Ana Cardoso Allen Gomes
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23/11/2013 |
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Ana Cardoso Allen Gomes |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
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Gomes, Ana Cardoso Allen |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Bos, Sandra C; Macedo, António; Marques, Mariana; Pereira, Ana T; Maia, Berta R; Soares, Maria J; Valente, José; Gomes, Ana A; Azevedo, Maria H. 2013. "Is Positive Affect in Pregnancy Protective of Postpartum Depression?", Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 35, 1: 5 - 12.
2. |
Gomes, Ana A; Tavares, José; de Azevedo, M. H. P. 2011. "Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates: A Multi-measure, Multi-predictor Approach", Chronobiology International 28, 9: 786 - 801.
3. |
Maia, Berta R; Soares, Maria J; Pereira, Ana T; Marques, Mariana; Bos, Sandra C; Gomes, Ana; Valente, José; Azevedo, Maria H; Macedo, António. 2011. "Affective state dependence and relative trait stability of perfectionism in sleep disturbances", Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 33, 3: 252 - 260.
4. |
Soares, Maria J; Macedo, António; Bos, Sandra C; Maia, Berta; Marques, Mariana; Pereira, Ana T; GOMES, ANA A; Valente, José; NOGUEIRA, VASCO; Azevedo, Maria H. 2011. "Sleep disturbances, body mass index and eating behaviour in undergraduate students", Journal of Sleep Research 20, 3: 479 - 486.
5. |
Marques, Mariana; Bos, Sandra; Soares, Maria J; Maia, Berta; Pereira, Ana T; Valente, José; Gomes, Ana A; Macedo, António; Azevedo, Maria H. 2011. "Is insomnia in late pregnancy a risk factor for postpartum depression/depressive symptomatology?", Psychiatry Research 186, 2-3: 272 - 280.
6. |
Pereira, Ana T; Bos, Sandra C; Marques, Mariana; Maia, Berta R; Soares, Maria J; Valente, José; Gomes, Ana A; Macedo, António; Azevedo, Maria H. P. 2010. "The postpartum depression screening scale: is it valid to screen for antenatal depression?", Archives of Women's Mental Health 14, 3: 227 - 238.
7. |
Pereira, Ana T; Bos, Sandra; Marques, Mariana; Maia, Berta R; Soares, Maria J; Valente, José; Gomes, Ana A; Macedo, António; Azevedo, Maria H. 2010. "The Portuguese version of the postpartum depression screening scale", Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 31, 2: 90 - 100.
8. |
Maia, Berta R; Soares, Maria J; Gomes, Ana; Marques, Mariana; Pereira, Ana T; Cabral, Ana; Valente, José; Bos, Sandra C; Pato, Michele; Pocinho, Fernando; Azevedo, Maria H; Macedo, António. 2009. "Perfectionism in obsessive-compulsive and eating disorders", Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 31, 4: 322 - 327.
9. |
Soares, Maria J; Macedo, António; Bos, Sandra C; Marques, Mariana; Maia, Berta; Pereira, Ana T; Gomes, Ana; Valente, José; Pato, Michele; Azevedo, Maria H. 2009. "Perfectionism and eating attitudes in portuguese students: A longitudinal study", European Eating Disorders Review 17, 5: 390 - 398.
10. |
Carvalho Bos, S; Pereira, Ana T; Marques, Mariana; Maia, Berta; Soares, Maria J; Valente, José; Gomes, Ana; Macedo, António; Azevedo, Maria H. 2009. "The BDI-II factor structure in pregnancy and postpartum: Two or three factors?", European Psychiatry 24, 5: 334 - 340.
11. |
Macedo, António; Bos, Sandra C; Marques, Mariana; Maia, Berta; Soares, Maria J; Pereira, Telma; Gomes, Ana A; Valente, José; Azevedo, Maria H. 2009. "Perfectionism dimensions in pregnancy—a study in Portuguese women", Archives of Women's Mental Health 12, 1: 43 - 52.
12. |
Carvalho Bos, S; Gomes, A.; Clemente, V.; Marques, M.; Pereira, A.T.; Maia, B.; Soares, M.J.; Cabral, A.S.; Macedo, A.; Gozal, D.; Azevedo, M.H.. 2009. "Sleep and behavioral/emotional problems in children: A population-based study", Sleep Medicine 10, 1: 66 - 74.
13. |
Allen Gomes, A; Tavares, J.; Azevedo, Maria H. P.. 2009. "Sleep-wake patterns in Portuguese undergraduates", Acta Medica Portuguesa 22, 5: 545 - 552. |
14. |
Marques, Mariana; Macedo, A.; Soares, M.J.; Maia, Berta; Pereira, Ana T; Bos, Sandra C; Gomes, Ana C. A; Valente, José; Azevedo, Maria H. 2009. "The premedical syndrome: Does it exist in Portugal?", Acta Medica Portuguesa 22, 6: 789 - 796. |
15. |
Pereira, Ana T; Maia, Berta R; Marques, Mariana; Bos, Sandra C; Soares, Maria J; Gomes, Ana; Macedo, António; Azevedo, Maria H. P.. 2008. "Factor structure of the Rutter Teacher Questionnaire in Portuguese children", Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria 30, 4: 322 - 327.
16. |
Macedo, António; Soares, Maria J; Azevedo, Maria H; Gomes, Ana; Pereira, Ana T; Maia, Berta; Pato, Michele. 2007. "Perfectionism and eating attitudes in Portuguese university students", European Eating Disorders Review 15, 4: 296 - 304.
17. |
Ferreira, A.M.; Clemente, V.; Gozal, D.; Gomes, A.; Pissarra, C.; César, H.; Coelho, I.; Silva, C. F; Azevedo, M. H. P. 2000. "Snoring in Portuguese primary school children", Pediatrics 106, 5: E64 - E64. |
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Maia, B.R.; Pereira, A.T.; Marques, M.; Soares, M.J.; Bos, S.C.; Valente, J.; Gomes, A.A.; Nogueira, V.; Azevedo, M.H.; Macedo, A.. 2011. "Perfeccionism role in perinatal depression (ICD-10, DSM-IV and BDI-II, PDSS) ", Trabalho apresentado em 19th European Congress of Psychiatry, In P03-509 - The role of perfectionism in perinatal depression (ICD-10, DSM-IV and BDI-II, PDSS), Vienna. Aims: The role of perfectionism as a correlate of perinatal depressive symptomatology, and as a predictor of postpartum depressive
disorder was examined. Methods: 386 women in their third trimester of pregnancy (mean age = 30.08 years; SD = 4.205; range
= 19–44) completed the Portuguese versions of Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Beck Depression Inventory-II/BDI-II, Postpartum
Depression Screening Scale/PDSS and three additional questions evaluating anxiety trait, life stress perception and social
support. Diagnoses of depression (ICD-10/DSM-IV) were obtained using the Portuguese version of the Diagnostic Interview for
Genetic Studies/OPCRIT system. Women who were clinically depressed in pregnancy (ICD-10/DSM-IV) were excluded from the analysis.
Results: Self-Oriented Perfectionism/SOP and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism/SPP subcomponents were significant correlates
of depressive symptomatology (BDI-II/PDSS) in pregnancy. SPP-Others High Standards/OHS was a significant predictor of postpartum
depressive symptomatology (BDI-II/PDSS), and SPP-Conditional Acceptance/CA was a predictor of postpartum depressive symptomatology
(PDSS). None of the perfectionism subscales predicted postpartum depressive disorder (ICD-10/DSM-IV). Conclusions:SOP and
SPP have shown to be relevant correlates of depressive symptomatology in pregnancy. In the present study, SPP-OHS and SPP-CA
were also significant correlates of perinatal depressive symptomatology, as well as important risk factors for depressive
symptomatology in postpartum. Perfectionism subscales were not significant predictors of postpartum depressive disorder (ICD-10/DSM-IV).
While SPP maladaptive influence was supported, SOP was shown to be more heterogeneous in its consequences. These findings
may have important implications both for clinical practice and for research.
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2. |
Bos, S.C.; Soares, M.J.; Marques, M.; Maia, B.R.; Pereira, A.T.; Gomes, A.A.; Macedo, A.; Azevedo, M.H.. 2010. "Can disordered eating attitudes predict sleep disturbance overtime? ", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Journal of Sleep Research, Lisboa, Portugal. Objective: To explore whether disordered eating attitudes predicted sleep disturbances overtime. Methods: A total of 870 university
students took part of the study, 592 participated one year later (T1) and 305 students two years later (T2). The Eating Attitudes
Test-40 (EAT-40) was used to assess global disordered eating attitudes/behaviours (EAT total score), Diet Concerns, (DC),
Bulimic Behaviours (BB) and Social Pressure to Eat (SPE). Sleep disturbances were assessed with two items related to difficulties
initiating sleep (DIS) and difficulties maintaining sleep (DMS). A sleep disturbance index (SDI) was calculated by summing
DIS and DMS scores. Results: The group of subjects with more disordered eating attitudes, BB and SPE scores at baseline experienced
more sleep disturbances (DIS, DMS and SDI) at T1 and T2 than the group with less abnormal eating attitudes. In addition, baseline
EAT total scores, BB and SPE scores were higher within the groups who experienced onset insomnia, remission insomnia and persistent
insomnia overtime comparatively to the good sleepers group. Global disordered eating attitudes/behaviours at baseline predicted
DIS (T1: 6.2%, P < .001; T2: 4.5%, P = .006), DMS (T1: 4.1%, P < .001; T2: 4.2%, P = .024) and SDI (T1: 6.8%, P < .001; T2:
5.5%, P < .001) at T1 and T2. Students with increased BB and SPE scores at baseline were more likely to experience onset and
persistent insomnia in the long term. Conclusions: The present results indicate that assessing disordered eating attitudes
in university students, particularly BB and SPE, might be helpful preventing subsequent sleep disturbances which are known
to affect negatively human’s health and well-being.
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3. |
Gomes, A.A.; Tavares, J.; Bos, S.C.; Soares, M.J.; Murta, J.P.; Marques, M.; Maia, B.R.; Pereira, A.T.; Valente, J.; Cabral, A.S.; Macedo, A.; Azevedo, M.H.. 2010. "Sleep, well-being, lifestyle, and academic variables: which are the main predictors of academic achievement at university?", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Journal of Sleep Research, Lisboa, Portugal. Objective: To examine whether sleep variables would emerge as significant predictors of academic performance at university,
when other potential predictors (such as class attendance; time devoted to study; substance use) are considered. Methods:
A sample of 1654 (55% F) full time students of a public Portuguese University, aged 17–25 yr (M = 19.98 ± 1.65), attending
18 undergraduate degrees (1st-3rd curricular years), answered to a selfresponse questionnaire covering demographic, sleep,
academic, lifestyle and well-being variables, completed at the middle of the semester. As a measure of academic achievement,
a final mark for each student was collected at the end of the semester, and raw scores were converted into standardized z
scores. As to data analysis, the main predictors of end of semester marks were identified through a multiple regression analysis:
[1] firstly, a correlation matrix was examined to select the potential predictors and prevent multicollinearity; [2] secondly,
a stepwise regression analysis was conducted, entering as potential predictors only those variables showing significant associations
with marks. Results: From fifteen variables included in the model as potential predictors (Age, Previous Academic Achievement,
Vocational Preferences, Class Attendance, Study Time, Cognitive Functioning, Night Outings, Coffee, Tobacco, Alcohol and Other
Substances consumption, Sleep Quality, Enough Sleep, Sleep Phase, Sleep-Wake Cycle Irregularity), five were shown to be significant
predictors of marks: Previous Academic Achievement; Class Attendance; Enough Sleep; Night Outings; and Sleep Quality, R-squared
= .14, adjusted Rsquared = .14, F (5,1234) = 40.99, P < .0001. Associations of the remainder sleep, academic, well-being,
and lifestyle variables (e.g., time devoted to study; alcohol consumption), with academic achievement, lost significance in
stepwise regression. Conclusion: Together with class attendance, (...).
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4. |
Azevedo, M.H.; Maia, B.R.; Marques, M.; Bos, S.C.; Nogueira, V.; Soares, M.J.; Pereira, A.T.; Gomes, A.A.; Valente, J.; Macedo, A.. 2010. "Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Pre Sleep Arousal Scale", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Journal of Sleep Research, Lisboa, Portugal. Objective: To translate and to analyse the reliability and validity of the Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS). Methods: The survey
contained the PSAS and measures of mood (POMS subscales: depression, anger-tension, and vigour-friendliness), neuroticism
(NEO-PI-R) and sleep habits/difficulties (sleep duration, depth, quality, latency, nighttime awakenings, time to get up in
the morning, and sleeplessness). 321 university students (256 females, 79.6%), mean age 20.39 years (SD=1.79; range = 17–25)
participated in the study. Results: Based on the scree test of Catell a 2-factor solution was found. Eight items loaded in
a Somatic component and 8 items loaded in a Cognitive component. The PSAS test-retest correlation was of .80. Somatic and
Cognitive Cronbach alphas were of .86 and .85, respectively. Significantly moderate correlations were found between Somatic
and Cognitive subscales and depression and anger/anxiety. Vigour/friendliness was significantly and negatively correlated
with the Somatic subscale. Significantly, albeit small, correlations were found between PSAS subscales and neuroticism subscales
of anxiety, hostility and depression. Impulsivity was correlated with Cognitive arousal. Significantly positive and moderate
correlations were found between PSAS subscales and light sleep, poor sleep, nighttime awakenings and sleeplessness. Sleep
duration was negatively, but significantly, correlated with both subscales. In general, stronger correlations were found with
Cognitive arousal. A Mann-Whitney U Test was conducted to explore the impact of Somatic and Cognitive levels of arousal on
sleep quality. Significant differences were found between poor and good sleepers, with effect sizes being higher for the Cognitive
subscale. Conclusions: The reliability and validity analysis of the Portuguese version of the PSAS showed to be very good.
