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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Public Services  > Projects  > Electronic Voting  > 2004 European Elections

2004 European Elections

The experimental piloting which was carried out in Portugal during the election for the European Parliament on 13 June 2004 had the following main aims:

  • Quantatively measure the impact of the introduction of new technologies in voting on voters, and thus identify the main factors blocking the future implementation of this project; 
  • Measure the impact on distinct social realities, through carrying out face-to-face interviews to complete seven thousand (7,000) questionnaires;
  • Disseminate the potential of presencial electronic voting amongst citizens, by familiarising them with this type of technology;
  • Simulate the complete voting procedure using technological platforms, and compare different technologies in terms of their usability and security.

To achieve these aims, the underlying principle running through the project was one of breaking the current electoral process down into its three stages – Identification, Voting and Counting – using technological platforms.

Three technological solutions were used which were produced by two multinational suppliers – INDRA and UNISYS – and a national consortium – Multicert/PT Inovação. Each of these companies set up the technological infrastructure in a group of three wards which had different social and demographic profiles (one large-scale urban ward, one semi-urban medium-sized ward and one small rural ward).

The project was coordinated by The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) and by the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Procedures- STAPE, and was supervised by the Portuguese National Election Commission - CNE and the Portuguese Data Protection Authority - CNPD.

The experimental piloting took place in 9 wards: Mirandela (Mirandela); Paranhos (Oporto); Mangualde (Viseu); São Bernardo (Aveiro); (Portalegre); Belém (Lisbon); São Sebastião (Setúbal); Salvador (Beja); Salir (Loulé). It involved around 9,500 voters, approximately 20% of the total number of individuals voting in this election in these wards.

As such, after casting their vote in the traditional manner, the voters were invited to once more identify themselves at the polling board purposely set up, so as to test the electronic ballot boxes which had been placed in the polling station.

Map Showing the Location of the Districts containing the Wards involved in the 2004 experimental piloting

Click on the image below to enlarge it | Summary of results per ward.

Map Showing the Location of the Districts containing the Wards involved in the 2004 experimental piloting

Source: Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)

Summary of results per ward

Ward: Paranhos (Porto)
Place: Escola EB+2 de Paranhos
No. of people voting: 42.288
No. of electronic voters: 1.043
No. of people involved: 25
Technology: Multicert-PT Inovação
Average voting time: 33 sec
Ward: Mangualde (Viseu)
Place: Escola n.º 1 de Mangualde
No. of people voting: 7.554
No. of electronic voters: 1.089
No. of people involved: 11
Technology: Indra
Average voting time: 63 sec
Ward: Mirandela (Mirandela)
No. of people voting: 2.658
No. of electronic voters: 703
No. of people involved: 8
Technology: Multicert-PT Inovação
Average voting time: 33 sec
Ward: São Bernardo (Aveiro)
No. of people voting: 1.479
No. of electronic voters: 607
No. of people involved: 7
Technology: Multicert-PT Inovação
Average voting time: 38sec
Ward: Sé (Portalegre)
No. of people voting: 2.935
No. of electronic voters: 686
No. of people involved: 8
Technology: Unisys
Average voting time: 36 sec
Ward: Belém (Lisboa)
No. of people voting: 4.169
No. of electronic voters: 2.070
No. of people involved: 14
Technology: Indra
Average voting time: 29 sec
Ward: São Sebastião (Setúbal)
No. of people voting: 1.825
No. of electronic voters:14.372
No. of people involved: 15
Technology: Indra
Average voting time: 28 sec
Ward: Salvador (Beja)
No. of people voting: 708
N.º de votos electrónicos: 1.824
No. of people involved: 12
Technology: Unisys
Average voting time: 35 sec
Ward: Salir (Loulé)
No. of people voting: 659
No. of electronic voters: 933
No. of people involved: 8
Technology: Unisys
Average voting time: 35 sec


Last updated ( 19/07/2010 )