Hassan Tahiri

Bio | Situação no CFCUL | Produção Científica | CV

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Bio || Bio

Hassan Tahiri é doutorado pela Universidade de Lille com uma tese intitulada "La dynamique de la négation et la Logique avec inconsistances, quelques conséquences scientifiques et épistémologiques. Vers un rapprochement entre la Philosophie et l'Histoire des Sciences" (2005) e membro do projecto internacional UMR, Lille 3 (Laboratoire 8361) e do editorial board of Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistémologie. publicados em colaboração com o King's College. É membro integrado do CFCUL e Bolseiro Pós-Doc FCT desde 2008.

Áreas de Interesse || Current Research

  1. Filosofia da Matemática
  2. Filosofia das Ciências
  3. Lógica e Teoria da Argumentação

Situação no CFCUL || Position at the CFCUL

Membro Integrado Doutorado / Post-Doc FCT

Grupos de Investigação || Research Groups

Epistemologia e Metodologia (Membro)

Filosofia da Matemática (Membro) - Concluído

Projecto Pós-Doc|| Post-Doc Research Project

Logical and historical analysis of scientific controversies case study: Ibn al-Haytham's al-Shukuk Orientação: Olga Pombo
Início: 2008



Participação em Projectos || Participation in Projects

Em Curso

Projecto FCT Argumentação e Mudança Científica. Um Estudo de Caso como Ibn al-Haytham Al-Shukuk mudou o Curso da Astronomia para Sempre (Head)

Projecto internacional Knowledge Dynamics in the Field of Social Sciences: Abudction, Intuition and Invention (Membro)

Projecto interno Aproximações Filosóficas à Matemática (Membro)

Bolseiro do projecto Poincaré, Filósofo da Ciência.

Contactos || Contacts

Campo Grande, C4.3.24 - 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal

+351 217 500 000 (Ext. 24309)


Produção Científica (Selecção) || Scientific Production (Selection)

Publicações || Publications

Livros / Books
  1. Hassan Tahiri (ed.), La périodisation en histoire des sciences et de la philosophie: la fin d'un mythe, Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistémologie, Volume 13, King's College publications, London, 2013.
  2. Hassan Tahiri (ed.), 2011, Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics: Intuition Experience Creativity, CFCUL, Guide Artes Gráficas Lda, Lisbon.
  3. S. Rahman; T. Street and H. Tahiri (Eds.), 2008, The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their interactions. Springer/Kluwer.

Capítulos de Livros / Book Chapters
  1. Hassan Tahiri, 2012, Ibn al-Haytham and Bachelard on the Development of Science in L. F. Moreno, F. S. Lamillar y C. B. Gómez (eds), Ensayos Sobre Lógica, Lenguaje, Mente y Ciencia, Colección Alfar Universidad, 185, Editiones Alfar, Sevilla.
  2. H. Tahiri, The Birth of Scientific Controversies: The Dynamic of the Arabic Tradition, Ibn al-Haytham challenge of Ptolemy's Almagest (to appear in Rahman, S., T. Street and H. Tahiri (eds.): The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their interactions, Springer/Kluwer.)
Artigos / Articles
  1. Hassan Tahiri (ed.), La  périodisation  en  histoire  des  sciences  et  de  la  philosophie:  la fin  d'un  mythe, Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistémologie, Volume 13, King's College publications, London, 2013.
  2. Hassan Tahiri (ed.), 2011, Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics: Intuition Experience Creativity, CFCUL, Guide Artes Gráficas Lda, Lisbon.

  3. Hassan Tahiri, 2011, La logique du raisonnement mathématique selon Poincaré, in H. Tahiri (ed.), Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics: Intuition Experience Creativity, CFCUL, Guide Artes Gráficas Lda, Lisbon.

  4. Hassan Tahiri: 2010, Kuhn, Lakatos and Duhem on the Copernican Revolution: How Kuhn’s Interpretation Prevailed, Lakatos’ Challenge Failed and Duhem’s Vindication Still Ignored, in J. M. Torres (ed.), On Kuhn’s Legacy and its Philosophy, CFCUL, Guide Artes Gráficas Lda, Lisbon.

  5. Hassan Tahiri, 2010, A Nonmonotonic Interpretation of Poincaré's Philosophy of Mathematics in D. F. Duque, E. Parejo, y I. Antón (eds.), Estudios de Lógica, Lenguaje y Epistemología, IV Jordanas Ibéricas, Fénix Editora, Sevilla.

  6. Hassan Tahiri: 2009, The Beginning of Scientific Controversies: Some Epistemological and Logical Consequences (in O. Pombo e Á. Nepomuceno (eds.), Lógica e Filosofia da Ciência, Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Colecção Documento 2, pp. 247-266, Lisboa 2009.

  7. S. Rahman; T. Street and H. Tahiri (Eds.), 2008, The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their Interactions, Springer/Kluwer.

  8. Rahman, S., T. Street and H. Tahiri: 20008, Introduction: The Major Breakthrough in Scientific Practice in Rahman, S., T. Street and H. Tahiri (eds.): The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their interactions, pp. 1-40, Springer/Kluwer.

  9. Hassan Tahiri: 2008, The Birth of Scientific Controversies: The Dynamic of the Arabic Tradition, Ibn al-Haytham challenge of Ptolemy’s Almagest in Rahman, S., T. Street and H. Tahiri (eds.): The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their interactions, pp. 183225, Springer/Kluwer. 

Reuniões Científicas || Scientific Meetings

Colóquios / Colloquia
  1. Hassan Tahiri, "The role of Ibn Sīnā's intentionality in the construction of numbers". Paper presentation in Symposium S012 on Arabic foundations of science at the 24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester - UK, 21-28 July 2013.
  2. Hassan Tahiri, "La logique de l'argumentation et ses enjeux épistémologiques". Deux journées d'étude internationales sur "La logique arabe dans la philosophie médiévale", Salle des Thèses de la Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Kairouan, Tunisie, 25 avril-2 mai, 2013.
  3. Participant and co-organiser of the international colloquium on: Poincaré, philosopher of science: Problems and Perspectives, Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciência de Universidade de Ciência, 26-27 January 2011.
  4. Participant and co-organiser of the international colloquium on: The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their Interactions, Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciência de Universidade de Lisboa in collaboration with l’université de Lille 3 and the CNRS-Paris, 29-30 octobre 2009 [Website]
  5. 2012: Talk delivered in the context of the IV JORNADAS IBÉRICAS DE EPISTEMOLOGIA, LÓGICA Y LENGUAJE colóquio organizado no âmbito do projecto internacional - Logic, Language and Philosophy of Science, Facultad de Filosofía Universidad de Sevilla: 15 y 16 de junio de 2012. The Discovery of Kepler's Ellipse: Peirce's Abduction Model Revisited.
  6. 26-27 January 2011 : Participant and co-organiser of the international colloquium on: Poincaré, philosopher of science: Problems and Perspectives, Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciência de Universidade de Lisboa en collaboration avec l’université de Lille 3 et le CNRS-Paris (FCUL). [Website]
  7. 29-30 octobre 2009: Participant and co-organiser of the international colloquium on:  The Unity of Science in the Arabic Tradition: Science, Logic, Epistemology and their Interactions, Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciência de Universidade de Lisboa en collaboration avec l’université de Lille 3 et le CNRS-Paris. [Website]