Curriculum Vitae

Eduardo Jorge da Costa Alves

Data da última actualização »Last update : 10/10/2011

Eduardo Jorge da Costa Alves. É Investigador Principal no Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear. Publicou 430 artigos em revistas especializadas e 31 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 3 livros publicados. Possui 64 itens de produção técnica. Recebeu 1 prémio e/ou homenagem. Actua na área de Física Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 1162 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Eduardo Jorge da Costa Alves
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
E. Alves
Categoria profissional
Investigador Principal
Domínio científico de actuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Exactas-Física.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
Unidade de Física e Aceleradores
Laboratório de Feixes de Iões
E. N. 10
2686-953 Loures
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1992 Doutoramento
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
Jan/1993-Actual Investigador Principal

Instituto Nacional de Engenharia e Tecnologia Industrial
Jan/1985-1992 Investigador Auxiliar

Actividades de Direcção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)
Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear
2003-Actual Unidade de Física e Aceleradores
- Chefe de Departamento

Projectos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Characterization of Be12Ti
Referência do projecto»Project reference: .

Beryllium pebble bed electrical resistivity in the presence of ionising radiation
Referência do projecto»Project reference: .

Be binary pebble bed electrical resistivity measurements
Referência do projecto»Project reference: .

Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Ion Implantation in Ceramic Oxides
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Report on surface analysis and characterisation of tokamak tiles exposed to large plasma fluences (>1026 m-2).
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Study of beryllides stability
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

e--¿ Perturbed Angular Correlations and Emission Channeling Studies at ISOLDE/CERN
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI: CERN / FNU / 50145 / 20.

Study of impact of irradiation on electrical conductivity of Be pebble beds
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Detailed metallurgical characterisation of the 2 improved ODS batches
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Coloured MeNxOy and MeCxOy Thin Films with Me = Ti, Cr, Zr and Al.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/38086/2002.

Superconducting Borides: Properties and Materials Processing.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/39340/2002.

New biomarkers from nc II-IV semiconductors
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/45236/2002.

e--¿ Perturbed Angular Correlations and Emission Channeling Studies at ISOLDE/CERN
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTi-FNU-49503/2002.

Surface composition investigations of Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 exposed to long term annealing and Compatibility of structural and cladding materials used in irradiation tests with ceramic breeders.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Characterization of corroded surfaces and impurity mapping of SiC/SiCf composites
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Investigation of resistivity of Be pebble bed for different loads and temperatures
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Self-Assembled Silicon Nano-Crystals.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/38330/2001.

SiGe/Si heterojunctions grown on virtual substrates-strain relaxation and self-diffusion
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/CTM/41918/01.

Thermophysical and materials characterization and Compability of composites and joints
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Magnetostructural modulation in perovskite derivatives with strong electron correlations
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI/P/35462/CTM/00.

Effect of Addtion of Si on the Mechanical and Physical proiperties of TiN and (Ti,Al)N
Referência do projecto»Project reference: POCTI- 32670/CTM/00.

Precise ion beam analysis of advanced materials for nuclear fusion reactors.
Referência do projecto»Project reference: a preencher.

Formation of metallic nanocrystals in Sapphire (a-Al2O3) and rutile(TiO2) by ion implantation
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS/P/CTM/12067/98.

Doping effects on the behaviour of mixed valence oxide ceramics with strongly correlated electrons
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS/P/CTM/13142/98.

Films and Multilayers with uranium and iron: Preparation and magnetism
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS/C/CTM/12068/1998.

Irradiation of Biomaterial implants for head and neck oncological patients
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS PSAU/C/SAU/120/96.

Produçao e caracterização de revestimentos de nanoestruturados de TiN/Mo e ZrN/TiAlN
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS//96.

Metallic silicides formed by ion implantation
Referência do projecto»Project reference: PRAXIS/2/2.1/FIS/438/94.

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2004 Estímulo à Excelência, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
2004- Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, Sócio.
2002- Actual Materials Research Socity, Membro.
1981- Actual Sociedade Portuguesa de Física, Sócio n. 87.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Lorenz, Katharina; Alves, Eduardo; Gloux, Florence; Ruterana, Pierre. 2010. RE Implantation and Annealing of III-Nitrides. ed. 0, 124 vols., ISBN: 978-90-481-2876-1. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
2. Alves, Eduardo; Breese, Mark. 2009. Nanoscale Materials Defect Characterisation. ed. 3, ISBN: 978-3-642-00622-7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
3. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.. 2008. Advanced characterization of nanomaterials with ion beams. ed. 37, ISBN: 978-81-308-0226-8. Kerala, India: Research Signpost.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. P. Gonçalves, A; Lopes, E. B; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Franco, N.; Rouleau, O.; Godart, C.. 2009. New Approaches to Thermoelectric Materials.  In Properties and Applications of Thermoelectric Materials, ed. Veljko ZlaticAlex C. Hewson, 51 - 67. ISBN: 978-90-481-2891-4. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. O’Donnell, K. P; Roqan, I. S; Wang, Ke; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Bockowski, M.. 2011. "The photoluminescense / excitation (PL/E) spectroscopy of Eu-implanted GaN", Optical Materials 33, 0: 1063 - 1065.
2. Nunes, B.; Serro, A.P.; Oliveira, V.; Montemor, M.F.; Alves, E.; Saramago, B.; Colaço, R.. 2011. "Ageing effects on the wettability behavior of laser textured silicon", Applied Surface Science 257, 7: 2604 - 2609.
3. Amaral, F.; Costa, L.C.; Valente, M.A.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Costa, F.M.. 2011. "Colossal dielectric constant of poly- and single-crystalline CaCu3Ti4O12 fibres grown by the laser floating zone technique", Acta Materialia 59, 1: 102 - 111.
4. Vieira, E.M.F.; Pinto, S.R.C.; Levichev, S.; Rolo, A.G.; Chahboun, A.; Buljan, M.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Bernstorff, S.; Conde, O.; Gomes, M J. M. 2011. "Influence of the deposition parameters on the growth of SiGe nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 matrix", Microelectronic Engineering 88, 4: 509 - 513.
5. Pinto, Sara R; Rolo, Anabela G; Buljan, Maja; Chahboun, Adil; Bernstorff, Sigrid; Barradas, Nuno P; Alves, Eduardo; Kashtiban, Reza J; Bangert, Ursel; Gomes, Maria J. 2011. "Low-temperature fabrication of layered self-organized Ge clusters by RF-sputtering", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 1: 341 - 341.
6. Fellmann, Vincent; Jaffrennou, Périne; Sam-Giao, Diane; Gayral, Bruno; Lorenz, Katharina; Alves, Eduardo; Daudin, Bruno. 2011. "Ternary AlGaN Alloys with High Al Content and Enhanced Compositional Homogeneity Grown by Plasma-Assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50, 0: 031001 - 031001.
7. Peres, M.; Magalhães, S.; Rodrigues, J.; Soares, M.J.; Fellmann, V.; Neves, A.J.; Alves, E.; Daudin, B.; Lorenz, K.; Monteiro, T.. 2011. "The role of the annealing temperature on the optical and structural properties of Eu doped GaN/AlN QD", Optical Materials 33, 7: 1045 - 1049.
8. Torrell, M.; Kabir, R.; Cunha, L.; Vasilevskiy, M. I; Vaz, F.; Cavaleiro, A.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2011. "Tuning of the surface plasmon resonance in TiO2/Au thin films grown by magnetron sputtering: The effect of thermal annealing", Journal of Applied Physics 109, 7: 074310 - 074310.
9. Soares, M.J.; Leitão, J.P.; da Silva, M; González, J.C.; Matinaga, F.M.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.. 2011. "Structural and optical properties of Er implanted AlN thin films: Green and infrared photoluminescence at room temperature", Optical Materials 33, 7: 1055 - 1058.
10. Arvinte, R.; Borges, J.; Sousa, R.E.; Munteanu, D.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Vaz, F.; Marques, L.. 2011. "Preparation and characterization of CrNxOy thin films: The effect of composition and structural features on the electrical behavior", Applied Surface Science 257, 21: 9120 - 9124.
11. Lacroix, B; Chauvat, M P; Ruterana, P; Lorenz, K; Alves, E; Syrkin, A. 2011. "The high sensitivity of InN under rare earth ion implantation at medium range energy", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 44, 29: 295402 - 295402.
12. Nogales, E; Hidalgo, P; Lorenz, K; Méndez, B; Piqueras, J; Alves, E. 2011. "Cathodoluminescence of rare earth implanted Ga(2)O(3) and GeO(2) nanostructures ", Nanotechnology 22, 28: 285706 - 285706.
13. Peres, Marco; Magalhães, Sérgio; Fellmann, Vincent; Daudin, Bruno; Neves, Armando; Alves, Eduardo; Lorenz, Katharina; Monteiro, Teresa. 2011. "Effect of Eu-implantation and annealing on the GaN quantum dots excitonic recombination", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 1: 378 - 378.
14. Darakchieva, V.; Xie, M.-Y.; Rogalla, D.; Becker, H.-W.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Ruffenach, S.; Moret, M.; Briot, O.. 2011. "Free electron properties and hydrogen in InN grown by MOVPE", physica status solidi (a) 208, 5: 1179 - 1182.
15. Miranda, S.M.C.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.; Alves, E.; Sun, H.D.; Geruschke, T.; Vianden, R.; Lorenz, K.. 2011. "Rapid thermal annealing of rare earth implanted ZnO epitaxial layers", Optical Materials 33, 7: 1139 - 1142.
16. Pinto, S.R.C.; Kashtiban, R.J.; Rolo, A.G.; Buljan, M.; Chahboun, A.; Bangert, U.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2010. "Structural study of Si1-xGex nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 films", Thin Solid Films 518, 9: 2569 - 2572.
17. Bola, A. M; Correia, M. R; Pereira, S.; González, J. C; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.. 2010. "Total reflectance and Raman studies in AlyInxGa1-x-yN epitaxial layers", physica status solidi (c) 7, 1: 56 - 59.
18. Lee, Kuo-Hao; Chiou, Jau-Wern; Chen, Jin-Ming; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Braud, Alain; Lorenz, Katharina; Alves, Eduardo; Chen, In-Gann. 2010. "The Characterization of N Interstitials and Dangling Bond Point Defects on Ion-Implanted GaN Nanowires Studied by Photoluminescence and X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy", Journal of the American Ceramic Society 93, 11: 3531 - 3534.
19. Darakchieva, V.; Xie, M.-Y.; Franco, N.; Giuliani, F.; Nunes, B.; Alves, E.; Hsiao, C. L; Chen, L. C; Yamaguchi, T.; Takagi, Y.; Kawashima, K.; Nanishi, Y.. 2010. "Structural anisotropy of nonpolar and semipolar InN epitaxial layers", Journal of Applied Physics 108, 7: 073529 - 073529.
20. Elisa, M.; Sava, B.A.; Volceanov, A.; Monteiro, R.C.C.; Alves, E.; Franco, N.; Costa Oliveira, F; Fernandes, H.; Ferro, M.C.. 2010. "Structural and thermal characterization of SiO2–P2O5 sol–gel powders upon annealing at high temperatures", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 356, 9-10: 495 - 501.
21. Rebouta, L.; Rubio-Peña, L.; Oliveira, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Tavares, C.J.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Strain dependence electrical resistance and cohesive strength of ITO thin films deposited on electroactive polymer", Thin Solid Films 518, 16: 4525 - 4528.
22. Siketic, Z.; Bogdanovic Radovic, I; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.. 2010. "Stopping power of 11B in Si and TiO2 measured with a bulk sample method and Bayesian inference data analysis", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 11-12: 1768 - 1771.
23. Carvalho, R.G.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Oliveira, F.J.; Alves, E.; Franco, N.; Louro, C.; Silva, R.F.; Costa, F.M.. 2010. "Single and polycrystalline mullite fibres grown by laser floating zone technique", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30, 16: 3311 - 3318.
24. Oliveira, F.; Cerqueira, M.F.; Vasilevskiy, M.I.; Viseu, T.; de Campos, J. A; Rolo, A.G.; Martins, J.S.; Sobolev, N.A.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Room temperature paramagnetism of ZnO:Mn films grown by RF-sputtering", Thin Solid Films 518, 16: 4612 - 4614.
25. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Gloux, F.; Ruterana, P.; Peres, M.; Neves, A. J; Monteiro, T.. 2010. "Optical doping and damage formation in AlN by Eu implantation", Journal of Applied Physics 107, 2: 023525 - 023525.
26. Peres, M.; Neves, A. J; Monteiro, T.; Magalhães, S.; Franco, N.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Damilano, B.; Massies, J.; Dussaigne, A.; Grandjean, N.. 2010. "Optical and Structural Properties of an Eu Implanted Gallium Nitride Quantum Dots/Aluminium Nitride Superlattice", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 4: 2473 - 2478.
27. Tavares, C. J; Marques, S. M; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Munnik, F.; Girardeau, T.; Rivière, J.-P.. 2010. "N-Doped Photocatalytic Titania Thin Films on Active Polymer Substrates", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 2: 1072 - 1077.
28. Pinto, S.R.C.; Rolo, A.G.; Chahboun, A.; Buljan, Maja; Khodorov, A.; Kashtiban, R.J.; Bangert, U.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Bernstorff, S.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2010. "Multilayers of Ge nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 matrix: Structural and electrical studies", Microelectronic Engineering 87, 12: 2508 - 2512.
29. Khodorov, A; Levichev, S; Rolo, A G; Karzazi, O; Chahboun, A; Novak, J; Vorobiev, A; Tavares, C J; Eyidi, D; Rivière, J-P; Beaufort, M F; Barradas, N P; Alves, E; Barber, D J; Lanceros-Mendez, S; Gomes, M J. M. 2010. "Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 : structural and electrical properties ", Nanotechnology 21, 50: 505705 - 505705.
30. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Roqan, I. S; O’Donnell, K. P; Nishikawa, A.; Fujiwara, Y.; Boc¿?kowski, M.. 2010. "Lattice site location of optical centers in GaN:Eu light emitting diode material grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy", Applied Physics Letters 97, 11: 111911 - 111911.
31. Steger, M.; Yang, A.; Sekiguchi, T.; Saeedi, K.; Thewalt, M.; Henry, M.; Johnston, K.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Riemann, H.; Abrosimov, N.; Churbanov, M.; Gusev, A.; Kaliteevskii, A.; Godisov, O.; Becker, P.; Pohl, H.-J.. 2010. "Isotopic fingerprints of Pt-containing luminescence centers in highly enriched 28Si", Physical Review B 81, 23: 2352171 - 2352176.
32. Peres, M.; Neves, A. J; Monteiro, T.; Magalhães, S.; Alves, E.; Lorenz, K.; Okuno-Vila, H.; Fellmann, V.; Bougerol, C.; Daudin, B.. 2010. "Influence of thermal annealing on the structural and optical properties of GaN/AlN quantum dots", physica status solidi (b) 247, 7: 1675 - 1678.
33. Alves, E.; Alves, L.C.; Barradas, N.P.; Mateus, R.; Carvalho, P.A.; Wright, G.M.. 2010. "Influence of temperature and plasma composition on deuterium retention in refractory metals", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 11-12: 2124 - 2128.
34. Wang, Jinzhong; Elamurugu, Elangovan; Franco, Nuno; Alves, Eduardo; Botelho do R. A. M; Gonçalves, Gonçalo; Martins, Rodrigo; Fortunato, Elvira. 2010. "Influence of Deposition Pressure on N-doped ZnO Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 4: 2674 - 2678.
35. Das, A.; Magalha~es, S.; Kotsar, Y.; Kandaswamy, P. K; Gayral, B.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Ruterana, P.; Monroy, E.. 2010. "Indium kinetics during the plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of semipolar (11-22) InGaN layers", Applied Physics Letters 96, 18: 181907 - 181907.
36. Roqan, I. S; O'Donnell, K. P; Martin, R. W; Edwards, P. R; Song, S. F; Vantomme, A.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Bockowski, M.. 2010. "Identification of the prime optical center in GaN:Eu^{3+}", Physical Review B 81, 8: 085209 - 085209.
37. Wright, G.M.; Alves, E.; Alves, L.C.; Barradas, N.P.; Carvalho, P.A.; Mateus, R.; Rapp, J.. 2010. "Hydrogenic retention of high-Z refractory metals exposed to ITER divertor-relevant plasma conditions ", Nuclear Fusion 50, 5: 055004 - 055004.
38. Darakchieva, V.; Lorenz, K.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Monemar, B.; Schubert, M.; Franco, N.; Hsiao, C. L; Chen, L. C; Schaff, W. J; Tu, L. W; Yamaguchi, T.; Nanishi, Y.. 2010. "Hydrogen in InN: A ubiquitous phenomenon in molecular beam epitaxy grown material", Applied Physics Letters 96, 8: 081907 - 081907.
39. Lorenz, K.; Magalhães, S.; Alves, E.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.; Neves, A.J.; Bockowski, M.. 2010. "High temperature annealing of Europium implanted AlN", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 19: 2907 - 2910.
40. Reis, M.A.; Alves, L.C.; Barradas, N.P.; Chaves, P.C.; Nunes, B.; Taborda, A.; Surendran, K.P.; Wu, A.; Vilarinho, P.M.; Alves, E.. 2010. "High Resolution and Differential PIXE combined with RBS, EBS and AFM analysis of magnesium titanate (MgTiO3) multilayer structures", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 11-12: 1980 - 1985.
41. Magalha~es, S.; Peres, M.; Fellmann, V.; Daudin, B.; Neves, A. J; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Lorenz, K.. 2010. "Functionalizing self-assembled GaN quantum dot superlattices by Eu-implantation", Journal of Applied Physics 108, 8: 084306 - 084306.
42. Torrell, M.; Cunha, L.; Cavaleiro, A.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Vaz, F.. 2010. "Functional and optical properties of Au:TiO2 nanocomposite films: The influence of thermal annealing", Applied Surface Science 256, 22: 6536 - 6542.
43. Tavares, C. J; Marques, S. M; Viseu, T.; Teixeira, V.; Carneiro, J. O; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Munnik, F.; Girardeau, T.; Rivie`re, J.-P.. 2010. "Erratum: “Enhancement of the photocatalytic nature of nitrogen-doped PVD-grown titanium dioxide thin films¿? [J. Appl. Phys. 106, 113535 (2009)]", Journal of Applied Physics 107, 5: 059901 - 059901.
44. Alves, L.C.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Mateus, R.; Carvalho, P.; Coad, J.P.; Widdowson, A.M.; Likonen, J.; Koivuranta, S.. 2010. "Erosion and re-deposition processes in JET tiles studied with ion beams", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 11-12: 1991 - 1996.
45. Cerqueira, M. F; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Kozanecki, A.; Alpuim, P.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Erbium-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films produced by RF sputtering - annealing effect on the Er emission", physica status solidi (c) 7, 3: 683 - 687.
46. Ayres de C. J; Viseu, T.; Rolo, A. G; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; de Lacerda-Arôso, T; Cerqueira, M. F. 2010. "Electrical and Raman Scattering Studies of ZnO:P and ZnO:Sb Thin Films", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 4: 2620 - 2623.
47. Tardío, M.; Colera, I.; Ramírez, R.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Effects of Mg-ion implantation in a-Al2O3 and a-Al2O3:Mg crystals: Electrical conductivity and electronic structure changes", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 19: 2874 - 2877.
48. Cerqueira, M.F.; Semikina, T.V.; Baidus, N.V.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Effect of grain size and hydrogen passivation on the electrical properties of nanocrystalline silicon films", International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 39, 1/2: 195 - 204.
49. Saggioro, B.Z.; Andreeta, M.R.B.; Hernandes, A.C.; Macatrão, M.; Peres, M.; Costa, F.M.; Monteiro, T.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Effect of Eu2O3 doping on Ta2O5 crystal growth by the laser-heated pedestal technique", Journal of Crystal Growth 313, 1: 62 - 67.
50. Magalhães, S.; Lorenz, K.; Franco, N.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Amstatt, B.; Fellmann, V.; Daudin, B.. 2010. "Effect of annealing on AlN/GaN quantum dot heterostructures: advanced ion beam characterization and X-ray study of low-dimensional structures", Surface and Interface Analysis 42, 10-11: 1552 - 1555.
51. Redondo-Cubero, A; Lorenz, K; Gago, R; Franco, N; di Forte P. M; Alves, E; Muñoz, E. 2010. "Depth-resolved analysis of spontaneous phase separation in the growth of lattice-matched AlInN", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43, 5: 055406 - 055406.
52. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Franco, N.; Alves, L.C.; Peres, M.; Soares, M.J.; Monteiro, T.. 2010. "Damage recovery and optical activity in europium implanted wide gap oxides", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 268, 19: 3137 - 3141.
53. Cerqueira, M. F; Stepikhova, M.; Kozanecki, A.; Andrês, G.; Alves, E.. 2010. "Crystal Size and Crystalline Volume Fraction Effects on the Erbium Emission of nc-Si:Er Grown by r.f. Sputtering", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 4: 2663 - 2668.
54. Nunes, Daniela; Livramento, Vanessa; Correia, Jose B; Hanada, Kotaro; Carvalho, Patrícia A; Mateus, R.; Shohoji, Nobumitsu; Fernandes, H.; Silva, C.; Alves, Eduardo; Osawa, E.. 2010. "Consolidation of Cu-nDiamond Nanocomposites: Hot Extrusion vs Spark Plasma Sintering", Materials Science Forum 636637, 0: 682 - 687.
55. Lopes, José G; Alegria, Francisco C; Redondo, Luís M; Rocha, Jorge; Alves, Eduardo. 2010. "COMPUTER CONTROL OF A 3 MV VAN DE GRAAFF ACCELERATOR", METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS 17, 0: 415 - 426.
56. Wright, G.M.; Al, R.S.; Alves, E.; Alves, L.C.; Barradas, N.P.; Kleyn, A.W.; Lopes Cardozo, N; van der M. H; Philipps, V.; van Rooij, G. 2010. "Carbon film growth and hydrogenic retention of tungsten exposed to carbon-seeded high density deuterium plasmas", Journal of Nuclear Materials 396, 2-3: 176 - 180.
57. Lorenz, K.; Magalhães, S.; Franco, N.; Barradas, N. P; Darakchieva, V.; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Munnik, F.; Martin, R. W; O'Donnell, K. P; Watson, I. M. 2010. "Al1-xInxN/GaN bilayers: Structure, morphology, and optical properties", physica status solidi (b) 247, 7: 1740 - 1746.
58. Carvalho, Pedro; Cunha, Luis; Alves, Eduardo; Martin, Nicolas; Le Bourhis, E; Vaz, Filipe. 2009. "ZrOxNy decorative thin films prepared by the reactive gas pulsing process ", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 19: 195501 - 195501.
59. Viseu, T.; de Campos, J. A; Rolo, A. G; de Lacerda-Arôso, T; Cerqueira, M. F; Alves, E.. 2009. "ZnO Thin Films Implanted with Al, Sb and P: Optical, Structural and Electrical Characterization", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 6: 3574 - 3577.
60. Cunha, L.T.; Pedrosa, P.; Tavares, C.J.; Alves, E.; Vaz, F.; Fonseca, C.. 2009. "The role of composition, morphology and crystalline structure in the electrochemical behaviour of TiNx thin films for dry electrode sensor materials", Electrochimica Acta 55, 1: 59 - 67.
61. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Sáfrán, G.; McHargue, Carl J. 2009. "Temperature behavior of damage in sapphire implanted with light ions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 267, 8-9: 1464 - 1467.
62. Carvalho, S.; Rebouta, L.; Ribeiro, E.; Vaz, F.; Tavares, C.J.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.P.; Riviere, J.P.. 2009. "Structural evolution of Ti–Al–Si–N nanocomposite coatings", Vacuum 83, 10: 1206 - 1212.
63. MACATRAO, M; PERES, M; RUBINGER, C; SOARES, M; COSTA, L; COSTA, F; MONTEIRO, T; FRANCO, N; ALVES, E; SAGGIORO, B. 2009. "Structural and optical properties on thulium-doped LHPG-grown Ta2O5 fibres", Microelectronics Journal 40, 2: 309 - 312.
64. Kaydashev, V. E; Kaidashev, E. M; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.; Correia, M. R; Sobolev, N. A; Alves, L. C; Franco, N.; Alves, E.. 2009. "Structural and optical properties of Zn[sub 0.9]Mn[sub 0.1]O/ZnO core-shell nanowires designed by pulsed laser deposition", Journal of Applied Physics 106, 9: 093501 - 093501.
65. Oliveira, C.; Rebouta, L.; de Lacerda-Arôso, T; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Viseu, T.; Tavares, C.J.; Tovar, J.; Ferdov, S.; Alves, E.. 2009. "Structural and electrical properties of Al doped ZnO thin films deposited at room temperature on poly(vinilidene fluoride) substrates", Thin Solid Films 517, 23: 6290 - 6293.
66. Cerqueira, M. F; Alpuim, P.; Filonovich, S. A; Alves, E.; Rolo, A. G; Andres, G.; Soares, J.; Kozanecki, A.. 2009. "Structural and photoluminescence studies of erbium-implanted nanocrystalline silicon thin films", physica status solidi (a) 206, 9: 2161 - 2165.
67. Alves, E.; Franco, N.; Barradas, N.P.; Munnik, F.; Monteiro, T.; Peres, M.; Wang, J.; Martins, R.; Fortunato, E.. 2009. "Structural and optical properties of nitrogen doped ZnO films", Vacuum 83, 10: 1274 - 1278.
68. Lorenz, K; Barradas, N P; Alves, E; Roqan, I S; Nogales, E; Martin, R W; O'Donnell, K P; Gloux, F; Ruterana, P. 2009. "Structural and optical characterization of Eu-implanted GaN", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 16: 165103 - 165103.
69. Pei, Z. L; Pereira, L.; Gonc¸alves, G.; Barquinha, P.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Rego, A. M. B; Martins, R.; Fortunato, E.. 2009. "Room-Temperature Cosputtered HfO2–Al2O3 Multicomponent Gate Dielectrics", Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 12, 10: 65 - 65.
70. Wendler, E.; Bilani, O.; Gärtner, K.; Wesch, W.; Hayes, M.; Auret, F.D.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2009. "Radiation damage in ZnO ion implanted at 15K", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 267, 16: 2708 - 2711.
71. Ayouchi, R.; Bentes, L.; Casteleiro, C.; Conde, O.; Marques, C.P.; Alves, E.; Moutinho, A.M.C.; Marques, H.P.; Teodoro, O.; Schwarz, R.. 2009. "Photosensitivity of nanocrystalline ZnO films grown by PLD", Applied Surface Science 255, 11: 5917 - 5921.
72. Batalov, R. I; Bayazitov, R. M; Kryzhkov, D. I; Gajduk, P. I; Gatskevich, E. I; Ivlev, G. D; Marques, C. P; Alves, E.. 2009. "Phase transitions in erbium-doped silicon exposed to laser radiation", Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 76, 2: 209 - 214.
73. Bodiou, L.; Braud, A.; Doualan, J.-L.; Moncorge¿?, R.; Park, J. H; Munasinghe, C.; Steckl, A. J; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Daudin, B.. 2009. "Optically active centers in Eu implanted, Eu in situ doped GaN, and Eu doped GaN quantum dots", Journal of Applied Physics 105, 4: 043104 - 043104.
74. Ayouchi, R.; Schwarz, R.; Melo, L.V.; Ramalho, R.; Alves, E.; Marques, C.P.; Santos, L.; Almeida, R.; Conde, O.. 2009. "Morphological and optical properties of silicon thin films by PLD", Applied Surface Science 255, 10: 5299 - 5302.
75. Nunes, D.; Mateus, R.; Nogueira, I.D.; Carvalho, P.A.; Correia, J.B.; Shohoji, N.; Gomes, R.B.; Fernandes, H.; Silva, C.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.. 2009. "Microstructural evolution in tungsten and copper probes under hydrogen irradiation at ISTTOK", Journal of Nuclear Materials 390391, 0: 1039 - 1042.
76. Wang, K.; O’Donnell, K.; Hourahine, B.; Martin, R.; Watson, I.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2009. "Luminescence of Eu ions in AlxGa1-xN across the entire alloy composition range", Physical Review B 80, 12: 1252061 - 1252066.
77. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; da Silva, R; Monteiro, T.; McHargue, C.. 2009. "Ion beam processing of sapphire single crystals", Surface and Coatings Technology 203, 17-18: 2357 - 2362.
78. Wang, Jinzhong; Martins, Rodrigo; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Peres, M.; Elamurugu, Elangovan; Fortunato, Elvira. 2009. "Intrinsic p Type ZnO Films Deposited by rf Magnetron Sputtering", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 2: 813 - 816.
79. PERES, M; MAGALHAES, S; FRANCO, N; SOARES, M; NEVES, A; ALVES, E; LORENZ, K; MONTEIRO, T. 2009. "Influence of the AlN molar fraction on the structural and optical properties of praseodymium-doped AlxGa1-xN (0<x>1) alloys", Microelectronics Journal 40, 2: 377 - 380.
80. Redondo-Cubero, A; Lorenz, K; Franco, N; Fernández-Garrido, S; Gago, R; Smulders, P J. M; Muñoz, E; Calleja, E; Alves, E. 2009. "Influence of steering effects on strain detection in AlGaInN/GaN heterostructures by ion channelling", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 6: 065420 - 065420.
81. Wright, G.M.; Kleyn, A.W.; Alves, E.; Alves, L.C.; Barradas, N.P.; van Rooij, G; van Lange, A; Shumack, A.E.; Westerhout, J.; Al, R.S.. 2009. "Hydrogenic retention in tungsten exposed to ITER divertor relevant plasma flux densities", Journal of Nuclear Materials 390391, 0: 610 - 613.
82. Darakchieva, V.; Hofmann, T.; Schubert, M.; Sernelius, B. E; Monemar, B.; Persson, P. O. A; Giuliani, F.; Alves, E.; Lu, H.; Schaff, W. J. 2009. "Free electron behavior in InN: On the role of dislocations and surface electron accumulation", Applied Physics Letters 94, 2: 022109 - 022109.
83. Batalov, R. I; Bayazitov, R. M; Nurutdinov, R. M; Kryzhkov, D. I; Gaiduk, P. I; Marques, C. P; Alves, E.. 2009. "Features of the pulsed treatment of silicon layers implanted with erbium ions", Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 3, 4: 604 - 607.
84. Lorenz, K.; Roqan, I. S; Franco, N.; O’Donnell, K. P; Darakchieva, V.; Alves, E.; Trager-Cowan, C.; Martin, R. W; As, D. J; Panfilova, M.. 2009. "Europium doping of zincblende GaN by ion implantation", Journal of Applied Physics 105, 11: 113507 - 113507.
85. Xiao, Jingzhong; Wu, Aiying; Vilarinho, Paula M; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2009. "Electrical properties of sol–gel derived MPB 0.37BiScO3–0.63PbTiO3 thin films deposited on iridium oxide electrodes", Journal of Materials Chemistry 19, 31: 5572 - 5572.
86. Figueiredo, V.; Elangovan, E.; Gonçalves, G.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Park, S.H.K.; Martins, R.; Fortunato, E.. 2009. "Electrical, structural and optical characterization of copper oxide thin films as a function of post annealing temperature", physica status solidi (a) 206, 9: 2143 - 2148.
87. Galiana, Beatriz; Barrigón, Enrique; Rey-Stolle, Ignacio; Corregidor, Victoria; Espinet, Pilar; Algora, Carlos; Alves, E.. 2009. "Compositional analysis and evolution of defects formed on GaInP epilayers grown on Germanium", Superlattices and Microstructures 45, 4-5: 277 - 284.
88. McHargue, Carl J; Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Ononye, L.C.. 2009. "Comparison of the damage in sapphire due to implantation of boron, nitrogen, and iron", Journal of Nuclear Materials 389, 2: 311 - 316.
89. Kurinskiy, P.; Chakin, V.; Moeslang, A.; Rolli, R.; Goraieb, A.A.; Harsch, H.; Alves, E.; Franco, N.. 2009. "Characterisation of titanium beryllides with different microstructure", Fusion Engineering and Design 84, 7-11: 1136 - 1139.
90. Redondo-Cubero, A.; Lorenz, K.; Gago, R.; Franco, N.; Ferna¿?ndez-Garrido, S.; Smulders, P. J. M; Mun~oz, E.; Calleja, E.; Watson, I. M; Alves, E.. 2009. "Breakdown of anomalous channeling with ion energy for accurate strain determination in GaN-based heterostructures", Applied Physics Letters 95, 5: 051921 - 051921.
91. Fernandes, C.M.; Guisbiers, G.; Pereira, S.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Senos, A.M.R.; Vieira, M.T.. 2009. "Annealing Ni nanocrystalline on WC–Co", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 482, 1-2: 131 - 136.
92. Moura e S. C. W; Alves, Eduardo; Ramos, A.R.; Sandu, Cosmin S; Cavaleiro, A.. 2009. "Adhesion failures on hard coatings induced by interface anomalies", Vacuum 83, 10: 1213 - 1217.
93. Darakchieva, V.; Barradas, N.P.; Xie, M.-Y.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Schubert, M.; Persson, P.O.Å.; Giuliani, F.; Munnik, F.; Hsiao, C.L.. 2009. "Role of impurities and dislocations for the unintentional n-type conductivity in InN", Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 22: 4476 - 4481.
94. Schmitz, J.; Niederhausen, J.; Penner, J.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Vianden, R.. 2009. "Stable In-defect complexes in GaN and AlN", Physica B: Condensed Matter 404, 23-24: 4866 - 4869.
95. Roqan, I. S; K.P.O'Donnell; Cowan, C. T; Hourahine, B.; Martin, R.W.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; As, D. J; Panfilova, M.; Watson, I. M. 2008. "Luminescence spectroscopy of Eu-implanted zincblende GaN", physica status solidi (b) 245, 1: 170 - 173.
96. Lorenz, K.; Geruschke, T.; Alves, E.; Vianden, R.. 2008. "Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient in GaN measured with the PAC-probe 181Hf", Hyperfine Interactions 177, 1-3: 89 - 95.
97. Gloux, Florence; Ruterana, Pierre; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2008. "A comparative investigation of the damage build-up in GaN and Si during rare earth ion implantation", physica status solidi (a) 205, 1: 68 - 70.
98. MARQUES, C; FRANCO, N; DASILVA, R; MCHARGUE, C; ALVES, E. 2008. "Anisotropy effects on the formation of new phases in a-Al2O3 by high fluence Zn implantation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 12-13: 3129 - 3132.
99. LEVICHEV, S; CHAHBOUN, A; BASA, P; ROLO, A; BARRADAS, N; ALVES, E; HORVATH, Z; CONDE, O; GOMES, M. 2008. "Charging effects in CdSe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix produced by rf magnetron sputtering", Microelectronic Engineering 85, 12: 2374 - 2377.
100. Han, L.; Mei, F.; Liu, C.; Pedro, C.; Alves, E.. 2008. "Comparison of ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on sapphire and Si substrates", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 40, 3: 699 - 704.
101. LORENZ, K; MARQUES, J; FRANCO, N; ALVES, E; PERES, M; CORREIA, M; MONTEIRO, T. 2008. "Defect studies on fast and thermal neutron irradiated GaN", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 12-13: 2780 - 2783.
102. BARRADAS, N; RAMOS, A; ALVES, E. 2008. "Determination of non-Rutherford cross-sections from simple RBS spectra using Bayesian inference data analysis", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 8: 1180 - 1184.
103. Gloux, F.; Ruterana, P.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2008. "A comparative structural investigation of GaN implanted with rare earth ions at room temperature and 500 ¿C", Materials Science and Engineering: B 146, 1: 204 - 207.
104. Wang, J.; Elamurugu, E.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Rego, A.; Gonçalves, G.; Martins, R.; Fortunato, E.. 2008. "Co-doping of aluminium and gallium with nitrogen in ZnO films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 0: 0752201 - 0752204.
105. Figueiredo, V.; Elangovan, E.; Gonçalves, G.; Barquinha, P.; Pereira, L.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Martins, R.; Fortunato, E.. 2008. "Effect of post-annealing on the properties of copper oxide thin films obtained from the oxidation of evaporated metallic copper ", Applied Surface Science 254, 13: 3949 - 3954.
106. CUNHA, L; REBOUTA, L; VAZ, F; STASZUK, M; MALARA, S; BARBOSA, J; CARVALHO, P; ALVES, E; LEBOURHIS, E; GOUDEAU, P. 2008. "Effect of thermal treatments on the structure of MoNxOy thin films", Vacuum 82, 12: 1428 - 1432.
107. Itskos, G.; Heliotis, G.; Lagoudakis, P.; Lupton, J.; Barradas, N.; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Watson, I.; Dawson, M.; Feldmann, J.; Murray, R.; Bradley, D.. 2008. "Erratum: Efficient dipole-dipole coupling of Mott-Wannier and Frenkel excitons in (Ga,In)N quantum well/polyfluorene semiconductor heterostructures [Phys. Rev. B 76, 035344 (2007)]", Physical Review B 77, 7: 0799021 - 0799021.
108. TARDIO, M; GONZALEZ, R; RAMIREZ, R; ALVES, E. 2008. "Electrical conductivity in undoped a-Al2O3 crystals implanted with Mg ions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 12-13: 2932 - 2935.
109. LEITAO, J; SOBOLEV, N; CORREIA, M; CARMO, M; STEPINA, N; YAKIMOV, A; NIKIFOROV, A; MAGALHAES, S; ALVES, E. 2008. "Electronic properties of Ge islands embedded in multilayer and superlattice structures", Thin Solid Films 517, 1: 303 - 305.
110. GOMES, S; MARGACA, F; MIRANDASALVADO, I; LEAL, J; MARQUES, C; ALVES, E; FERREIRA, L; FALCAO, A. 2008. "Elemental and RBS analysis of hybrid materials prepared by gamma-irradiation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 2: 288 - 294.
111. Lanca, L.; Silva, A.; Alves, E.; Serranheira, F.; Correia, M.. 2008. "Evaluation of exposure parameters in plain radiography: a comparative study with European guidelines", Radiation Protection Dosimetry 129, 1-3: 316 - 320.
112. Chahboun, A.; Vasilevskiy, M. I; Baidus, N. V; Cavaco, A.; Sobolev, N. A; Carmo, M. C; Alves, E.; Zvonkov, B. N. 2008. "Further insight into the temperature quenching of photoluminescence from InAs???GaAs self-assembled quantum dots", Journal of Applied Physics 103, 8: 083548 - 083548.
113. CHAPPE, J; CARVALHO, P; LANCEROSMENDEZ, S; VASILEVSKIY, M; VAZ, F; MACHADO, A; FENKER, M; KAPPL, H; PARREIRA, N; CAVALEIRO, A. 2008. "Influence of air oxidation on the properties of decorative NbOxNy coatings prepared by reactive gas pulsing", Surface and Coatings Technology 202, 11: 2363 - 2367.
114. Carvalho, P.; Chappe??, J. M; Cunha, L.; Lanceros-Me??ndez, S.; Alpuim, P.; Vaz, F.; Alves, E.; Rousselot, C.; Espino??s, J. P; Gonza??lez-Elipe, A. R. 2008. "Influence of the chemical and electronic structure on the electrical behavior of zirconium oxynitride films", Journal of Applied Physics 103, 10: 104907 - 104907.
115. ALVES, E; MAGALHAES, S; BARRADAS, N; BAIDUS, N; VASILEVSKIY, M; ZVONKOV, B. 2008. "Ion beam studies of InAs/GaAs self assembled quantum dots", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 8: 1439 - 1442.
116. Roqan, I. S; O'Donnell, K. P; Trager-Cowan, C.; Hourahine, B.; Martin, R. W; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; As, D. J; Panfilova, M.; Watson, I. M. 2008. "Luminescence spectroscopy of Eu-implanted zincblende GaN", physica status solidi (b) 245, 1: 170 - 173.
117. Yakovlev, E. V; Lobanova, A. V; Talalaev, R. A; Watson, I. M; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2008. "Mechanisms of AlInN growth by MOVPE: modeling and experimental study", physica status solidi (c) 5, 6: 1688 - 1690.
118. LEVICHEV, S; BASA, P; HORVATH, Z; CHAHBOUN, A; ROLO, A; BARRADAS, N; ALVES, E; GOMES, M. 2008. "Memory effect on CdSe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix", Solid State Communications 148, 3-4: 105 - 108.
119. Rubinger, C. P. L; Costa, L. C; Macatra??o, M.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.; Costa, F. M; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Saggioro, B. Z; Andreeta, M. R. B; Hernandes, A. C. 2008. "Microwave dielectric permittivity and photoluminescence of Eu[sub 2]O[sub 3] doped laser heated pedestal growth Ta[sub 2]O[sub 5] fibers", Applied Physics Letters 92, 25: 252904 - 252904.
120. Wang, K.; Martin, R. W; Amabile, D.; Edwards, P. R; Hernandez, S.; Nogales, E.; O'Donnell, K. P; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Matias, V.; Vantomme, A.; Wolverson, D.; Watson, I. M. 2008. "Optical energies of AlInN epilayers", Journal of Applied Physics 103, 7: 073510 - 073510.
121. TAVARES, C; MARQUES, S; REBOUTA, L; LANCEROSMENDEZ, S; SENCADAS, V; COSTA, C; ALVES, E; FERNANDES, A. 2008. "PVD-Grown photocatalytic TiO2 thin films on PVDF substrates for sensors and actuators applications", Thin Solid Films 517, 3: 1161 - 1166.
122. LEITAO, J; SANTOS, N; SOBOLEV, N; CORREIA, M; STEPINA, N; CARMO, M; MAGALHAES, S; ALVES, E; NOVIKOV, A; SHALEEV, M. 2008. "Radiation hardness of GeSi heterostructures with thin Ge layers", Materials Science and Engineering: B 147, 2-3: 191 - 194.
123. CALDELAS, P; ROLO, A; GOMES, M; ALVES, E; RAMOS, A; CONDE, O; YERCI, S; TURAN, R. 2008. "Raman and XRD studies of Ge nanocrystals in alumina films grown by RF-magnetron sputtering", Vacuum 82, 12: 1466 - 1469.
124. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Watson, I. M. 2008. "RBS analysis of InGaN/GaN quantum wells for hybrid structures with efficient Förster coupling", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 8: 1402 - 1406.
125. Lorenz, K.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Watson, I.M.; Martin, R.W.; O???Donnell, K.P.. 2008. "Relaxation of compressively strained AlInN on GaN", Journal of Crystal Growth 310, 18: 4058 - 4064.
126. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Roqan, I. S; Martin, R. W; Trager-Cowan, C.; O'Donnell, K. P; Watson, I. M. 2008. "Rare earth doping of III-nitride alloys by ion implantation", physica status solidi (a) 205, 1: 34 - 37.
127. Oliveira, C.; Costa, C. M; Rebouta, L.; Viseu, T.; Arôso, T.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Alves, E.. 2008. "Structural and Mechanical Properties of AZOY Thin Films Deposited on Flexible Substrates", Materials Science Forum 587, 0: 834 - 838.
128. CHAPPE, J; CARVALHO, P; MACHADO, A; VAZ, F; ALVES, E; BARRADAS, N; FENKER, M; KAPPL, H. 2008. "Structural study of the oxidation process and stability of NbOxNy coatings", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266, 22: 4927 - 4932.
129. Magalhães, S.; Sobolev, N. A; Abrosimov, N. V; Alves, E.. 2008. "Study of SiGe Alloys with Different Germanium Concentrations Implanted with Mn and As Ions", Material Science Forum 587, 0: 298 - 302.
130. Bodiou, L.; Braud, A.; Doualan, J.L.; Moncorgé, R.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2008. "Two colour experiments in Eu3+ implanted GaN", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 451, 1-2: 140 - 142.
131. Nogales, E; García, J A; Méndez, B; Piqueras, J; Lorenz, K; Alves, E. 2008. "Visible and infrared luminescence study of Er doped ß-Ga2O3 and Er3 Ga5O12 ", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41, 6: 065406 - 065406.
132. Viseu, T.; Campos, J. A.; Rolo, A.; Arôso, T.; Cerqueira, M. F; Alves, E.. 2008. "ZnO thin films implanted with Al, Sb and P: optical, structural and electrical characterization.", J Nanosci Nanotechnol.  8, 12: 1 - 4.
133. Marques, C.; Franco, N.; Alves, L. C; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Safran, G.; McHargue, C.. 2007. "Synthesis of ZnO nanocrystals in sapphire by ion implantation and vacuum annealing", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 257, 0: 515 - 518.
134. Pinto, J. V; Cruz, M. M; Silva, R. C; Franco, N.; Casaca, A.; Alves, E.; Godinho, M.. 2007. "Anisotropic ferromagnetism induced in rutile single crystals by Co implantation", The European Physical Journal B 55, 3: 253 - 260.
135. Savoini, B.; González, R.; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2007. "Copper and cobalt nanocolloids in implanted MgO crystals", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 257, 1-2: 563 - 567.
136. NUNES, Y; Wemans, A.; MARQUES, H; Marques, C.; FERREIRA, Q; Teodoro, O. M. N; Alves, E.; Maneira, M. J. P. 2007. "Dual DC magnetron cathode co-deposition of (Al,Ti) and (Al,Ti,N) thin films with controlled depth composition", Vacuum 81, 11-12: 1503 - 1506.
137. Itskos, G.; Heliotis, G.; Lagoudakis, P.; Lupton, J.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Watson, I. M; Dawson, M.; Feldmann, J.; Murray, R.; Bradley, D.. 2007. "Efficient dipole-dipole coupling of Mott-Wannier and Frenkel excitons in (Ga,In)N quantum well/polyfluorene semiconductor heterostructures", Physical Review B 76, 3: 0353441 - 0353447.
138. Reis, M. A; Barradas, N. P; Pascual-Izarra, C.; Chaves, P. C; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Aguilar, G. G; Costa, M. E. V; Salvado, I. M. M. 2007. "Holistic RBS-PIXE data reanalysis of SBT thin film samples", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 261, 1-2: 439 - 442.
139. Magalhães, S.; Lorenz, K.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T.; Tripathy, S.; Alves, E.. 2007. "Implantation of nanoporous GaN with Eu ions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 257, 1-2: 328 - 331.
140. Fernandes, A. C; Vaz, F.; Rebouta, L.; Pinto, A.; Alves, E.; Parreira, N. M. G; Goudeau, Ph.; Bourhis, E. L; Rivière, J. P. 2007. "Influence of the O/C ratio in the behaviour of TiCxOy thin films", Surface and Coatings Technology 201, 9-11: 5587 - 5591.
141. MARKO, X; TALAGALA, P; SAHANA, M; NAIK, R; PADMANABHAN, K; Marques, C.; Alves, E.. 2007. "Ion implantation and ion beam analysis of MOD deposited oxide films", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 261, 1-2: 456 - 460.
142. Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Marques, A. C; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 2007. "Lattice location of implanted As in ZnO", Superlattices and Microstructures 42, 1-6: 8 - 13.
143. Savoini, B.; González, R.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2007. "Lithium ion implantation and annealing of MgO single crystals", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 257, 1-2: 558 - 562.
144. Hums, C.; Bla??sing, J.; Dadgar, A.; Diez, A.; Hempel, T.; Christen, J.; Krost, A.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2007. "Metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy and properties of AlInN in the whole compositional range", Applied Physics Letters 90, 2: 022105 - 022105.
145. OKHAY, O; WU, A; VILARINHO, P; REANEY, I; RAMOS, A; ALVES, E; PETZELT, J; POKORNY, J. 2007. "Microstructural studies and electrical properties of Mg-doped SrTiO3 thin films", Acta Materialia 55, 15: 4947 - 4954.
146. MARQUES, C; FRANCO, N; ALVES, L; DASILVA, R; ALVES, E. 2007. "Optical and structural behaviour of Cu-implanted sapphire", Surface and Coatings Technology 201, 19-20: 8190 - 8196.
147. Marques, C.; FRANCO, N; ALVES, L; DASILVA, R; Alves, E.. 2007. "Optical and structural behaviour of Cu-implanted sapphire", Surface and Coatings Technology 201, 19-20: 8190 - 8196.
148. Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Carmo, M. C; Monteiro, T.; Pereira, A.; Martins, M. A; Trindade, T.; Alves, E.; Nobre, S. S; Ferreira, R. A. S. 2007. "Optical Studies of ZnO nanocrystals doped with Eu3+ ions", Applied Physics A 88, 0: 129 - 133.
149. Shcherbachev, K. D; Bublik, V. T; Mordkovich, V. N; Pazhin, D. M; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2007. "Radiation-induced structural transformations in a silicon layer of SOI", physica status solidi (a) 204, 8: 2645 - 2650.
150. Cruz, M. M; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; González, R.; Godinho, M.. 2007. "Relaxation behaviour of Co and Ni implantes into MgO", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316, 0: 776 - 778.
151. Pereira, S.; K.P.O'Donnell; Alves, E.. 2007. "Role of Nanoscale Strain Inhomogeneity on the Light Emission from InGaN Epilayers", Advanced Functional Materials 17, 1: 37 - 42.
152. Bodiou, L.; Braud, A.; Terpin, C.; Doualan, J. -; Moncorgé, R.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2007. "Spectroscopic investigation of implanted epilayers of Tm3+ : GaN", Journal of Luminescence 122, 0: 131 - 133.
153. SCHWARZ, R; CABECA, R; MORGADO, E; NIEHUS, M; AMBACHER, O; MARQUES, C; ALVES, E. 2007. "Stability of GaN films under intense MeV He ion irradiation", Diamond and Related Materials 16, 4-7: 1437 - 1440.
154. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Cruz, A.; Peres, M.. 2007. "Structural and optical characterisation of Eu implanted AlxGa1-xN", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 257, 0: 307 - 310.
155. Graça, M. P. F; Valente, M. A; Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.; Alves, L. C; Alves, E.. 2007. "Structural and optical properties of Er3+ ion in sol–gel grown LiNbO3 ", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 0: 0162131 - 01621314.
156. Marques, C.; Franco, N.; Alves, L. C; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Safran, G.; McHargue, C. J. 2007. "Synthesis of ZnO nanocrystals in sapphire by ion implantation and vacuum annealing", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 257, 1-2: 515 - 518.
157. GISPERT, M; SERRO, A; COLACO, R; DOREGO, A; ALVES, E; DASILVA, R; BROGUEIRA, P; PIRES, E; SARAMAGO, B. 2007. "Tribological behaviour of Cl-implanted TiN coatings for biomedical applications", Wear 262, 11-12: 1337 - 1345.
158. Babonneau, D.; Pailloux, F.; Abadias, G.; Petroff, F.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.. 2007. "STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF C/FePt GRANULAR MULTILAYERS PREPARED BY ION-BEAM SPUTTERING", Rev. Adv.Mater.Sci. 15, 0: 198 - 207.
159. Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Franco, N.; Silva, M. R; Paúl, A.. 2007. "Structural and Oxidation Studies of Titanium Beryllides", American Nuclear Society 159, 3: 233 - 237.
160. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Jeynes, C.; Tosaki, M.. 2006. "Accurate simulation of backscattering spectra in the presence of sharp resonances", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 247, 0: 381 - 389.
161. Nené, N. R; Vieira, A.; Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2006. "Analysis of sol-gel silica-titania films doped with Ag and Er using artificial neural networks", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 804 - 807.
162. Roqan, I. S; Lorenz, K.; K.P.O'Donnell; Cowan, C. T; Martin, R.W.; Watson, I. M; Alves, E.. 2006. "Blue cathodoluminescence from thulium implanted AlxGa1-x and Al1-xN", Superlattices and Microdtructures 40, 0: 445 - 451.
163. Wang, K.; Martin, R.W.; Nogales, E.; Edwards, P. R; O’Donnell, K. P; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Watson, I. M. 2006. "Cathodoluminescence of rare earth implanted AlInN", Applied PhysicsLetters 89, 0: 1319121 - 1319123.
164. Lorenz, K.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Watson, I. M; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P. 2006. "Anomalous Ion Channeling in AlInN=GaN Bilayers: Determination of the Strain State", PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 97, 0: 0855011 - 0855014.
165. Gloux, F.; Wójtowicz, T.; Ruterana, P.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Behaviour of the AlN cap during GaN implantation of rare earths and annealing", phys. stat. sol. (a) 203, 9: 2172 - 2175.
166. Marques, C.; Franco, N.; Silva, R. C; Wemans, A.; Maneira, M. J. P; Alves, E.. 2006. "Characterization of Nickel Implanted a-Al2O3", Materials Science Forum 514, 0: 348 - 352.
167. Corregidor, V.; Chaves, P. C; Reis, M. A; Pascual-Izarra, C.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2006. "Combination of IBA techniques for composition analysis of GaInAsSb films", Materials Science Forum 514, 0: 1603 - 1607.
168. Carvalho, P.; Fernandes, A. C; Rebouta, L.; Vaz, F.; Cunha, L.; Kreissig, U.; Barradas, N. P; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2006. "Compositional and structural changes in ZrOxNy films depending on growth condition", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 458 - 461.
169. Magalhães, S.; Fonseca, A.; Franco, N.; Barradas, N. P; Sobolev, N.; Hey, R.; Grahn, H.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Damage behaviour of GaAs/AlAs multilayers structures", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 890 - 893.
170. Marques, J. G; Lorenz, K.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Defect production in neutron irradiated GaN", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 358 - 361.
171. Martin, R.W.; Rading, D.; Kersting, R.; Tallarek, E.; Nogales, E.; Amabile, D.; Wang, K.; Katchkanov, V.; Cowan, C. T; O’Donnell, K. P; Watson, I. M; Matias, V.; Vantomme, A.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Depth profiling of ion-implanted AlInN using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry and cathodoluminescence", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3, 6: 1927 - 1930.
172. Aguilar, G. G; Wu, A.; Reis, M. A; Ramos, A. R; Salvado, I. M. M; Alves, E.; Costa, M. E. V. 2006. "Diffusion process in seeded and unseeded SBT thin films with vared stoichiometry", Surface Science 600, 0: 1780 - 1786.
173. Bodiou, L.; Oussif, A.; Braud, A.; Doualan, J. -; Moncorgé, R.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Effect of annealing temperature on luminescence in Eu implanted GaN", Optical Materials 28, 0: 780 - 784.
174. Cerqueira, M. F; Stepikhova, M.; Losurdo, M.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Peres, M.; Neves, A.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Effect of the Matrix on the 1.5µm Photoluminescence of Er-Doped Silicon Quantum Dots", Materials Science Forum  514, 0: 1116 - 1120.
175. Nogales, E.; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2006. "Failure mechanism of AlN nanocaps used to protect rare earth-implamted GaN during high temperature annealing", Applied Physics Letters 88, 0: 0319021 - 0319023.
176. Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2006. "Hardware and software improvements in the Hotbird", Materials Science Forum  514, 0: 1678 - 1681.
177. Lorenz, K.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Nogales, E.; Dalmasso, S.; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P; Wojdak, M.; Braud, A.; Monteiro, T.; Wojtowicz, T.; Ruterana, P.; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2006. "High temperature annealing of rare earth implanted GaN films: Structural and optical properties", Optical Materials 28, 0: 750 - 758.
178. Ferreira, I.; Fortunato, E.; Vilarinho, P.; Viana, A. S; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Martins, R.. 2006. "Hydrogenated silicon carbon nitride films obtained by HWCVD PA-HWCVD and PECVD techniques", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 0: 1361 - 1366.
179. Fonseca, A.; Sobolev, N. A; Leitão, J. P; Alves, E.; Carmo, M. C; Zakharov, N. D; Werner, P.; Tonkikh, A. A; Cirlin, G. E. 2006. "Influence of defects on the optical and structural properties of Ge dots embedded in an Si/Ge superlattice", journal of Luminescence 121, 0: 417 - 420.
180. Vajpeyi, A. P; Tripathy, S.; Foo, B. C; Wang, L. S; Chua, S. J; Alves, E.. 2006. "Influence of Rapid Thermal Anneling on the Luminescence Properties of Nanoporous GaN Films", Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 9, 4: 150 - 154.
181. Rogers, D. J; Hosseini, F.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A. J; Carmo, M. C; Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Lusson, A.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Morrod, J. K; Prior, K. A; Kung, P.; Yasan, A.; Razeghi, M.. 2006. "Investigation of p-type signal for ZnO thin films grown on (100) GaAs substrates by laser deposition", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3, 4: 1038 - 1041.
182. Ganeev, R. A; Ryasnyansky, A. I; Stepanov, A. L; Usmanov, T.; Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2006. "Investigation of the nonlinear optical characteristics of composite materials based on sapphire with silver, copper, and gold nanoparticles by the reflection Z-scan method", Optics and Spectrscopy 101, 4: 615 - 622.
183. Fonseca, A.; Alves, E.; Leitão, J. P; Sobolev, N. A; Carmo, M. C; Nikiforov, A. I. 2006. "Ion Beam Analysis of Ge/Si dots Grown on Ultrathin SiO2 Interlayers", Materials Science Forum 514, 0: 1121 - 1124.
184. Alves, L. C; Alves, E.; Paúl, A.; Silva, M. R; Odriozola, J. A. 2006. "Ion beam characterisations of ODS steel samples after long term annealing conditions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 493 - 496.
185. Stepanov, A. L; Marques, C.; Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, M. R; Ganeev, R. A; Ryasnyansky, A. I; Usmanov, T.. 2006. "Ion synthesis and optical properties of gold nanoparticles inan Al2O3 matrix", Technical Physics 51, 11: 1474 - 1481.
186. Hernandez, S.; Cuscó, R.; Artús, L.; Nogales, E.; Martin, R.W.; K.P.O'Donnell; Halambalakis, G.; Briot, O.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Latice order in Thullium-doped GaN epilayers: In situ doping versus ion implantation", Optical Materials 28, 0: 771 - 774.
187. Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Agne, T.; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Collaboration, The I. 2006. "Lattice sites of implanted Cu an Ag in ZnO", Superlattice and Microstructures 39, 0: 229 - 237.
188. Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A. J; Carmo, M. C; Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Munoz-SanJose, V.; Zuniga-Peres, J.. 2006. "Luminescence and structural properties of defects in ion implanted ZnO", Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 3, 4: 968 - 971.
189. Wu, Aiying; Vilarinho, P. M; Srinivasan, S.; Kingon, A. I; Reaney, I. M; Woodward, D.; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2006. "Microstructural studies of PZT thick films on Cu foils", Acta Materialia  54, 0: 3211 - 3220.
190. Vajpeyi, A. P; Tripathy, S.; Wang, L. S; Foo, B. C; Chua, S. J; Fitzgersld, E. A; Alves, E.. 2006. "Optical activation of Eu ions in nanoporous GaN films", Journal of Applied Physics 99, 0: 1043051 - 1043059.
191. Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A. J; Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Peres, M.; Alves, E.; Rogers, D. J; Teherani, F.; Munoz-SanJose, V.; Trindade, T.; Pereira, A.. 2006. "Optical active centres in ZnO samples", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 0: 1453 - 1456.
192. Monteiro, T.; Neves, A. J; Carmo, M. C; Soares, M. J; Peres, M.; Alves, E.; Rita, E.; Wahl, U.. 2006. "Optical and structural analysis of bulk ZnO samples undoped and rare earth doped by ion implantation", Superlattice and Microstructures 39, 0: 202 - 210.
193. Marques, C.; Franco, N.; Kozanecki, A.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2006. "Optical and structural behaviour of Mn implanted sapphire", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 205, 0: 90 - 94.
194. Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A. J; Monteiro, T.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Optical and structural studies in Eu-implanted AlN films", Superlattice and Microstructures 40, 0: 537 - 544.
195. Alves, E.; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Peres, M.; Soares, M. J; Monteiro, T.. 2006. "Optical behaviour of Er doped rutile by ion implantation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 250, 0: 363 - 367.
196. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Peres, M.; Smulders, P. J. M. 2006. "Optical doping of AlN by rare earth implantation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 242, 0: 307 - 310.
197. Wang, K.; Martin, R.W.; Nogales, E.; Katchkanov, V.; O’Donnell, K. P; Hernandez, S.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2006. "Optical properties of high-temperature annealed Eu-implanted GaN", Optical Materials 28, 0: 797 - 801.
198. Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Wemans, A.; Maneira, M. J. P; Kozanecki, A.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Optical properties tailoring by high fluence implantation of Ag ions on Sapphire", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 242, 0: 104 - 108.
199. Correia, M. R; Pereira, S.; Alves, E.; Arnaudov, B.. 2006. "Optical studies on a coherent InGaN/GaN layer", Superlattices and Microstructures 40, 0: 452 - 457.
200. Paúl, A.; Beirante, A.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Odriozola, J. A. 2006. "Phase transformation and structural studies of EUROFER RAFM alloy", Materials Science Forum 514, 0: 500 - 504.
201. Barbosa, J.; Cunha, L.; Rebouta, L.; Moura, C.; Vaz, F.; Carvalho, S.; Alves, E.; Bourhis, E. L; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P. 2006. "Properties of MoNxOy thin films as a function of the N/O ratio", Thin Solid Films 494, 0: 201 - 206.
202. Morgado, E.; Schwarz, R.; Braz, T.; Casteleiro, C.; Maçarico, A.; Vieira, C.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Radiation-induced defects in a-Si:H by 1.5 MeV He4 particles studied by photoconductivity and photothermal deflection spectoscopy", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 0: 1071 - 1074.
203. Moura, C.; Carvalho, P.; Vaz, F.; Cunha, L.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Raman spectra and structural analysis in ZrOxNy thin films", Thin Solid Films 515, 0: 1132 - 1137.
204. Gloux, F.; Ruterana, P.; Wojtowicz, T.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "Rare Earth Ion Implantation in GaN: Damage Formation and Recovery", Acta Physica Polonica A 111, 0: 125 - 137.
205. Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Vallêra, A.; Morris, R. J. H; Mironov, O. A; Parker, E. H. C; Barradas, N. P. 2006. "RBS and XRD analysis of SiGe/Ge heterostructures for p-HMOS applications", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 878 - 881.
206. Fonseca, A.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Leitão, J. P; Sobolev, N. A; Carmo, M. C; Nikiforov, A. I; Presting, H.. 2006. "RBS/channeling study of buried Ge quantum dots grown in a Si layer", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 462 - 465.
207. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.. 2006. "Simulation of deep resonances in elastic backscattering data", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 249, 0: 796 - 799.
208. Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Alves, E.. 2006. "Structural and optical characterization of light emitting InGaN/GaN epitaxial layers", MATERIALS sCIENCE fORUM 514, 0: 38 - 42.
209. Cunha, L.; Vaz, F.; Moura, C.; Rebouta, L.; Carvalho, P.; Alves, E.; Cavaleiro, A.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P. 2006. "Structural evolution in ZrNxOy thin films as a function of temperature", Surface & Coating Technology  200, 0: 2917 - 2922.
210. Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Rickart, M.; Guedes, A.; Freitas, P. P; Barradas, N. P. 2006. "X-Ray Diffraction Study of Ordered Antiferromagnets for Tunnel Juctions", Materials Science Forum 514, 0: 314 - 318.
211. Pastor, D.; Hernandez, S.; Cuscó, R.; Artús, L.; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P; Briot, O.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "UV-Raman scattering study of lattice recovery by thermal anneling of Eu+ -implanted GaN layers", Superlattices and Microstructures 40, 0: 440 - 4444.
212. Ferreira, S. C; Ariza, E.; Alves, E.; Gomes, J. R; Carvalho, P.; Vaz, F.; Fernandes, A. C; Rebouta, L.; Cunha, L.; Rocha, L. A; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P. 2006. "Tribocorrosion behaviour of ZrOxNy thin films for decorative applications", Surface & Coating Technology 200, 0: 6634 - 6639.
213. Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Peres, M.. 2006. "Sability and luminescence studies of Tm and Er implanted ZnO single crystals", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 242, 0: 580 - 584.
214. Lavareda, G.; Carvalho, C. N.; Fortunato, E.; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Conde, O.; Amaral, A.. 2006. "Transparent thin film transistors based on indium oxide semiconductor", Journal of Non.Crystalline Solids 352, 0: 2311 - 2314.
215. Gloux, F.; Ruterana, P.; Wojtowicz, T.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "The structure of crystallographic damage in GaN formed during rare earth ion implantation with and without an ultrathin AlN capping layer", Superlattice and Microstructures 40, 0: 300 - 305.
216. Wojtowicz, T.; Gloux, F.; Ruterana, P.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2006. "TEM investigation od Tm implanted GaN, the influence os high temperature annealing", Optical Materials 28, 0: 738 - 741.
217. Pereira, A.; Peres, M.; Soares, M. J; Alves, E.; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.; Trindade, T.. 2006. "Synthesis, surface modification and optical properties of Tb3+ -doped ZnO nanocrystals", Nanotechnology 17, 0: 834 - 839.
218. Cerqueira, M. F; Losurdo, M.; Monteiro, T.; Stepikhova, M.; Soares, M. J; Peres, M.; Alves, E.; Conde, O.. 2006. "Study of the oxygen role in the photoluminescence of erbium doped nanocrystalline silicon embedded in silicon amorphous matrix", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352, 0: 1148 - 1151.
219. McHargue, C.; Alves, E.; Ononye, L. C; Marques, C.. 2006. "Structure and optical properties of sapphire implanted with boron at room temperature and 1000 ºC", Nuclear Instrumentes and Methods in Physics Research B 250, 0: 81 - 84.
220. Alves, E.. 2006. "Phase Transformation and Structural Studies of EUROFER RAFM Alloy", Materials Science Forum  514, 1: 500 - 504.
221. Barradas, N. P; Fonseca, A.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.. 2005. "Beyond single scattering off flat samples", NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 241, 1: 316 - 320.
222. Corregidor, V.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Franco, N.; Alves, L.C.; Chaves, P. C; Reis, M. A. 2005. "Ion beam analysis of GaInAsSb films grown by MOVPE on GaSb", NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS 241, 1: 326 - 330.
223. Peres, M.; Costa, L. C; Neves, A.; Soares, M. J; Monteiro, T.; Esteves, A. C; Barros-Timmons, A.; Trindade, T.; Kholkin, A. L; Alves, E.. 2005. "A green-emitting CdSe/poly(butyl acrylate) nanocomposite", Nanotechnology 16, 9: 1969 - 1973.
224. Franco, N.; Gouveia, J. A. A; Alves, E.; Cardoso, S.; Freitas, P. P; Barradas, N. P. 2005. "Analysis of nanolayered samples with a 4He beam ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 241, 0: 361 - 364.
225. Wang, J. Z; Peres, M.; Soares, J.; Gorochov, O.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Lewis, J. E; Fortunato, E.; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.. 2005. "Annealing properties of ZnO films grown using diethyl zinc and tertiary butanol ", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17, 10: 1719 - 1724.
226. Ganeev, R. A; Ryasnyansky, A. I; Stepanov, A. L; Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2005. "Application of RZ-scan technique for investigation of nonlinear refraction of sapphire doped with Ag, Cu, and Au nanoparticles ", Optics Communications 253, 1: 205 - 213.
227. Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Franco, N.; Silva, M. R; Paúl, A.; Hegeman, J. B; Druyts, F.. 2005. "Characterization and stability studies of titanium beryllides", Fusion Engineering and Design 75, 0: 759 - 763.
228. Zhang, S.; Raneiro, L.; Fortunato, E.; Liao, X.; Hu, Z.; Ferreira, I.; Águas, H.; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Martins, R.. 2005. "Characterization of silicon carbide thin films and their use in colour sensor", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 87, 0: 343 - 348.
229. Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Alves, E.; O’Donnell, K. P. 2005. "Comment on “Direct evidence of nanocluster-induced luminescence in InGaN epifilms” [ Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 021911 (2005) ] ", Applied Physics Letters  87, 0: 136101 - 136102.
230. Corregidor, V.; Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Barradas, N. P; Duffar, Th.; Franco, N.; Marques, C.; Mitric, A.. 2005. "Compositional and structural characterisation of GaSb and GaInSb ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 240, 0: 360 - 364.
231. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Wendler, E.; Bilani, O.; Wesch, W.; Hayes, M.. 2005. "Damage formation and annealing at low temperatures in ion implanted ZnO ", Applied Physics Letters  87, 0: 191904 - 191906.
232. Reis, M. A; Chaves, P. C; Corregidor, V.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Dimroth, F.; Bett, A. W. 2005. "Detection Angle Resolved PIXE and the Equivalent Depth Concept for Thin Films Characterization", X-RAY SPECTROMETRY 34, 0: 372 - 375.
233. Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Marques, A. C; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 2005. "Direct Evidence for As as a Zn-Site Impurity in ZnO", Physical Review Letters 95, 21: 2155031 - 2155034.
234. Franco, N.; Yavorovskiy, I. V; Fonseca, A.; Gouveia, J. A. A; Marques, C.; Alves, E.; Ferreira, R. A; Freitas, P. P; Barradas, N. P. 2005. "Rutherford backscattering and X-ray reflectivity analysis of tunnel barriers ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 240, 0: 365 - 370.
235. Fonseca, A.; Franco, N.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Leitão, J. P; Sobolev, N. A; Banhart, D. F; Presting, H.; Ulyanov, V. V; Nikiforov, A. I. 2005. "High resolution backscattering studies of nanostructured magnetic and semiconducting materials ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 241, 0: 454 - 458.
236. Pinto, J. V; Cruz, M. M; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; González, R.; Godinho, M.. 2005. "Magnetic nanoscale aggregates of cobalt and nickel in MgO single crystals", The European Physical Journal B 45, 3: 331 - 338.
237. Paúl, A.; Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Marques, C.; Lindau, R.; Odriozola, J. A. 2005. "Microstructural characterization of Eurofer-ODS RAFM steel in the normalized and tempered condition and after thermal aging in simulated fusion conditions ", Fusion Engineering and Design 75, 0: 1061 - 1065.
238. Monteiro, T.; Neves, A. J; Carmo, M. C; Soares, M. J; Peres, M.; Wang, J. Z; Alves, E.; Rita, E.; Wahl, U.. 2005. "Near-band-edge slow luminescence in nominally undoped bulk ZnO ", Journal of Applied Physics  98, 1: 0135021 - 0135026.
239. Stepanov, A. L; Marques, C.; Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, M. R; Ganeev, R. A; Ryasnyansky, A. I; Usmanov, T.. 2005. "Nonlinear optical properties of gold nanoparticles synthesized by ion implantation in sapphire matrix ", Technical Physics Letters  31, 8: 702 - 705.
240. Fonseca, A.; Alves, E.; Leitão, J. P; Sobolev, N. A; Carmo, M. C; Nikiforov, A. I. 2005. "Optical and structural study of Ge/Si quantum dots on Si(100) surface covered with a thin silicon oxide layer", Materials Science and Engineering B 124, 0: 462 - 465.
241. Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Lopes, A. M. L; Soares, J. C; Collaboration, The I. 2005. "PAC studies of implamted 111Ag in single-crystalline ZnO", Hyperfine Interactions  158, 1: 395 - 400.
242. Wang, K.; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P; Katchkanov, V.; Nogales, E.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2005. "Selectively excited photoluminescence from Eu-implanted GaN", Applied Physics Letters 87, 0: 1121071 - 1121073.
243. Marques, C.; Wemans, A.; Maneira, M. J. P; Kozanecki, A.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2005. "Site location and optical properties of Eu implanted sapphire", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 240, 0: 409 - 414.
244. Ramos, A. R; Marques, C.; Alves, E.; Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M. 2005. "Stability of erbium and silver implanted in silica-titania sol-gel films", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 240, 0: 415 - 419.
245. Sanguino, P.; Teodoro, O. M. N; Niehus, M.; Marques, C.; Moutinho, A. M. C; Alves, E.; Schwarz, R.. 2005. "Structural and composition analysis of GaN films deposited by cyclic-PLD at different substrate temperature", Sensors and Actuators A 121, 0: 131 - 135.
246. Carvalho, P.; Vaz, F.; Rebouta, L.; Carvalho, S.; Cunha, L.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P; Alves, E.; Cavaleiro, A.. 2005. "Structural stability of decorative ZrNxOx thin films ", Surface & Coating Technology 200, 0: 748 - 752.
247. Wojtowicz, T.; Ruterana, P.; Lorenz, K.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Ruffenach, S.; Halambalakis, G.; Briot, O.. 2005. "The atomic structure of defects formed during doping of GaN with rare earth ions", Physics Status Solid c 2, 3: 1081 - 1084.
248. Franco, N.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Vallêra, A. M; Morris, R. J. H; Mironov, O. A; Parker, E. H. C. 2005. "XRD analysis of strained Ge-SiGe heterostructures on relaxed SiGe granded buffer by hybrid epitaxy on Si(001) substrates", Material Science and Enginneering B 124, 0: 123 - 126.
249. Monteiro, T.; Neves, A. J; Soares, M. J; Carmo, M. C; Peres, M.; Alves, E.; Rita, E.. 2005. "Up conversion from visible to ultraviolet in bulk ZnO implanted With Tm ions", Applied Physics Letters 87, 0: 1921081 - 1921082.
250. Cruz, M. M; Silva, R. C; Pinto, J. V; González, R.; Alves, E.; Godinho, M.. 2004. "Magnetic behaviour of Co and Ni implanted MgO", Journal Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272, 0: 840 - 842.

251. Carvalho, S.; Rebouta, L.; Ribeiro, E.; Vaz, F.; Denannot, M. F; Pacaud, J.; Rivière, J. P; Paumier, F.; Gaboriaud, R. J; Alves, E.. 2004. "Microstructure of (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite coatings", Surf. Coat. Technol. 177, 0: 369 - 375.
252. Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Oliveira, M.; Rita, E.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.. 2004. "Optical and RBS studies in Tm implanted ZnO samples", Phis. Stat. Solidi 1, 2: 254 - 256.
253. Vaz, F.; Cerqueira, P.; Rebouta, L.; Nascimento, S. M; Alves, E.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P; Pischow, K.; Rijk, J.. 2004. "Structural, optical and mechanical properties of coloured TiNxOy thin films", Thin Solid Films 447, 0: 449 - 454.
254. Stepikhova, M. V; Cerqueira, M. F; Losurdo, M.; Giangregorio, M. M; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J. 2004. "The role of microstructure in luminescent properties of Er-doped nanocrystalline Si thin films", Phys. Solid State 46, 1: 113 - 117.
255. Peres, M.; Wang, J.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.; Rita, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.. 2004. "PL studies on ZnO single crystals implanted with thulium ions", Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 0: 747 - 753.
256. Alves, L.C.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. R; Paúl, A.; Barbera, A. L. 2004. "Li ceramic pebbles chemical compatibility with Eurofer samples in fusion relevant conditions ", Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 2: 1295 - 1299.
257. Correia, M. R; Pereira, S.; Pereira, E.; Ferreira, R. A. S; Frandon, J.; Alves, E.; Watson, I. M; Liu, C.; Morel, A.; Gil, B.. 2004. "Optical studies on the red luminescence of InGaN epilayers ", Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 4: 625 - 632.
258. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Rivière, J. P; Girardeau, T.; Goudeau, P.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P. 2004. "Atomic environment and interfacial structural order of TiAlN/Mo multilayers ", Surface and Coatings Technology 187, 2: 393 - 398.
259. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Ononye, L. C; McHargue, C.. 2004. "Defect production in nitrogen implanted sapphire ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 222 - 226.
260. Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Barradas, N. P; Vaz, F.; Cerqueira, P.; Rebouta, L.; Kreissig, U.. 2004. "Ion beam studies of TiNxOy thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering ", Surface and Coatings Technology 180, 0: 372 - 376.
261. Marques, C.; Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, M. R; Stepanov, A. L. 2004. "Optical changes induced by high fluence implantation of Au ions on sapphire ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 139 - 144.
262. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Babonneau, D.. 2004. "Characterization of FePt nanoparticles in FePt/C multilayers", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 219, 0: 919 - 922.
263. McHargue, C. J; Ononye, L. C; Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Allard, L. F. 2004. "The effect of temperature on the structure of iron-implanted sapphire ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 227 - 231.
264. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Amaral, V. S; Araújo, J. P; Cristiani, G.; Habermeier, H. U; Vieira, J. M. 2004. "Ion beam studies of single crystalline manganite thin films", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 2190, 0: 933 - 937.
265. Alves, E.J.C.. 2004. "Degradation of particle detectors based on a-Si:H by 1.5 Mev He4 and 1 MeV protons ", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 338, 0: 814 - 817.
266. Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Soares, M. J; Monteiro, T.; González, R.. 2004. "Stability and optical activity of Er implanted MgO", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 128 - 132.
267. Colder, A.; Marie, P.; Wojtowicz, T.; Ruterana, P.; Eimer, S.; Méchin, L.; Lorenz, K.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Matias, V.; Mamor, M.. 2004. "Characterisation of defects in rare earth implanted GaN by deep level transient spectroscopy ", Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 4: 713 - 719.
268. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Pereira, S.; Shvartsman, V. V; Kholkin, A. L; Pereira, E.; O’Donnell, K. P; Liu, C.; Deatcher, C. J; Watson, I. M; Mayer, M.. 2004. "Roughness in GaN/InGaN films and multilayers determined with Rutherford backscattering ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 217, 0: 479 - 497.
269. Wendler, E.; Wesch, W.; Alves, E.; Kamarou, A.. 2004. "Comparative study of radiation damage in GaN and InGaN by 400 keV Au implantation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 36 - 41.
270. Ariza, E.; Rocha, L. A; Vaz, F.; Cunha, L.; Ferreira, S. C; Carvalho, P.; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Goudeau, P.; Rivière, J. P. 2004. "Corrosion resistance of ZrNxOy thin films obtained by rf reactive magnetron sputtering", Thin Solid Films 469, 0: 274 - 281.
271. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Ruiz, C. M; Diéguez, E.; Dimroth, F.; Chenot, M. -; Bett, A.. 2004. "RBS analysis of AlGaSb thin films ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 219, 0: 928 - 932.
272. Lorenz, K.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Wojtowicz, T.; Ruterana, P.; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2004. "Amorphisation of GaN during processing with rare earth ion beams ", Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 4: 737 - 745.
273. Rocha, L. A; Ariza, E.; Ferreira, J.; Vaz, F.; Ribeiro, E.; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Goudeau, P.; Rivière, J. P. 2004. "Structural and corrosion behaviour of stoichiometric and substoichiometric TiN thin films", Surface and Coatings Technology 180, 0: 158 - 163.
274. Tardío, M.; Ramírez, R.; González, R.; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Chen, Y.. 2004. "Electrical conductivity of as-grown and oxidized MgO:Li crystals implanted with Li ions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 164 - 169.
275. Ribeiro, E.; Rebouta, L.; Carvalho, S.; Vaz, F.; Fuentes, G. G; Rodriguez, R.; Zazpe, M.; Alves, E.; Goudeau, P.; Rivière, J. P. 2004. "Characterization of hard DC-sputtered Si-based TiN coatings: the effect of composition and ion bombardment ", Surface and Coatings Technology 188, 0: 351 - 357.
276. Marques, A. C; Almeida, R. M; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.. 2004. "Compositional Profiles in Silica-Based Sol-Gel Films Doped with Erbium and Silver, by RBS and ERDA ", Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology  31, 0: 287 - 291.
277. Savoini, B.; Cáceres, D.; González, R.; Chen, Y.; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2004. "Copper nanocolloids in MgO crystals implanted with Cu ions", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 218, 0: 148 - 152.
278. Pereira, S.; Pereira, E.; Frandon, J.; Watson, I. M; Liu, C.; Alves, E.; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.. 2004. "Direct evidence for strain inhomogeneity in InxGa1-xN epilayers by Raman spectroscopy", Applied Physics Letters 85, 12: 2235 - 2237.
279. McCabe, D.; Johnston, K.; Henry, M. O; McGlynn, E.; Alves, E.; Davies, J. J. 2004. "Erratum to "Optical absorption of a Li-related impurity in ZnO''", Physica B 351, 0: 227 - 227.
280. Rickart, M.; Freitas, P. P; Trindade, I. G; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Salgueiro, M.; Muga, N.; Ventura, J.; Sousa, J. B; Proudfoot, G.; Pearson, D.; Davis, M.. 2004. "Exchange bias of MnPt/CoFe films prepared by ion beam deposition", Journal of Applied Physics 95, 11: 6317 - 6321.
281. Katchkanov, V.; Mosselmans, J. F. W; Dalmasso, S.; K.P.O'Donnell; Hernandez, S.; Wang, K.; Martin, R.W.; Briot, O.; Rousseau, N.; Halambalakis, G.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.. 2004. "Extended X-ray absorption fine structure studies of thulium doped GaN epilayers ", Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 4: 729 - 736.
282. Ruiz, C. M; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Plaza, J. L; Bermúdez, V.; Diéguez, E.. 2004. "Formation of AlxGa1-xSb films over GaSb substrates by Al diffusion", The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 27, 0: 423 - 426.
283. Lorenz, K.; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Dalmasso, S.; Martin, R.W.; K.P.O'Donnell; Ruffenach, S.; Briot, O.. 2004. "High-temperature annealing and optical activation of Eu-implanted GaN", Applied Physics Letters 84, 14: 2712 - 2714.
284. Vries, B. D; Matias, V.; Vantomme, A.; Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Lopes, A. M. L; Correia, J. G; Collaboration, The I. 2004. "Influence of O and C co-implantation on the lattice site of Er in GaN", Applied Physics Letters  84, 21: 4304 - 4306.
285. Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 2004. "Lattice location and stability of implanted Cu in ZnO", Physical Review B 69, 1: 012102 - 012105.
286. Rita, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Collaboration, The I. 2004. "Lattice location and thermal stability of implanted Fe in ZnO", Applied Physics Letters 85, 21: 4899 - 4901.
287. Tavassoli, A.-A.F.; Alamo, A.; Bedel, L.; Forest, L.; Gentzbittel, J.-M.; Rensman, J.-W.; Diegele, E.; Lindau, R.; Schirra, M.; Schmitt, R.; Schneider, H.C.; Petersen, C.; Lancha, A.-M.; Fernandez, P.; Filacchioni, G.; Maday, M.F.; Mergia, K.; Boukos, N.; Baluc; Spätig, P.; Alves, E.; Lucon, E.. 2004. "Materials design data for reduced activation martensitic steel type EUROFER ", Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 0: 257 - 262.
288. Druyts, F.; Alves, E.; Wu, C. H. 2004. "Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steam ", Journal of Nuclear Materials 329, 2: 1353 - 1356.
289. Cabe, Deidre M; Johnston, K.; Henry, M. O; McGlynn, E.; Alves, E.; Davies, J. J. 2004. "Optical absorption of a Li-related impurity in ZnO ", Physica B: Condensed Matter 340, 0: 225 - 229.
290. Savoini, B.; Cáceres, D.; Vergara, I.; González, R.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Chen, Y.. 2004. "Optical and mechanical properties of MgO crystals implanted with lithium ions", Journal of Applied Physics 95, 5: 2371 - 2378.
291. Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Wahl, U.; Alves, E.; Lopes, A. M. L; Soares, J. C; Collaboration, The I. 2004. "PAC Studies of Implanted 111Ag in Single-Crystalline ZnO", Hyperfine Interactions 158, 1: 395 - 400.
292. Vaz, F.; Carvalho, P.; Cunha, L.; Rebouta, L.; Moura, C.; Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Cavaleiro, A.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P. 2004. "Property change in ZrNxOy thin films: effect of the oxygen fraction and bias voltage", Thin Solid Films 469, 0: 11 - 17.
293. Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Vries, B. D; Matias, V.; Vantomme, A.; Collaboration, The I. 2004. "Recent Emission Channeling Studies in Wide Band Gap Semiconductors", Hyperfine Interactions 159, 1: 363 - 372.
294. Marques, A. C; Ramos, A. R; Alves, E.; Almeida, R. M. 2004. "Study of silica-titania films doped with Er and Ag by RBS and ERDA", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 219, 0: 923 - 927.
295. Losurdo, Maria; Giangregorio, Maria; Capezzuto, Pio; Bruno, Giovanni; Cerqueira, M. F; Alves, E.; Stepikhova, M.. 2003. "Dielectric function of nanocrystalline silicon with few nanometers (<3 nm) grain size", Appl. Phys. Let. 82, 18: 2993 - 2995.
296. Carvalho, S.; Ribeiro, E.; Rebouta, L.; Vaz, F.; Alves, E.; Schneider, D.; Cavaleiro, A.. 2003. "Effects of the morphology and structure on the elastic behaviour of (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposites", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 984 - 991.
297. Alves, L. C; Paúl, A.; Silva, M. R; Alves, E.; Riccardi, B.; Soares, J. C. 2003. "High Temperature Chemical Compatibility between SiC Composites and Be Pebbles", Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 0: 495 - 500.
298. Wahl, U.; Rita, E.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Araújo, J. P. 2003. "Implantation site of rare earths in single-crytalline ZnO", Appl. Phys. Lett., 0: 00 - 00.
299. Cerqueira, M. F; Stepikhova, M.; Losurdo, M.; Giangregorio, M. M; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Boemare, C.. 2003. "Influence of crystals distribution on the photoluminescence properties of nanocrystalline silicon thin films", Microelectronics Journal 34, 0: 375 - 378.
300. Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Silva, M. R; Marques, J. G. 2003. "Influence of ionizing radiation on the electrical behavior of a Be pebble bed", Fusion Engineering and Design 69, 0: 353 - 356.
301. Losurdo, M.; Cerqueira, M. F; Alves, E.; Stepikhova, M. V; Giangregorio, M.; Bruno, G.. 2003. "Interrelation between microstructure and optical properties of erbium-doped nanocrystalline thin films", Physica, 0: 414 - 419.
302. Alves, E.; Rita, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J.; Boemare, C.. 2003. "Lattice site location and optical activity of Er implanted ZnO", Instr. Meth 206, 0: 1047 - 1051.
303. Rosa, M. A; Diego, M.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N.; Godinho, M.; Almeida, M.; Gonçalves, A. P. 2003. "Magnetic characterization of U/Co multilayers", Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 196, 0: 153 - 156.
304. Vaz, F.; Machado, P.; Rebouta, L.; Cerqueira, P.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P; Alves, E.; Pischow, K.; Rijk, J.. 2003. "Mechanical characterization of reactively magnetron-sputtered TiN films", Surf. Coat. Technol. 447, 0: 375 - 382.
305. McCabe, D.; Johnston, K.; Henry, M. O; Alves, E.. 2003. "Optical absorption of a Li-related impurity in ZnO", Physica B 340, 0: 225 - 229.
306. Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Neves, A. J; Soares, M. J; Monteiro, T.. 2003. "Optical doping of ZnO with Tm by ion implantation", Physica B: Condensed Matter 340, 0: 235 - 239.
307. Monteiro, T.; Boemare, C.; Soares, M. J; Rita, E.; Alves, E.. 2003. "Photoluminescence and damage recovery studies in Fe-implanted ZnO single crystals", J. Appl. Phys. 93, 0: 8995 - 9000.
308. Vaz, F.; Cerqueira, P.; Rebouta, L.; Nascimento, S. M; Alves, E.; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P. 2003. "Preparation of magnetron sputtered TiNxOy thin films", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 197 - 203.
309. Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Pinto, J. V; Monteiro, T.; Savoini, B.; Cáceres, D.; González, R.; Chen, Y.. 2003. "Radiation-damage recovery in undoped MgO crystals implanted with lithium ions", Nucl. Instrum Meth, 0: 148 - 152.
310. Liu, C.; Matsutani, T.; Asanuma, T.; Murai, K.; Kiuchi, M.; Alves, E.; Reis, M.. 2003. "Room-temperature growth of crystalline indium tin oxide films on glass using low-energy oxygen-ion-beam assisted deposition", J. Appl. Phys., 00: 00 - 00.
311. Paúl, A.; Alves, L. C; Alves, E.; Riccardi, B.. 2003. "Structural characterization of SiC/SiCf composites exposed to chemical interaction with Be at high temperature", Fusion Engineering and Design 69, 0: 221 - 226.
312. Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, M. R; Pereira, S.; Vries, B. D; Vantomme, A.. 2003. "Annealing behavior and lattice site location of Er implanted in InGaN", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in research  206, 0: 1042 - 1046.
313. Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Monteiro, T.; Dalmasso, S.; Martin, R.W.; K.P.O'Donnell; Vianden, R.. 2003. "Implantation and annealing studies of Tm-implanted GaN ", Materials Science and Engineering: B 105, 0: 97 - 100.
314. Rita, E. M; Wahl, U.; Lopes, A.M.L.; Araújo, J.P.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Collaboration, The I. 2003. "Lattice site and stability of implanted Ag in ZnO ", Physica B: Condensed Matter 340, 0: 240 - 244.
315. Correia, M.R.; Pereira, S.; Pereira, E.; Frandon, J.; Alves, E.. 2003. "Raman study of the A1(LO) phonon in relaxed and pseudomorphic InGaN epilayers ", STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, THERMODYNAMIC, AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF CONDENSED MATTER 83, 0: 4761 - 4763.
316. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J. C; McHargue, C. C; Ononye, L.C.; Allard, L.F.. 2003. "Structural and optical studies of Co and Ti implanted sapphire ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 207, 0: 55 - 62.
317. Chtcherbatchev, K. D; Bublik, V. T; Markevich, A. S; Mordkovich, V. N; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Sequeira, A. D. 2003. "The influence of in situ photoexcitation on a defect structure generation in Ar+ implanted GaAs(001) crystals revealed by high-resolution x-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, 0: 143 - 147.
318. Wendler, E.; Kamarou, A.; Alves, E.; Gärtner, K.; Wesch, W.. 2003. "Three-step amorphisation process in ion-implanted GaN at 15 K ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 206, 0: 1028 - 1032.
319. Vieira, A.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.. 2002. "Analysis of sapphire implanted with different elements using artificial neural networks", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 241 - 246.
320. Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Cruz, M. M. 2002. "Conductivity behaviour of Cr implanted TiO2", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 158 - 162.
321. Ribeiro, E.; Malczyk, A.; Carvalho, S.; Rebouta, L.; Fernandes, J. V; Alves, E.; Miranda, A. S. 2002. "Effects of ion bombardment on properties of d.c. sputtered superhard (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite coatings", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 515 - 520.
322. Sousa, D. N; Lima, J. F; Valério, M. E. G; Alves, E.; Caldas, L. V. E. 2002. "Effects of ion implantation on the thermoluminescent properties of natural colourless topaz", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 317 - 322.
323. Tardío, M.; Ramirez, R.; González, R.; Chen, Y.; Alves, E.. 2002. "Electrical Conductivity of MgO Crystals Implanted with Li Ions", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 191 - 191.
324. Alves, E.; Silva, M. R; Alves, L. C; Argentina, F. S; Soares, J. C. 2002. "Elemental characterisation of beryllium and electrical behavior of their pebbles beds", J. of Nucl. Materials, 0: 643 - 646.
325. Araújo, J. P; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J.. 2002. "Erbium Implantation in Strontium Titanate.", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 157, 0: 1071 - 1076.
326. Marques, C.; Alves, E.; McHargue, C.; Ononye, L. C; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J.; Allard, L. F. 2002. "Influence of annealing atmosphere on the behavior of titanium implanted sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 644 - 648.
327. Monteiro, T.; Boemare, C.; Soares, M. J; Alves, E.; Marques, C.; McHargue, C.; Ononge, L. C; Allard, L. F. 2002. "Luminescence and structural studies of iron implanted ?-Al2O3", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 638 - 643.
328. Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Santos, L.; Boemare, C.; Cascalheira, J.; Alves, L. C; Alves, E.. 2002. "Luminescence studies of Co implanted sapphire", Radiation Effects Def. Sol. 157, 0: 1117 - 1122.
329. Carvalho, S.; Rebouta, L.; Cavaleiro, A.; Alves, E.. 2002. "Mechanical and adhesion behaviour of superhard (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite films grown by reactive magnetron sputtering", Advanced Materials Forum I Key Engineering Materials 203, 0: 185 - 188.
330. Cáceres, D.; Vergara, I.; González, R.; Chen, Y.; Alves, E.. 2002. "Nanoidentation on MgO Crystals Implanted with Li ions", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 154 - 154.
331. Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Boemare, C.; Alves, E.; Correia, J. G. 2002. "Optical activity and damage recovery of Er Implantated Strontium Titanate", Rad. Eff. Def. Sol., 0: 985 - 988.
332. Marques, C.; Cruz, M. M; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2002. "Optical changes induced by high fluence implantation of Co ions on sapphire", Surface & Coatings Technology, 0: 54 - 58.
333. Vaz, F.; Machado, P.; Rebouta, L.; Mendes, J. A; Méndez, S. L; Cunha, L.; Nascimento, S. M. C; Goudeau, Ph.; Rivière, J. P; Alves, E.; Sidor, A.. 2002. "Physical and morphological characterization of reactively magnetron sputtered TiN films", Thin Solid Films 420, 0: 421 - 428.
334. Diego, M.; Rosa, M. A; Alves, E.; Sequeira, A. D; Barradas, N.; Godinho, M.; Almeida, M.; Gonçalves, A. P. 2002. "Preparation and Study of U/Co Multilayers", J. Nucl. Sci.Tech., supplement 3, 0: 70 - 73.
335. Marques, C.; Falcão, A.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2002. "Structural and optical characterization of topaz implanted with Fe and Co", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 196 - 201.
336. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J.; McHargue, C.; Ononye, L. C; Allard, L. F. 2002. "Structural and optical studies of Co and Ti implanted sapphire", Nucl. Instrum Meth, 0: 55 - 62.
337. Vaz, F.; Rebouta, L.; Carvalho, S.; Rocha, L. A; Soares, D.; Alves, E.. 2002. "Structural development in hard Si-based TiN coatings as a function of temperature: a comprehensive study in vacuum and in air", Mat. Sci. Forum 383, 0: 151 - 158.
338. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Pacaud, J.; Rivière, J. P. 2002. "Study of roughness in Ti0.4Al0.6N/Mo multilayer structures", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 90 - 95.
339. Vantomme, A.; Alves, E.; Correia, J. G; Bryntse, I.; Johansson, Lars G; Loureiro, S. M; Lefloch, S.; Toulemonde, P.; Bordet, P.; Chaillout, C. B; Capponi, J. J. 2002. "Surface quality studies of high-Tc superconductorS of the Hg-, Tl- and HgxTl-x-families: RBS and resonant C and O backscattering studies", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 673 - 673.
340. McHargue, C. C; Ononye, L. C; Allard, L. F; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2002. "The structure of sapphire implanted with nitrogen at room temperature and 1000?", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 629 - 632.
341. Barradas, N.; Vieira, A.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Artificial Neural Network Analysis of RBS Data of Er-implanted Sapphire", Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 0: 108 - 112.
342. Araújo, J. P; Amaral, V. S; Tavares, P. B; Silva, F. L; Lourenço, A. A; Alves, E.; Sousa, J. B; Vieira, J. M. 2001. "Cadmium addition to vacancy doped lanthanum manganites: from metallic to insulator behavior", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 0: 797 - 799.
343. Alves, E.; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Sobolev, N. A; Carmo, M. C. 2001. "Coherent amorphization of Ge/Si multilayers with ion beams", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 279 - 282.
344. Carvalho, S.; Vaz, F.; Rebouta, L.; Schneider, D.; Cavaleiro, A.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Elastic properties of (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite films", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 110 - 116.
345. Marques, J. G; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Ramos, A. R; Gonçalves, A. P; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2001. "Hyperfine fields of 181Ta in UFe4Al8", Hyperfine Interactions, 0: 333 - 333.
346. Pascoal, A.; Teixeira, N.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Influence of radiotherapy treatments in head & neck oncological patients with biomaterials prostheses", Physica Medica 17, 4: 26 - 29.
347. Carvalho, S.; Rebouta, L.; avaleiro, A.; Rocha, L. A; Gomes, J.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite (Ti, Si, Al)N coatings", Thin Solid Films, 0: 391 - 396.
348. Marques, C.; McHargue, C.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.. 2001. "Optical and Structural Changes of Fe Implanted Sapphire", Mater. Res. Soc. 647, 0: 00 - 00.
349. Boemare, C.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M. J; Guilherme, J. G; Alves, E.. 2001. "Photoluminescence studies in ZnO samples", Phis. Stat. Solidi, 0: 1047 - 1051.
350. Losurdo, M.; Cerqueira, M. F; Stepikova, M. V; Alves, E.; Giangregorio, M. M; Pinto, P.; Ferreira, J. A. 2001. "Spectroscopic ellipsometry study of the layer structure and impurity content in Er-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films", Physica, 0: 374 - 377.
351. Marques, C.; Cruz, M. M; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2001. "Study of new surface structures created on sapphire by Co ion implantation", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 500 - 504.
352. Alves, L. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Paúl, A.; Barbera, A.; Riccardi, B.. 2001. "Study of Solid State Reactions of SiC/SiCf Composites Using Microbeams", Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 0: 377 - 381.
353. Tavares, C.; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Cavaleiro, A.; Goudeau, P.; Rivière, J. P; Declemy, A.. 2000. "A structural and mechanical analysis on PVD-grown (Ti, Al)N/Mo multilayers", Thin Solid Films, 0: 425 - 429.
354. Amaral, V. S; Lourenço, A. A; Araújo, J. P; Pereira, A. M; Sousa, J. B; Tavares, P. B; Vieira, J. M; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Anisotropic electrical transport in epitaxial LaCaMnO thin films", J. App. Phys. 87, 0: 5570 - 5572.
355. Amaral, V. S; Lourenço, A. A; Araújo, J. P; Tavares, P. B; Alves, E.; Sousa, J. B; Vieira, J. M; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Anisotropic transport properties of epitaxial LaCaMnO thin films with different growth orientations", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 211, 0: 1 - 8.
356. Marques, C.; Silva, R. C; Falcão, A.; Alves, E.. 2000. "Annealing behaviour of natural topaz implanted with W and Cr ions", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B, 0: 583 - 583.
357. Vaz, F.; Rebouta, L.; Goudeau, P.; Pacaud, J.; Garem, H.; Rivière, J. P; Cavaleiro, A.; Alves, E.. 2000. "Characterization of Ti1-xSixNy nanocomposite films", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 307 - 313.
358. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Monteiro, T.; Soares, J.; Santos, L.. 2000. "Effect of Crystal orientation on defect production and optical activation of Er-implanted sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 183 - 187.
359. Tardío, M..; Ramírez, R.; González, R.; Pinto, J. V; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Chen, Y.. 2000. "Electrical conductivity of as-grown and oxidized MgO:Li crystals implanted with Li ions.", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B, 0: 204 - 204.
360. Rebouta, L.; Tavares, C.; Aimo, R.; Wang, Z.; Pischow, K.; Alves, E.; Rojas, T. C; Odriozola, J. A. 2000. "Hard nanocomposite Ti-Si-N coatings prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering", Surf. Coat. Technol., 0: 234 - 239.
361. McHargue, Carl; Hunn, J. D; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Influence of Oxygen Ion Implantation on the Damage and Annealing Kinetics of Iron-Implanted Sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 188 - 192.
362. Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Argentina, F. S; Silva, M. F; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Beryllium Pebbles Bedelectrical Resistivity", Fusion Technology 38, 3: 320 - 325.
363. Marques, C.; Santos, L.; Falcão, A. N; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 2000. "Luminescence studies in colour centres produced in natural topaz.", Journal of Luminescence, 0: 312 - 316.
364. Alves, L. C; Breese, M. B. H; Alves, E.; Paúl, A.; Silva, M. R; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Micron-scale analysis of SiC/SiCf composites using the new Lisbon nuclear microprobe", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 334 - 338.
365. Behar, M.; Alves, E.; Azevedo, G. M; Grande, P. L; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Molecular H2 and H3 energy loss measurements along Si <111> direction", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 168 - 171.
366. Lorenz, K.; Vianden, R.; Birkhahn, R.; Steckl, A. J; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.. 2000. "RBS/Channeling study of Er doped GaN films grown by MBE on Si(111) substrates", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 946 - 951.
367. Alves, E.; MacHargue, C.; Silva, R. C; Jesus, C.; Conde, O.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 2000. "Structural and magnetic studies of Fe implanted ?-Al2O3.", Surface Coatings & Technology, 0: 434 - 439.
368. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.. 2000. "Structure determination on (Ti, Al)N/Mo multilayers for hard coatings", Thin Solid Films 373, 0: 287 - 292.
369. Alves, L. C; Paúl, A.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Rebouta, L.; Barbera, A.; Riccordi, Centeno M. A; Odriozola, J. A. 2000. "Surface Studies of SiC/SiC Composites Exposed to Relevant Fusion Reactor Conditions", Surface and Interface Analysis 30, 0: 98 - 100.
370. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Marques, J. G; Soares, J. C; Freitag, K.. 1999. "Annealing behavior and lattice site location of Hf implanted GaN", Mater. Sci. and Eng., 0: 207 - 210.
371. Galindo, V.; Senateur, J. P; Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, J. A; Cruz, M. M; Godinho, M.; Casaca, A.; Bonfait, G.. 1999. "Characterisation of YbaCuO-PrBaCuO Multilayers Grown by Pulsed MO-CVD Injection", Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117, 0: 657 - 661.
372. McHargue, Carl; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1999. "Effects of crystal orientation on damage accumulation and post-implantation annealing for iron implantation into sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 730 - 734.
373. Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Conde, O.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1999. "Formation of coherent precipitates of platinum in sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 1049 - 1053.
374. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Vianden, R.; Bartels, J.; Kozanecki, A.. 1999. "Ion beam and photoluminescence studies of Er and O implanted GaN", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 383 - 387.
375. Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1999. "Lattice location and annealing behavior of Pt and W implanted sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 226 - 230.
376. Alves, L.C.; Alves, E.; Grime, G. W; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1999. "Nuclear Microbeam Study of Advanced Materials for Fusion Reactor Technology.", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 671 - 677.
377. Lourenço, A. A; Araújo, J. P; Amaral, V. S; Tavares, P. B; Sousa, J. B; Vieira, J. M; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1999. "Properties of epitaxial LaCaMnO laser ablated thin films on (100) and (110) SrTiO3 substrates.", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 0: 495 - 497.
378. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Bartels, J.; Vianden, R.; Abernathy, C. R; Pearton, S. J. 1999. "RBS lattice site location and damage recovery studies on Er implanted GaN", MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res., 0: 00 - 00.
379. Araújo, J. P; Amaral, V. S; Sousa, J. B; Lourenço, A. A; Marques, J. G; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Vantomme, A.; Langouche, G.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G. 1999. "Stability and diffusion of Hg implanted YBa2Cu3O6+x thin films", Inst. and Meth. 148, 0: 807 - 812.
380. Araújo, J. P; Amaral, V. S; Sousa, J. B; Lourenço, A. A; Marques, J. G; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Vantomme, A.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G. 1999. "Stability studies of Hg implanted YBa2Cu3O6+x", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 147, 0: 244 - 248.
381. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Marques, J. G; Soares, J. C; Freitag, K.. 1998. "Chemical effects on the amorphization of sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 353 - 357.
382. Tavares, C. J; Rebouta, L.; Alves, E.; Almeida, B.; Sousa, J. B; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Interfacial roughness of multilayered TiN/ZrN coatings", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 00 - 00.
383. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Sochinskii, N. V; Bernardi, S.. 1998. "Ion beam studies of CdTe films epitaxially grown on Si, GaAs and Sapphire substrates", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 220 - 224.
384. Silva, R. C; Alves, E.; Redondo, L. M; Fromknecht, R.; Meyer, O.. 1998. "Lattice site location and annealing behaviour of W implanted TiO2", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 442 - 446.
385. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Gwilliam, R.; Sealy, B. J; Henry, M. O; Freitag, K.; Vianden, R.; Stievenard, D.. 1998. "Lattice site location of Tu and Er implanted GaAs", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 421 - 425.
386. Amaral, V.; Correia, J.; Lourenço, A.; Marques, J.; Mendes, J.; Baptista, M.; Araújo, J.; Moreira, J.; Sousa, J. B; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Microscopic studies of radioactive Hg implanted in YBa2Cu3O6+x superconducting thin films", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 177, 0: 511 - 512.
387. Henry, M. O; Alves, E.; Bollmann, J.; Burchard, A.; Deicher, M.; Fanciulli, M.; Wirth, D. F; Knopf, M. H; Lindner, S.; Magerle, R.; McGlynn, E.; McGuigan, K. G; Soares, J. C; Stotzler, A.; Weyer, G.. 1998. "Radioactive isotope identifications of Au and Pt photoluminescence Centres in silicon", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 210, 0: 853 - 853.
388. Alves, E.; Silva, R. C; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Solubility and damage annealing of Er implanted single crystalline a-Al2O3 ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 139, 3: 313 - 317.
389. McHargue, Carl; Hunn, J. D; Joslin, D. L; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1997. "Etching of amorphous Al2O3 produced by ion implantation", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 596 - 598.
390. Hoven, G. N. D; Polman, A.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 1997. "Lattice site and photoluminescence of erbium implanted in ?-Al2O3", Mater. Res. Vol. 12, 0: 1401 - 1404.
391. Correia, J. G; Marques, J. G; Alves, E.; Forkel-Wirth, D.; Jahn, S.; Restle, M.; Dalmer, M.; Hofsäss, H.; Bharuth-Ram, K.. 1997. "Microscopic studies of implanted 73As in diamond", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B, 0: 723 - 726.
392. Sochinskii, N. V; Muñoz, V.; Bernardi, S.; Espeso, J. I; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Marín, C.; Diéguez, E.. 1997. "Selective area vapor-phase epitaxy and structural properties of Hg1-xCdxTe on Sapphire", Journal of Crystal Growth 179, 0: 585 - 591.
393. Sochinskii, N. V; Muñoz, V.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Bellani, V.; Viña, L.; Diéguez, E.; Bernardi, S.. 1997. "Substrate effect on CdTe layers grown by metalorganic vaphor phase epitaxy", Appl. Phys. Let. 70, 0: 1314 - 1314.
394. Alves, E.; Bollmann, J.; Deicher, M.; Carmo, M. C; Henry, M. O; Knopf, M. H. A; Leitão, J. P; Magerle, R.; McDonagh, C. J. 1997. "The photoluminescence of Pt-implanted silicon", Materials Science Forum, 0: 473 - 478.
395. McHargue, Carl; Joslin, D. L; White, C. W; Silva, M. F; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 1996. "Ion beam mixing of chromium or zirconium films with sapphire.", Surface Coatings & Technology 83, 0: 151 - 155.
396. Sochinskii, N. V; Diéguez, E.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Bernardi, S.; Garrido, J.; Rueda, F.Agulló. 1996. "Laser-assisted recrystallization to improve the surface morphology of CdTe epitaxial layers", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11, 0: 248 - 251.
397. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Marques, J. G; Correia, J. G; Soares, J. C; Freitag, K.. 1996. "Low temperature epitaxial regrowth of mercury implanted sapphire", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 248 - 251.
398. Correia, J. G; Marques, J. G; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Freitag, K.; Vianden, R.. 1996. "Radiation damage annealing of Hg implanted InP", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 244 - 247.
399. Sochinskii, N. V; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Franzosi, P.; Bernardi, S.; Diéguez, E.. 1996. "Structural properties of CdTe and Hg1-xCdxTe epitaxial layers grown on sapphire substrates", Journal of Crystal Growth 161, 0: 195 - 200.
400. Sochinskii, N. V; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Franzosi, P.; Diéguez, E.. 1996. "Structural properties of Hg1-xMnxTe layers grown on CdTe substrates by liquid phase epitaxy", Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11, 0: 542 - 547.
401. Marques, J. G; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Freitag, K.. 1995. "Temperature dependence of the hyperfine fields of 181Ta in single-crystalline cobalt", Proc. 10th Int. Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven, 0: 457 - 461.
402. Marques, J. G; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Freitag, K.. 1995. "The substitutionality of hafnium in sapphire by ion implantation and low temperature annealing", Nucl. Inst. and Meth., 0: 602 - 605.
403. Marques, J. G; Soares, J. C; Silva, M. F; Freitag, K.. 1995. "The substitutionality of hafnium in sapphire by ion implantation and low temperature annealing ", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 106, 0: 602 - 605.
404. Marques, J. G; Correia, J. G; Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F. 1994. "Hyperfine fields of mercury in single-crystalline cobalt", J.Appl.Phys. 76, 0: 6906 - 6906.
405. Alves, E.; Correia, J. G; Marques, J. G; Melo, A. A; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Haas, H.. 1994. "The lattice site of Au in Be after 24h 197mHg isotope implantation and decay", Nucl. Inst. and Meth. 85, 0: 457 - 461.
406. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Evans, K. R; Jones, C. R; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 1993. "Lattice location of Er doped GaAs and Al0.5Ga05As layers grown by MBE on (100) GaAs substrates", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 80, 0: 180 - 183.
407. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; May, J.; Haslar, V.; Seidl, P.; Feuser, U.; Vianden, R.. 1991. "Epitaxial regrowth and lattice location of indium implanted in arsenic-preamorphized silicon", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 55, 0: 580 - 584.
408. Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Gillin, W. P; Sealy, B. J. 1991. "Lattice site location and outdiffusion of mercury implanted in GaAs", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 59, 0: 1090 - 1093.
409. Feuser, U.; Vianden, R.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Szilágyi, E.; Pászti, F.; Soares, J. C. 1991. "Vacancy-acceptor complexes in germanium produced by ion implantation.", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 59, 0: 1049 - 1052.
410. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Feuser, U.; Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Vianden, R.. 1989. "Regrowth of In implanted (100), (110) and (111) Si crystals studied with RBS and PAC techniques", Mater. Sci. and Engineering, 0: 189 - 195.
411. Silva, M. F; Silva, M. R; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Winand, P. M. J; Vianden, R.. 1984. "Lattice location studies of Hf, Tl and Pb implanted Mg single crystals", Surface Engineering-Surface Modification of Materials, 0: 00 - 00.
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
412. Silva, M. R; Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Winand, P. M. J; Vianden, R.. 1983. "Lattice location studies of heavy ions implanted in Mg.", Phys. 14, 0: 175193 - 175.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Barradas, N. P; Likonen, J.; Alves, E.; Alves, L. C; Coad, P.; Hakola, A.; Widdowson, A.. 2011. "Integration of SIMS into a general purpose IBA data analysis code", Trabalho apresentado em AIP Conf. Proc., In 21st International Conference on the of Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, Fort Worth.
2. Lorenz, K.; Miranda, S. M. C; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Nanishi, Y.; Schaff, W. J; Tu, L. W; Darakchieva, V.. 2010. "Hydrogen In Group-III Nitrides: An Ion Beam Analysis Study", Trabalho apresentado em AIP Conf. Proc., In 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry , Fort Worth.
3. Lorenz, K.; Peres, M.; Franco, N.; Marques, J. G; Miranda, S. M. C; Magalhaes, S.; Monteiro, T.; Wesch, W.; Alves, E.; Wendler, E.. 2011. "Radiation damage formation and annealing in GaN and ZnO", Trabalho apresentado em Oxide-based Materials and Devices II, In Proceedings of SPIE , San Francisco, California, USA.
4. Alves, E.; Marques, C.; Safran, G.; McHargue, Carl J; McDaniel, Floyd D; Doyle, Barney L. 2008. "The Structure of Sapphire Implanted with Carbon at Room Temperature and 1000°¿C", Trabalho apresentado em APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: Twentieth International Conference, In AIP Conference Proceedings, Fort Worth (Texas).
5. Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Siketic¿?, Z.; Radovic¿?, I. B; McDaniel, Floyd D; Doyle, Barney L. 2008. "Stopping Power of Different Ions in Si Measured with a Bulk Sample Method and Bayesian Inference Data Analysis", Trabalho apresentado em APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: Twentieth International Conference, In AIP Conference Proceedings, Fort Worth (Texas).
6. Gomes, M. R; Galeazzi, M.; Bogorin, D.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Franco, N.. 2009. "Ion Beam Analysis of Iridium-Based TES for Microcalorimeter Detectors", Trabalho apresentado em THE THIRTEENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON LOW TEMPERATURE DETECTORS—LTD13, In AIP Conference Proceedings, Stanford (California).
7. Wahl, U.; Correia, J. G; Rita, E.; Marques, A. C; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 2007. "Arsenic In ZnO and GaN: substitutional cation or anion sites", Trabalho apresentado em Symposium on smiconductor defect engineering materials, In 2007MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco.
8. Rita, E. M; Wahl, U.; Lopes, A. M. L; Araújo, J. P; Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C. 2006. "Impurity lattice location and defect recovery of implanted ZnO single crystals", Trabalho apresentado em The ISOLDE collaboration, 2nd International Workshop on Zinc Oxide, In Actas de The ISOLDE collaboration, 2nd International Workshop on Zinc Oxide, a preencher.
9. Alves, L. C; Alves, E.; Paúl, A.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Barbera, A.; Riccardi, B.. 2006. "Surface Reactions of SiC/SiCf Composites Studied with Microbeams", Trabalho apresentado em 4th IEA workshop on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites for Fusion Structural Applications, In Actas de 4th IEA workshop on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites for Fusion Structural Applications, Frascatti.
10. Lorenz, K.; Nogales, E.; Nedelec, R.; Penner, J.; Vianden, R.; Alves, E.; Martin, R.W.; O’Donnell, K. P. 2006. "Influence of the Annealing Ambient on Structural and Optical Properties of Rare Earth Implanted GaN", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., In Materials Research Society, Boston.
11. Prajzler, V.; Alves, E.; Buchal, C.; Huttel, I.; Spirkova, J.; Oswald, J.; Zavadil, J.; PERINA, V.; Jarabek, V.. 2006. "Optical properties of Er3+ + Yb3+ doped gallium nitride layers ", Trabalho apresentado em Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III , In Advances in Thin-Film Coatings for Optical Applications III , San Diego.
12. Boemare, C.; Soares, M. J; Monteiro, T.; Guilherme, J. G; Alves, E.. 2002. "Optical activity and damage recovery of Fe implanted ZnO", Trabalho apresentado em 2nd International Workshop on Zinc Oxide, In Actas de 2nd International Workshop on Zinc Oxide, a preencher.
13. Alves, E.; Liu, C.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Monteiro, T.. 2001. "Doping of GaN by ion implantation", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc., In Actas de Mater. Res. Soc., a preencher.
14. Marques, C.; McHargue, C.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.. 2001. "Optical and Structural Changes of Fe Implanted Sapphire", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc., In Actas de Mater. Res. Soc., a preencher.
15. Rocha, R.; Monteiro, T.; Pereira, E.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Optical Characterization of AlGaN/GaN MQW\'s", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc. , In Actas de Mater. Res. Soc. , a preencher.
16. Correia, M. R; Pereira, S.; Pinho, N.; Monteiro, T.; Pereira, E.; Alves, E.. 2001. "Raman Spectroscopy Studies in InGaN/GaN Wurtzite Epitaxial Films", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc. , In Actas de Mater. Res. Soc. , a preencher.
17. Pereira, S.; Correia, M. R; Pereira, E.; Cowan, C. T; Sweeney, F.; Edwards, P. R; O’Donnell, K. P; Alves, E.; Sequeira, A. D; Franco, N.. 2001. "Strain and Compositional Analysis of InGaN/GaN Layers", Trabalho apresentado em Mater. Res. Soc., In Actas de Mater. Res. Soc., a preencher.
18. Fromknecht, R.; Khubeis, I.; Massing, S.; Meyer, O.; Silva, R. C; Alves, E.. 1999. "Electrical conductivity in ion implanted TiO2 single crystals", Trabalho apresentado em Ion Implantation Technology, In Actas de Ion Implantation Technology, a preencher.
19. Argentina, F. S; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Electrical and metallographic characterization of beryllium pebbles", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, In Actas de 20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, a preencher.
20. Correia, J. G; Alves, E.; Amaral, V. S; Araújo, J. P; Bordet, P.; Butz, T.; Capponi, J. J; Ctortecka, B.; Flock, S.; Galindo, V.; Gatt, R.; Langouche, G.; Loureiro, S. M; Lourenço, A. A; Marques, J. G; Melo, A. A; Papen, T. v; Ramos, A. R; Senateur, J. P; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C; Sousa, J. B; Toulemonde, P.; Troger, W.; Vantomme, A.; Wahl, U.; Weiss, F.. 1998. "High-Tc superconductors studies with radioactive ion beams at ISOLDE", Trabalho apresentado em OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization, In Actas de OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization, a preencher.
21. Zawislak, F. C; Irene, T. S; Garcia, D.; Samios, D.; Baptista, D. L; Fichtner, P. F. P; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Improving the thermal stability of photoresist films by ion beam irradiation", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Soc. , In actas de Mat. Soc. , a preencher.
22. Garcia, I.; Zawislak, F.; Samios, D.; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Ion Beam Irradiation of Polymers", Trabalho apresentado em OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization , In Actas de OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization , a preencher.
23. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Soares, J. C. 1998. "Sapphire (?-Al2O3) behavior under heavy ion implantation", Trabalho apresentado em OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization, In Actas de OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization, a preencher.
24. Henry, M. O; Daly, S. E; Freehil, C. A; McGlynn, E.; Mc.Donagh, C.; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Forkel, D.. 1996. "A photoluminescence study of gold and platinum related defects in silicon using radioactive transformations", Trabalho apresentado em 23th Intern. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors, In Actas de 23th Intern. Conf. Phys. Semiconductors, a preencher.
25. Daly, S. E; Henry, M. O; Alves, E.; Soares, J. C; Gwilliam, R.; Sealy, B. J; Freitag, K.; Vianden, R.; Stievenard, D.. 1996. "Rutherford backscattering and photoluminescence studies of erbium implanted GaAs", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Res. Soc. , In Actas de Mat. Res. Soc. , a preencher.
26. Marques, J. G; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Freitag, K.. 1995. "Temperature dependence of the hyperfine fields of 181Ta in single-crystalline cobalt", Trabalho apresentado em 10th Int. Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, In Actas de 10th Int. Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, Leuven.
27. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F; Melo, A. A; Soares, J. C; Hoven, G. N. D; Polman, A.; Evans, K. R; Jones, C. R. 1993. "Lattice location and photoluminescence of Er in GaAs and Al.5Ga.5As", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Res. Soc. , In Actas de Mat. Res. Soc. , a preencher.
28. Alves, E.; Silva, M. F. 1987. "Dopagem de Si por implantação iónica: Estudo da implantação de In em Si e da recuperação da zona amorfizada pela implantação", Trabalho apresentado em 3º Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais , In Actas de 3º Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais , a preencher.
29. Soares, J. C; Melo, A. A; Silva, M. F; Alves, E.; Freitag, K.; Vianden, R.. 1984. "A new hafnium-beryllium system produced by ion implantation and annealing techniques", Trabalho apresentado em Mat. Res. Soc. , In Actas de Mat. Res. Soc. , a preencher.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Graça, M. P. F; Valente, M. A; Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Soares, M. J; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.; Alves, E.; Marques, C.. 2007. "Influence of the sol-gel growth parameters on the optical and structural properties on LiNbO3 samples", Materials Science and Engineering: C 27, 5-8: 1065 - 1068.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Barradas, N. P; Lorenz, K.; Darakchieva, V.; Alves, E.. 2010. "A Double Scattering Analytical Model For Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis", Trabalho apresentado em APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY: Twenty-First International Conference, In AIP Conference Proceedings, Fort Worth, Texas, (USA).
2. Prajzler, V.; Jerabek, V.; Huttel, I.; Alves, E.; Buchal, C.; ŠPIRKOVÁ, J.; OSWALD, J.; PERINA, V.; BOLDYRYEVA, H.; ZAVADIL, J.. 2006. "Implantation of Er/Yb Ions into Gallium Nitride", Trabalho apresentado em Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Microelectronics, Nanoelectronics, Optoelectronics,, In WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Prague.

Apresentação oral de trabalho
Oral work presentation
1. Alves, E.J.C.. Ion beam studies of TiNxOy thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering,European Materials Research Society 2003,Strasbourg,2003 (Comunicação).
2. Alves, E.J.C.. Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steam,6th IEA International workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion,Myaisaki,2003 (Comunicação).
3. Alves, E.J.C.. Structural and corrosion behaviour of stoichiometric and substoichiometric TiN thin films; Implantation and annealing studies of Tm implanted GaN; Lattice location and optical activation of reare-earth implanted GaN,European Materials Research Society 2003,Strasbourg,2003 (Comunicação).
4. Alves, E.J.C.. Study of silica-titania films co-doped with erbium and silver; Ion beam studies of single crystalline manganite thin films.,IBA-16 Ion Beam Analysis,Albuquerque,2003 (Comunicação).
5. Alves, E.J.C.. Stability and optical activity of Er implanted MgO; Copper nanocolloids in MgO crystals implanted with Cu ions; Electrical conductivity of as-grown and oxidized MgO:Li crystals implanted with Li ions; Defect production on Nitrogen Implanted sapphire; Optical changes induced by high fluence implantation of Au ions on sapphire.,REI-12 Radiation Effects in Insulators,Gramado,2003 (Comunicação).
6. Alves, E.J.C.. Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steam; Status of the European R&D on Beryllium as multiplier material for breeder blankets.,6th IEA International workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion,Myaisaki,2003 (Comunicação).
7. Alves, E.J.C.. Li Ceramic Pebbles Chemical Compatibility with Eurofer Samples in Fusion Relevant Conditions; Methods for the mitigation of the chemical reactivity of beryllium in steam.,ICFRM-11 International Conference on Fusion Materials,Kyoto,2003 (Comunicação).
8. Alves, E.J.C.. Optical activity and orientation of metallic nanoclusters in sapphire,International Workshop on Nanostructures for Electronics and Optics,Dresden,2002 (Comunicação).
9. Alves, E.J.C.. Ion implantation and optical activation of rare earths in GaN,Workshop on GaN based materials studied with ion-beam techniques, Leuven,2002 (Comunicação).
10. Alves, E.J.C.. Structural and optical studies of Co and Ti implanted sapphire,104th annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society,St Louis,2002 (Comunicação).
11. Alves, E.J.C.. Optical activity and orientation of metallic nanoclusters in sapphire.,International Workshop on Nanostructures for Electronics and Optics,Dresden,2002 (Comunicação).
12. Alves, E.J.C.. Ion implantation and optical activation of rare earths in GaN.,Workshop on GaN based materials studied with ion-beam techniques,Leuven,2002 (Comunicação).
13. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of ionising radiation on the electrical behavior of a Be pebble bed; Structural characterization of SiC/SiCf composites exposed to chemical interaction with Be at high temperature,22nd Symposium on Fusion Technology,Helsinquia,2002 (Comunicação).
14. Alves, E.J.C.. Annealing behavior and lattice site location of Er implanted InGaN; Lattice site location and optical activity of Er implanted ZnO; Radiation-damage recovery in undoped MgO crystals implanted with lithium ions. ,IBMM2002- Ion Beam Modification of Materials,Kobe,2002 (Comunicação).
15. Alves, E.J.C.. Optical Doping of Nitrides by Ion Implantation,Workshop on Advanced Materials Produced and Analysed with Ion Beams, Wellington,2001 (Comunicação).
16. Alves, E.J.C.. Optical Doping of Nitrides by Ion Implantation., Advanced Materials Produced and Analysed with Ion Beams,Wellington,2001 (Comunicação).
17. Alves, E.J.C.. Strain Relaxation and compositional analysis of InGaN/GaN layers.,IBA-15 Ion Beam Analysis,Cairns,2001 (Comunicação).
18. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Beryllium Pebbles Bed Electrical Resitivity.,5th IEA International workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion,Moscovo,2001 (Comunicação).
19. Alves, E.J.C.. Study of Calcium implanted GaN and Surface quality studies of high-Tc superconductorS of the Hg-, Tl- and HgxTl-x-families: RBS and resonant c and o backscattering studies,IBA-15 Ion Beam Analysis, Cairns,2001 (Comunicação).
20. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of annealing atmosphere on the behavior of titanium implanted sapphire and The structure of sapphire implanted with nitrogen at room temperature and 1000¿ C,REI-11 Radiation Effects in Insulators,Lisboa,2001 (Comunicação).
21. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Beryllium Pebbles Bed Electrical Resitivity,ICFRM-10 International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials,Baden-Baden,2001 (Comunicação).
22. Alves, E.J.C.. High Temperature Annealing of Er Implanted GaN.,European Materials Research Society ,Strasbourg,2000 (Comunicação).
23. Alves, E.J.C.. Surface Reactions of SiC/SiCf Composites Studied with Microbeams.,4th IEA International workshop on SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites for Fusion Structural Applications,Roma,2000 (Comunicação).
24. Alves, E.J.C.. Optical and Structural Changes of Fe Implanted Sapphire.,Materials Research Society ,Boston,2000 (Comunicação).
25. Alves, E.J.C.. Heavy ion implantation in GaN epilayers.,International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM2000),Johannesburg,2000 (Comunicação).
26. Alves, E.J.C.. Coherent Amorphization of Ge/Si Multilayers with Ion Beams.,Conferência European Materials Research Society 2000, Strasbourg,2000 (Comunicação).
27. Alves, E.J.C.. Study of Fe implanted GaN; Study of New Surface Structures Created on Sapphire by Co Ion Implantation; Artificial Neural Network Analysis of RBS Data of Er-implanted Sapphire.,IBMM2000- Ion Beam Modification of Materials,Canela,2000 (Comunicação).
28. Alves, E.J.C.. RBS/Channeling study of Er doped GaN films grown by MBE on (111) Si substrates,IBA-14 Ion Beam Analysis,Dresden,1999 (Comunicação).
29. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of Temperature and Pressure on the Beryllium Pebbles Bed Electrical Resitivity.,4th IEA International workshop on Beryllium Technology for Fusion,Karlsruhe,1999 (Comunicação).
30. Alves, E.J.C.. Influence of Oxygen Ion Implantation on the Damage and Annealing Kinetics of Iron-Implanted Sapphire and Effect of Crystal orientation on defect production and optical activation of Er implanted sapphire.,REI-10 Radiation Effects in Insulators,Jena,1999 (Comunicação).
31. Alves, E.J.C.. Structural and magnetic studies of Fe implanted ¿-Al2O3.,SMMIB-14 Surface Modification of Metals By Ion Beams,Pequim,1999 (Comunicação).
32. Alves, E.J.C.. Ion beam and photoluminescence studies of Er and Er O implanted GaN ,European Materials Research Society , Strasbourg,1998 (Comunicação).
33. Alves, E.J.C.. Sapphire (¿-Al2O3) behavior under heavy ion implantation,OECD/NEA Workshop on Ion and Slow Positron Beam Utilization,Costa da Caparica ,1998 (Comunicação).
34. Alves, E.J.C.. Estudo e Modificação de Materiais com Feixes de Iões.,III jornadas do Curso de Engenharia de Processos e Energia da Universidade de Évora,Évora,1998 (Comunicação).
35. Alves, E.J.C.. Formation of Coherent precipitates of Platinum in Sapphire e Effects of Crystal Orientation on Damage Accumulation and Post-Implantation Annealing for Iron Implantation into Sapphire. ,IBMM98 Ion Beam Modification of Materials, Amesterdão ,1998 (Comunicação).
36. Alves, E.J.C.. Electrical and Metallographic Characterization of Beryllium Pebbles,20th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Marselha ,1998 (Comunicação).
37. Alves, E.J.C.. Au and Pt implanted in Silicon.,Meeting of theExperiment IS357 Isolde (CERN),Geneve,1997 (Comunicação).
38. Alves, E.J.C.. RBS/channeling results of Tm and Er implanted GaAs,Meeting of the HCM Network on Defect - dopant interactions in GaAs and InP,Lisboa ,1997 (Comunicação).
39. Alves, E.J.C.. Lattice site location of Tm and Er implanted in GaAs. ,IBA-13 Ion Beam Analysis, Lisboa ,1997 (Comunicação).
40. Alves, E.J.C.. Chemical effects on the amorphization of sapphire,REI-9 Radiation Effects in Insulators,Knoxville,1997 (Comunicação).
41. Alves, E.J.C.. Experiência de Rutherford com feixes de iões.,1ª Escola de Verão em Física Atómica e Nuclear, Lisboa ,1997 (Comunicação).
42. Alves, E.J.C.. RBS Studies of GaAs:Er.,International workshop on Ion Beam Materials Modification and Characterization,Lisboa,1996 (Comunicação).
43. Alves, E.J.C.. Activação óptica de Er implantado em GaAs.,10ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Faro,1996 (Comunicação).
44. Alves, E.J.C.. Low Temperature Epitaxial Regrowth of Mercury Implanted Sapphire e Radiation Damage Annealing of Hg Implanted InP.,Conferência da European Materials Research Society (E-MRS),Estrasburgo,1996 (Comunicação).
45. Alves, E.J.C.. Estudo da implantação de Er em ¿-Al2O3 e Estudo do processo de amorfização e recrescimento epitaxial de cristais de Silício implantados com Hf.,10ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Faro,1996 (Comunicação).
46. Alves, E.J.C.. Structure and luminescence Characterization of Er implanted sapphire (¿-Al2O3).,LiNbO3 and Related Oxide Crystals ,Lisboa,1995 (Comunicação).
47. Alves, E.J.C.. Incorporation and Stability of Er in Sapphire by Ion Implantation.,IBMM95 Ion Beam Modification of Materials,Camberra ,1995 (Comunicação).
48. Alves, E.J.C.. The Lattice Site location of Er in Al2O3,Non Equilibrium Phase Formation and Surface Engineering by Ion Implantation and Ion Beam Assisted Techniques ,Lisboa,1994 (Comunicação).
49. Alves, E.J.C.. técnica de RBS/Canalização iónica na caracterização de filmes monocristalinos de YBa2Cu3O8 e Produção de filmes finos condutores por implantação de Hf e W em Silício.,9ª Conferência Nacional de Física ,Covilhã ,1994 (Comunicação).
50. Alves, E.J.C.. The Lattice site Location of Er in GaAs,Advanced Materials by Ion Implantation and Ion Beam Assisted Techniques ,Lisboa ,1993 (Comunicação).
51. Alves, E.J.C.. Lattice location of Er in GaAs and Al.5Ga.5As layers grown by MBE on (100)GaAs substrates.,IBMM92 Ion Beam Modification of Materials,Heidelberg ,1992 (Comunicação).
52. Alves, E.J.C.. Localização de Er em Al.5Ga.5As,8ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Vila Real ,1992 (Comunicação).
53. Alves, E.J.C.. Preparação de um semicondutor do tipo p por implantação de Mercúrio em Arseneto de Gálio.,8ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Vila Real ,1992 (Comunicação).
54. Alves, E.J.C.. Fast diffusion of Au in Si.,International workshop on new materials processing and characterization, Lisboa ,1991 (Comunicação).
55. Alves, E.J.C.. Electron and RBS/channeling experiments at 197Au in Beryllium after implantation and decay of 197mHg.,Meeting of the Portuguese and Spanish collaboration at the ISOLDE/CERN,Lisboa,1990 (Comunicação).
56. Alves, E.J.C.. Epitaxial regrowth and lattice location of Indium implanted in Arsenic preamorphized Silicon.,Ion Implantation Technology,Surrey ,1990 (Comunicação).
57. Alves, E.J.C.. Recrescimento epitaxial e localização de In implantado em Si e Si pré-amorfizado com As,7ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Lisboa,1990 (Comunicação).
58. Alves, E.J.C.. Lattice location and hyperfine interactions studies of indium implanted silicon,Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Physics Applications on Materials Science,Lisboa,1989 (Comunicação).
59. Alves, E.J.C.. Regrowth of In implanted (100), (110) and (111) Si crystals studied with RBS and PAC techniques.,Conferência da European Materials Research Society (E-MRS),Estrasburgo,1989 (Comunicação).
60. Alves, E.J.C.. Lattice location of In implanted in Si.,Nuclear Techniques in Materials Science,Lisboa ,1988 (Comunicação).
61. Alves, E.J.C.. Localização de Cd em Be na sequência de implantação axial e planar.,6ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Aveiro,1988 (Comunicação).
62. Alves, E.J.C.. Dopagem de Si por implantação iónica: Estudo da implantação de In em Si e da recuperação da zona amorfizada pela implantação.,3º Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais,Braga,1987 (Comunicação).
63. Alves, E.J.C.. Study of the Diffusion of Hf and W in Be foils.,5ª Conferência Nacional de Física, Braga ,1986 (Comunicação).
64. Alves, E.J.C.. Estudo de monocristais de Mg com a técnica de canalização iónica (channeling).,3ª Conferência Nacional de Física,Coimbra,1982 (Comunicação).

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Carlos Pedro Marques, Produção e Caracterização de Nanoprecipitados Metálicos em Safira por Implantação Iónica, 2003. Dissertação (Física) - Universidade de Lisboa (Orientador) - Concluída.

Trabalho de conclusão de curso de Bacharelato/Licenciatura
Bachelor/Licenciate degree conclusion work
1. Jorge Manuel de Oliveira, Caracterização de implantações de alta dose de metais de transição em TiO2, 1997. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Física) - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Orientador) - Concluída.

Orientação de outra natureza
Other orientation
1. Dries Smets, Damage induced by Zn implanted into GaN, 2002. (Orientador) - Em curso.
2. Ana Pascoal, Estudo de proteses de biomateriais e sua influência em meio tecido-equivalente irradiado, 2001. Universidade de Lisboa (Orientador) - Concluída.
3. Verónique Mogrndorff, Study of GaN films implanted with Er, 1999. (Orientador) - Concluída.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Produção técnica
Technical production

Outros tipos de produção técnica
Other technical production

Dados complementares
(Additional data)


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