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  • Meeting of Ministers of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the CPLP

    Logo of the CPLP – Community of Portuguese Language Countries

    On August 29, 2009, the Ministers CPLP – Community of Portuguese Language Countries responsible for science and technology and for higher education met in Lisbon.

    Portugal has the Presidency of the CPLP this year and prepared an agenda which includes the discussion of a Portuguese proposal to create a, in a completely innovative approach, a UNESCO Centre for advanced training in science within the institutions of the CPL (text of the declaration in Portuguese) , combining the high-level scientific training, namely through PhD programs, with the training for the social responsibility of scientists, the public communication of science, and integration in international networks and research programs, with the objective of facilitating the scientific development of the countries of origin and of combating the brain drain. Portugal ensures the launching and the early operation of this new center of distributed advanced scientific training, in cooperation with UNESCO and in combination with other CPLP countries.

  • President of UMIC Represents Portugal at Meeting of the UN's CSTD in Geneva

    UN logo The 12th meeting of the UN’s CSTD – Commission on Science and Technology for Development starts today, 25th May 2009, at the Palace of the Nations of the UNO – United Nations Organisation, in Geneva, which runs from 25th to 29th May.

    Portugal was elected as a member of the CSTD with a mandate until the end of 2012 at a meeting of the UN’s ECOSOC – Economic and Social Committee held on 18th May 2009 at UN headquarters in New York. It hereby becomes one of 10 Western countries on this Commission, which currently includes Germany, Austria, Belgium, the United States of America, Finland, France, Israel, Switzerland and Turkey.

  • Portugal Elected Member of the UN's CSTD – President of UMIC Represents Portugal

    UN logo Portugal was elected to the UN’s CSTD – Commission on Science and Technology for Development yesterday in New York, with a mandate until the end of 2012. This election took place at a meeting of the UN’s ECOSOC – Economic and Social Committee held on 18th May 2009 at UN headquarters in New York. Portugal hereby becomes one of Western countries on this Commission, which currently also includes Germany, Austria, Belgium, the United States of America, Finland, France, Israel, Switzerland and Turkey.

    The representatives of CSTD Member States are nominated by the UN based on the qualifications and scientific or professional knowledge necessary for the Commission’s mandate. Portugal’s entry into the CSTD was thus approved by ECOSOC through the election of Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • 4th Portugal-Brazil Videoconference to Prepare Cooperation Programmes

    Brazil and Portugal flags together A videoconference with several Brazilian institutions was held at Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) on 18th May 2009 to help prepare potential cooperation programmes in science, technology, innovation and information society fields, following on from previous videoconferences held on 22nd and 8th April and 17th March 2009.

    The videoconference was held between the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, and representing Brazil, the Head of the International Affairs Department at the Ministry of Science and Technology, José Monserrat Filho. It enabled a series of important agreements for concrete bilateral cooperation programmes to be wrapped up successfully. These could potentially open a new era of opportunities for effective work between the two countries’ researchers, scientific institutions and public policy bodies for science, technology and the information society.

  • Meeting of the High Level Group on Internet Governance (May 2009)

    Internet Governance logo, High Level Group (HLIG) The High Level Group on Internet Governance (HLIG), an informal group of experts who advise the European Commission, met in Brussels on 7th May 2009.

    The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the European Union (EU) and European Commission positions on the development of the ICANN – Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers, the HLIG contribution to the Notice of Inquiry by the US Department of Commerce entitled “The Continued Transition of the Technical Coordination and Management of the Internet's Domain Name and Addressing System: Midterm Review of the Joint Project Agreement”, the developments addressed at the last meeting of the GAC – ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee which took place at the time of the 34th Meeting of the ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the Presidency report on the IGF – Internet Governance Forum, preparation for the IGF 2009 Public Multi-stakeholder Consultations which will be held in May 2009 and the European Commission report on the adoption of DNSSec.

  • Hearing on Internet Governance Arrangements

    Internet Governance logo, High Level Group(HLIG) The European Commission called a Hearing on Internet Governance Arrangements on 6th May 2009 in Brussels prior to the High Level Group on Internet Governance scheduled for the day after. The objective of this hearing was to contribute to the discussion on the future of Internet governance, in a year when the ICANN (Internet Corporation on Assigned Names and Numbers) will undergo changes to its institutional situation with the termination of the contract with the US Department of Commerce on 30th September, and with discussions of the future of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), due to its 5-year mandate expiring in 2010, which means that discussions on reviewing it and whether to continue with it or not will also begin this year.

