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7th Policy Board Meeting of the European Grid Initiative

European Grid Initiative logoOn the 29 May 2009, the 7th Meeting of the European Grid Initiative (EGI) Policy Board took place in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

This meeting considered several reports: the report from the Director of the EGI Design Study Project, the Transition Report from the Technical Director, updated information on middleware, the task force report on the organization of EGI, the transition process towards the EGI Council, plans to present proposals regarding EGI, the process of searching for the Director of

The President of The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and Professor Gaspar Barreira, Director do LIP – Laboratory for Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics, form part of the EGI Policy Board as representatives of the National GRID Initiative.

The EGI Policy Board, initially designated as the EGI Consultative Board, elected Professor Gaspar Barreira as its interim President upon initiating its activities in 2007 for the period in which it was being set up and its statutes approved. Given that this stage concluded with the meeting of 1 July 2008, it was decided to elect the President of the Policy Board at the meeting of 22 September 2008 for a regular term of office, and Professor Gaspar Barreira was once more elected to the post.

Last updated ( 24/02/2011 )