Curriculum Vitae

Rui Manuel Amaral de Almeida

Data da última actualização »Last update : 15/01/2007

Rui Manuel Amaral de Almeida. É Professor Catedrático na Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Publicou 126 artigos em revistas especializadas e 10 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 6 capítulos de livros e 8 livros publicados. Recebeu 5 prémios e/ou homenagens. Actua na área de Engenharia dos Materiais Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 162 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Rui Manuel Amaral de Almeida
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Almeida, R.M.A.
Categoria profissional
Professor Catedrático
Domínio científico de actuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia dos Materiais.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Instituto Superior Técnico
Instituto de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais e Superfícies
Av. Rovisco Pais
1049-001 Lisboa
Telefone: 218418110
Fax: 218418132
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1987 Agregação
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

1980 Doutoramento
University of California, Estados Unidos.

1978 Mestrado
Master degree
University of California, Estados Unidos.

1975 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Engenharia de Materiais.
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Jan/1990-Actual Professor Catedrático
Jan/1981-Jan/1984 Assistente

University of Lehigh
Jan/2004-Dez/2005 Professor Convidado

University of California
Jan/1996-Dez/1996 Professor Convidado

The Pennsylvania State University
Fev/1989-Dez/1989 Professor Convidado

Actividades de Direcção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)

Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
2000-2004 Instituto Superior Técnico
- Presidente

Projectos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Development of photonic bandgap materials by sol-gel processing
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/32823/2000.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Development of rare-earth/silver glass matrix nanocomposites for integrated optics applications
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/36109/2000.

Germanate anomaly and the structure of alkali germanate glasses
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS/CTM/12114/1998.

Planar waveguides for integrated optic devices by the sol-gel process
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS XXI 3/3.1/MMA/1754/95.

Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Transparent glass ceramics containing rare-earth ions in environments of low phonon energy
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/33307/2000.

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2003 Fellow, American Ceramic Society (U.S.A.).
2003 Fellow, Society of Glass Technology (Sheffield, U.K.).
1996 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (Elsevier).
1999 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (Kluwer).
2000 Member of Advisory Editorial Board, Key Engineering Materials (Trans-Tech) .

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Almeida, R. M. ed. 2004. Characterization and Properties of Sol-Gel Materials and Products2 vols.. Kluwer.
2. Almeida, R. M. 1987. Halide Glasses for Infrared Fiberoptics. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
3. Almeida, R. M. 1987. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 8 vols.. .
4. Almeida, R. M. ed. 1987. Halide Glasses for Infrared Fiberoptics8 vols.. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
5. Almeida, R. M. ed. 1987. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology25 vols.. .
6. Almeida, R. M. ed. 1987. Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies of Halide Glass StructureDordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publihers.
7. Almeida, R. M. Optical Materials. 25 vols..
8. Almeida, R. M. ed. Optical Materials

