1. personal data
2. academic degree
3. area of scientific activity
4. research projects
5. membership in scientific societies
6. referee and editor of scientific journals
7. publications
8. supervising theses
9. language skills
10. other information
1. personal data
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Helena Leite Veríssimo de Carvalho
​MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre | Faculty of Sciences and Technology | University of Coimbra | Portugal | Laboratório MAREFOZ
contact data
tel. ​+351 968 768 949
fax. + 351 239 823 603
email helenaverissimo@ci.uc.pt
Orcid http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3971-8696
2. academic degree
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year academic degree scientific area institution
2004 Graduation Biology University of Coimbra
2007 MSc Biology (Ecology) University of Coimbra
2012 PhD Biology University of Coimbra
3. area of scientific activity
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domain of specialization
Benthic Ecology
Ecological Indicators to assess environmental quality
Coastal and estuarine Ecology
present investigation interests
Previous research activities:

Ecological indicators to assess environmental quality
Integrative assessment of coastal and estuarine waters
European Directives implementation (Water Framework Directive (WFD) and European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD))
Natural vs anthropogenic changes
Study of biological time series - trend analysis

Current research activites:

The use of biological traits as a tool for assessing and predicting coastal/transitional function
The effects of human activities on coastal/transitional biodiversity and ecosystem function
Functional redundancy and compensation
other skills/activities

2013: The use of Trait Based approaches in Community Ecology and Stress Ecology. University of Coimbra. September 30-October 4. Lectured by Prof. Sylvain Dolédec

2011: Course on Experimental Design and Analysis of Multivariate Data using PRIMER and PERMANOVA +. Lectured by Prof. Marti J Anderson (Massey University, NZ) and Prof. Vitor Quintino (University of Aveiro, PT). April 28th – May 6th, University of Aveiro.

2010: Course on Community Analysis and Bioassessment. Towson University, USA. February and March. Lectured by: Professor Susan Gresens.

2010: Course on Human Ecology and Sustainability. Towson University, USA. February and March. Lectured by: Professor Brian D. Fath.

2009: Course on Multivariate Statistical Tools in Ecology and Ecotoxicology. University of Coimbra. February. Lectured by: Professor José Paulo Sousa and Professor Rui Ribeiro.


Undergraduate level:

2008 to present: Practical classes of the discipline ‘Marine Biology and Ecology’,Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
4. coordination/participation of research projects
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With Portuguese national financial support
As Team Member:

Title: 3M_RECITAL - ESTUÁRIOS DO MINHO, MONDEGO E MIRA, observatórios: Variações do estado ecológico a longo prazo originadas por pressões naturais e humanas. Implicações na gestão e recuperação.
Duration: 2011-2014
Support: FCT, Portugal (Proposal/Contract nº LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009)
Funding: 199.932,00 €
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: RECONNECT - System dynamic response to an ample artificial RE-establishment of the upstream CONNECTion between the two arms of the Mondego estuary (Portugal): Implications for recovery, ecological quality status, and management.
Duration: 2008-2011
Funding: FCT (contract:PTDC/MAR/64627/2006PTDC/MAR/64627/2006)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques(University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: EXTREMIS - Effects of extreme freshwater input fluctuations on the ecological status assessment in estuarine ecosystem. The benthic perspectives.
Duration: 2008-2010
Funding: Fundo de investimento da Universidade de Coimbra
Coordinator: Joana Mateus Patrício(University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: EFICAS - Effects of natural stress generated by freshwater discharges in the benthic invertebrate estuarine communities and its influence on the assessment of the benthic ecological status.
Duration: 2005-2008
Funding: FCT (contract nº POCI/MAR/61324/2004)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Title: BIOMA - Rede de Competência em Biónica sobre as Ciêncas do MAR na Região Centro de Portugal.
Duration: 2008
Funding: Program ICENTRO - Programa Regional de Acções Inovadoras da Região do Centro de Portugal 2006/2007 (n.º CCI 2005 PT 16 0 PP 002, European Comission)
Coordinator: CITEVE - Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal

With international financial support
Title: DEVOTES - DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status.
Duration: 2012-2016
Funding: Collaborative project, Seventh Framework Programme; EU
Coordinator: Dr Angel Borja

Title: WISER - Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative systems to assess ecological status and recovery.
Duration: 2009-2012
Funding: UE, Programa INCO (100%) 8833 X 103 €IMAR (194.8 X 103 €); (FP7-ENV-2008-1)
Coordinator: Daniel Hering, University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany
Services rendered
As a Team Member:

Title: EEMA - Avaliação do Estado Ecológico das Massas de Água Costeiras e de Transição e do Potencial Ecológico das Massas de Água Fortemente Modificadas.
Duration: 2009-2012
Funding: POVT-03-0133-FCOES-000017
Coordinator: INAG - Instituto da Água(Portugal)

Title: Estudo piloto do estuário do Mondego no âmbito da implementação do programa Objectivos de Qualidade Ambiental - Eutrofização (ECOQOS-EUTRO-OSPAR). Harmonização dos critérios OSPAR com a Directiva Quadro da Água Europeia.
Duration: 2005-2007
Funding: INAG (contract nº 2004/067/INAG)
Coordinator: João Carlos Marques (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

5. membership in scientific societies
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6. referee and editor of scientific journals
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Ecological Indicators
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Journal of Sea Research
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Marine Environmental Research
Continental Shelf Research
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Environmental Science & Technology
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
7. publications
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|books| |book chapters| |book reviews| |proceedings (int)|
|proceedings (nat)| |national journals| |technical reports| |oral presentations| |posters|
papers in international scientific periodicals with referee (ISI)
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Chust G., Villarino E., Chenuil A., Irigoien X., Bizsel N., Bode A., Broms C., Claus S., Puelles M., Fonda-Umani S., Hoarau G., Mazzocchi M.G., Mozetic P., Vandepitte L., Veríssimo H., Zervoudaki S., Borja, A. Neutral Processes similarly shape genetic and community structure in the marine realm. (under revision in Scientific Reports).

Van der Linden, P., Marchini, A., Dolbeth, M., Patrício, J., Veríssimo, H., Marques, JC. 2016. The performance of trait-based indices within an estuarine environment. Ecological Indicators 61, 378-389.

Alves, A.S., Veríssimo, H., Costa, M.J., Marques, J.C., 2014. Taxonomic resolution and Biological Traits Analysis (BTA) approaches in estuarine free living nematodes. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 69-78.
doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.12.014.

Veríssimo, H., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H.,Carriço, A., Marques, J.C., 2013. Testing different ecological scenarios in a temperate estuary: a contribution towards the implementation of the Ecological Potential assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin 71, 168-178.
doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2013.03.019

Veríssimo, H., Lane, M., Patrício, J., Gamito, S., Marques, J.C., 2013. Trends in water quality and subtidal benthic communities in a temperate estuary: Is the response to restoration efforts hidden by climate variability and the Estuarine Quality Paradox? Ecological Indicators 24, 56-67.

Veríssimo, H., Bremner, J., Garcia, C., Patrício, J., van der Linden, P., Marques, J.C., 2012. Assessment of the subtidal macrobenthic community functioning of a temperate estuary following environmental restoration. Ecological Indicators 23, 312-322.

Veríssimo, H., Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Franco, J.N., Fath., B.D., Marques, J.C., 2012. Ability of benthic indicators to assess ecological quality in estuaries following management. Ecological Indicators 19, 130-143.

Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Patrício, J., Baeta, A., Veríssimo, H., Pinto, R., Marques, J.C. 2010. The response of estuarine macrobenthic communities to natural and human-induced changes: dynamics and ecological quality. Estuaries and Coasts 33, 1327-1339.

Teixeira, H., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Veríssimo, H., Pinto, R., Salas, F., Marques, J.C. 2009. Quality assessment of benthic macroinvertebrates under the scope of WFD using BAT, the Benthic Assessment Tool. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58, 1477-1486.

Teixeira, H., Salas, F., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Veríssimo, H., García-Charton, J.A., Marcos, C., Pérez-Ruzafa, A., Marques, J.C. 2008. Ecological indices tracking distinct impacts along disturbance-recovery gradients in a temperate NE Atlantic Estuary - guidance on reference values. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 80, 130-140.
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book chapters
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proceedings of international meetings with referee
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national journals, from portugal or from abroad, with peer review
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proceedings of portuguese national meetings
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editorial and book reviews
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technical reports
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2015: Lynam C, Tempera F, Teixeira H, Diesing M, Stephens D, van Leeuwen S, Strong J, Mander L, Galparsoro I, Galanidi M, Kaboglu G, Veríssimo H, Beauchard O, Rossberg AG, Somerfield P, Marques JC, Chust G, Villarino E, Borja A, Chenuil A, Irigoien X, Bode A, Fernandez ML, Andonegi E, Queiros A, Wilson C, Mackinson S, Katsanevakis S, Kostylev VE, Germán-Rodríguez J, Pascual M, Muxika I, Bizsel N, Broms C, Carstensen J, Claus S, Puelles MF, Fonda-Umani S, Hoarau G, Mazzocchi MG, Mozetic P, Vandepitte L, Zervoudaki S, Herman P, Tett P, Mills D, van der Molen J, Sguotti C, Carreras BG, Ellis J, Engelhard G, Tecchio S and Niquil N. (2015). Linking habitats to functional biodiversity and modelling connectivity between regional seas.Report describing spatial ecosystem models. Deliverable 4.2. DEVOTES FP7 project.

2015: Verissimo H, Beauchard O, Lynam C, Somerfield P, Borja A, Galparsoro I, Queirós A, van der Linden P, Bremner J, Niquil N, Carstensen J, Le L'och F, Wilson C, Patricio J, Bolam S, Rossberg A, Carugati L, Danovaro R, Herman P, Maques JC. (2015). Biological traits and ecological function. Fuzzy Analysis Complete. Milestone 17, 64 pp. DEVOTES FP 7 project

2015: Marques JC, Guilhermino L, Lopes R, Costa MJ, Vale C, et al. (2015). 3M_RECITAL - MINHO, MONDEGO, AND MIRA ESTUARIES observatory: Long term vaRiation of ECOLOGICAL sTAtus as a response to naturaL and human induced changes. Implications for management and restoration. Final Project Report, February 2015, 168 pp.

