Curriculum Vitae

Luís Avelino Guimarães Dias

Data da última atualização »Last update : 29/01/2015

Luís Avelino Guimarães Dias Publicou 19 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 60 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Luís Avelino Guimarães Dias
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Dias, Luís Avelino Guimarães

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Malheiro, R.; Casal, S.; Sousa, A.; de Pinho, P; Peres, A.M.; Dias, L.G.; Bento, A.; Pereira, J.A.. 2012. "Effect of Cultivar on Sensory Characteristics, Chemical Composition, and Nutritional Value of Stoned Green Table Olives", Food and Bioprocess Technology 5, 5: 1733 - 17.
2. Iglesias, A.; Feás, X.; Rodrigues, S.; Seijas, J.A.; Vázquez-Tato, M.P.; Dias, L.G.; Estevinho, L.M.. 2012. "Comprehensive study of honey with protected denomination of origin and contribution to the enhancement of legal specifications", Molecules 17, 7: 8561 - 85.
3. Dias, L.G.; Pereira, A.P.; Estevinho, L.M.. 2012. "Comparative study of different Portuguese samples of propolis: Pollinic, sensorial, physicochemical, microbiological characterization and antibacterial activity", Food and Chemical Toxicology 50, 12: 4246 - 42.
4. Dias, L.G.; Peres, A.M.; Barcelos, T.P.; Sá Morais, J; MacHado, A.A.S.C.. 2011. "Semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of soft drinks using an electronic tongue", Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 154, 2: 111 - 118.
5. Moreira, L.L.; Dias, T.; Dias, L.G.; Rogão, M.; Da Silva, J; Estevinho, L.M.. 2011. "Propolis influence on erythrocyte membrane disorder (hereditary spherocytosis): A first approach", Food and Chemical Toxicology 49, 2: 520 - 526.
6. Peres, A.M.; Baptista, P.; Malheiro, R.; Dias, L.G.; Bento, A.; Pereira, J.A.. 2011. "Chemometric classification of several olive cultivars from Trás-os-Montes region (northeast of Portugal) using artificial neural networks", Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 105, 1: 65 - 73.
7. Peres, A.M.; Dias, L.G.; Veloso, A.C.A.; Meirinho, S.G.; Morais, J.S.; MacHado, A.A.S.C.. 2011. "An electronic tongue for gliadins semi-quantitative detection in foodstuffs", Talanta 83, 3: 857 - 864.
8. A.M. Peres, L. D. T. B. J. S. M. a. A. 2010. "n electronic tongue for juice level evaluation in non-alcoholic beverages", Procedia Chemistry, 1: 1023 - 1026.
9. Gomes, S.; Dias, L.G.; Moreira, L.L.; Rodrigues, P.; Estevinho, L.. 2010. "Physicochemical, microbiological and antimicrobial properties of commercial honeys from Portugal", Food and Chemical Toxicology 48, 2: 544 - 548.
10. Rodrigues, M.A.; Gomes, V.; Dias, L.G.; Pires, J.; Aguiar, C.; Arrobas, M.. 2010. "Evaluation of soil nitrogen availability by growing tufts of nitrophilic species in an intensively grazed biodiverse legume-rich pasture | Evaluación de la disponibilidad de N en suelo en pastos biodiversos ricos en leguminosas mediante el cultivo de plantas nitrófilas dentro de la dehesa", Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8, 4: 1058 - 10.
11. Peres, A.M.; Dias, L.G.; Joy, M.; Teixeira, A.. 2010. "Assessment of goat fat depots using ultrasound technology and multiple multivariate prediction models", Journal of Animal Science 88, 2: 572 - 580.
12. Dias, L.G.; Veloso, A.C.A.; Correia, D.M.; Rocha, O.; Torres, D.; Rocha, I.; Rodrigues, L.R.; Peres, A.M.. 2009. "UV spectrophotometry method for the monitoring of galacto-oligosaccharides production", Food Chemistry 113, 1: 246 - 252.
13. Peres, A.M.; Dias, L.G.; Barcelos, T.P.; Sá Morais, J; Machado, A.A.S.C.. 2009. "An electronic tongue for juice level evaluation in non-alcoholic beverages", Procedia Chemistry 1, 1: 1023 - 10.
14. Dias, L. A; Peres, A. M; Veloso, A. C. A; Reis, F. S; Vilas-Boas, M.; Machado, A. A. S. C. 2009. "An electronic tongue taste evaluation: Identification of goat milk adulteration with bovine milk", Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 136, 1: 209 - 217.
15. Moreira, L.L.; Dias, L.G.; Pereira, J.A.; Estevinho, L.. 2008. "Antioxidant properties, total phenols and pollen analysis of propolis samples from Portugal", Food and Chemical Toxicology 46, 11: 3482 - 34.
16. Dias, Luis A; Peres, Antonio M; Vilas-Boas, Miguel; Rocha, Maria A; Estevinho, Leticia; Machado, Adelio A. S. C. 2008. "An electronic tongue for honey classification", Microchimica Acta 163, 1-2: 97 - 102.
17. Dias, L.G.; Correia, D.M.; Sá-Morais, J.; Sousa, F.; Pires, J.M.; Peres, A.M.. 2008. "Raw bovine meat fatty acids profile as an origin discriminator", Food Chemistry 109, 4: 840 - 847.
18. Estevinho, L.; Pereira, A.P.; Moreira, L.L.; Dias, L.G.; Pereira, E.. 2008. "Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of phenolic compounds extracts of Northeast Portugal honey", Food and Chemical Toxicology 46, 12: 3774 - 37.
19. Rodrigues, M.A.; Pereira, A.P.; Cabanas, J.E.; Dias, L.G.; Pires, J.; Arrobas, M.. 2006. "Crops use-efficiency of nitrogen from manures permitted in organic farming", European Journal of Agronomy 25, 4: 328 - 335.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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