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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Meeting of the Preparatory Group for the i2010 High Level Group

 - 17/06/2009

i2010 Initiative logotypeA meeting of the Preparatory Group for the i2010 High Level Group was held in Brussels on 16 June 2009. This meeting brings together Directors-General responsible for the Information Society.

The main topic for the meeting was preparing for Post-i2010. The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU mooted the launch of a new programme entitled eUnion 2015, for which it is preparing a conference to take place in Visby on 9-10 November.

The European Commission organised a discussion for this meeting in the following thematic sessions: Future networks and future internet; Services of public interest, e-Inclusion and quality of life; International issues and ICT and Agenda for Growth and Jobs; ICT R&D and innovation; ICT for sustainable development; The digital Single Market, thus pre-empting the topics that it believes the new action plan should include.

The Commission also informed delegates that the Communication with the Annual Report on the i2010 initiative implementation results is intended for publication in early August, as will the public consultation on the Post-i2010. The Annual Report and the public consultation were published on 4 August. The public consultation on the new Post-i2010 strategy for the Information Society ended on 9 October 2009.


Last updated ( 11/08/2011 )