future of Internet Economy (Seoul Declaration) as well as for the document Shaping Policies for the Future of the Internet Economy and its annexes, 14-20 June, 2008, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in the delegation of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC.
  • WPIIS – Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society
    National Delegate: Graça Simões, Member of the Board of Directors of UMIC, who coordinates the Observatory of the Information and Knowledge Society (OSIC) and Chairs the Working Group of Statistics on the Information Society operating within the National Higher Statistics Council.
    WPIIS mission is to monitor, supervise, direct and coordinate statistical work and to contribute to the development of quantitative indicators and analysis necessary to meet the requirements of the ICCP. More specifically, the Working Party has the following functions:
    1. To ensure the continuous improvement of the methodology for gathering data, comparable at international level, to measure supply and demand, and the impact of ICT, namely through the development of measurement standards in the ICT sector, ICT goods and services, electronic commerce, security, digital content and diffusion of ICT;
    2. To gather statistics on ICT and to help in the development and interpretation of statistical indicators for the formulation and monitoring of ICT related policies.
  • WPIE – Working Party on the Information Economy
    National Delegate: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
    WPIE, which operates within ICCP, is responsible for:
    1. Examining the policy frameworks that foster creativity and innovation, enhancing economic growth, productivity, sustainable development, employment and social benefits, and contribute to solving global challenges in areas such as environment, health care and aging society, and expanding international economic development, along with communication and information high-speed networks and the expansion of the information society;
    2. Reviewing, analyzing and evaluating the economic and social impacts of the development, dissemination, implementation and use of information and communication technology products and services in areas that include electronic commerce and digital content, and the commitments related to political opinions;
    3. Identifying factors that encourage the use of information and communication technology products and services, and their applications in economy and society, and developing tools for measurement and international comparison.
  • OECD Workshops/Seminars
    • Using Sensor-Based Networks to Address Global Issues: Policy Opportunities and Challenges, Experts Conference organized by the OECD with the support of Portugal, chaired by Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC and Vice Chair of ICCP, the OECD committee involved in the conference organization, 8-9 June, 2009, in Lisbon (see Portuguese Experts in Conference on Sensor Networks Organized by OECD).
      This conference includes sessions on the following themes: Health and elderly care; Protection of the environment; Transportation; Policy discussion: Public policies in innovation, research, privacy, security and interoperability. The organization of the conference is financially supported by ANACOM – National Communications Authority and had the support of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) in defining themes and identifying the Portuguese participants, including researchers of the Carnegie Mellon – Portugal Program and the MIT – Portugal Program within the action “Partnerships for the Future” of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and of the Associate Laboratories INESC-ID - Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering - R&D, INESC-Porto - Institute of Systems and Computers Engineering - Porto and IT – Institute of Telecommunications.  The participation of Portugal in the conference, beyond its Chair by Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC and Vice Chair of the OECD Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policy (ICCP), involves the moderation of the session devoted to "Transportation" by José Viegas, coordinator of this subject area in the MIT – Portugal Program and researcher of the CESUR – Center of Urban and Regional Systems of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon, the moderation of the session devoted to "Public Policy" by Manuel Barros, Director of the Office of Communications Security of ANACOM and Vice Chair of the OECD ICCP Working Party on Information Security and Privacy (WPISP), and counts on the participation of Portuguese researchers in the panels of several sessions (José Luís Santos of INESC-Porto; João Barros, Director of the Carnegie Mellon – Portugal Program and researcher at the IT– Institute of Telecommunications; Augusto Casaca of INESC-ID, A. Luís Osório of ISEL).
    • Informal Workshop: ICT Policy in the Economic Crisis and Recovery - OECD, June 18, 2009, Paris: Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC, and Charlotte Simões of UMIC.
    • High-level OECD Conference: ICTs, the Environment and Climate Change, 26-28 May, 2009, Helsingør, Denmark (see Portugal Participa na Conferência de Alto Nível da OCDE: TICs, Ambiente e Mudanças Climáticas (in Portuguese)): Paulo Ferrão (Director of the MIT – Portugal Program and Professor of IST – Instituto Superior Técnico, of the Technical University of Lisbon) and Luísa Schmidt (Researcher of ICS – Institute of Social Sciences, of the University Lisbon).
    • OECD Informal seminar on "Sustainability and the Role of Innovation Policies in the Present Economic Crisis", February 16, 2009, Paris: Luis Magalhães, President of UMIC, and Ana Cristina Neves, Head of International Relations of UMIC.
Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )