During ten years Alexandra Van Quynh has been using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for fundamental physics investigations, namely for the probing of the order parameter in superconducting systems and for the investigations of molecular dynamics in complex macromolecules and liquid crystals. Her current interests are related to the broad subject of "Intuition and serendipity in scientific discoveries". A project dedicated to this research area will be submitted to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Tecnology (FCT) and will be carried out in collaboration with the Centre de Recherche en Épistémologie Appliquée (CREA) at the École Polytechnique of Paris and the Pôle de Psychiatrie of the Sainte-Marguerite Hospital in Marseilles (France). This investigation will be based on protocols that permit to probe the pre-reflective conscious. More details should be given later on that web page. Additionally she has been following courses on a short-therapy method called biopsychology that uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and insight of emotions. At times she organizes evening casual conferences on subjects related to "science and something" with the systematic aim to please her curiosity and to present some of the exciting (and surprising) aspects of fundamental science to a non-initiated audience.
Membro Integrado Doutorado / Post-Doc FCT
Intuition in mathematics: epistemology and experience
Isabel Serra (a partir de 2016)
Olga Pombo (2011-2015)
Início: 2011
Epistemologia e Metodologia (Membro)
Filosofia da Matemática (Colaboradora) - Concluído
Campo Grande, C4.3.24 - 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
+351 217 500 000 (Ext. 24320)