1. personal data
2. academic degree
3. area of scientific activity
4. research projects
5. membership in scientific societies
6. referee and editor of scientific journals
7. publications
8. supervising theses
9. language skills
10. other information
1. personal data
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Filipa Bessa
IMAR-Institute of Marine Research Department of Life Sciences University of Coimbra Largo Marques de Pombal 3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal
contact data
tel. +351 239 837797
fax. +351 239 823603
email afbessa@uc.pt
Orcid http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6602-3710
2. academic degree
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year academic degree scientific area institution
2006 Graduation Biology University of Coimbra
2008 MSc Ecology University of Coimbra
2014 PhD Marine Ecology University of Coimbra and University of Florence
3. area of scientific activity
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domain of specialization
Estuarine ecology; Ecology of ocean beaches; Conservation of sandy shore ecosystems; Behavioural Ecology of crustaceans; Trophic linkages and food webs; Stable isotopes; Bioindicators.

present investigation interests
Sandy beach ecology; Macrobenthic communities; Throphic network analysis; Biondicators; Ecological impact assessments; Ecosystem functioning, MSFD, Marine litter, Microplastic pollution.
other skills/activities
PhD Thesis
Scientific area: Biosciences - Marine Ecology
Title: Ecological status and functioning evaluation of sandy beach ecosystems: A macrobenthic community based approach.
Supervisor: Dr. João Carlos Marques
Co Supervisor: Dr Felicita Scapini
University of Coimbra and University of Florence, Italy.
4. coordination/participation of research projects
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With Portuguese national financial support
As Team Member:

Title: 3M_RECITAL - ESTUÁRIOS DO MINHO, MONDEGO E MIRA, observatórios: Variações do estado ecológico a longo prazo originadas por pressões naturais e humanas. implicações na gestão e recuperação
Duration: 2011-2014
Support: FCT, Portugal (Proposal/Contract nº LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009).
Funding: 199.932,00 €.
Coordinator: João Carlos Sousa Marques (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: RECONNECT (System dynamic response to an ample artificial RE-establishment of the upstream CONNECTion between the two arms of the Mondego estuary (Portugal): Implications for recovery, ecological
quality status, and management)
Duration: 2008-2011
Funding: FCT (contract: PTDC/MAR/64627/2006PTDC/MAR/64627/2006)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques

Title: BIOMA - Rede de Competência em Biónica sobre as Ciências do Mar na Região Centro de Portugal.
Duration: 2008
Funding: Program ICENTRO – Programa Regional de Acções Inovadoras da Região do Centro de Portugal 2006/2007 (n.º CCI 2005 PT 16 0 PP 002, European Comission)
Coordinator: CITEVE – Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal
With international financial support
As Team Member:

Title: DEVOTES (Development of innovative tools for understanding marine
biodiversity and assessing good environmental status.
Duration: 2012 - 2016
Funding: EU (FP7-ENV-308392)
Coordinator: Angel Borja, AZTI Fundation, Spain

As Team Member:

Title: Impactos antrópicos em praias arenosas fluminenses: uma abordagem ecológica utilizando bioindicadores naturais.
Duration: 2014
Funding: : Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - FAPERJ
Coordination: Carlos Henrique S. Caetano, Cardoso Ricardo, UNIRIO, Brazil.
Services rendered
5. membership in scientific societies
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6. referee and editor of scientific journals
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Referee of:

Ecological Indicators
Acta Oecologica
Biological Conservation
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Marine Environmental Research
Ocean and Coastal Management
Estuaries and Coasts
Marine Ecology Progress Series
African Journal of Marine Science
Journal of Sea Research
Italian Journal of Zoology
Plos One
Journal of Marine Biology & Oceanography - SciTechnol
7. publications
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|books| |book chapters| |book reviews| |proceedings (int)|
|proceedings (nat)| |national journals| |technical reports| |oral presentations| |posters|
papers in international scientific periodicals with referee (ISI)
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(10) Bessa F, Marques JC, Scapini F, 2014. Behavioural adaptations of two sympatric sandhoppers living on a mesotidal European Atlantic sandy beach. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 147, 17-24.

(9) Bessa F, Gonçalves SC, Franco JN, André JN, Cunha PP, Marques JC, 2014. Temporal changes in macrofauna as response indicator to potential human pressures on sandy beaches. Ecological indicators 41, 49-57.

(8) Bessa F, Baeta A, Marques JC, 2014. Niche segregation amongst sympatric species at exposed sandy shores with contrasting wrack availabilities illustrated by stable isotopic analysis. Ecological Indicators 36, 694-702.

(7) Nourisson D, Bessa F, Scapini F, Marques JC, 2014. Macrofaunal community abundance and diversity and talitrid orientation as potential indicators of ecological long-term effects of a sand-dune recovery intervention. Ecological Indicators 36, 356-366.

