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Fraunhofer – Portugal Programme Launch

FhG – Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Logotype At a ceremony at the Porto Customs House lasting from 11.45 am until 1 pm on 18th April 2007, a long-term collaboration agreement was signed between the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology and Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and FhG – Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - the company that manages 56 applied research laboratories in Germany and is the largest applied research organisation in Europe. This long-term cooperation agreement focuses on emerging technologies, exploring mutual interest in science and technology for social well-being, economic growth and quality of life. The focal areas for this collaboration were identified based on a preliminary opportunity analysis that was conducted in 2006. They include ICTs, biotechnology, nanotechnology, advanced production engineering and logistics.

The core objective of the agreement is to establish a framework for ongoing and systematic cooperation between Fraunhofer Institutes and R&D institutions in Portugal, and to set up a Fraunhofer Institute in Portugal in the short-term, dedicated to applied research in Technology, Applications and Services for Ambient Assisted Living. This will be the first Fraunhofer Institute to be set up outside Germany.

The ceremony will be chaired by the Portuguese Prime Minister and will also include a presentation by the president of the Innovation Agency (site in Portuguese) of the setting up of new technology companies in Portugal based on the scientific and university system and the ScienceValue Initiatives to support filing international patents and harnessing the economic value of scientific knowledge. The ceremony will be attended by the following representatives from Germany: the Secretary of State for Education and Research, Frieder Meyer Krahmer, the President of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, H. Bullinger, and a delegation of directors and researchers from different Fraunhofer Institutes. From Portugal, the participants include the Minister and Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Higher Education,  the Presidents of the FCT and UMIC, and other directors and researchers from different public bodies, Associate Laboratories and other R&D institutions, and companies.

A session will be held before this ceremony from 9.30am to 11.20am, where presentations of the different Fraunhofer – Portugal Knowledge Networks partnerships and the respective agreements will be made, namely those related to:

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )