Curriculum Vitae

João Luís Campos Pereira da Cruz Viana

Data da última atualização »Last update : 11/06/2015

João Luís Campos Pereira da Cruz Viana.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
João Luís Campos Pereira da Cruz Viana
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Viana, J.L.
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Instituto Universitário da Maia
Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano
Av. Carlos Oliveira Campos - Castelo da Maia
4475-690 Maia
Telefone: (+351)229866000Extensão: 1313
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2011 Doutoramento
Sport Sciences / Exercise Physiology / Exercise Immunology.
Loughborough University, Reino Unido.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade do Porto.
Com o tipo » With the type: Registo » Registry.

2006 Mestrado
Master degree
Exercise Physiology (1 anos » years) .
Loughborough University, Reino Unido.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade do Porto.
Com o tipo » With the type: Reconhecimento » Acknowledgement.

2004 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Desporto e Educação Física (5 anos » years) .
Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Watson, E.L.; Wimbury, D.; Viana, J.L.; Greening, N.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2015. "Resistance exercise does not increase markers of muscle protein degradation in patients with advanced CKD (Abstract)", Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 30, Suppl 3: iii529 - iii529.
2. Viana, J.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Watson, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Evidence for Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Exercise in CKD", Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25, 9: 2121 - 2130.
3. Neiva, H.P.; Marques, M.C.; Fernandes, R.J.; Viana, J.L.; Barbosa, T.M.; Marinho, D.A.. 2014. "Does Warm-Up Have a Beneficial Effect on 100-m Freestyle?", International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 9, 1: 145 - 150.
4. Gould, D.W.; Graham-Brown, M.; Watson, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Physiological benefits of exercise in pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease", Nephrology 19, 9: 519 - 527.
5. Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Viana, J.L.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Effects of resistance exercise training on myogenic response to acute exercise in chronic kidney disease (Abstract)", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 46, suppl 1: S290 - S291.
6. Viana, J.L.; Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Skeletal Muscle Cytokine Gene Expression after Resistance Exercise in Chronic Kidney Disease (Abstract)", Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25, suppl: 59A - 59A.
7. Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Viana, J.L.; Aulakh, J.; Bodicoat, D.H.; Barratt, J.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Progressive Resistance Exercise Training in CKD: A Feasibility Study", American Journal of Kidney Diseases, epub: 0 - 0.
8. Alves, A.J.; Goldhammer, E.; Ribeiro, F.; Eynon, N.; Ben-Zaken Cohen, S; Duarte, J.A.; Viana, J.L.; Sagiv, M.; Oliveira, J.. 2013. "GNAS A-1121G Variant is Associated with Improved Diastolic Dysfunction in Response to Exercise Training in Heart Failure Patients", International Journal of Sports Medicine 34, 03: 274 - 280.
9. Watson, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Brown, J.R.; Molyneux, K.; Pawluczyk, I.; Mulheran, M.; Bishop, N.C.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Owen, P.J.; John, S.G.; McIntyre, C.W.; Feehally, J.; Bevington, A.. 2013. "Combined walking exercise and alkali therapy in patients with CKD4–5 regulates intramuscular free amino acid pools and ubiquitin E3 ligase expression", European Journal of Applied Physiology 113, 8: 2111 - 2124.
10. Marques, E.A.; Mota, J.; Viana, J.L.; Tuna, D.; Figueiredo, P.; Guimarães, J.T.; Carvalho, J.. 2013. "Response of bone mineral density, inflammatory cytokines, and biochemical bone markers to a 32-week combined loading exercise programme in older men and women", Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 57, 2: 226 - 233.
11. Novo, A.; Vaz, J.; Preto, L.; Gonçalves, J.; Mendes, E.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Alteração dos parâmetros analíticos decorrentes de um programa de treino (Abstract)", Portuguese Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension 27, Suppl 1: 13 - 14.
12. Novo, A.; Anes, E.; Sousa, T.; Mendes, E.; Domingues, A.; Batista, G.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Treino aeróbio intradíalitico - efeitos de um programa de treino (Abstract)", Portuguese Journal of Nephrology and Hypertension 27, Suppl 1: 57 - 57.
13. Marques, E.A.; Mota, J.; Viana, J.L.; Figueiredo, P.; Guimarães, J.T.; Carvalho, J.. 2013. "Physical activity, bone metabolism and inflammatory markers, and bone mineral density in elderly men: a preliminary investigation (Abstract)", Bone Abstracts, 1: 291 - 291.
14. Novo, A.; Sousa, T.; Anes, E.; Domingues, A.; Mendes, E.; Batista, G.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Effects of an aerobic training program in patients on hemodialysis (Abstract)", Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 28, suppl 1: i451 - i451.
15. Nimmo, M.A.; Leggate, M.; Viana, J.L.; King, J.A.. 2013. "The effect of physical activity on mediators of inflammation", Diabetes Obesity & Metabolism 15, s3: 51 - 60.
16. Alves, A.J.; Ribeiro, F.; Goldhammer, E.; Rivlin, Y.; Rosenschein, U.; Viana, J.L.; Duarte, J.A.; Sagiv, M.; Oliveira, J.. 2012. "Exercise Training Improves Diastolic Function in Heart Failure Patients", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44, 5: 776 - 785.
17. Kosmadakis, G.C.; John, S.G.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.; Bevington, A.; Owen, P.J.; McIntyre, C.W.; Feehally, J.. 2012. "Benefits of regular walking exercise in advanced pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease", Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 27, 3: 997 - 1004.
18. Alves, A.J.; Ribeiro, F.; Goldhammer, E.; Rivlin, Y.; Rosenschein, U.; Viana, J.L.; Duarte, J.A.; Sagiv, M.; Oliveira, J.. 2012. "Exercise training response in patients with heart failure is modulated by Adrb1 and Gnas polymorphisms (Abstract)", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44, suppl 2: 436 - 436.
19. Mourão, P.; Martins, D.; Gonçalves, F.; Abade, E.; Carvalho, A.; Viana, J.L.. 2012. "Effectiveness of a neuromuscular and proprioceptive combination training program without unstable board in preventing injuries in youth soccer players (Abstract)", Acta Médica Portuguesa 25, Suppl 3: 9 - 9.
20. Marques, E.A.; Wanderley, F.; Machado, L.; Sousa, F.; Viana, J.L.; Moreira-Gonçalves, D.; Moreira, P.; Mota, J.; Carvalho, J.. 2011. "Effects of resistance and aerobic exercise on physical function, bone mineral density, OPG and RANKL in older women", Experimental Gerontology 46, 7: 524 - 532.
21. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2011. "Inflammatory cell activation and cytokine levels in chronic kidney disease: effects of regular exercise (Abstract)", NDT Plus 4, suppl 2: 33 - 33.
22. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Feehally, J.; Bevington, A.. 2011. "Collapse of intramuscular free amino acid pools in patients with CKD4-5 after 6 months of walking exercise is prevented by alkali supplements (Abstract)", NDT Plus 4, suppl 2: 47 - 47.
23. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Feehally, J.. 2010. "Physical Exercise in Patients with Severe Kidney Disease", Nephron Clinical Practice 115, 1: 7 - 16.
24. Marques, E.A.; Wanderley, F.; Gonçalves, D.; Coelho, M.; Viana, J.L.; Moreira, P.; Mota, J.; Carvalho, J.. 2010. "A comparison of resistance and aerobic exercise training on physical ability, bone mineral density and osteoprotegerin in older women (Abstract)", Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 25, S1: 87 - 87.
25. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2009. "Effect of acute and regular exercise on CD4+ lymphocyte activation in chronic kidney disease patients (Abstract)", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 41, suppl 1: 98 - 99.
26. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Exercise in chronic kidney disease: effect of a one month exercise programme on neutrophil function and systemic inflammation (Abstract)", NDT Plus 2, suppl 2: 882 - 882.
27. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Exercise in chronic kidney disease: acute effects on neutrophil and T cell function (Abstract)", NDT Plus 2, suppl 2: 882 - 882.
28. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Pawluczyk, I.; Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Feehally, J.; Seymour, A.M.; Lee, V.; Bevington, A.. 2009. "Endogenous sulphuric acid production rate is a strong predictor of myofibrillar protein degradation in patients with CKD stage 4-5 (Abstract)", NDT Plus 2, suppl 2: 882 - 882.
29. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Clapp, E.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Feehally, J.. 2009. "Effects of a six month exercise programme on uraemic symptoms and functional parameters of patients with chronic kidney disease (Abstract)", NDT Plus 2, suppl 2: 1677 - 1677.
30. Viana, J.L.; Clapp, E.L.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.. 2009. "The effect of moderate exercise and ex vivo extracellular acidosis on T lymphocyte and monocyte activation (Abstract)", Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 58, 1: 193 - 193.
31. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2008. "Systemic inflammatory status in chronic kidney disease: effect of one month of moderate aerobic exercise (Abstract)", Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, 128: 473 - 474.
32. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2008. "No effect of one month of moderate aerobic exercise on bacterially-stimulated neutrophil degranulation responses in chronic kidney disease patients (Abstract)", Journal of Sports Sciences 26, S2: 30 - 30.
33. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Feehally, J.. 2008. "Effects of an exercise programme on uremic symptoms and functional parameters of patients with renal failure (Abstract)", Journal of Renal Nutrition 18, 3 suppl: 19 - 19.
34. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Brown, J.R.; Evans, K.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.; Bevington, A.. 2008. "Inhibition of the acidosis-sensing L-Gln transporter SNAT2 impairs proliferation of LBRM-TG6 mouse T-lymphocytes (Abstract)", Journal of Renal Nutrition 18, 3 suppl: 23 - 23.
35. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Feehally, J.. 2008. "Effects of an exercise programme on uraemic symtpoms and functional parameters of patients with renal failure (Abstract)", NDT Plus 1, suppl 2: 280 - 281.
36. Watson, P.; Viana, J.L.; Leser, S.; Kirk, T.; Gleeson, M.. 2007. "Influence of milk ingestion on the hormonal and immune responses to prolonged exercise (Abstract)", Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 66, OCA-B: 39A - 39A.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Watson, E.L.; Wimbury, D.; Viana, J.L.; Greening, N.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2015. "Resistance exercise does not increase markers of muscle protein degradation in patients with advanced CKD", Trabalho apresentado em European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress, In Abstracts from the 52nd ERA-EDTA Congress, London.
2. Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Viana, J.L.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Effects of resistance exercise training on myogenic response to acute exercise in chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em UK Kidney Week (British Renal Society/Renal Association Annual Conference), In Abstracts from the UK Kidney Week 2014, Glasgow.
3. Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Viana, J.L.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Effects of resistance exercise training on myogenic response to acute exercise in chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, In Abstracts from the 61st ACSM Annual Meeting, Orlando.
4. Viana, J.L.; Watson, E.L.; Greening, N.; Barratt, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2014. "Skeletal Muscle Cytokine Gene Expression after Resistance Exercise in Chronic Kidney Disease", Trabalho apresentado em American Society of Nephrology (ASN) Kidney Week, In Abstracts from the ASN Kidney Week 2014, Philadelphia.
Oral Presentation.
5. Novo, A.; Preto, L.; Vaz, J.; Mendes, E.; Gonçalves, J.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Alteração dos parâmetros analíticos decorrentes de um programa de treino", Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Renal, In Abstracts from the 27th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Nephrology, Vilamoura.
6. Novo, A.; Sousa, T.; Anes, E.; Domingues, A.; Mendes, E.; Batista, G.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Treino aeróbio intradíalitico - efeitos de um programa de treino", Trabalho apresentado em Encontro Renal, In Abstracts from the 27th Congress of the Portuguese Society of Nephrology, Vilamoura.
7. Marques, E.A.; Viana, J.L.; Mota, J.; Figueiredo, P.; Guimarães, J.T.; Carvalho, J.. 2013. "Physical activity, bone metabolism and inflammatory markers, and bone mineral density in elderly men: a preliminary investigation", Trabalho apresentado em European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) Annual Congress, In Abstracts from the ECTS Annual Congress, Lisbon.
8. Novo, A.; Sousa, T.; Anes, E.; Domingues, A.; Mendes, E.; Batista, G.; Viana, J.L.. 2013. "Effects of an aerobic training program in patients on hemodialysis", Trabalho apresentado em European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress, In Abstracts from the 50th ERA-EDTA Congress, Istanbul.
9. Alves, A.J.; Ribeiro, F.; Goldhammer, E.; Rivlin, Y.; Rosenschein, U.; Viana, J.L.; Duarte, J.A.; Sagiv, M.; Oliveira, J.. 2012. "Exercise training response in patients with heart failure is modulated by Adrb1 and Gnas polymorphisms", Trabalho apresentado em American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, In Abstracts from the 59th ACSM Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
10. Mourão, P.; Martins, D.; Gonçalves, F.; Abade, E.; Carvalho, A.; Viana, J.L.. 2012. "Effectiveness of a neuromuscular and proprioceptive combination training program without unstable board in preventing injuries in youth soccer players.", Trabalho apresentado em International Seminar on Physical Activity and Related Injuries, In Abstracts from the International Seminar on Physical Activity and Related Injuries, Vila Real.
11. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2011. "Antigen-stimulated monocyte and T-lymphocyte activation and systemic inflammatory cytokine concentration in chronic kidney disease: effect of regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em International Society of Exercise Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, In Abstracts from the 10th ISEI Symposium, Oxford.
12. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2011. "Inflammatory cell activation and cytokine levels in chronic kidney disease: effects of regular exercise", Trabalho apresentado em European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress, In Abstracts from the 48th ERA-EDTA Congress, Prague.
Poster Presentation.
13. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Feehally, J.; Bevington, A.. 2011. "Collapse of intramuscular free amino acid pools in patients with CKD4-5 after 6 months of walking exercise is prevented by alkali supplements", Trabalho apresentado em European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress, In Abstracts from the 48th ERA-EDTA Congress, Prague.
14. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2011. "Inflammatory activation in chronic kidney disease: effect of regular aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em British Renal Society/Renal Association (BRS/RA) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BRS/RA Annual Conference, Birmingham.
Poster Presentation.
15. Marques, E.A.; Wanderley, F.; Gonçalves, D.; Coelho, M.; Viana, J.L.; Moreira, P.; Mota, J.; Carvalho, J.. 2010. "A comparison of resistance and aerobic exercise training on physical ability, bone mineral density and osteoprotegerin in older women", Trabalho apresentado em American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) Annual Meeting, In Abstracts from the 32nd ASBMR Annual Meeting, Toronto.
16. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2010. "Systemic inflammation in chronic kidney disease: effect of acute and regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 15th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Lausanne.
17. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2010. "Neutrophil function in chronic kidney disease: effect of acute and regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 15th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Lausanne.
Poster Presentation.
18. Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; John, S.G.; Owen, P.J.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Bevington, A.; McIntyre, C.W.; Feehally, J.. 2010. "A six month study of regular walking exercise in advanced pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 15th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Lausanne.
19. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Pawluczyk, I.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Owen, P.J.; John, S.G.; McIntyre, C.W.; Lee, V.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Feehally, J.; Bevington, A.. 2010. "Endogenous sulphuric acid production rate is a strong predictor of myofibrillar protein degradation in patients with CKD4-5", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 15th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Lausanne.
20. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Feehally, J.; Bevington, A.. 2010. "Collapse of intramuscular free amino acid pools in patients with CKD4-5 after 6 months of walking exercise is prevented by alkali supplements", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 15th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Lausanne.
21. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2010. "Systemic inflammation in chronic kidney disease: effect of acute and regular moderate intensity aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em British Renal Society/Renal Association (BRS/RA) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BRS/RA Annual Conference, Manchester.
Poster Presentation.
22. Bevington, A.; Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Shirreffs, S.; Maughan, R.J.; Owen, P.J.; John, S.G.; McIntyre, C.W.; Feehally, J.. 2010. "Combined walking exercise and alkali therapy in patients with CKD4-5 generates anabolic signals but no net suppression of muscle protein catabolism", Trabalho apresentado em British Renal Society/Renal Association (BRS/RA) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BRS/RA Annual Conference, Manchester.
23. Viana, J.L.. 2009. "Exercise and immune function: relevance for elite gymnastics", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress of Gymnastics, In Abstracts from the International Congress of Gymnastics - Sciences for Gymnastics and Acrobatic Activities, Lisbon.
24. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2009. "Effect of acute and regular exercise on systemic inflammation in chronic kidney disease patients", Trabalho apresentado em International Society of Exercise Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, In Abstracts from the 9th ISEI Symposium, Tübingen.
25. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2009. "Effect of acute and regular exercise on CD4+ lymphocyte activation in chronic kidney disease patients", Trabalho apresentado em American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, In Abstracts from the 56th ACSM Annual Meeting, Seattle.
Poster Presentation.
26. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Exercise in chronic kidney disease: effect of a one month exercise programme on neutrophil function and systemic inflammation", Trabalho apresentado em World Congress of Nephrology, In Abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology, Milan.
Poster Presentation.
27. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Exercise in chronic kidney disease: acute effects on neutrophil and T cell function", Trabalho apresentado em World Congress of Nephrology, In Abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology, Milan.
Poster Presentation.
28. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Clapp, E.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Feehally, J.. 2009. "Effects of a six month exercise programme on uraemic symptoms and functional parameters of patients with chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em World Congress of Nephrology, In Abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology , Milan.
29. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Pawluczyk, I.; Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Feehally, J.; Seymour, A.M.; Lee, V.; Bevington, A.. 2009. "Endogenous sulphuric acid production rate is a strong predictor of myofibrillar protein degradation in patients with CKD stage 4-5", Trabalho apresentado em World Congress of Nephrology, In Abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology , Milan.
30. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Neutrophil function and systemic inflammation in chronic kidney disease: effect of a one-month programme of moderate intensity exercise", Trabalho apresentado em Renal Association/British Transplantation Society (RA/BTS) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the RA/BTS Annual Conference, Liverpool.
