Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Center for Philosophy of Science of the
University of Lisbon

Filosofia da Matemática | Philosophy of Mathematics |
Objectivos /
Aims |
The main goal of this project is to make a reappraisal of the more recent developments in logic and
philosophy of mathematics. In this sense, we want to research on the main schools of foundations and philosophy of
mathematics, namely, intuitionism, logicism, formalism, structuralism and
We also aim to pay particular attention to the research interests of the PhD and
Post-Doc students. That is the case of Alexandra Van-Quynh's post-doc
project on Intuition in mathematics:
Epistemology and Experience whose aim is to propose a
psycho-phenomenological study of intuition in mathematics. |
Equipa / Team |
[Para aceder à página
pessoal dos membros, clique no respectivo nome]
[To acess the member's webpage, click on its name] |
Head |
Augusto J. Franco Oliveira |
Membros / Members |
Alexandra Van-Quynh |
Nuno Jerónimo |
Celina Reduto |
Olga Pombo |
Hassan Tahiri |
Paulo Lucena |
Henrique Guimarães |
Sérgio Fernandes |
José Carlos Tiago de Oliveira |
Silvio Sousa |
Colaboradores / Collaborators |
María de Paz |
Juan Redmond |
Carlos Ramos |
Matthieu Fontaine |
Cristina Barés |
Michel Bitbol |
Dinis Pestana |
Norma Yunez-Naude |
Jean Vion-Dury |
Consultores / Consultants |
Shahid Rahman |
Parcerias /
Partnerships |
- UMR 8163 Savoirs, Textes, Langage, "La Science et ses Contextes", Univ. Lille III, France Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Madrid, Spain, Archives Poincaré, Université de Nancy
- CREA (Centre de Recherche en Épistémologie Appliquée) of the École Polytechnique of Paris (France) through a close collaboration of Michel Bitbol
- The neurophysiology and psychophysiology unit at the Pôle Universitaire de Psychiatrie of the Sainte-Marguerite hospital in Marseille (France) through the scientific project of neuro-phenomenology developed by Jean Vion-Dury |
Actividades realizadas /
Past activities |
02 | Março | 2011: Apresentação do Projecto de Post-doutoramento, por
Alexandra Van Quynh, FCUL, Sala 4.2.07, 16h00
19 | Maio | 2011: Seminário Intuição: Brouwer, Gödel e
Kant, dirigido por Alexandra Van Quynh, com Nuno Jerónimo, Paulo Lucena e
Sílvio Varela no âmbito do Projecto Aproximações filosóficas à Matemática,
FCUL, Sala 4.2.07, 10h00.
25 | Maio | 2011: Seminário Henri Poincaré: entre Matemática e Física.
Organização conjunta do CEHFCi, CIMA e CFCUL [ver
16 | Junho | 2011: Workshop on Intuition - step 2:
Intuition in Mathematics, organização
de Alexandra Van-Quynh,
FCUL, Sala 4.2.07, 10h00 |