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Almeida, R. M. 2004. Characterization and Properties of Sol-Gel Materials and Products.  In Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Kluwer.
2. Fortes, M. A; Ferreira, P.. 2003. Fibras Ópticas.  In Materiais do Século XX. Lisboa: IST Press .
3. Almeida, Rui M. 2002. Materials for integrated optics.  In Micro-optoelectronics: Materials, Devices and Integration. Quaderni di Ottica e Fotonica.
4. Almeida, R. M; Vasconcelos, H. C. 1997. Rare-earth doped nanocrystals in sol-gel planar waveguides.  In Proc. of Fundamentals of Glass Science and Technology 1997. Vaxjo
Glafo, The Glass Research Institute.
5. Jr, K. A. G; Eyring, L.. 1991. Fluoride Glasses.  In Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B. V..
6. Almeida, R. M. 1987. Vibrational Spectroscopy Studies of Halide Glass Structure.  In Halide Glasses for Infrared Fiberoptics. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publihers.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2006. "Compositional profiles in silica-based sol-gel films doped with erbium and silver, by RBS and ERDA", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technology, 0: 00 - 00.
in press.
2. Almeida, Rui M; Marques, Ana C; Portal, Sabine. 2006. "Glassy and nanocrystalline photonic materials and structures by sol-gel", Optical Materials, 0: 00 - 00.
3. Fortes, L. M; Santos, L. F; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M; Acapito, F.. 2006. "Influence of Er3+ on the early stages of crystallization of chloro-tellurite glasses studied by XRD and EXAFS", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 00 - 00.
in press.
4. Almeida, R. M; Marques, A. C; Cabeça, R.; Zampedri, L.; Chiasera, A.; Ferrari, M.. 2006. "Photoluminescence of erbium-doped silicate sol-gel planar waveguides", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technology, 0: 00 - 00.
in press.
5. Almeida, Rui M; Gonçalves, M. C; Portal, Sabine. 2006. "Sol-Gel Photonic Bandgap Materials and Structures", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 00 - 00.
in press.
6. Ramos, A. R; Marques, C. P; Alves, E.; Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M. 2006. "Stability of erbium and silver implanted in silica-titania sol-gel films", submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 00: 00 - 00.
7. Marques, A. C; Cabeça, R.; Almeida, R. M; Zampedri, L.; Chiasera, A.; Ferrari, M.. 2006. "The effects of TiO2 on the structure and spectroscopic properties of silica-hafnia based sol-gel waveguides", Phys. Chem. Glasses, 00: 00 - 00.
accepted for publication.
8. Santos, L F; Vasconcelos, H. C; Barros, Marques M; Almeida, R. M. 2004. "Active Nanocrystals in Erbium-doped Silica-Titania Sol-Gel Films", Mater. Sci. Forum., 0: 545 - 549.
9. Montagna, M.; Chiasera, A.; Moser, E.; Visintainer, F.; Ferrari, M.; Zampedri, L.; Gonçalves, R. R; Ribeiro, S. J. L; Martucci, A.; Guglielmi, M.; Ivanda, M.; Almeida, R. M. 2004. "Nucleation and Crystallization of Titania Nanoparticles in Silica Titania Planar Waveguides: a study by Low Frequency Raman Scattering", Mater. Sci. Forum., 0: 520 - 526.
10. Tikhomirov, V. K; Seddon, A. B; Ferrari, M.; Montagna, M.; Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 2004. "On a qualitative model for the incorporation of fluoride nano-crystals within an oxide glass network in oxy-fluoride glass-ceramics", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 337, 0: 191 - 195.
11. Portal, Sabine; Almeida, Rui M. 2004. "Rare-earth doped Fabry-Perot microcavities by sol-gel processing", Proc. SPIE 5360, 0: 101 - 111.
12. Almeida, R. M; Marques, A. C; Pelli, S.; Righini, G. C; Chiasera, A.; Mattarelli, M.; Montagna, M.; Tosello, C.; Gonçalves, R. R; Portales, H.; Chaussedent, S.; Ferrari, M.; Zampedri, L.. 2004. "Spectroscopic assessment of of silica-titania and silica-hafnia planar waveguides", Phil. Mag. 84, 0: 1659 - 1666.
13. Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2004. "Study of silica-titania films co-doped with erbium and silver by RBS and ERDA", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 0: 923 - 927.
