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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Public Tender for Health and Biomedical Research Platform (hardware)

Harvard_logotypeThe Portuguese Government and the Harvard Medical School (HMS) have agreed to assess the potential to collaborate in various areas, including making an informational and educational platform available on medicine, health and biomedical research so as to facilitate access and contribute to increasing the medical literacy of the population in general, and certain specific groups involved in public health within the aforementioned areas.

As such The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), using the HMS platform as a reference, wishes to specific, create, implement, coordinate and promote a new information platform for medical, health and biomedical research knowledge in Portuguese, available on the Internet and other means, offering wider access for larger groups from the general public.

Given this, UMIC has launched a Public Tender for the Purchase of a Health and Biomedical Research platform, as well as the services to implement and configure the platform, and preventive and corrective maintenance services during the first year, starting with the productive stage.

As part of this development, UMIC has now launched a Negotiation Procedure with the Advanced Publication of the Announcement concerning the purchase of a hardware solution, database software, firewall, antivirus and the respective maintenance with SLA for a period of 1 year starting with the productive stage as well as installation services, and support for the national health and biomedical research content platform.

The respective announcement for publication in the Official Portuguese Gazette the Diário da República was sent on 28 July 2008. An announcement was also sent for publication in the Portuguese daily newspapers on 30 July.

Last updated ( 17/05/2011 )