Home > Grupos de Investigação > Filosofia das Ciências Humanas, Ética e Política > Linhas de Investigação > Filosofia das Tecnologias do Humano
Filosofia das Ciências Humanas, Ética e Política | Philosophy of Human Sciences, Ethics and Politics
Philosophy of Technology is underrepresented in the scientific approach of technology. Major philosophical discussions on technology need to be taken more seriously into account in philosophy of science. The most important issues in Philosophy of Technology have still not been analyzed in general philosophy of science, for instance, it is necessary to consider the fundamental and constitutional notion of technology and technics in the praxis and theory of science and its constitutive stance in the human realm. There is no lack of technology-related subject matter in philosophy of science, but there is, as Hansson (2012) notices, a real lack of sustained attention to it, and thus we will contribute for its conscious problematisation and conceptual clarification. Technology can refer to material objects of use to humans, as machines, hardware, tools or instruments, but can also focus on broader themes, as complex systems, methods of organization, and processes or techniques of mindful bodies living in a technologically mediated life-world and culture. Technologies constitute, magnify, amplify human experiences, but can also enslave or put human experience and life at risk.