  • ICT at the XII Iberian-American Conference of Ministers of Culture

    Ministry of Culture logo The XII Iberian-American Conference on Culture took place on 22nd April 2009 at the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon. The Conference hosted ministers for culture from Iberian-American countries and included an intervention from the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), speaking at the invitation of the Portuguese Minister for Culture, entitled The role of new technologies in promoting Shared Languages and Multiculturalism (in Portuguese).

    This ministerial conference was dedicated to the topic “Portuguese and Spanish, Shared Languages, Instruments of Identity, Creativity and Multiculturalism” and resulted in the approval of a Declaration (in Portuguese), which, inter alia, includes:

  • 13th Meeting of the OECD Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society

    OECD logo The 13th Meeting of the OECD Working Party on Indicators for the Information Society (WPIIS) of the OECD’s Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (ICCP) was held on 23rd – 24th April 2009 in Paris.

    The meeting agenda included information and proposals from Member States on ICT measures, the potential for synergies between private and official statistics, the OECD’s Innovation Strategy, the response to the economic and financial crisis for sustainable recovery, the outcomes of the PISA study on ICT and education, the key factors for household spending on ICT, analysis of the role of ICT in transmitting knowledge, analysis of innovation encouraged by ICT, a proposal to update the definition of eCommerce, measuring the relationship between ICT and the environment, ICT statistics and global trade, ICT indicators in the health sectors and gauging the social impact of ICT.

  • EU National ICT Directors General Forum, Prague

    The half-yearly meeting of the National ICT Directors General Forum was held on 20th April 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic. This forum hosts Directors-General responsible for the Information and Communication Technologies area in the 27 EU Member States and the external associate countries of the EU Framework Research Programme.

  • 3rd Portugal-Brazil Videoconference to Prepare Cooperation Programmes

    Brazil and Portugal flags together A videoconference with several Brazilian institutions was held at Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) on 22nd April 2009 to help prepare potential cooperation programmes in science, technology, innovation and information society fields, following on from previous videoconferences held on 8th April and 17th March 2009.

    The videoconference was held between the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, representing Portugal, and representing Brazil, the Head of the International Affairs Department at the Ministry of Science and Technology, José Monserrat Filho, and the President of FINEP – Study and Project Funding, Luis Manuel Fernandes.

  • 2nd Portugal-Brazil Videoconference to Prepare Cooperation Programmes

    Brazil and Portugal flags together A videoconference with several Brazilian institutions was held at Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) on 8th April 2009 to help prepare potential cooperation programmes in science, technology, innovation and information society fields, following on from the Portugal-Brazil Videoconference to Prepare Cooperation Programmes held on 17th March.

    The videoconference was held between the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, representing Portugal, and representing Brazil, the Head of the International Affairs Department at the Ministry of Science and Technology, José Monserrat Filho, and the President of FINEP – Study and Project Funding, Luis Manuel Fernandes.

  • 1st Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research

    Logo of the 1st Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research The 1st Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research was held on 25th and 26th March 2009 in Brussels. It was organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Information Society and Media, with the support of the African Union Commission and the EuroAfrica-ICT project of the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).

  • Portugal-Brazil Videoconference to Prepare Cooperation Programmes

    Bazil and Portugal flags in one image A videoconference with several Brazilian institutions was held at the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) on 17th March 2009 for initial discussions on preparing potential cooperation programmes in science, technology, innovation and information society fields.

    The videoconference was held between the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, representing Portugal, and representing Brazil, the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Luiz António Elias, and the President of FINEP– Study and Project Funding, Luis Manuel Fernandes.

  • Meeting of the OECD's Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policies (57th meeting)

    OECD logo The 57th meeting of the OECD’s Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee was held in Paris on 11th to 13th March 2009.  The meeting agenda included a review of the access process for various countries to OECD membership, discussion of the economic crisis, the framework for non-governmental stakeholder participation in the ICCP’s work, the midterm report on the innovation strategy, proposals for the Technology Foresight Forum, information on reports regarding economic reform policy and policy coherence and development, a study on setting up partnerships for the Internet economy, reports from the ICCP Working Party on the implementation of the agenda from the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy (text in Portuguese) held in Seoul in June 2008, and a study on ICT and the environment.

  • 34th Meeting of ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

    ICANN logo The 34th meeting of the ICANN – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers was held in Mexico City on 1st – 6th March 2009 and was attended by more than 1,200 participants from over 100 countries.  As is customary, the 33rd meeting of the GAC – ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee took place in parallel. The GAC comprises representatives from governments of countries and public authorities from regional economies and intergovernmental organisations, and covers public policy matters related to the ICANN's activities. The GAC currently has 80 members and 12 observers (see GAC composition (in Portuguese)).

    The main items on the agenda at this GAC meeting were: the process of adopting internationalised domain names (IDNs) in terms of top domain country codes, the process of adopting top generic domain names, the role and functioning of the GAC, analysis and contributions for the PSC - President’s Strategic Committee report, GAC interaction with ccNSO - Country Code Names Supporting Organization and the ICANN Board.

  • Multi-stakeholder Public Consultations as part of Preparing for IGF 2009

    LogoLogo of WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society The first public consultations of 2009 for preparing the 5th IGF – Internet Governance Forum, which will take place in Egypt in November, were held on 23rd – 24th February at the UN in Geneva. As is customary, representatives of governments, enterprises, civil society, the Internet technical community and NGOs were present. The main topics were the results and modus operandi from the Internet Governance Forum 2008 that was staged in Hyderabad, India, in December 2008, and how to improve the exchange of ideas and discussion between all participants at the IGF in November 2009.

  • 9th meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    i2010 Initiative logo The 9th meeting of the i2010 High Level Group took place on 24th February 2009 in the European Commission Presidency building in Brussels. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • OECD Workshop on Measuring Mobile/Wireless Service Data

    OECD logo The OECD-ANACOM Expert Workshop on Measuring Mobile/Wireless Service Data was staged on 19th -20th February 2009 at Culturgest, Lisbon. It was organised in the scope of the WPCISP – Working Party on Communication Infrastructure and Services of the OECD’s ICCP – Information, Computer and Communication Policy Committee. The objective of this workshop is to produce a methodology to obtain data on wireless broadband service subscriptions, categorising bandwidth differences and data transfer limits, and comparing prices.

  • OECD Seminar on Sustainability and the Role of Innovation Policies in the Financial Crisis

    OECD logo An OECD Seminar on Sustainability and the Role of Innovation Policies in the Financial Crisis was held at the OECD headquarters in Paris on 16th February 2009.

    The Portuguese delegation, headed by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), included members of UMIC from the Office of the National Coordinator of the Lisbon Strategy and the Technological Plan and from the Portuguese Permanent Delegation to the OECD. The following are some of the measures adopted in Portugal that were compiled in response to the OECD Secretariat questionnaire coordinated by the Directorate-General for Technical and Economic Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

  • Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 - 2013)

    Logo of the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme A call for tenders was opened in the scope of the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (2007-2013) on 29th January 2009 for the following topics and objectives:

    • ICT for health, ageing and Inclusion (ICT for patient-centred health services, Innovative eHealth tools and services in real life – learning together, ICT for ageing well / independent living, e-Accessibility thematic network);
    • Digital Libraries (European Digital Library - services, European Digital Library – aggregating digital content in Europeana, European Digital Library – Digitising content for Europeana, Open access to scientific information, Use of cultural heritage material for education);
  • Meeting of the High Level Group on Internet Governance (Feb 2009)

    Internet Governace logo, High Level Group(HLIG) The HLIG – High Level Group on Internet Governance, an informal group of experts advising the European Commission, met on 4th February 2009 in Brussels. Their main goal was to discuss the European Union position for the multi-stakeholder public consultations being held on 23rd - 24th February 2009 at the UN in Geneva.

  • Trilateral Meeting on European Union Financial Perspectives in the Competitiveness Area

    A meeting with representatives from Spain, Greece and Portugal was held at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation on 29th January 2009 in Madrid on the Financial Perspectives of the European Union 2014-2021 in the area of Competitiveness.

  • XXIV Portugal – Spain Summit

    Portugal and Spain flags The XXIV Portugal – Spain Summit was held on 22nd January 2009 in Zamora, Spain. The following conclusions were approved in the fields of Science, Technology and Higher Education: “The two governments reaffirm their commitment to providing a joint boost to the science and technology systems of both countries as fundamental drivers in terms of improving productivity and developing solid knowledge and innovation-based economies.

  • Meeting of the OECD Innovation Strategy Committee Presidents

    OECD logo A Meeting of the OECD Innovation Strategy Committee Presidents was held on 20th January 2009 at the OCDE headquarters in Paris aimed at discussing the draft midterm report on the said strategy.

