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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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  • Public Tender for Health and Biomedical Research Platform (hardware)

    Harvard_logotypeThe Portuguese Government and the Harvard Medical School (HMS) have agreed to assess the potential to collaborate in various areas, including making an informational and educational platform available on medicine, health and biomedical research so as to facilitate access and contribute to increasing the medical literacy of the population in general, and certain specific groups involved in public health within the aforementioned areas.

  • Public Tender for Health and Biomedical Research Platform

    Harvard_logotype The Portuguese Government and the Harvard Medical School (HMS) have agreed to assess the potential to collaborate in various areas, including making an informational and educational platform available on medicine, health and biomedical research so as to facilitate access and contribute to increasing the medical literacy of the population in general, and certain specific groups involved in public health within the aforementioned areas.

  • Creative Commons in the Knowledge Society Seminar: the impact of the first four years

    Creative Commons Logotype The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), the Faculty of Economic and Entrepreneurial Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (FCEE-Católica) and INTELI – Intelligence in Innovation – are organising a seminar on 15th December 2006 from 9 am to 1 pm at the FCEE-Católica entitled “Creative Commons in the Knowledge Society: The impact of the first four years”. The objective of the agenda (in Portuguese) is to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Creative Commonslicenses and discuss the new challenges in protecting intellectual property.

  • Creative Commons arrive in Portugal

    Creative Commons Logotype The Portuguese version of the Creative Commons Licenses is being launched on 13th November 2006 by UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, in partnership with the FCEE-UCP - Faculty of Economic and Entrepreneurial Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and INTELI – Intelligence in Innovation. This launch follows on from a period of prior work with iCommons, the body that manages these licenses internationally, which began slightly over six months ago and involved translating these licenses and adapting them to the Portuguese legal framework, a period of public consultation, and then, finally, these licenses were made available in Portugal at

  • Application of Creative Commons licenses in Portugal

    Creative Commons Logotype The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), in collaboration with the Faculty of Economic and Entrepreneurial Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and INTELI – Intelligence and Innovation began the process of applying Creative Commons licenses in Portugal in March 2006. These licenses enable knowledge and authors’ works to be shared openly in an efficient and highly flexible manner. The iCommons summit that took place in Rio de Janeiro between 23rd and 25th June 2006 approved a preliminary translation of the licenses into Portuguese and their respective adaptation to Portuguese legislation. The Portuguese version of the licenses is available for public discussion on the Creative Commons page for Portugal on the Internet. At the end of this discussion, the necessary changes shall be made for the final version to be approved by iCommons, after which the respective version shall be launched in Portugal.

  • Open Calls for Proposals

    Calls for Proposals for projects in the scope of the following Knowledge Society Operational Programme (POSC) measures: Measure 4.1. Improve Broadband Infrastructures, Measure 4.2. Promote Production of Broadband Content and Applications, Measure 4.3. Promote Use of Broadband Internet, Measure 6.2. ICT Integrated Training Actions. Open from 1st February to 28th April 2006.