Somatic and Cognitive arousal correlated with measures of negative mood states, neuroticism, and all sleep variables. (...).
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5. |
Lopes, M.; Rosmaninho, J.; Quintal, J.; Soares, M.J.; Maia, B.R.; Marques, M.; Pereira, A.T.; Gomes, A.A.; Bos, S.C.; Macedo, A.; Azevedo, M.H.. 2010. "Sleep duration and BMI in university students.", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Journal of Sleep Research, Lisboa, Portugal. Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the association between body mass index (BMI) and sleep duration (SD), sleep
needs (SN), sleep deficit, physical and psychological health in Portuguese medical students of both genders. Methods: Four
hundred and sixty-five participants (303 females; 65.2%); with a mean age of 18.77 (SD = 1.18, range 17–26) completed a questionnaire
administered during classes regarding self-reported height, weight, SD, SN, physical and psychological health. BMI was calculated
as weight (Kg) divided by the square of height (m). BMI groups were constructed using World Health Organization criteria.
Sleep deficit was determined by subtracting sleep needs from sleep duration. Results: Females reported significantly higher
subjective sleep needs (7.8 hours versus 8.1 h; P = .014), lower BMI (md = 20.55; md = 22.20, P = .001) and lower psychological
health (P < .001) compared to males. There were no significant associations between sleep duration and BMI both in total sample
(r = ).068, P = .148) and in the female (r = ).003; P = .955) and male subsamples (r = ).117; P = .141); therefore the analysis
on this association were performed for the global sample. No significant associations were also found between BMI and sleep
duration when subjects were divided by BMI groups (P = .351). Moreover, significant associations were observed between BMI
and sleep needs (r = ).122; P < .01) and physical health (r = ).137; P < .01). Conclusion: In Portuguese medical students
BMI was not significantly associated with sleep duration, sleep deficit and psychological health but it was negatively associated
with physical health and sleep needs.
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6. |
A., Gomes; A., Cabral; M., Marques; A.T., Pereira; B.R., Maia; M.J., Soares; J., Valente; A., Macedo; V., Clemente; M.H., Azevedo. 2009. "Teacher reports of emotional and disruptive behaviours in Portuguese children", Trabalho apresentado em 17th European Congress of Psychiatry, In European Psychiatry, Lisboa.
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7. |
Azevedo, M.H.; Bos, S.C.; Pereira, A.T.; Maia, B.R.; Marques, M.; Soares, M.J.; Gomes, A.A.; Valente, J.; Macedo, A.. 2008. "Psychological Distress in Pregnant women with Insomnia.", Trabalho apresentado em 22nd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, In Sleep, Baltimore, Maryland. |
8. |
Gomes, A.; Mendes, A.J.. 2008. "A study on student’s characteristics and programming learning.", Trabalho apresentado em ED-MEDIA’08 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecomunications, In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA’08 - World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecomunications, Viena. |
9. |
A.T., Pereira; S., Bos; M.J., Soares; A., Gomes; J., Valente; A., Macedo; M., Marques; B.R., Maia; M.H., Azevedo. 2008. "The BDI-II factor structure in pregnancy and postpartum: Two or three Factors?", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, In Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, Roma. |
10. |
M., Marques; A., Macedo; M.J., Soares; B.R., Maia; A.T., Pereira; S., Bos; A., Gomes; J., Valente; M.H., Azevedo. 2008. "Can we talk about “Premedical Syndrome” among Portuguese Medical students?", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy, In Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamentale, Roma.