    Members of the delegations of different countries involved in the bureaux of different committees and working parties took part, namely Austria, Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Switzerland and members of the OECD Secretariat and the committees involved. The President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) took part in his role as Vice President of the ICCP – Information, Computer and Communication Policy Committee.

  • 324th Meeting of CREST – the EU’s Scientific and Technical Research Committee

    Logotype of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee da UE The 324th Meeting of CREST – the Scientific and Technical Research Committee took place on 16th January 2009 in the Council of the European Union building in Brussels. It was chaired by the Director-General for Research.

    This meeting was attended at Director-General level by the representations of the Member States and associate countries under the 7th Framework Programme for IDT. The Portuguese delegation was headed by the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • Meeting of the OECD's Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (56th session)

    OECD Logotype The 56th session of the OECD’s Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (ICCP) took place on 11th -12th December 2008 in Paris.

     This meeting’s agenda covered the election of the Committee Bureau, discussion and approval of extending the stakeholders who may take part in the Committee’s work, review and approval of new mandates for the Committee’s subordinate groups (Information Economy, Information Security and Privacy, Infrastructure and Communication Services Policies, Information Society Indicators), analysis of the accession process of new countries to the OECD in progress and the ICCP budget, discussion of the Committee’s work plan for the 2009-2010 period, the report and discussion of the Internet Governance Forum 2008 that took place in Hyderabad, India, the week before, information and discussion on the Innovation Strategy adopted by the OECD, information and discussion of the main aspects from the 2008 Information Technology Outlook report, and information and discussion of the Counterfeiting and Piracy Project underway. The President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) headed the Portuguese delegation at this meeting.

  • UMIC President elected Vice President of the OECD's ICCP Committee

    Logotipo da OCDE Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), was elected today, 11th December 2008, to the Bureau of the OECD’s Information, Computers and Communication Policy Committee (ICCP) as Vice President of this Committee, together with representatives from Germany, Canada (President), the United States of America, Finland, Italy, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

    This Committee (ICCP – Information, Computer and Communications Policy) operates within the OECD’s DSTI – Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry and is responsible for promoting the necessary regulatory policies and environments for the growth of the Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as drivers of innovation, productivity, growth and social well-being. 

  • Internet Governance Forum 2008

    Logo of the WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society The 3rd meeting of the IGF - Internet Governance Forum was held in Hyderabad, India, on 3rd – 6th December 2007.

    The IGF was created in the scope of the United Nations, in the second phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) held in Tunis on 16th – 18th November 2005 (see Portugal takes part in the World Summit on the Information Society). The 1st meeting of the IGF was staged in Athens, Greece, on 30th October to 2nd November 2006, and the 2nd meeting took place in Rio de Janeiro from 12th to 15th November 2007.

    The main sessions at the 3rd IGF meeting covered the following topics: Reaching the Next Billion, Promoting Cyber-Security and Trust, Managing Critical Internet Resources, Emerging Issues, and Taking Stock and the Way Forward. More than 85 workshops and other sessions ran concurrently (see session programme).

  • National ICT Directors-General Forum, Lyon

    The half-yearly meeting of the National ICT Directors-General Forum was held on 26th November in Lyon, France. This forum comprises the Directors-General responsible for Information and Communication Technologies in the 27 EU Member States and associate countries under the EU Framework Programme for Research.

  • 8th Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    i2010 Initiative logotype The 8th Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group was held on 18th November 2008 in the Presidency of the European Commission building in Brussels. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • Meeting of the High Level Group on Internet Governance (Nov 2008)

    High Level Group on Internet Governance logotype The HLIG – High Level Group on Internet Governance), an informal group of experts advising the European Commission, met in Geneva, their main objective being to discuss the European Union position at the 3rd meeting of the Internet Governance Forum 2008 that was held in Hyderabad, India, on 3rd – 6th December 2008.

  • Space for Development: The Case of the GMES Initiative and Africa Conference

    Logotipo da Presidência da UE - Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino SuperiorIn the scope of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union and to mark the EU - Africa Summit of 7th – 9th December, the Space for Development: The Case of GMES and Africa conference is being held on 6th – 7th December 2007 at the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon. The conference is being jointly organised by Portugal’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education together with the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Commission and the GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment and Security initiative.

    GMES – Global Monitoring for Environment and Security is an initiative of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA), which is designed to collect and provide reliable and up-to-date data on the state of the environment and environmental monitoring with a view to its preservation and preventing risk situations (e.g. floods, forest fires and water pollution).