14. Portal, Sabine; Almeida, Rui M. 2004. "Variable incidence infrared absorption spectroscopy of gel-derived silica and titania films", Physica Status Solidi(a) 201, 0: 2941 - 2947.
15. Caricato, A. P; Fernandez, M.; Ferrari, M.; Leggieri, G.; Martino, M.; Mattarelli, M.; Montagna, M.; Resta, V.; Zampedri, L.; Almeida, R. M; Fortes, L.; Gonçalves, M. C; Santos, L. F. 2003. "Er3+-doped tellurite waveguides deposited by excimer laser ablation", Mater. Sci. Engr., 0: 65 - 69.
16. Chiasera, A.; Montagna, M.; Tosello, C.; Gonçalves, R. R; Chiappini, A.; Ferrari, M.; Zampedri, L.; Pelli, S.; Righini, G. C; Monteil, A.; Foglietti, V.; Minotti, A.; Almeida, R. M; Marques, A.; Soares, V.. 2003. "Erbium/Ytterbium-activated silica-titania planar and channel waveguides prepared by rf-sputtering", Proc. SPIE 4990, 0: 38 - 46.
17. Almeida, Rui M; Marques, Ana C; Ferrari, Maurizio. 2003. "Optical nanocomposite planar waveguides doped with rare-earth and noble metal elements", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 26, 0: 891 - 896.
18. Almeida, R. M; Rodrigues, A. S. 2003. "Photonic Bandgap Materials and Structures by Sol-Gel Processing", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 405 - 409.
19. Almeida, Rui M; Portal, Sabine. 2003. "Photonic Bandgap Structures by Sol-gel Processing", Current Opinion in Sol. State and Mater. Sci. 7, 0: 151 - 157.
20. Fortes, Luis M; Santos, Luis F; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, Rui M. 2003. "Preparation and characterization of Er-doped TeO2-based oxyhalide glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 324, 0: 150 - 158.
21. Marques, Ana C; Almeida, Rui M; Chiasera, Alessandro; Ferrari, Maurizio. 2003. "Reversible photoluminescence quenching in Er3+-doped silica-titania planar waveguides prepared by sol-gel", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 322, 0: 272 - 277.
22. Tikhomirov, V. K; Seddon, A. B; Ferrari, M.; Montagna, M.; Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 2003. "The structure of Er3+-doped oxy-fluoride transparent glass ceramics studied by Raman scattering", Europhysics Letters 64, 0: 529 - 535.
23. Rainho, José P; Pillinger, Martyn; Carlos, Luís D; Ribeiro, Sidney J; Almeida, Rui M; Rocha, João. 2002. "Local Er(III) environment in luminescent titanosilicates prepared from microporous precursors", J. Mater. Chem. 12, 0: 1162 - 1162.
24. Santos, Luís F; Vasconcelos, H. C; Marques, M. I. B; Lyon, O.; Almeida, R. M. 2002. "Physical characterization of active nanocrystals in erbium-doped silica-titania nanocomposite sol-gel films", Key Engineering Mater., 0: 644 - 647.
25. Almeida, Rui M; Morais, Paulo J; Marques, Ana C. 2002. "Planar waveguides for integrated optics prepared by sol-gel methods", Phil. Mag., 0: 707 - 719.
26. Trbojevitch, R.; Pellegri, N.; Frattini, A.; Sanctis, O.; Morais, P. J; Almeida, R. M. 2002. "Preparation and isolation of gold nanoparticles coated with a stabilizer and sol-gel compatible agent", J. Mater. Res. 17, 0: 1973 - 1980.
27. Gonçalves, M. C; Santos, Luís F; Almeida, R M. 2002. "Rare-earth-doped Transparent Glass-Ceramics", C.R. Chimie 5, 0: 845 - 854.
28. Almeida, Rui M; Wang, Zhongchun. 2002. "Sol-gel preparation of one-dimensional photonic bandgap structures", Proc. SPIE 4655, 0: 24 - 33.
29. Gallardo, J.; Duran, A.; Martino, D.; Almeida, Rui M. 2002. "Structure of Inorganic and Hybrid sol-gel coatings studied by variable incidence infrared spectroscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 298, 0: 219 - 225.
30. Almeida, R. M; Santos, L. F; Martino, D.. 2002. "The germanate anomaly in sodium and cesium binary glass systems: a comparison", Phys. Chem. Glasses, 0: 85 - 89.
31. Martino, D.; Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 2002. "X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of alkali germanate glasses", Surface and Interface Analysis 34, 0: 324 - 327.
