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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Portugal and Brazil Sign Scientific, Technology and Information Society Agreements

 - 11/10/2009

Brazil and Portugal flags togetherThe Portuguese Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education, José Mariano Gago, and the Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology, Sérgio Rezende, signed five cooperation agreements on science, technology, innovation and the information society at the Grémio Literário Literary Club on 10 October 2010:

Preparation of these agreement was coordinated in Portugal by the President of The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, and in Brazil by the Head of the International Affairs Department at the Ministry of Science and Technology, José Monserrat Filho, in a series of videoconferences with different Brazilian institutions on 18 May, 22 and 8 April and on 17 March 2009.

Last updated ( 11/08/2011 )