  • 317th Meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, European Union

    Logotype of CREST - EU Scientific and Technical Research Committee The 317th meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, chaired by the Deputy Director General for Research at the European Commission, Zoran Stancic, will take place in the Council of the European Union building in Brussels on 7th December 2007.

    This is the 3rd CREST meeting under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, the 1st meeting of which was held in Brussels in the first week of the Presidency, the 2nd meeting in Ponta Delgada on 11th – 12th October 2007. The first point on the agenda is Presidency information presented by the head of the Portuguese delegation, Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • 5th Meeting of the High Level i2010 Group and Industry Round Table on Networks of the Future

    Logotipo da Iniciativa i2010A meeting of the i2010 High Level Group will be held in the headquarters of the European Commission building in Brussels on the afternoon of 28th November 2007. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • European Union National ICT Directors-Generals Forum Meeting

    The half-yearly Forum of National ICT Directors-General of the European Union will be held on 19th November 2007 in Braga, the day before the High Level Conference on Nanotechnologies. This forum brings together the Directors-General responsible for the field of Information and Communication Technologies in the 27 Member States of the EU and external countries associated with the EU’s Framework Research Programme.

  • EU-MED Event

    = Logo of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership The “EU-MED Event” will take place on 23rd-24th October 2007 in Brussels. The objective of this event is to focus on aspects of collaboration are aspects of collaboration between the European Union and the Non-EU countries around the Mediterranean, namely in the fields of research infrastructures, including national research and education networks (EUMEDCONNECT) and their links to the European GÉANT network, GRID Computation (EUMEDGRID) and other e-Infrastructures.

    There will be interventions from HRH Princess of Jordan Sumayya Bint Al Hassan,Dr. Najib Abdul Wahed,Deputy Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Research, Syria, Mr. Mashour Abudaka, Minister, Palestine, among others. The President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) will take part on behalf of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU.

    The organisation of the “EU-MED Event” is based on three projects setting up eInfrastructures in the Mediterranean region: EUMEDCONNECT, EUMEDGRID and GÉANT2 development support.

  • 2nd meeting of the EUROMED Forum on the Information Society

    = Logo of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership The 2nd meeting of the EUROMED Forum on the Information Society will be held on 25th October 2007 in Brussels.

    The opening session will commence with an intervention from the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), who will be representing the Portuguese Presidency of the EU. This will be followed by interventions by the Deputy Director General for the Information Society and Media at the European Commission and by the Director for International Relations from Egypt’s Ministry for Information and Communication Technologies.

    The meeting agenda takes in various aspects of cooperation between the EU and non-EU countries around the Mediterranean in Information Society fields, including support projects for the Research and Education network under EUMEDCONNECT, which is connected to the GÉANT2 European network, other e-Infrastructures projects, including GRID Computation as part of the EUMEDGRID project, projects in the scope of the EU’s 7th Framework Research Programme, cooperation in regulating telecommunications and preparing the 2nd EUROMED Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, which will be held in Cairo, Egypt, in 2008.

  • 316th Meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, European Union

    Logotype of CREST - EU Scientific and Technical Research Committee The 316th meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, chaired by the Deputy Director General for Research at the European Commission, Zoran Stancic, will take place in Ponta Delgada on 11th – 12th October 2007.

    This is the 2nd CREST meeting under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU. The previous CREST meeting was held in Brussels in the first week of the Presidency. The first point on the agenda is Presidency information, which shall include reference to the results of the “The Future of Science in Europe” High Level Conference held over the course of the three previous days in Lisbon, as well as the upcoming R&D events planned under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, which will be presented by the head of the Portuguese delegation, Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • Meeting of the OECD's Committee for Information, Computer and Communications Policies

    Logótipo da OCDEThe 53rd Meeting of the OECD's Committee for Information, Computers and Communication Policies is being held in Ottawa, Canada from 4th to 5th October 2007. Topics for consideration at this meeting include the participative web, the OECD Ministerial Meeting on The Future of the Internet Economy - Shaping Policies for Creativity, Confidence and Convergence in the Digital World, which will be held in Seoul, Korea on 17th-18th June 2008, use of the Internet to improve economic performance and social well-being and the recent proof of the impact of ICT on economic growth. The Portuguese delegation at this meeting will be headed by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

    The Committee for Information, Computers and Communication Policies meeting will be preceded by other OECD meetings.