Poster Presentation.
31. Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Bevington, A.; Feehally, J.; Smith, A.C.. 2009. "Neutrophil and T cell function in chronic kidney disease: acute effect of a bout of moderate intensity exercise", Trabalho apresentado em Renal Association/British Transplantation Society (RA/BTS) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the RA/BTS Annual Conference, Liverpool.
Poster Presentation.
32. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Viana, J.L.; Clapp, E.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Feehally, J.. 2009. "Effects of a six month exercise programme on uraemic symptoms and functional parameters of patients with chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em Renal Association/British Transplantation Society (RA/BTS) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the RA/BTS Conference, Liverpool.
33. Clapp, E.L.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Pawluczyk, I.; Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Feehally, J.; Seymour, A.M.; Lee, V.; Bevington, A.. 2009. "Endogenous sulphuric acid production rate is a strong predictor of myofibrillar protein degradation in patients with CKD stage 4-5", Trabalho apresentado em Renal Association/British Transplantation Society (RA/BTS) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the RA/BTS Annual Conference, Liverpool.
34. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2008. "Systemic inflammatory status in chronic kidney disease: effect of one month of moderate aerobic exercise", Trabalho apresentado em FIMS (Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport) World Congress of Sports Medicine, In Abstracts from the 30th FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine, Barcelona.
Oral Presentation.
35. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2008. "No effect of one month of moderate aerobic exercise on bacterially-stimulated neutrophil degranulation responses in chronic kidney disease patients", Trabalho apresentado em British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BASES Annual Conference, London.
Oral Presentation.
36. Viana, J.L.; Smith, A.C.; Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Feehally, J.; Bishop, N.C.. 2008. "The effect of acute moderate aerobic exercise on bacterially-stimulated neutrophil degranulation responses in patients with chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science (ECSS), In Abstracts from the 13th Annual Congress of the ECSS, Estoril.
Poster Presentation.
37. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Feehally, J.. 2008. "Effects of an exercise programme on uraemic symptoms and functional parameters of patients with renal failure", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 14th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Marseilles.
38. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Brown, J.R.; Evans, K.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.; Bevington, A.. 2008. "Inhibition of the acidosis-sensing L-Gln transporter SNAT2 impairs proliferation of LBRM-TG6 mouse T-lymphocytes", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, In Abstracts from the 14th International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease, Marseilles.
39. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Bishop, N.C.; Feehally, J.. 2008. "Effects of an exercise programme on uraemic symtpoms and functional parameters of patients with chronic kidney disease", Trabalho apresentado em British Renal Society/Renal Association (BRS/RA) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BRS/RA Annual Conference, Glasgow.
40. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Brown, J.R.; Evans, K.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.; Bevington, A.. 2008. "Inhibition of the acidosis-sensing L-Gln transporter SNAT2 impairs proliferation of LBRM-TG6 mouse T-lymphocytes", Trabalho apresentado em British Renal Society/Renal Association (BRS/RA) Annual Conference, In Abstracts from the BRS/RA Annual Conference, Glasgow.
41. Kosmadakis, G.C.; Bevington, A.; Smith, A.C.; Clapp, E.L.; Viana, J.L.; Feehally, J.. 2008. "Effects of an exercise programme on uraemic symtpoms and functional parameters of patients with renal failure", Trabalho apresentado em European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress, In Abstracts from the 45th ERA-EDTA Congress, Stockholm.
42. Viana, J.L.; Clapp, E.L.; Smith, A.C.; Bishop, N.C.. 2007. "The effect of moderate exercise and ex vivo extracellular acidosis on T lymphocyte and monocyte activation", Trabalho apresentado em International Society of Exercise Immunology (ISEI) Symposium, In Abstracts from the 8th ISEI Symposium, Sendai.
Oral Presentation.
43. Watson, P.; Viana, J.L.; Leser, S.; Kirk, T.; Gleeson, M.. 2007. "Influence of milk ingestion on the hormonal and immune responses to prolonged exercise", Trabalho apresentado em Nutrition Society Summer Meeting, In Abstracts from the Nutrition Society Summer Meeting, Coleraine.
44. Viana, J.L.; Lebre, E.. 2005. "Heart rate analysis during men and women’s artistic gymnastic routines", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference of the AFRAGA (Association Française de Recherche en Activités Gymniques et Acrobatiques), In Abstracts from the 5th International Conference of the AFRAGA, Hammamet.
Oral Presentation.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

Outras informações relevantes
João Luís Campos Pereira da Cruz Viana.

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