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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge  > News  > 9th meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

9th meeting of the i2010 High Level Group

i2010 Initiative logo The 9th meeting of the i2010 High Level Group took place on 24th February 2009 in the European Commission Presidency building in Brussels. The members are Directors-General for the Information Society, representing the Member States.

Portugal is represented at the i2010 High Level Group by the President of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC).

The meeting agenda included: the role of ICT in the economy crisis and the recovery package, future e-Government policies, the post-i2010 benchmarking framework and ad-hoc benchmarking group and renewal of the i2010 High Level Group e-Inclusion subgroup’s mandate.

As concerns information on the economic crisis-related and future-orientated initiatives in progress in Portugal, the President of UMIC took the floor and spoke on the guidelines in the document A Look from Portugal – i2010 HLG, 24th Feb 2009.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )