Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

IMAR, Instituto do Mar

Manuel Augusto Simões Graça

· Research Interest

My research interests fall into two areas (1) decompositionof leaf litter, and (2) biomonitoring. Firstly, I am interested in understanding factors ruling the decomposition of organic matter i.e. the transference of energy and materials of litter into secondary production. Therefore, my studies include chemical changes in decomposing leaves, the ecology of the decomposers (aquatic hyphomycetes) and animals feeding on detritus. My research is done mainly in streams, but I have done research in terrestrial and marshland systems. Secondly, I am interested in developing, improving and applying tools to asses environmental quality and the effect of effluent discharges in receiving systems. Under this research topic, I am cooperating with regional environmental agencies and the industry.

IMAR and Departamento de Zoologia,

Universidade de Coimbra,

Largo Marques de Pombal

3004-517 Coimbra, Portugal


Tel: +351 239828071

Fax: +351 239826798


Visit Coimbra:


Full professor (Professor Catedrárico)

Ph.D. University of Sheffield, U.K.

Subjects: General Ecology for Biology and Environmental Engeneering

Direction Board of the IMAR - Institute of Marine Sciences and AIL - Iberial Limnological Association.

Cristina Canhoto (Ph.D.) - leaf decomposition & ecology of shredders

Manuela Abelho (Ph.D.) - leaf decomposition

Maria João Feio (Ph.D) - Invertebrates, predictive models.

Andrea Encalada (Ph.D.) - tropical streams

Verónica Ferreira (Ph.D) - leaf decomposition & aquatic hyphomycetes

Ana Gonçalves, Mafalda Gama,  (Ph.D Students) - stream ecology, biomonitoring & litter processing


Research team