32. Rainho, J. P; Rocha, J.; Carlos, L. D; Almeida, R. M. 2001. "29Si NMR and vibrational spectroscopy studies of SiO2-TiO2 powders prepared by the sol-gel process", J. Mater. Research 16, 0: 2369 - 2376.
33. Acapito, F.; Mobilio, S.; Santos, L.; Almeida, Rui M. 2001. "Local environments of rare earth dopants in silica-titania-alumina glasses: an EXAFS study at the K edges of Er and Yb", Appl. Phys. Letters 78, 0: 2676 - 2678.
34. Acapito, F.; Mobilio, S.; Gstaldo, P.; Barbier, D.; Santos, Luís F; Martins, Orlando; Almeida, Rui M. 2001. "Local order around Er3+ ions in SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 glassy films studied by EXAFS", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 118 - 124.
35. Tikhomirov, V. K; Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M; Jha, A.; Kobelke, J.; Scheffler, M.. 2001. "On the origin of the Boson peak in the Raman scattering spectrum of As2S3 glass", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 284, 0: 198 - 202.
36. Karthikeyan, A.; Almeida, Rui M. 2001. "Phase separation in SiO2-TiO2 gel and glassy films studied by AFM and TEM", J. Mater. Research. 16, 0: 1626 - 1631.
37. Santos, Luis F; Almeida, Rui M; Tikhomirov, Victor; Jha, A.. 2001. "Raman spectra and structure of fluoroaluminophosphate glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 284, 0: 43 - 48.
38. Karthikeyan, A.; Almeida, Rui M. 2001. "Structural anomaly in sodium germanate glasses y molecular dynamics simulation", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 281, 0: 152 - 161.
39. Martino, Daniela; Santos, Luís F; Marques, Ana C; Almeida, Rui M. 2001. "Vibrational spectra and structure of alkali germanate glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 394 - 401.
40. Karthikeyan, A.; Almeida, R. M. 2000. "Crystallization of SiO2-TiO2 glassy films studied by Atomic Force Microscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 274, 0: 169 - 174.
41. Seco, A. M; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, Rui M. 2000. "Densification of Hybrid Silica-Titania Sol-gel films studied by ellipsometry and FTIR", Mater. Sci. Engr., 0: 193 - 199.
42. Azzoni, C. B; Martino, D.; Paleari, A.; Almeida, R. M. 2000. "Paramagnetic Sites in Alkali Germanate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 278, 0: 19 - 23.
43. Rocha, J.; Carlos, L. D; Rainho, J. P; Lin, Z.; Ferreira, P.; Almeida, R. M. 2000. "Photoluminescence of new Er3+-doped titanosilicate materials", J. Materials Chemistry 10, 0: 1371 - 1375.
44. Xu, Jian; Almeida, R. M. 2000. "Preparation and Characterization of Germanium Sulfide Based Sol-Gel Planar Waveguides", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 19, 0: 243 - 248.
45. Martins, Orlando; Almeida, Rui M. 2000. "Sintering Anomaly in Silica-Titania Sol-Gel Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 19, 0: 651 - 655.
46. Xu, J.; Almeida, R. M. 2000. "Sol-gel derived germanium sulfide planar waveguides", Mater. Sci. in Semicond. Processing 3, 0: 339 - 344.
47. Almeida, Rui M; Xu, Jian. 2000. "Sulfide Glass Optical Waveguides prepared by Sol-Gel Processing", SPIE Sol-Gel Optics V 3943, 0: 58 - 66.
48. Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R.. 1999. "A look at the Portuguese glass industry", Glass-Technology International 6, 0: 143 - 146.
49. Almeida, R. M; Du, X. M; Orignac, X.; Barbier, D.. 1999. "Er3+-doped Multicomponent Silicate Glass Planar Waveguides Prepared by Sol-Gel Processing", J. Sol-Gel Science and Technology 14, 0: 209 - 216.
50. Morais, P. J; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 1999. "Physical Vapor Deposition of Rare-Earth Doped ZrF4-based Planar Waveguides", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 194 - 199.
51. Almeida, R. M. 1999. "Sol-gel planar waveguides for integrated optics", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 259, 0: 176 - 181.
52. Martins, O.; Xu, J.; Almeida, R. M. 1999. "Sol-Gel Processing of Germanium Sulfide Based Films", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 25 - 30.
53. Orignac, X.; Barbier, D.; Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M; McCarthy, O.; Yeatman, E.. 1999. "Sol-Gel Silica/Titania-on-Silicon Er/Yb – Doped Waveguides for Optical Amplification at 1.5 mm", Optical Materials 12, 0: 1 - 18.
54. Strohhöfer, C.; Fick, J.; Vasconcelos, H. C; Almeida, R. M. 1998. "Active optical properties of Er-containing crystallites in sol-gel derived glass films", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 226, 0: 182 - 182.
55. Santos, Luís F; Almeida, Rui M. 1998. "Short and Medium Range Structures in Zinc Halide Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 638 - 638.
56. Almeida, Rui M. 1998. "Spectroscopy and Structure of Sol-Gel Systems", J. Sol-Gel Science and Technology 13, 0: 51 - 59.
57. Guglielmi, M.; Martucci, A.; Almeida, R. M; Vasconcelos, H. C; Yeatman, E. M; Dawnay, E. J. C; Fardac, M. A. 1998. "Spinning Deposition of Silica and silica-titania optical coatings: a round robin test", J. Mater. Res. 13, 0: 731 - 738.
58. Almeida, Rui M; Vasconcelos, H. C; Gonçalves, M. C; Santos, Luis F. 1998. "XPS and NEXAFS studies of rare-earth doped amorphous sol-gel films", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 65 - 65.
59. Pereira, J. C. G; Catlow, C. R. A; Price, G. D; Almeida, R. M. 1997. "Atomistic Modelling of Silica Based Sol-Gel Processes", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 55 - 55.
60. Almeida, R. M; Christensen, E. E. 1997. "Crystallization Behavior of SiO2-TiO2 Sol-Gel Thin Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 409 - 409.
61. Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M. 1997. "Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Structure and Properties of SiO2-TiO2 Gel Films on Silicon Substrates", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 377 - 380.
62. Almeida, R. M; Marques, M. I. B; Orignac, X.. 1997. "EXAFS and XANES Studies of Silica-Titania Sol-Gel Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 293 - 297.
63. Barbier, D.; Almeida, R. M; Orignac, X.. 1997. "Improved Composition for Sol-Gel Rare-Earth Doped Planar Waveguides", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 1013 - 1013.
64. Orignac, X.; Vasconcelos, H. C; Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M. 1997. "Influence of Solvent Concentration on the Microstructure of SiO2-TiO2 Sol-Gel Films", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8, 0: 243 - 248.
65. Almeida, Rui M; Morais, Paulo J; Vasconcelos, H. C. 1997. "Optical Loss Mechanisms in Nanocomposite Sol-Gel Planar Waveguides", Proc. SPIE 3136, 0: 296 - 296.
66. Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 1997. "Polarized infrared reflectivity of fluorozirconate glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 184 - 188.
67. Almeida, R. M; Morais, P. J; Gonçalves, M. C. 1997. "Rare earth doped fluorozirconate glass films", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 251 - 255.
68. Orignac, X.; Vasconcelos, H. C; Almeida, R. M. 1997. "Structural Study of SiO2 - TiO2 sol-gel films by X-ray absorption and photoemission spectroscopies", J. Non Crystalline Solids 217, 0: 155 - 161.
69. Orignac, X.; Barbier, D.; Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Fabrication and Characterization of sol-gel planar waveguides doped with rare-earth ions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 0: 895 - 895.
70. Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Incorporation of OH Species in Fluorozirconate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 194, 0: 180 - 180.
71. Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Influence of the Modifying Cations on Physical Properties of Fluorozirconate Glasses", Mat. Res. Bull. 31, 0: 573 - 573.
72. Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Heat-Treated, Sol-Gel-Derived Silica", Phys. Rev., 0: 14656 - 14656.
73. Orignac, X.; Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Silica-based sol-gel optical waveguides on silicon", IEE Proc. -Optoelectron. 143, 0: 287 - 292.
74. Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M. 1996. "Sintering Kinetics of Silica-Titania Sol-Gel Films on Si Wafers", J. Mater. Research 11, 0: 353 - 353.
75. Kharlamov, A. A; Almeida, R. M; Heo, J.. 1996. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 202, 0: 233 - 233.
76. Gomes, M. C; Fernandes, A. C; Almeida, B. S; Almeida, R. M. 1995. "Influence of the Wettability of Silicon Substrates on the Thickness of Sol-Gel Silica Films", J. Mater. Sci. 30, 0: 3893 - 3893.
77. Almeida, R. M; Morais, P. J. 1995. "Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous ZrF4 Thin Films", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 184, 0: 93 - 93.
78. Du, X. M; Orignac, X.; Almeida, R. M. 1995. "Striation Free Spin Coated Sol-Gel Optical Films", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 78, 0: 2254 - 2254.
79. Almeida, R. M; Marques, M. I. B; Santos, L. F. 1995. "Structural Environments of Zn in Fluoride Glasses Studied by EXAFS", Phys. Chem. Glasses 36, 0: 222 - 222.
80. Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 1995. "Zinc Halide Glasses with Improved Thermal Characteristics", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 184, 0: 68 - 68.
81. Almeida, R. M; Marques, M. I. B; Gonçalves, M. C. 1994. "EXAFS Study of Ba and La Structural Environments in Fluorozirconate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 168, 0: 144 - 149.
82. Almeida, R. M; Vasconcelos, H. C; Ilharco, L. M. 1994. "Relationship Between Infrared Absorption and Porosity in Silica-Based Sol-Gel Films", SPIE 2288, 0: 678 - 678.
83. Almeida, R. M; Orignac, X.; Barbier, D.. 1994. "Silica-Based Sol-Gel Films Doped with Active Elements", J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 2, 0: 465 - 465.
84. Almeida, R. M. 1994. "Sol-Gel Silica Films on Silicon Substrates", Int. J. Optoelectronics 9, 0: 135 - 135.
85. Almeida, R. M; Pereira, J. C; Messaddeq, Y.; Aegerter, M. A. 1993. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Fluoroindate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 161, 0: 105 - 105.
86. Almeida, R. M. 1992. "Detection of LO Modes in Glass by Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy at Oblique Incidence", Phys. Rev., 0: 161 - 161.
87. Matos, M. C; Carvalho, A. R; Almeida, R. M; Ilharco, L. M. 1992. "Influence of Processing Parameters on the Thickness of Sol-Gel Silica Films", SPIE 1758, 0: 77 - 77.
88. Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M; Delben, A. T; Aergerter, M. A. 1992. "Influence of Water on the Physical Properties of Fluoride Glass", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 140, 0: 52 - 52.
89. Almeida, R. M. 1992. "Short and Intermediate Range Structures in Fluoride Glasses by Vibrational Spectroscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 140, 0: 92 - 92.
90. Matos, M. C; Ilharco, L. M; Almeida, R. M. 1992. "The Evolution of TEOS to Silica Gel and Glass by Vibrational Spectroscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids, 0: 232 - 232.
91. Almeida, R. M; Pereira, J. C; Alcala, R.. 1992. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Glasses Based on ZnF2-CdF2", Phys. Chem. Glasses 33, 0: 187 - 187.
92. Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 1991. "Intermediate Range Order in Zinc Bromide Based Glass", Mater. Sci. Forum, 0: 399 - 399.
93. Gonçalves, M. C; Pereira, J. C; Almeida, R. M. 1991. "Modification of Fluorozirconate Glass Surface by Chemical Etching", Mater. Sci. Forum, 0: 483 - 483.
94. Almeida, R. M; Guiton, T. A; Pantano, C. G. 1990. "Characterization of Silica Gels by Infrared Reflection Spectroscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 121, 0: 193 - 193.
95. Almeida, R. M; Guiton, T. A; Pantano, C. G. 1990. "Detection of LO Mode in v-SiO2 by Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 119, 0: 238 - 238.
96. Almeida, R. M; Pantano, C. G. 1990. "Structural Investigation of Silica Gel Films by Infra-Red Spectroscopy", J. Appl. Phys. 68, 0: 4225 - 4232.
97. Almeida, R. M; Pantano, C. G. 1990. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Silica Gel Films Spun on c-Si Substrates", SPIE 1328, 0: 329 - 329.
98. Almeida, R. M; Santos, L. F. 1989. "Structure and Properties of Long Wavelength Transmitting Zinc Halide Based Glasses", J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 72, 0: 2065 - 2065.
99. Almeida, R. M; Gonçalves, M. C; Grilo, J. L. 1988. "IR Absorption of Molecular Species in Fluorozirconate Glasses", Mater. Sci. Forum, 0: 427 - 427.
100. Santos, L. F; Almeida, R. M. 1988. "Long Wavelength Transmitting Zinc Halide Based Glasses", Mater. Sci. Forum, 0: 55 - 55.
101. Almeida, R. M. 1988. "Vibrational Spectroscopy of Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 106, 0: 347 - 347.
102. Sanghera, J. S; Heo, J.; Mackenzie, J. D; Almeida, R. M. 1988. "XPS Study of Non-Bridging Se Atoms in As2Se3-Tl2Se Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 101, 0: 18 - 18.
103. Almeida, R. M; Nasu, H.; Heo, J.; Mackenzie, J. D. 1987. "Identification of Non-Bridging Sulfur Atoms in GeS2-Tl2S Glasses", J. Mater. Sci. Letters 6, 0: 701 - 701.
104. Almeida, R. M; Silva, M. C. 1987. "Raman Spectra and Structure of Modified Zinc Halide Glasses", Mater. Sci. Forum 20, 0: 633 - 633.
105. Almeida, R. M. 1987. "Structure of Zinc Halide Based Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 95, 0: 279 - 279.
106. Grilo, J. L; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 1987. "The Influence of Melting Conditions on the Physical Properties of Fluorozirconate Glasses", Mater. Sci. Forum 19, 0: 299 - 299.
107. Wagner, C. N. J; Jost, S. B; Etherington, G.; Boldrick, M. S; Almeida, R. M; Jr., J. F; Volin, K.. 1987. "The Structure of Heavy Metal Fluoride Glasses", Mater. Sci. Forum 19, 0: 137 - 137.
108. Nasu, H.; Almeida, R. M; Heo, J.; Sanghera, J. S; Mackenzie, J. D. 1987. "XPS Studies of Sulfide and Selenide Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 95, 0: 351 - 351.
109. Almeida, R. M. 1985. "Physical Methods for Investigation of Halide Glass Structure", Mater. Sci. Forum 6, 0: 427 - 427.
110. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1985. "Short Range Structures of Fluoride Glasses", J. de Physique Col. C8, Sppl. no. 12 46, 0: 75 - 75.
111. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1985. "The Raman Spectra of Barium Fluorozirconate Glasses and their Interpretation - Comment", Phys. Chem. Glasses 26, 0: 189 - 189.
112. Almeida, R. M; Lau, J.; Mackenzie, J. D. 1985. "XPS Studies of Fluorozirconates", Mater. Sci. Forum 6, 0: 465 - 465.
113. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1984. "A Vibrational Spectroscopy Study of the Structure of Binary Thorium Fluorohafnate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 68, 0: 203 - 203.
114. Etherington, G.; Keller, L.; Lee, A.; Wagner, C. N. J; Almeida, R. M. 1984. "An X-ray Diffraction Study of the Structure of Barium Fluorozirconate and Fluorohafnate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 69, 0: 69 - 69.
115. Etherington, G.; Wagner, C. N. J; Almeida, R. M; Jr., J. F. 1984. "Structural Characterization of Heavy Metal Fluoride Glasses by Neutron and X-ray Diffraction", Repts. Hahn Meitner Institute, 0: 64 - 64.
116. Almeida, R. M; Lau, J.; Mackenzie, J. D. 1984. "X-ray Photoemission Study of Fluorozirconate Glass and Related Crystals", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 69, 0: 161 - 161.
117. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1983. "A Structural Interpretation of the Vibrational Spectra of Binary Fluorohafnate Glasses", J. Chem. Phys. 78, 0: 6502 - 6502.
118. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1983. "Structure and Properties of Thorium-Fluorozirconate Binary Glasses", Glastech. Berichte, 0: 850 - 850.
119. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1983. "The Effects of Oxide Impurities on the Optical Properties of Fluoride Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 56, 0: 63 - 63.
120. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1982. "The Electrical Conductivity of Fluorozirconate and Chloro-Fluorozirconate Glasses", J. Mater. Sci. 17, 0: 2533 - 2533.
121. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1982. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Chloro Fluorozirconate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 51, 0: 187 - 187.
122. Baldwin, C. M; Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1981. "Halide Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 43, 0: 309 - 309.
123. Weber, M. J; Almeida, R. M. 1981. "Large Stimulated Emission Cross Section of Nd3+ in Chlorophosphate Glass", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 43, 0: 99 - 99.
124. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1981. "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Fluorozirconate Glasses", J. Chem. Phys. 74, 0: 5954 - 5954.
125. Almeida, R. M; Mackenzie, J. D. 1980. "Infrared Absorption and Structure of Chlorophosphate Glasses", J. Non-Crystalline Solids 40, 0: 535 - 535.
126. Alcácer, L.; Barbosa, M. R; Almeida, R. M; Marzagão, M. F. 1973. "On the Preparation of Ion-Selective Electrodes", Rev. Port. Quí. 15, 0: 192 - 192.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Dawnay, E. J. C; Fardad, M. A; Green, M.; Horowitz, F.; Yeatman, E. M; Almeida, R. M; Vasconcelos, H. C; Guglielmi, M.; Martucci, A.. 2006. "Control and Characterization of Microstructure in Sol-Gel Films for Optical Device Applications", Trabalho apresentado em Eighth CIMTEC, Symposium on Optical and Opto- Electronic Materials, In Actas de Eighth CIMTEC, Symposium on Optical and Opto- Electronic Materials, Florence.
2. Almeida, R. M; Morais, P. J; Martins, O.. 2006. "Factors Controlling Optical Loss in Sol-Gel Films", Trabalho apresentado em XVIII International Congress on Glass, In Actas de XVIII International Congress on Glass, S. Francisco.
3. Almeida, R. M; Gonçalves, M. C. 2006. "Fluoride and Chalcogenide Glasses", Trabalho apresentado em First Brazilian Symposium on Glasses, Águas de Lindóia, In Actas de First Brazilian Symposium on Glasses, Águas de Lindóia, a preencher.
4. Santos, L. F; Gonçalves, M. C; Almeida, R. M. 2006. "NEXAFS Study of Fluoride Glass Structure Using Synchrotron Radiation", Trabalho apresentado em XVI IGG, In Actas de XVI IGG, Madrid.
5. Gonçalves, M. C; Morais, Paulo J; Almeida, Rui M. 2006. "Preparation of ZrF4-PbF2-NdF3 amorphous thin films by physical vapor deposition", Trabalho apresentado em Glass in the New Millenium, In Actas de Glass in the New Millenium, Amsterdam.
6. Almeida, Rui M; Du, Xin M. 2006. "Raman scattering from anatase nanocrystals in sol-gel derived SiO2-TiO2 glass films", Trabalho apresentado em 5th European Society of Glass Science and Technology Conference, In Actas de 5th European Society of Glass Science and Technology Conference, Prague.
7. Barbier, D.; Orignac, X.; Du, X. M; Almeida, R. M; Vicenzini, P.. 2006. "Spectroscopic Properties of Neodymium Doped Sol-Gel Planar Waveguides", Trabalho apresentado em Eighth CIMTEC, Symposium on Optical and Opto-Electronic Materials, In Actas de Eighth CIMTEC, Symposium on Optical and Opto-Electronic Materials, Florence.
8. Almeida, R. M; Vasconcelos, H. C; Andrews, M. P; Najafi, S. I. 1997. "Sol-Gel Technologies in thin film fabrication for integrated optics lasers and amplifiers", Trabalho apresentado em Critical Reviews on Sol-Gel and Polymer Photonics Devices, In Actas de Critical Reviews on Sol-Gel and Polymer Photonics Devices, S. Diego.
9. Almeida, R. M; Pereira, J. C; Mazzoldi, P.. 1993. "Polarized Infrared Reflectivity of Glass at Oblique Incidence", Trabalho apresentado em Int. Confer. , In Actas de Int. Confer. , Padova.
10. Morgado, E.; Almeida, R. M; Guimarães, L.; Palz, W.; Treble, C. F. 1985. "Large Optical Gap Photoconductive a-Si: N:H by RF Glow Discharge in SiH4-Ar-N2", Trabalho apresentado em 6th European Photovoltaic Solar Energie conf, In Actas de 6th European Photovoltaic Solar Energie conf, a preencher.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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