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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Portugal elected Vice-Chair of the OECD Working Party on Information Economy

 - 04/12/2010

OECD logo On the 3th December 2010, at the OECD in Paris, Portugal was elected as one of the Vice-Chairs of the WPIE - Working Party on Information Economy, beginning on the 1st January 2011, through the election of the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) Head of International Affairs, Ana Cristina Neves, for Vice Chair of WPIE. The WPIE is one of four specialized Working Parties within the OECD Committee ICCP – Information, Computer and Communications Policy, of which the President of UMIC, Luis Magalhães, is Vice-Chair since the beginning of 2009.

The work of the ICCP Committee, which is supported by the OECD Secretariat through the Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, has a major impact on global public policies for the Information Society and ICT. The current agenda of this committee follows the guidelines of the OECD Ministerial Meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy held in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in June 2008.

Given the high reputation of the OECD as an intergovernmental institution that produces analysis and policy recommendations based on evidence, and the economic and social consequences of the enormous transformation that the Internet has undergone in recent years, the WPIE - Working Party on Information Economy has a special importance at the international level for the analysis and recommendations on the economy of the Information Society and ICT.

Last updated ( 18/08/2011 )