Curriculum Vitae

Miguel Delibes Mateos

Data da última atualização »Last update : 27/01/2015

Miguel Delibes Mateos. Publicou 46 artigos em revistas especializadas, possui 5 capítulos de livros e 1 livro publicados. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 126 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Miguel Delibes Mateos
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Delibes-Mateos, Miguel

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2006 Doutoramento
Biologia y Tecnologia de los Recursos Cinegéticos (5 anos » years) .
Univesridad de Castilla-La Mancha, Espanha.

2000 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Biología (5 anos » years) .
Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Jul/2009-Actual Investigador Principal

Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Abr/2009-Jun/2009 Investigador Auxiliar

Universidad de Málaga
Mai/2007-Mar/2009 Investigador Auxiliar

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Fev/2002-Dez/2006 Outra Situação

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Ecology and Society: European rabbit management
Referência do projeto»Project reference: TAPOST-117.

Conocimiento experto, percepciones sociales y conocimiento científico: el papel de las fuentes de información en la gestión cinegética
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PPII-2014-016-A.

Caracterización de la comunidad de mamíferos terrestres de un área remota (Huinay, fiordo de Comau) mediante foto-trampeo, transectos de indicios y entrevistas a los habitantes y visitantes de la zona
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 2013CL0014.

Participação como Investigador
Participation as Researcher
Ecología, Sociedad y Gestión de Fauna: El conejo en la Península Ibérica
Referência do projeto»Project reference: CGL2013-43197-R.

Causas y consecuencias de la gestión agrícola y cinegética en la fauna silvestre
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 201330E105.

Factores de la coexistencia de mesocarnívoros en Parques Nacionales de ambientes mediterráneos
Referência do projeto»Project reference: 352/2011.

Interacciones ecológicas en comunidades de carnívoros ibéricos: métodos de estudio y efecto de los factores climáticos y la gestión cinegética
Referência do projeto»Project reference: CGL2009- 10741.

Evaluación y mejora de las medidas de gestión de las poblaciones de conejo
Referência do projeto»Project reference: CGL2009-11665.

Evaluación y genética de las poblaciones de conejo
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POII09-0099-2557.

La predación y la recuperación de las poblaciones de conejos en el centro-sur peninsular. Evaluación de la hipótesis del pozo de la predación
Referência do projeto»Project reference: CGL-2009-10741.

Outro Tipo de Participação
Other kind of participation
HUNTing for sustainability
Referência do projeto»Project reference: FP7HUNT.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições
Published/organized books or Editions
1. Figueroa, M.E.; Arroyo, A.; Doblas, D.; Castillo, J.M.; Rubio-Casal, A.E.; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel. 2010. Calles aladas: las aves de la ciudad de Sevilla y su entorno. ed. 2. Sevilla (Spain): Publicaciones Universidad de Sevilla.

Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Arroyo, B.; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Vargas, J. M. 2010. Contribución de la agricultura al aprovechamiento sostenible de la caza menor.  In Anuario de la Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos, 174 - 175. . Madrid (Spain): Unión de Pequeños Agricultores y Ganaderos.
2. Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Fernandez-de-Simon, Javier; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Villafuerte, R.; Ferreras, P.. 2009. Relación entre las rapaces diurnas y la densidad de conejo en 3 zonas de la provincia de Ciudad Real.  In Anuario Ornitológico de Ciudad Real, 33 - 41. . Ciudad Real (Spain): Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO).
3. Villafuerte, R.; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel. 2007. Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus, 1758.  In Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Mamíferos Terrestres de España, 490 - 491. . Madrid (Spain): Dirección General para la Biodiversidad - SECEM - SECEMU.
4. Rouco, C.; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Ferreras, P.; Castro, F.; Villafuerte, R.. 2006. Recuperação das populações de coelho-bravo no Sul de Espanha: caso-estudo de Melonares.  In Gestão de populaçãos de coelho bravo (Oryctolagus cuniculus algirus). , 151 - 168. . Mértola : Federação Alentejana do Caçadores.
5. Castillo, J.M.; Rubio-Casal, A.E.; Luque, C.J.; Castellano, E.M.; Jimenez-Nieva, J.; Figueroa, M.E.; Redondo, S.; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel. 2000. La regresión de la Spartina maritima y sus consecuencias medioambientales en los estuarios del Tinto y el Odiel.  In Identidad Regional y Globalización, 132 - 133. . Huelva (Spain): Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. CARO, JESÚS; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; ESTRADA, ALBA; BORRALHO, RUI; GORDINHO, LU¿?S; REINO, LU¿?S; BEJA, PEDRO; ARROYO, BEATRIZ. 2014. "Effects of hunting management on Mediterranean farmland birds", Bird Conservation International, 111: 1 - 16.
2. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Díaz-Ruiz, F.; Caro, J.; Ferreras, P.. 2014. "Activity patterns of the vulnerable guiña (Leopardus guigna) and its main prey in the Valdivian rainforest of southern Chile", Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 79, 6: 393 - 397.
3. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Giergiczny, Marek; CARO, JESÚS; Viñuela, Javier; Riera, Pere; ARROYO, BEATRIZ. 2014. "Does hunters’ willingness to pay match the best hunting options for biodiversity conservation? A choice experiment application for small-game hunting in Spain", Biological Conservation, 177: 36 - 42.
4. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreira, Catarina; Rouco, Carlos; Villafuerte, Rafael; Barrio, Isabel C. 2014. " Conservationists, hunters and farmers: the European rabbit O ryctolagus cuniculus management conflict in the Iberian Peninsula ", Mammal Review 44, 3-4: 190 - 203.
5. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreira, Catarina; Carro, Francisco; Escudero, Marco A; Gortázar, Christian. 2014. "Ecosystem Effects of Variant Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, Iberian Peninsula", Emerging Infectious Diseases 20, 12: 2166 - 2168.
6. CARO, JESÚS; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Vicente, Joaquín; ARROYO, BEATRIZ. 2014. "A quantitative assessment of the release of farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) for shooting in central Spain", European Journal of Wildlife Research 60, 6: 919 - 926.
7. Ferreira, Catarina; Touza, Julia; Rouco, Carlos; Díaz-Ruiz, Francisco; Fernandez-de-Simon, Javier; Ríos-Saldaña, Carlos A; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL. 2014. " Habitat management as a generalized tool to boost European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus populations in the Iberian Peninsula: a cost-effectiveness analysis ", Mammal Review 44, 1: 30 - 43.
8. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL. 2013. "Negative attitudes towards predators do not necessarily result in their killing", Oryx 48, 01: 16 - 16.
9. Ríos-Saldaña, Carlos A; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Castro, Francisca; Martínez, Emilia; Vargas, Juan M; Cooke, Brian D; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2013. "Control of the European rabbit in central Spain", European Journal of Wildlife Research 59, 4: 573 - 580.
10. Fischer, Anke; Sandström, Camilla; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; ARROYO, BEATRIZ; Tadie, Degu; Randall, Deborah; Hailu, Fetene; Lowassa, Asanterabi; Msuha, Maurus; Kereži, Vesna; Reljic, Slaven; Linnell, John; Majic, Aleksandra. 2013. "On the multifunctionality of hunting – an institutional analysis of eight cases from Europe and Africa", Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 56, 4: 531 - 552.
11. Fischer, Anke; Kereži, Vesna; ARROYO, BEATRIZ; Mateos-Delibes, Miguel; Tadie, Degu; Lowassa, Asanterabi; Krange, Olve; Skogen, Ketil. 2013. "(De)legitimising hunting – Discourses over the morality of hunting in Europe and eastern Africa", Land Use Policy, 32: 261 - 270.
12. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Diaz-Fernández, Silvia; Ferreras, Pablo; Viñuela, Javier; ARROYO, BEATRIZ. 2013. "The Role of Economic and Social Factors Driving Predator Control in Small-Game Estates in Central Spain", Ecology and Society, 18: 2 - 2.
13. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Delibes, Adolfo. 2013. "Pets becoming established in the wild: free-living Vietnamese potbellied pigs in Spain", Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 36: 209 - 2015.
14. Díaz-Ruiz, Francisco; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; García-Moreno, José L; María López-Martín, J; Ferreira, Catarina; Ferreras, Pablo. 2013. " Biogeographical patterns in the diet of an opportunistic predator: the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Iberian Peninsula ", Mammal Review 43, 1: 59 - 70.
15. Viñuela, Javier; Casas, Fabián; Díaz-Fernández, Silvia; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Mougeot, Francois; ARROYO, BEATRIZ. 2013. "La perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa) en España: especie cinegética y amenazada", Ecosistemas 22, 2: 6 - 12.
16. ARROYO, BEATRIZ; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; CARO, JESÚS; ESTRADA, ALBA; Mougeot, François; Díaz-Fernández, Silvia; Casas, Fabián; Viñuela, Javier. 2013. "Efecto de la gestión para las especies de caza menor sobre la fauna no cinegética", Ecosistemas 22, 2: 27 - 32.
17. Acevedo, Pelayo; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL. 2013. "Efectos de los cambios en los usos del suelo en las especies cinegéticas en el sur de España: repercusiones para la gestión", Ecosistemas 22, 2: 33 - 39.
18. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; FARF¿?N, MIGUEL ¿; OLIVERO, JESÚS; Vargas, Juan M. 2012. "Impact of land-use changes on red-legged partridge conservation in the Iberian Peninsula", Environmental Conservation 39, 04: 337 - 346.
19. Delibes-Mateos, M.; Ferreira, Catarina. 2012. "Conflictive management of small mammals considered as pests: a long way to evidence-based policy making", Current Zoology, 58: 353 - 357.
20. Delibes, M.; Blázquez, M.C.; Delibes-Mateos, M.. 2012. "Historical books in ethology: sexual purpose used to explain two ancient documentations of infanticide by males", Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24, 3: 294 - 300.
21. ARROYO, BEATRIZ; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Díaz-Fernández, Silvia; Viñuela, Javier. 2012. "Hunting management in relation to profitability aims: red-legged partridge hunting in central Spain", European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 5: 847 - 855.
22. Rouco, Carlos; Starkloff, Anett; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Schubert, Melanie; Rödel, Heiko G. 2012. "Differentiation of animals from different age classes by means of pellet size: Assessment of a field method in European rabbits", Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 77, 6: 451 - 454.
23. Millán, J.; Casáis, R.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Calvete, C.; Rouco, C.; Castro, F.; Colomar, V.; Casas-Díaz, E.; Ramírez, E.; Moreno, S.; Prieto, J.M.; Villafuerte, R.. 2012. "Widespread exposure to Sarcoptes scabiei in wild European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Spain", Veterinary Parasitology 183, 3-4: 323 - 329.
24. Blanco-Aguiar, José A; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; ARROYO, BEATRIZ; Ferreras, Pablo; Casas, Fabián; Real, Raimundo; Vargas, J. M; Villafuerte, Rafael; Viñuela, Javier. 2011. "Is the interaction between rabbit hemorrhagic disease and hyperpredation by raptors a major cause of the red-legged partridge decline in Spain?", European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 2: 433 - 439.
25. Fernandez-de-Simon, Javier; Díaz-Ruiz, Francisco; Cirilli, Francesca; Tortosa, Francisco S; Villafuerte, Rafael; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreras, Pablo. 2011. "Towards a standardized index of European rabbit abundance in Iberian Mediterranean habitats", European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 5: 1091 - 1100.
26. Fernandez-de-Simon, Javier; Díaz-Ruiz, Francisco; Villafuerte, Rafael; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreras, Pablo. 2011. "Assessing predictors of pellet persistence in European rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus: towards reliable population estimates from pellet counts", Wildlife Biology 17, 3: 317 - 325.
27. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Smith, Andrew T; Slobodchikoff, Con N; Swenson, Jon E. 2011. "The paradox of keystone species persecuted as pests: A call for the conservation of abundant small mammals in their native range", Biological Conservation 144, 5: 1335 - 1346.
28. Acevedo, Pelayo; Farfán, Miguel ¿; Márquez, Ana L; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Real, Raimundo; Vargas, Juan M. 2010. "Past, present and future of wild ungulates in relation to changes in land use", Landscape Ecology 26, 1: 19 - 31.
29. Milner-Gulland, E. J; Arroyo, B.; Bellard, C.; Blanchard, J.; Bunnefeld, N.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Edwards, C.; Nuno, A.; Palazy, L.; Reljic, S.; Riera, P.; Skrbinsek, T.. 2010. "New directions in management strategy evaluation through cross-fertilization between fisheries science and terrestrial conservation", Biology Letters 6, 6: 719 - 722.
30. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; FARF¿?N, MIGUEL ¿; OLIVERO, JESÚS; Vargas, Juan M. 2010. "Land-use changes as a critical factor for long-term wild rabbit conservation in the Iberian Peninsula", Environmental Conservation 37, 02: 169 - 176.
31. Cotilla, Irene; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ramírez, Esther; Castro, Francisca; Cooke, Brian D; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2010. "Establishing a serological surveillance protocol for rabbit hemorrhagic disease by combining mathematical models and field data: implication for rabbit conservation", European Journal of Wildlife Research 56, 5: 725 - 733.
32. Calzada, Javier; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Clavero, Miguel; Delibes, Miguel. 2010. "If drink coffee at the coffee-shop is the answer, what is the question? Some comments on the use of the sprainting index to monitor otters", Ecological Indicators 10, 2: 560 - 561.
34. Rouco, Carlos; DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Moreno, Sacramento. 2009. "Evidence against the use of fecal pellet size for age determination in European wild rabbits", Acta Oecologica 35, 5: 668 - 670.
35. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Farfán, Miguel ¿; OLIVERO, JESÚS; Márquez, Ana L; Vargas, Juan M. 2009. "Long-Term Changes in Game Species Over a Long Period of Transformation in the Iberian Mediterranean Landscape", Environmental Management 43, 6: 1256 - 1268.
36. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2009. "European rabbit population trends and associated factors: a review of the situation in the Iberian Peninsula", Mammal Review 39, 2: 124 - 140.
37. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Rouco, Carlos; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2009. "Can adult and juvenile European rabbits be differentiated by their pellet sizes?", Acta Oecologica 35, 2: 250 - 252.
38. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2008. "Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) abundance and protected areas in central-southern Spain: why they do not match?", European Journal of Wildlife Research 55, 1: 65 - 69.
39. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Delibes, Miguel; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2008. "Key Role of European Rabbits in the Conservation of the Western Mediterranean Basin Hotspot", Conservation Biology 22, 5: 1106 - 1117.
40. GERALDES, A.; CARNEIRO, M.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Villafuerte, R.; NACHMAN, M. W; FERRAND, N.. 2008. " Reduced introgression of the Y chromosome between subspecies of the European rabbit ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) in the Iberian Peninsula ", Molecular Ecology 17, 20: 4489 - 4499.
41. Buenestado, F.J.; Ferreras, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Tortosa, F.S.; Blanco-Aguiar, J.A.; Villafuerte, R.. 2008. "Habitat selection and home range size of red-legged partridges in Spain", Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 126, 3-4: 158 - 162.
42. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ramírez, Esther; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2008. "Translocations as a risk for the conservation of European wild rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus lineages", Oryx 42, 42: 259 - 264.
43. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2007. "Rabbit populations and game management: the situation after 15 years of rabbit haemorrhagic disease in central-southern Spain", Biodiversity and Conservation 17, 3: 559 - 574.
44. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Fernandez de S. J; Villafuerte, Rafael; Ferreras, Pablo. 2007. "Feeding responses of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) to different wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) densities: a regional approach", European Journal of Wildlife Research 54, 1: 71 - 78.
45. DELIBES-MATEOS, MIGUEL; Redpath, Steve M; Angulo, Elena; Ferreras, Pablo; Villafuerte, Rafael. 2007. "Rabbits as a keystone species in southern Europe", Biological Conservation 137, 1: 149 - 156.
46. Acevedo, P.; Delibes-Mateos, M.; Escudero, M. A; Vicente, J.; Marco, J.; Gortazar, C.. 2005. "Environmental constraints in the colonization sequence of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus Linnaeus, 1758) across the Iberian Mountains, Spain", Journal of Biogeography 32, 9: 1671 - 1680.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Livros publicados ou organizados
Published or organized books
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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 Project collaboration in Degóis