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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Knowledge  > News  > 2nd Meeting of the Consultative Committee of the European Grid Initiative Design Study Project

2nd Meeting of the Consultative Committee of the European Grid Initiative Design Study Project

European Grid Initiative logoOn 14 March 2008, the 2nd meeting of the Consultative Committee of the European Grid Initiative (EGI) will take place at the Ministry for Universities and Science in Rome, Italy.

The President of The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) will become part of the Consultative Council of EGI as a representative of the National GRID Initiative , and this Council is chaired by another Portuguese representative, Professor Gaspar Barreira. The meeting of the Consultative Council will be preceded by a workshop analysing various aspects of the constitution and organization of EGI.

Last updated ( 23/02/2011 )