(6) Bessa F, Cunha D, Gonçalves SC, Marques JC, 2013. Sandy beach macrofaunal assemblages as indicators of anthropogenic impacts on coastal dunes. Ecological Indicators 30, 196-204.

(5) Marques L, Carriço A, Bessa F, Gaspar R, Neto JM, Patrício J, 2013. Response of intertidal macrobenthic communities and primary producers to mitigation measures in a temperate estuary. Ecological Indicators 25, 10-22.

(4) Bessa F, Rossano C, Nourisson D, Gambineri S, Marques JC, Scapini F, 2013. Behaviour of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on a rehabilitated sandy beach on the European Atlantic Coast (Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 117, 168-177.

(3) Costa S, Bessa F, Pardal MA 2013. The parasite Sacculina carcini Thompson, 1836 (Cirripedia, Rhizocephala) in the crab Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Portunidae): influence of environmental conditions, colour morphotype and sex. Crustaceana 86, 34-47.

(2) Viegas I, Marques S, Bessa F, Primo AL, Martinho F, Azeiteiro UM, Pardal MA, 2011. Life history strategy of a southern European population of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.): evidence for latitudinal changes in growth phenology and population dynamics. Marine Biology 159, 33-43.

(1) Bessa F, Baeta A, Martinho F, Marques S, Pardal MA, 2010. Seasonal and temporal variations in population dynamics of the Carcinus maenas (L.): the effect of an extreme drought event in a southern European estuary. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 90, 867-876.
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book chapters
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proceedings of international meetings with referee
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national journals, from portugal or from abroad, with peer review
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proceedings of portuguese national meetings
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editorial and book reviews
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technical reports
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oral presentations
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2015: Bessa, Filipa; Scapini,Felicita; Cabrini, TM; Cardoso, RS. The combined effects of contrasting beach extension and human use on talitrid orientation. VII INTERNATIONAL SANDY BEACH SYMPOSIUM. Ilhabela-Brazil. 6-10 July, 2015.

2012: Bessa, Filipa; Rossano, Claudia; Nourisson, Delphine; Gambineri, Simone; Marques, João Carlos; Scapini, Felicita. Behaviour of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on rehabilitated sandy beach on the European Atlantic Coast (Portugal). Vth INTERNATIONAL SANDY BEACH SYMPOSIUM. South Africa, 23-28 June, 2012.
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2015: Reis, MG; Bessa, F; Skinner, VB; Cabrini, TMB; Cardoso, RS. Comportamento orientacional de Atlantorchestoidea brasiliensis na praia da Restinga da Marambaia, RJ. V Congresso Brasileiro de Biologia Marinha. Porto de Galinhas, Ipojuca - PE, Brazil, 17-21 May 2015.

2014: Bessa, F; Gonçalves, SG; Franco, JF; André, JN; Cunha, PP; Marques, JC. Temporal changes in macrofauna as response indicator to potential human pressures on sandy beaches. ECSA54 Conference- Coastal systems under change: tuning assessment and management tools. Sesimbra, Portugal, 12-16 May 2014.

2012: Bessa, Filipa; Rossano, Claudia; Nourisson, Delphine; Gambineri, Simone; Marques, João Carlos; Scapini, Felicita. Behaviour of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on rehabilitated sandy beach on the European Atlantic Coast (Portugal). Vth INTERNATIONAL SANDY BEACH SYMPOSIUM. South Africa, 23-28 June, 2012.

2012: Bessa, Filipa; Rossano, Claudia; Nourisson, Delphine; Gambineri, Simone; Marques, João Carlos; Scapini, Felicita. Behaviour of Talitrus saltator (Crustacea: Amphipoda) on rehabilitated sandy beach on the European Atlantic Coast (Portugal). 73 CONGRESSO NAZIONALE DELL'UNIONE ZOOLOGICA ITALIANA, Florence, Italy, 23-27 September 2012.
8. supervising theses
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M.Sc Thesis
Concluded (as co-supervisor):

1. José David Costa Cunha (2012). Title: Efeitos da nutrição de praias na comunidade macrofaunal
de uma praia arenosa da costa ocidental Portuguesa. University of Coimbra.
9. language skills
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language reading writing conversation
portuguese born language born language born language
english excelent very good very good
italian excelent very good very good
french very good basic basic
spanish very good regular good
10. other information [e.g. patents]
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2012: REPUBLICA DO SABER. O comportamento da pulga da areia como potencial biondicator de impactos em praias arenosas.

Homepage: "REPÚBLICA DO SABER" #PGM 7 Dez 2012 - RTP 2; https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=4560523624048.


2010: Member of the Organising Committee of ECSA 47 Symposium - Integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological quality in estuarine and coastal systems worldwide Figueira da Foz, 14 - 19 September (www.uc.pt/imar/ecsa47).