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1st Angola National Conference on Science and Technology

 - 22/10/2009

Angola FlagOn 20-21 October 2009, in Luanda, Angola, took place the 1st National Conference on Science and Technology of Angola, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Angola, whose Organizing Committee and Scientific Sub-Committee were chaired by Dr. Domingos da Silva Neto, National Director for Scientific Research, and whose secretariat was coordinated by Dr. Julius Campos de Almeida, Director of the Office of the Minister of Science and Technology.

The Conference had the motto: "The role of science and technology in the socioeconomic and sustainable development of Angola". It was opened by the Minister of Science and Technology, Professor Maria Cândida Pereira Teixeira, and featured five panel sessions dedicated to:

  • Policies and Legislation on Science and Technology
  • Biotechnology, Food and Nutritional Security
  • Sewerage and Water
  • Public Health
  • Clean Technologies and Construction,

followed by a roundtable on the theme "The Role of Science and Technology in the Socioeconomic Sustainable Development of Angola", and the closing session in which the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Professor Orlando da Mata, was a speaker (see Conference Program (text in Portuguese)).

This 1st National Conference on Science and Technology of Angola had the participation of a Portuguese delegation prepared by the  Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) following the invitation and request of the National Director for the Scientific Research of Angola to identify Portuguese researchers of specific scientific fields (energy and sustainability, plant genetics, water resources, construction) to attend the conference, which had the following composition:

The President of the  Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, participated in the panel on "Policy and Law on Science and Technology" with the intervention "Capacity Building for the Knowledge-Based Society and Economy: Public Policies of Science, Technology and Innovation" (text in Portuguese).

Last updated ( 10/08/2011 )