  • Open Consultations and Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum's Advisory Group

    Logótipo da WSIS – World Summit on the Information SocietyThe Open Consultations will be held at the United Nations in Geneva on 3rd September 2007 as part of the preparations for the 2nd Meeting of the IGF – Internet Governance Forum, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 12th to 15th November 2007. The IGF was set up under the 2nd phase of the WSIS – World Summit on the Information Society, which was held in Tunis from 16th-18th November 2005.

    The 1st meeting of the IGF took place in Athens from 30th October to 2nd November 2006. As the Open Consultations are being held during the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union (EU), the Presidency will be represented by the Portuguese delegation headed by Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • 315th Meeting of CREST Scientific and Technical Research Committee, European Union

    Logotype of CREST - EU Scientific and Technical Research Committee The 315th meeting of CREST – Scientific and Technical Research Committee, chaired by the Director General for Research at the European Commission, José Silva Rodriguez, and with Member States represented by their Director-Generals, will take place in the European Council building in Brussels on 6th July 2007. As this meeting is taking place a mere fortnight before the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Competitiveness  – Research, one of its objectives is to make progress on technical preparation points for the Informal Meeting of Ministers.

    This CREST meeting will take place in the first week of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, therefore the first point on the agenda will be dedicated to information from the Presidency on the priorities and main events outlined for the R&D area, which will be presented by the head of the Portuguese delegation, Luis Magalhães, President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • 4th Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    Logótipo da Iniciativa i2010 da Comissão EuropeiaA meeting of the i2010 High Level Group will be held in the headquarters of the European Commission building in Brussels on 20th April 2007. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

  • 3rd Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    Logotipo da Iniciativa i2010A meeting of the i2010 High Level Group will be held in the headquarters of the European Commission building in Brussels on 12th December 2006. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.
    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • 2nd Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    Logotipo da Iniciativa i2010A meeting of the i2010 High Level Group will be held in Helsinki on 27th Setember 2006. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • Call for CYTED Proposals

    A call for proposals in the scope of the CYTED Programme (Scientific and Technological Cooperation with the Iberian-American Region) is open until 30th June 2006 for Thematic Networks, Coordination Actions for Research Projects and Consortium-based Research Projects.

  • European Union - Latin America and Caribbean Ministerial Forum on the Information Society

    Forum MinisterialThe IV European Union - Latin America and Caribbean Ministerial Forum on the Information Society (text in Portuguese) will take place at the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon on 28th and 29th April 2006. It will be organised by the Portuguese Government and the European Commission, with the support of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and AHCIET - Asociación Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones (in its role as a member of the InternationalStakeholder Networkconsortium of the European Union’s @LIS - Alliance for the Information Society Programme).

  • 1st Meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

    Logotipo da Iniciativa i2010The first meeting of the i2010 High Level Group will be held in the Headquarters of the European Commission building in Brussels on 20th April 2006. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.
    Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

  • Portugal participates in the World Summit on the Information Society

    WSISHarnessing the benefits from the digital revolution and fostering worldwide discussion of the spread of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the objectives of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), being held from 16th to 18th November in Tunis in the scope of the United Nations’ activities.
    Portugal will be represented at the work at this United Nations’ World Summit by a delegation headed by the Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, José Mariano Gago, representing the Prime Minister.
    Minister Mariano Gago will address the Summit plenary on 17th November and on the same day will take part in a round table on the topic of From pledges to action – implementing the Tunis recommendations.

  • Memorandum of Understanding between Portuguese and Korean governments

    The Portuguese Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education and South Korea’s Minister for Information and Communication will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Seoul on 16th September 2005.

  • Approval for the i2010 – programme replacing the eEurope 2005 action programme

    i2010 The European Commission last week approved the i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment programme, which replaces the eEurope 2005 action programme.
    Based around three pillars – where the convergence of policies, increased investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the promotion of an inclusive information society are aligned towards the same objective -, the new strategy has been earmarked as a new driver for the Lisbon Strategy, which has also undergone a rethink so that it focuses on growth and employment.

    The "i2010: European Information Society 2010" strategy has been defined for the next five-year period and will be funded by the European Union’s programmes, namely the seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7) and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP), as both prioritise ICT as catalysts for Europe’s competitiveness. To promote a more inclusive information society for people, the European Commission will invest in an action plan for eGovernment services focused on citizens, which is scheduled to be launched in 2006. Added to this are three quality of life initiatives – including technology to help the elderly, intelligent vehicles and digital libraries for all – which are due to start by 2007. Actions to span social and geographical divides within Europe in the area of digital literacy will culminate in the e-Inclusion plan, with a start date pencilled in for 2008.