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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Online Brand Register

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A ceremony was held on 22nd December 2006 at the INPI – National Industrial Property Institute to mark the launch of the Online Brand Register. The ceremony was attended by the Minister for Justice, the Secretary of State for Justice and the Under Secretary of State for the Economy and Innovation.

It is now possible to register brands, brand certificates and renew the registration of brands online at (site in Portuguese). There are roughly 35 thousand such cases annually, which corresponds to approximately 70% of all the INPI’s work.

With the Online Brand Register, all the administrative acts that one applies to INPI for can be submitted online, except where there is a confidentiality requirement or need for legal authentification of the intervening bodies (e-signature). It also possible to pay the respective fees via the SIBS network. The net result of this innovation for users is more efficiency, convenience, speed and savings.

These services go together with another service that INPI has made available online this year: brand database searches in the database for brands, patents, design and other Industrial Property methods registered in Portugal.

In this way, significant steps have been taken towards cutting Government red tape and facilitating and simplifying access to public services for companies and citizens.

In 2007 it will also be possible to apply for patents, designs and utility models usage online. The Industrial Property Bulletin will be published electronically in the first quarter of 2007, which will allow the time taken to assess applications for brand registrations to be cut.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )