Curriculum Vitae

Nuno Pessoa Barradas

Data da última actualização »Last update : 22/09/2008

Nuno Pessoa Barradas. É Investigador Auxiliar e Investigador Principal no Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear. Publicou 105 artigos em revistas especializadas e 15 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Entre 1999 e 2005 coordenou 7 projectos de investigação. Actua na área de Física Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 250 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Nuno Pessoa Barradas
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Barradas, N.P.
Categoria profissional
Investigador Auxiliar
Domínio científico de actuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Exactas-Física.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
Unidade de Reactores e Segurança Nuclear
Operação e Exploração do RPI
E.N. 10
2686-953 Loures
Apartado: 21
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2003 Agregação
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

1999 Mestrado
Master degree
University of Surrey, Reino Unido.

1994 Doutoramento
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

1991 Mestrado
Master degree
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

1989 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
Fev/2006-Actual Investigador Principal

Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
Abr/1999-Actual Investigador Auxiliar

University of Surrey
Mai/1996-Mar/1999 Investigador Auxiliar

Projectos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Caracterização estrutural e propriedades físicas de junções de túnel magnéticas
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/41653/2001.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Redes neuronais para análise com feixes de iões
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/40059/2001.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Determination of the stopping power of He in oxides and nitrides
Referência do projecto»Project reference: No. 11317/R2/Regular Budget Fu.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica.

Cabeças de Disco baseadas em Junções de Efeito Túnel Dependente de Spin.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: CTM/34116/99-00.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Artificial neural network characterisation of the thickness and composition of thin to ultra-thin AlN(O) layers.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: No. 11317/R1/Regular Budget Fu.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica.

A round robin characterisation of the thickness and composition of thin to ultra-thin AlN(O) layers.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: No. 11317/R0/Regular Budget Fu.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Agência Internacional de Energia Atómica.

Participação como Desenvolvimento técnico
Participation as Technical developer
ThermoPhotoVoltaic cell based on GaSb.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: HPRN-CT-2001-00199.

Heterojunções SiGe/Si crescidas em substratos virtuais - "GESICA".
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/41918/2001.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Preliminary design studies of an experimental accelerator-driven system.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: FIKW-CT-2001-00179..

Canalização iónica de emissão / bloqueamento para estudos de defeitos em monocristais usando reacções nucleares induzidas por neutrões térmicos.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: FIS/35322/99-00.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Fast neutron irradiation of electronic components for the LHC/CERN in the Portuguese Research Reactor.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: CERN/P/FIS/40127/2000.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Fast neutron irradiation of electronic components for the LHC/CERN in the Portuguese Research Reactor
Referência do projecto»Project reference: CERN/P/FIS/15181/1999.
Financiador(es)»Funding: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2005 Estímulo à Excelência, FCT.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I.; Melo, L. V; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C; Farrow, R. F. C; Dieny, B.; Donath, M.; Fert, A.; Humsmeir, B. D. 1993. Magnetoresistance interpretation and magnetization processes in Co/Re and Co/Cu multilayers.  In Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced Dimensions. New York: Plenum Press.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Babonneau, D.. 2006. "Characterization of FePt nanoparticles in FePt/C multilayers", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 93, 0: 2262 - 2266.
2. Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N.; Vaz, F.; Cerqueira, P.; Rebouta, L.; Kreissig, U.. 2006. "Ion beam studies of TiNxOy thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B, 00: 00 - 00.
3. Zang, Zongzhi; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 2006. "Annealing effect of magnetic tunnel junctions with one FeOx layer inserted at the Al2O3/CoFe interface", Appl.Phys.Lett 78, 0: 2911 - 2913.
4. Zhang, Zhengang; Freitas, P. P; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2006. "Resistance decrease in spin tunnel junctions by control of natural oxidation conditions", Appl.Phys.Lett. 79, 0: 2219 - 2221.
5. Rickart, M.; Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I. G; Proudfoot, G.; Davis, M.; Pearson, D.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Salgueiro, M.; Muga, N.; Ventura, J.; Sousa, J. B. 2006. "Exchange bias of MnPt/CoFe films prepared by ion beam deposition", J.Appl.Phys. 95, 0: 6317 - 6323.
6. Zhang, Zongzhi; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Battle, X.; Wei, P.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 2006. "40% tunneling magnetoresistance after anneal at 380C for tunnel junctions with iron-oxide interface layers", J.Appl.Phys. 89, 0: 6665 - 6667.
7. Zhang, Z. G; Freitas, P. P; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2006. "Effect of natural oxidation conditions on low resistance spin tunnel junctions", J.Appl.Phys. 91, 0: 8786 - 8788.
8. Veloso, A.; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Almeida, B.; Sousa, J. B. 2006. "Magnetoresistance enhancement in specular, bottom-pinned, Mn-Ir spin valves with nano-oxide layers", Appl.Phys.Lett. 77, 0: 1020 - 1022.
9. Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Zhang, Zhengang; Wei, P.; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2006. "Electrode roughness and interfacial mixing effects on the tunnel junction thermal stability", J.Appl.Phys. 89, 0: 6650 - 6652.
10. Barradas, N. P; Patrício, R. P; Pinho, H.; Vieira, A.. 2004. "A general artificial neural network for analysis of RBS data of any element with Z between 18 and 83 implanted into any lighter one- or two-element target", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 105 - 109.
11. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Rivière, J. P; Girardeau, T.; Goudeau, P.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2004. "Atomic environment and interfacial structural order of TiAlN/Mo multilayers", Surf. Coatings Technology 187, 0: 393 - 398.
12. Martínez, F. L; Merino, R. R; Prado, A.; Andrés, E.; Mártil, I.; Díaz, G. G; Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Wang, L.; Reehal, H. S. 2004. "Bonding structure and hydrogen content in silicon nitride thin films deposited by the electron cyclotron resonance plasma method", Thin Solid Films 459, 0: 203 - 207.
13. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Babonneau, D.. 2004. "Characterization of FePt nanoparticles in FePt/C multilayers", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 919 - 922.
14. Izarra, C. P; Bianconi, M.; Barradas, N. P; Font, A. C; Garcia, G.; Gonzalo, J.; Afonso, C. N. 2004. "Continuous stopping power curves of Al2O3 for 0.2-0.5 MeV He ions", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 268 - 272.
15. Barradas, N. P. 2004. "Double scattering in grazing angle Rutherford backscattering spectra", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 318 - 330.
16. Rickart, M.; Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I. G; Proudfoot, G.; Pearson, D.; Davis, M.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Salgueiro, M.; Muga, N.; Ventura, J.; Sousa, J. B. 2004. "Exchange bias of MnPt/CoFe films prepared by ion beam deposition", J. Appl. Phys. 95, 0: 6317 - 6321.
17. Ruiz, C. M; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Plaza, J. L; Bermúdez, V.; Diéguez, E.. 2004. "Formation of AlxGa1-xSb films over GaSb substrates by Al diffusion", The European Physical Journal - Applied Physics 27, 0: 423 - 426.
18. Barradas, N. P; Matias, V.; Sequeira, A. D; Soares, J. C; Kreissig, U.; Wang, J. U; Freitas, P. P. 2004. "He-RBS, He-ERDA and heavy ion-ERDA analysis of Si/Ta 70Å/CoFe 35Å/ (Hf 2Å + Al 4Å)oxidation /CoFe 35Å/Ta 30Å systems", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 742 - 746.
19. Andrade, E.; Flores, M.; Muhl, S. S; Barradas, N. P; Murillo, G.; Zavala, E. P; Rocha, M. F. 2004. "Ion beam analysis of TiN/Ti multilayers deposited by magnetron sputtering", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 763 - 767.
20. Alves, E.; Ramos, A.; Barradas, N. P; Vaz, F.; Cerqueira, P.; Rebouta, L.; Kreissig, U.. 2004. "Ion beam studies of TiNxOy thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering", Surf. Coatings Technology, 0: 372 - 376.
21. Barradas, N. P; Ruiz, C. M; Alves, E.; Diéguez, E.; Dimroth, F.; Chenot, M. A; Bett, A.. 2004. "RBS analysis of AlGaSb thin films", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 928 - 932.
22. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Shvartsman, V. V; Kholkin, A. L; Pereira, E.; O’Donnell, K. P; Liu, C.; Deatcher, C. J; Watson, I. M; Mayer, M.. 2004. "Roughness in GaN/InGaN films and multilayers determined with Rutherford backscattering", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 479 - 497.
23. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P. 2003. "A training algorithm for classification of high dimensional data", Neurocomputing 50, 0: 461 - 472.
24. Barradas, N. P. 2003. "Advanced data analysis techniques for Ion Beam Analysis", Surf. Interface Analysis 35, 0: 760 - 769.
25. Öhl, G.; Matias, V.; Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P. 2003. "Artificial neural network analysis of RBS data with roughness: Application to Ti0.4Al0.6N/Mo multilayers", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 265 - 273.
26. Matias, V.; Öhl, G.; Soares, J. C; Barradas, N. P; Vieira, A.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P. 2003. "Determination of the composition of light thin films with artificial neural networks analysis of Rutherford backscattering experiments", Phys. Rev. 046705, 0: 1 - 6.
27. Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Marriott, P. K; Jenkin, M.; Wendler, E.; Boudreault, G.; Webb, R. P. 2003. "Elemental thin film depth profiles by ion beam analysis using simulated annealing - a new tool", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 0: 00 - 00.
Topical Review.
28. Nunes, C.; Teixeira, V.; Prates, M. L; Barradas, N. P; Sequeira, A. D. 2003. "Graded selective coatings based on chromium and titanium oxynitride", Thin Solid Films 442, 0: 173 - 178.
29. Rosa, M. A; Diego, M.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Godinho, M.; Almeida, M.; Gonçalves, A. P. 2003. "Magnetic characterization of U/Co multilayers", Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 196, 0: 153 - 153.
30. Fernandes, A. C; Gonçalves, I. C; Barradas, N. P; Ramalho, A. J. 2003. "Monte Carlo modelling of the Portuguese Research Reactor core and validation with experimental measurements", Nuclear Technology 143, 0: 358 - 363.
31. Chtcherbatchev, K. D; Bublik, V. T; Markevich, A. S; Mordkovich, V. N; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Sequeira, A. D. 2003. "The influence of in situ photoexcitation on a defect structure generation in Ar+ implanted GaAs (001) crystals revealed by High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Rutherford Backscattering spectroscopy", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 0: 00 - 00.
32. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Webb, R. P; Wendler, E.. 2002. "Accurate determination of the stopping power of 4He in Si using Bayesian inference", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 15 - 25.
33. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.. 2002. "Analysis of sapphire implanted with different elements using artificial neural networks", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 241 - 246.
34. Gurbich, A. F; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Wendler, E.. 2002. "Applying elastic spectrometry when the nuclear excitation function has a fine structure", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 237 - 240.
35. Chtcherbatchev, K. D; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.; Barradas, N. P; Myronov, M.; Mironov, O. A. E. H; Parker, C.. 2002. "Appplication of high-resolution x-ray diffraction to study strain status in Si1 xGex/ Si1 yGey/Si(001) heterostructures", Mat. Sci. Eng., 0: 453 - 456.
36. Barradas, N. P; Vieira, A.; Patrício, R.. 2002. "Artificial neural network algorithm for automation of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy experiments and data analysis", Phys. Rev., 0: 66703 - 66703.
37. Wei, P.; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Kreissig, U.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P. 2002. "Composition analysis of the insulating barrier in magnetic tunnel junctions by high resolution RBS", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 684 - 688.
38. Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Pereira, E.; O’Donnell, K. P; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.; Watson, I. M; Liu, C.. 2002. "Degradation of structural and optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells with increasing number of wells", Phys. Stat. Sol., 0: 302 - 306.
39. Pereira, S.; Pereira, E.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; O’Donnell, K. P; Liu, C.; Deatcher, C. J; Watson, I. M. 2002. "Depth profiling InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells by Rutherford backscattering: The role of intermixing", Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 0: 2950 - 2952.
40. Zhang, Z. G; Freitas, P. P; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2002. "Effect of natural oxidation conditions on low resistance spin tunnel junctions", J. Appl. Phys. 91, 0: 8786 - 8788.
41. Barradas, N. P. 2002. "Fitting of RBS data including roughness: application to Co/Re multilayers", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 247 - 251.
42. Marques, J. G; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Gonçalves, A. P; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2002. "Hyperfine fields of 181Ta in UFe4Al8", Hyperfine Interactions 136, 0: 333 - 337.
43. Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Monteiro, T.; Correia, R.; Kreissig, U.. 2002. "Ion beam studies of MBE grown GaN films on (111)silicon substrates", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 73 - 77.
44. Barradas, N. P; Patrício, R.; Vieira, A.. 2002. "RBS without humans", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 231 - 236.
45. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Pacaud, J.; Riviére, J. P. 2002. "Study of roughness in TiAlN/Mo multilayer structures", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 90 - 95.
46. Zhang, Z.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Battle, X.; Wei, P.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 2001. "40% tunneling magnetoresistance after anneal at 380 ºC for tunnel junctions with iron-oxide interface layers", J. Appl. Phys. 89, 0: 6665 - 6667.
47. Zhang, Z.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 2001. "Annealing effect of magnetic tunnel junctions with one FeOx layer inserted at the Al2O3/CoFe interface", Appl. Phys Lett. 78, 0: 2911 - 2913.
48. Barradas, N. P; Vieira, A.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Artificial Neural Network analysis of RBS data of Er-implanted sapphire", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 108 - 112.
49. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P. 2001. "Composition of NiTaC films on Si using neural networks analysis of elastic backscattering data", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 367 - 372.
50. Cardoso, S.; Zhang, Z. G; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 2001. "Electrode roughness and interfacial mixing effects on tunnel junction thermal stability", J. Appl. Phys. 89, 0: 6650 - 6652.
51. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.. 2001. "Error performance analysis of Artificial Neural Networks applied to Rutherford backscattering data", Surf. Interface Analysis 31, 0: 35 - 38.
52. Barradas, N. P; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Kreissig, U.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P. 2001. "High resolution IBA analysis of spin dependent tunnel junctions", Modern Phys. Lett., 0: 1288 - 1296.
53. Telbizova, T.; Parascandola, S.; Prokert, F.; Barradas, N. P; Richter, E.; Möller, W.. 2001. "Ion nitriding of Al: growth kinetics and characterisation of the nitride layer", Surf. Coatings Technology, 0: 1028 - 1033.
54. Barradas, N. P; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.; Myronov, M.; Mironov, O. A; Philips, P. J; Parker, E. H. C. 2001. "RBS analysis of MBE grown SiGe/(001)Si heterostructures with thin high Ge content SiGe channels for HMOS transistors", Modern Phys. Lett., 0: 1297 - 1304.
55. Zhang, Z. G; Freitas, P. P; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2001. "Resistance decrease in spin tunnel junctions by control of natural oxidation conditions", Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 0: 2219 - 2221.
56. Barradas, N. P. 2001. "Rutherford backscattering analysis of thin films and superlattices with roughness", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 34, 0: 2109 - 2116.
57. Ross, G. J; Barradas, N. P; Hill, M. P; Jeynes, C.; Morrissey, P.; Watts, J. F. 2001. "Rutherford backscattering spectrometry and computer simulation for the in-depth analysis of chemically modified poly(vinylidene fluoride)", J. Mat. Sci. 36, 0: 4731 - 4738.
58. Wang, J.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 2001. "Tunnel junctions with AlN barriers and FeTaN electrodes", J. Appl. Phys. 89, 0: 6868 - 6870.
59. Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Yuan, H. R; Hichwa, B. P; Close, R.. 2000. "Accurate depth profiling of complex optical coatings", Surf. Interface Analysis. 30, 0: 237 - 342.
60. Barradas, N. P; Vieira, A.. 2000. "Artificial neural network algorithm for analysis of Rutherford backscattering data", Phys. Rev., 0: 5818 - 5829.
61. Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Wilde, J. R; Greer, A. L. 2000. "Composition of TaNiC thick films using simulated annealing analysis of Elastic Backscattering Spectrometry data", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 287 - 292.
62. Barradas, N. P; Khan, R. U. A; Anguita, J. V; Silva, S. R. P; Kreissig, U.; Grötzschel, R.; Möller, W.. 2000. "Growth and characterisation of amorphous carbon films doped with nitrogen", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 969 - 974.
63. Veloso, A.; Freitas, P. P; Wei, P.; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Almeida, B.; Sousa, J. B. 2000. "Magnetoresistance enhancement in specular, bottom-pinned, Mn83Ir17 spin valves with nano-oxide layers", Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 0: 1020 - 1022.
64. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P. 2000. "Neural network analysis of Rutherford backscattering data", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 235 - 238.
65. Barradas, N. P; Parascandola, S.; Sealy, B. J; Grötzschel, R.; Kreissig, U.. 2000. "Simultaneous and consistent analysis of NRA, RBS, and ERDA data with the IBA DataFurnace", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 308 - 313.
66. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Jenkin, M.; Marriott, P. K. 1999. "Bayesian error analysis of Rutherford backscattering spectra", Thin Solid Films, 0: 31 - 34.
67. Barradas, N. P; Keddie, J. L; Sackin, R.. 1999. "Bayesian inference analysis of ellipsometric data", Phys. Rev., 0: 6139 - 6151.
68. Reehal, H. S; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.. 1999. "Growth of microcrystalline ?-SiC films on silicon by ECR plasma CVD; S.J. Toal", Appl. Surface Sci., 0: 424 - 428.
69. Barradas, N. P; Knights, A. P; Jeynes, C.; Mironov, O. A; Grasby, T.; Parker, E. H. C. 1999. "High depth resolution Rutherford backscattering data and error analysis using the Simulated Annealing and Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms", Phys. Rev., 0: 5097 - 5105.
70. Cappellani, A.; Keddie, J. L; Barradas, N. P; Jackson, S. M. 1999. "Processing and characterisation of sol-gel deposited Ta2O5 and TiO2-Ta2O5 dielectric thin films", Solid-State Electronics 43, 0: 1095 - 1099.
71. Barradas, N. P; Almeida, S. A; Jeynes, C.; Knights, A. P; Silva, S. R. P; Sealy, B. J. 1999. "RBS and ERDA simulated annealing study of ion beam synthesised gallium nitride", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 463 - 467.
72. Knights, A. P; Nejim, A.; Barradas, N. P; Coleman, P. G. 1999. "Self ion irradiated Si probed with enhanced depth resolution positron annihilation spectroscopy", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 340 - 344.
73. Barradas, N. P; Smith, R.. 1999. "Simulated annealing analysis of Nuclear Reaction Analysis measurements of polystyrene systems", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, 0: 2964 - 2971.
74. Toal, S. J; Reehal, H. S; Webb, S.; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.. 1999. "Structural analysis of nanocrystalline SiC thin films grown on silicon by ECR plasma CVD", Thin Solid Films, 0: 292 - 294.
75. Kozanecki, A.; Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Sealy, B. J; Jantsch, W.. 1999. "The influence of implantation and annealing conditions on optical activity of Er3+ ions in 6H SiC", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 512 - 516.
76. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Webb, R. P; Kreissig, U.; Grötzschel, R.. 1999. "Unambiguous automatic evaluation of multiple ion beam analysis data with simulated annealing", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 233 - 237.
77. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Mironov, O. A; Phillips, P. J; Parker, E. H. C. 1998. "High depth resolution Rutherford backscattering analysis of Si-Si0.78Ge0.22/(001)Si superlattices", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 239 - 243.
78. Barradas, N. P. 1998. "High precision Rutherford backscattering characterisation of the dose implanted into 3 D objects with plasma source ion implantation", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 247 - 252.
79. Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Blewett, M. J; Webb, R. P. 1998. "Improved ion beam analysis facilities at the University of Surrey", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 1229 - 1234.
80. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Jackson, S. M. 1998. "RBS/Simulated annealing analysis of buried SiCOx layers formed by implantation of O into cubic silicon carbide", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 1168 - 1171.
81. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Harry, M. A. 1998. "RBS/Simulated annealing analysis of iron-cobalt silicides", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 1163 - 1167.
82. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Homewood, K. P; Sealy, B. J; Milosavljevic, M.. 1998. "RBS/simulated annealing analysis of silicide formation in Fe/Si systems", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys., 0: 235 - 238.
83. Nejim, A.; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Cristiano, F.; Wendler, E.; Gärtner, K.; Sealy, B. J. 1998. "Residual post-anneal damage of Ge and C co-implantation of Si determined by quantitative RBS-channelling", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 244 - 248.
84. Barradas, N. P; Marriott, P. K; Jeynes, C.; Webb, R. P. 1998. "The RBS data furnace: simulated annealing", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 1157 - 1162.
85. Barradas, N. P; Maas, A. J. H; Mändl, S.; Günzel, R.. 1997. "Alpha-ERDA analysis of the energy distribution of oxygen ions implanted into silicon with plasma immersion ion implantation", J. Appl. Phys. 81, 0: 6642 - 6650.
86. Barradas, N. P; Maas, A. J. H; Mändl, S.. 1997. "Comparison of computer generated and ERDA depth profiles of oxygen implanted into silicon with plasma immersion ion implantation", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 63 - 68.
87. Mändl, S.; Barradas, N. P; Brutscher, J.; Günzel, R.; Möller, W.. 1997. "Comparison of measured and calculated dose for plasma source ion implantation into 3 D objects", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 996 - 999.
88. Wieser, E.; Panknin, D.; Barradas, N. P; Betzl, M.; Reuther, H.; Henrion, W.; Lange, H.. 1997. "Formation of ternary (Fe1-xCox)Si2 structures by ion beam assisted deposition and ion implantation", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 533 - 541.
89. Barradas, N. P; Panknin, D.; Wieser, E.; Schmidt, B.; Betzl, M.; Mücklich, A.; Skorupa, W.. 1997. "Influence of the ion irradiation on the properties of ?-FeSi2 layers prepared by ion beam assisted deposition", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 316 - 320.
90. Barradas, N. P; Maas, A. J. H; Mändl, S.; Günzel, R.. 1997. "Short pulse plasma immersion ion implantation of oxygen into silicon: determination of the energy distribution", Surf. Coatings Technology 93, 0: 238 - 241.
91. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Webb, R. P. 1997. "Simulated annealing analysis of Rutherford backscattering data", Appl. Phys. Lett. 71, 0: 291 - 293.
92. Mironov, O. A; Phillips, P. J; Parker, E. H. C; Dowset, M. G; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Mironov, M.; Gnezdilov, V. P; Ushakov, V.; Eremenko, V. V. 1997. "Structural and optical characterization of MBE grown undoped Si-Si0.78Ge0.22 / (001)Si superlattices", Thin Solid Films 306, 0: 307 - 312.
93. Barradas, N. P. 1997. "Study of lattice stress in Re/Co thin films and superlattices with the perturbed angular correlations technique", Thin Solid Films 295, 0: 24 - 30.
94. Chowdhury, A. K. M. S; Monclus, M.; Cameron, D. C; Gilvarry, J.; Murphy, M. J; Barradas, N. P; Hashmi, M. S. J. 1997. "The composition and bonding structure of nitrogenated carbon films and their influence on the mechanical properties", Thin Solid Films 308, 0: 130 - 134.
95. Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Plaskett, T. S; Freitas, P. P. 1996. "Rutherford backscattering study of thin oxide layers prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 626 - 629.
96. Hauer, B.; Vianden, R.; Marques, J. G; Barradas, N. P; Correia, J. G; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Lopez, F. A; Dieguez, E.. 1995. "Electric-field gradients at the 111In and 111mCd sites in undoped and Mg-doped LiNbO3", Phys. Rev., 0: 6208 - 6214.
97. Chu, V.; Conde, J. P; Jarego, J.; Brogueira, P.; Rodriguez, J.; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 1995. "Transport and photoluminiscence of hydrogenated silicon-carbon alloys", J. Appl. Phys. 78, 0: 3164 - 3173.
98. Barradas, N. P; Leal, J. L; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Freitas, P. P; Rots, M.; Molina, S. I; Garcia, R.. 1994. "A comparative study of Co-Re superlattices sputtered on glass and Si substrates by grazing angle of incidence RBS, HRTEM, PAC, magnetic and transport studies", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 202 - 205.
99. Plaskett, T. S; Freitas, P. P; Barradas, N. P; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1994. "Magnetoresistance and magnetic properties of NiFe/Oxide/Co junctions prepared by magnetron sputtering", J. Appl. Phys. 76, 0: 6104 - 6106.
100. Barradas, N. P; Wolters, H.; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Rots, M.; Leal, J. L; Melo, L. V; Freitas, P. P. 1994. "Stabilization of the hcp phase of cobalt at high temperature", J. Appl. Phys. 76, 0: 6537 - 6539.
101. Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Pászti, F.; Szilágyi, E.. 1994. "Study of multilayer substrate surface roughness using RBS with improved depth resolution", Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., 0: 266 - 270.
102. Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I. G; Melo, L. V; Leal, J. L; Barradas, N.; Soares, J. C. 1993. "Antiferromagnetic exchange and enhanced magnetoresistance in glass/Fe50Å/ Co11Å/CutCu /Co11Å/Cu10Å structures", J. Appl. Phys. 73, 0: 5527 - 5529.
103. Barradas, N.; Leal, J. L; Wolters, H.; Silva, M. F; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Melo, L. V; Freitas, P. P; Swinnen, B.; Rots, M.. 1993. "Interface and structure characterization of Co/Re multilayers using RBS/Channeling and hyperfine interactions", J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 121, 0: 80 - 82.
104. Barradas, N. P; Leal, J. L; Wolters, H.; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Melo, L. V; Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I.; Swinnen, B.; Rots, M.. 1993. "Magnetic anisotropy and structure dependence of the hyperfine field in Co films and Co/Re multilayers", Int. J. Modern Phys., 0: 470 - 473.
105. Barradas, N. P; Rots, M.; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 1993. "Magnetic anisotropy and temperature dependence of the hyperfine fields of 111Cd in single crystalline cobalt", Phys. Rev., 0: 8763 - 8768.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Diego, M.; Rosa, M. A; Lopes, E. B; Alves, E.; Sequeira, A. D; Barradas, N. P; Godinho, M.; Almeida, M.; Gonçalves, A. P. 2002. "Preparation and Study of U/Co Multilayers", Trabalho apresentado em J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Supplement , In J. Nucl. Sci. Tech. Supplement , a preencher.
2. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Webb, R. P; Wendler, E.. 2001. "Determination of stopping power of ions in matter", Trabalho apresentado em Monte Carlo 2000, In actas de Monte Carlo 2000, Berlin.
3. Vieira, A.; Ramalho, A. J. G; Gonçalves, I. C; Fernandes, A.; Barradas, N. P; Marques, J. G; Prata, J.; Chaussy, C.. 2001. "Monte Carlo calculations for neutron and gamma radiation fields on a fast neutron irradiation device", Trabalho apresentado em Monte Carlo 2000, In Actas de Monte Carlo 2000, Berlin.
4. Agapito, J.A.; Barradas, N.P.; Cardeira, F.M.; Casas, J.; Fernandes, A.P.; Franco, F.J.; Gomes, P.; Gonçalves, I.C.; Cachero, A.H.; Lozano, J.; Marques, J.G.; Paz, A.; Prata, M.J.; Ramalho, A.J. G; Ruiz, M.A. R; Santos, J.P.; Vieira, A.. 2001. "Radiation tests on commercial instrumentation amplifiers, analog switches and DACs", Trabalho apresentado em 7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments , In Actas de 7th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments , a preencher.
5. Agapito, J.A.; Barradas, N.P.; Cardeira, F.M.; Casas, J.; Fernandes, A.P.; Franco, F.J.; Gomes, P.; Gonçalves, I.C.; Cachero, A.H.; Lozano, J.; Martin, M.A.; Marques, J.G.; Paz, A.; Prata, M.; Ramalho, A.J.G.; Ruiz, M.A. R; Santos, J.P.; Vieira, A. 2000. "Instrumentation amplifiers and voltage controlled current sources for LHC cryogenic instrumentation", Trabalho apresentado em 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments , In Actas de 6th Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments , a preencher. LEB00_Proceedings.html.
6. Nejim, A.; Cristiano, F.; Knights, A. P; Barradas, N. P; Hemment, P. L. F; Coleman, P. G. 1999. "Dose rate dependence of residual defects in device grade Si/SiGe heterostructures formed by ion beam synthesis", Trabalho apresentado em IEEE Proc. 12th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, In Actas de IEEE Proc. 12th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, a preencher.
7. Nejim, A.; Gwilliam, R.; Emerson, N. G; Knights, A. P; Cristiano, F.; Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.. 1999. "Electrical behaviour associated with defect tails in germanium implanted silicon", Trabalho apresentado em IEEE Proc. 12th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, In Actas de IEEE Proc. 12th International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, a preencher.
8. Marriott, P. K; Jenkin, M.; Jeynes, C.; Barradas, N. P; Webb, R. P; Sealy, B. J. 1999. "Rapid accurate automated analysis of complex ion beam analysis data", Trabalho apresentado em 15th Int Conf on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, In Actas de 15th Int Conf on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, a preencher.
9. Barradas, N. P; Jeynes, C.; Kusano, Y.; Evetts, J. E; Hutchings, I. M. 1999. "RBS/Simulated Annealing and FTIR characterisation of boron-carbon-nitride films deposited by dual cathode magnetron sputtering", Trabalho apresentado em 15th Int Conf on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, In Actas de 15th Int Conf on Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Denton.
10. Knights, A. P; Nejim, A.; Barradas, N. P; Gwilliam, R.; Coleman, P. G; Malik, F.; Kherandish, H.; Romani, S.. 1998. "Defect tails in Ge implanted Si probed by slow positrons and ion channelling", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Res. Soc. , In Mat. Res. Soc. , a preencher.
11. Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 1996. "Study of thin magnetic films with PAC", Trabalho apresentado em Hyp. Inter. (C) , In Hyp. Inter. (C) , a preencher.
12. Correia, J. G; Barradas, N. P; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 1996. "High precision measurement of the hyperfine fields of substitutional and defect associated Cd in single crystalline hcp cobalt", Trabalho apresentado em Hyp. Inter. (C) , In Hyp. Inter. (C) , a preencher.
13. Dobler, M.; Reuther, H.; Barradas, N. P. 1996. "Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of FeSi and FeSi2", Trabalho apresentado em Hyp. Inter. (C) , In Hyp. Inter. (C) , a preencher.
14. Leal, J. L; Oliveira, N. J; Rodrigues, L. M; Sousa, A. T; Freitas, P. P; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C. 1994. "Narrow track magnetoresistive spin-valve sensors (extended abstract)", Trabalho apresentado em Colloquium Digest of the Int. Symposium on Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces MRS Meeting , In Actas de Colloquium Digest of the Int. Symposium on Magnetic Ultrathin Films, Multilayers and Surfaces MRS Meeting , Düsseldorf.
15. Leal, J. L; Barradas, N. P; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Rots, M.; Freitas, P. P. 1993. "A comparative study of structural, magnetic, and transport properties of Co-Re superlattices sputtered on glass and Si substrates", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Res. Soc. , In Mat. Res. Soc. , a preencher.

Outra produção científica
Other scientific production
1. Barradas, N.P.. 1999. "The beginning of ‘the long twenty-first century’ in Europe". .
M.A. in European Studies, University of Surrey, 1999.
2. Barradas, N.P.. 1994. "Cobalt based magnetic systems". .
Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, University of Lisbon, 1994.
3. Barradas, N.P.. 1991. "A interacção hiperfina combinada de In, Hf e Hg em monocristais, policristais e filmes finos de Co". .
M.Sc. in Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Lisbon, 1991.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Outros tipos de produção científica
Other scientific production

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