11. |
M.H., Azevedo; M.J., Soares; B.R., Maia; A.T., Pereira; A., Gomes; A., Cabral; A., Macedo. 2006. "Perfectionism and Sleep Disturbance in Young Males", Trabalho apresentado em 18th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Sleep and Psychiatry - Personality - 1, Insbruck. |
12. |
Pereira, A.; Tavares, J.; Monteiro, S.; Gomes, A.A.; Fernandes, C.; Silva, I.; Cabral, A. P; Bessa, J.; Carvalho, R.; Souza, D.. 2005. "Development, Learning and Intervention in Higher Education (D.A.I.E.S.) ", Trabalho apresentado em 9th European Congress of Psychology , In Proceedings of the 9th European Congress of Psychology , Granada, Spain. |
13. |
Azevedo, M.H.; Soares, M.J.; Ferreira, A.M.; Gomes, A.A.; Bos, S.C.; Macedo, A.. 2004. "Perfectionism and Sleep Disturbance in Female Students", Trabalho apresentado em 17th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society; Praga, República Checa, 5 a 9 de Outubro de 2004., In Journal of Sleep Research, Praga, República Checa. Aim: To investigate the association between perfectionism and self-reported sleep disturbances in female university students.
Method: The data for this report were drawn from an ongoing research project on Perfectionism and Obsessive–Compulsive Spectrum
Disorders*. Hewitt and Flett’s [1] Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS) in its validated Portuguese version, is used
to measure self-oriented (SOP), socially prescribed (SPP), and other-oriented (OOP) perfectionism dimensions. A total perfectionism
score (MPS Total score) is derived from the sum of scores for the individual items (n = 45). Two sleep items (rated from never
= 0 to always = 5) covering difficulties in initiating sleep (DIS) and maintaining sleep (DMS), are used to assess sleep disturbances.
An overall index of sleep disturbance (SDI) score is obtained from the sum of scores for each item. Test-retest reliabilities
over 4 weeks were: r = 0.637 for DIS; r = 0.588 for DMS, and r = 0.723 for SDI (all P-values = 0.000) Results: The sample
comprises 764 females; mean age 19.32 years (SD = 1.54; range = 17–25); 99.1% single. On the basis of the responses to the
sleep questions subjects were divided into two groups: (1) Insomniacs (n = 168) consisting of subjects who experienced Difficulties
initiating and/or maintaining sleep _Often/Very often and/or Always’, and (2) Good Sleepers (n = 360), including subjects
who answered both sleep questions as ’Never and/or Rarely’. Comparing the two groups the Insomniacs had significantly higher
mean scores on SPP (47.95 vs. 42.23; t = - 4.871; P = 0.000) and on EMP Total Score (188.72 vs. 180.55; t = ) 3.021; P = .003).
No significant differences were found on SOP and OOP. Conclusion: In female university students only socially prescribed
perfectionism was associated with sleep disturbances.
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14. |
Tavares, J.; Pereira, A.; Gomes, A.A.; Cabral, A. P; Souza, D.; Silva, I.; Oliveira, J.; Castelo-Branco, M.C.; Latino, M.L.G.. 2003. "Higher Education Study and Intervention Lab (HESIL/LEIES)", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: New trends and innovations (ICHED). , In Proceedings of the International Conference Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: New trends and innovations (ICHED).
, Aveiro, Portugal. |
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Azevedo, Maria H; Bos, Sandra C; Soares, Maria J; Marques, Mariana; Pereira, Ana T; Maia, Berta; Gomes, Ana A; Macedo, António. 2010. "Longitudinal study on perfectionism and sleep disturbance", World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 11, 2_2: 476 - 485.
2. |
de Azevedo, M. H. P; Soares, Maria J; Carvalho Bos, S; Allen Gomes, A; Maia, Berta; Marques, Mariana; Pereira, Ana T; Macedo, António. 2009. "Perfectionism and sleep disturbance", World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 10, 3: 225 - 233.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing |
1. |
J., Quintal; M., Marques; M.J., Soares; J., Rosmaninho; M., Lopes; B.R., Maia; A.T., Pereira; A., Macedo; A., Gomes; S., Bos; M.H., Azevedo. 2010. "Neuroticism, coping styles and sleep quality in female students.", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Ocupação, Lisboa.
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2. |
M.H., Azevedo; S., Bos; M.J., Soares; A.T., Pereira; M., Marques; B.R., Maia; A., Gomes; A., Macedo. 2008. "Perfectionism and sleep disturbance: a longitudinal study", Trabalho apresentado em 19th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, In Journal of Sleep Research, Glasgow. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
35 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
19 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
17 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
2 |
Trabalhos em eventos Papers in conference proceedings |
16 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
14 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
2 |
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