2014: Veríssimo H, Lynam C, Borja A, Galparsoro I, Bremner J, Beauchard O, Niquil N, Carstensen J, Le L’och F, Marques JC, van der Linden P, Rossberg A, Wilson C, Bolam S (2014). Report on Biological Traits Analysis. (DEVOTES MS18 “Indices computed for each area”). DEVOTES FP7 project, 21 pp.

2014: Teixeira H, Torsten B, Fürhaupter K, Uusitalo L, Papadopoulou N, Bizsel KC, Cochrane S, Churilova T, Heiskanen A-S, Uyarra MC, Zampoukas N, Borja A, Akcali B, Andersen JH, Beauchard O, Berzano M, Bizsel N, Bucas M, Camp J, Carvalho S, Flo E, Garces E, Herman P, Katsanevakis S, Kavcioglu R, Krause-Jensen D, Kryvenko O, Lynam C, Mazik K, Moncheva S, Neville S, Ozaydinli M, Pantazi M, Patrício J, Piroddi C, Queirós AM, Ramsvatn S, Rodriguez JG, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta N, Smith C, Stefanova K, Tempera F, Vassilopoulou V, Veríssimo H, Yilmaz EC, Zaico A, Zenetos A (2014). Existing biodiversity, non-indigenous species, food-web and seafloor integrity GEnS indicators (DEVOTES Deliverable 3.1). DEVOTES FP7 Project. http://www.devotes-project.eu/deliverables-and-milestones/

2012: Marques, J.C., Garcia, A.C., Veríssimo, H., Neto, J.M., 2012. Monitorização das comunidades biológicas costeiras e estuarinas, no pós-obra do prolongamento do molhe Norte do Porto da Figueira da Foz. Final Report, September 2012, IPTM, 66 pp.

2007: Newton, A., Cristina, S., Guiomar, J.,Goela, P.C., Fragoso, B., Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Patrício, J., Baeta, A., Pinto, R., Veríssimo, H., Rocha, F., Cunha, R., Vale, C., 2007. Reference Conditions and Intercalibration of Portuguese Coastal Waters. Intercalibration exercise of guidelines for the applications of the European Union Water Framework Directive, 135 pp.

2007: Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Teixeira, H., Veríssimo, H. 2007. Monitoring the Mondego estuary. Anthropogenic changes and their impact on ecological quality. Preliminary results from the first assessment of the effects of reopening the communication between the North and South arms on the eutrophication state of the system. Final Report, January 2007.
IMAR/INAG, 87 pp.

2006: Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Pinto, R., Teixeira, H.L., Veríssimo, H. 2006. Estudo piloto do estuário do Mondego no âmbito da implementação do Programa Objectivos de Qualidade Ambiental Eutrofização (EcoQOs-Eutro-OSPAR). Harmonização dos critérios OSPAR com a Directiva Quadro da Água Europeia. Progress Report, March 2006. IMAR/INAG, 48 pp.
oral presentations
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Van der Linden, P., Marchini, A., Dolbeth, M., Patrício, J., Veríssimo, H., Marques, JC. 2015. The performance of traits based indices within an estuarine environment. DEVOTES annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 December.

Heliana Teixeira, T Berg, K Fürhaupter, L Uusitalo, N Papadopoulou, A Heiskanen, KC Bizsel, S Cochrane, T Churilova, MC Uyarra, N Zampoukas, A Borja, B Akcali, JH Andersen, O Beauchard, M Berzano, N Bizsel, M Bucas, J Camp, S Carvalho, E Flo, E Garcés, P Herman, S Katsanevakis, R Kavcioglu, D Krause-Jensen, O Kryvenko, C Lynam, K Mazik, S Moncheva, S Neville, M Ozaydinli, M Pantazi, J Patrício, C Piroddi, A M Queirós, S Ramsvatn, JG Rodriguez, N Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, C Smith, K Stefanova, V Vassilopoulou, H Veríssimo, EC Yılmaz, A Zaiko, A Zenetos. 2015. Catalogue of marine biodiversity indicators to assess the environmental status – a software and a review of the current indicator set. ICES Annual Science Conference 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Veríssimo, H., Lynam, C., Borja, a., Galparsoro, I., Bremner, J., Beauchard, O., Niquil, N., Carstensen, J., Le L’och, F., Marques, J.C., van der Linden, P., Rossberg, A., Wilson, C., Bolam, S. 2014. A trait-based approach to the definition of benthic functional groups. DEVOTES FP7 project Annual meeting, Ancona, Italy, 1-5 December.

Van der Linden, P., Marchini, A., Dolbeth, M., Patrício, J., Veríssimo, H., Marques, JC. 2014. The performance of traits based indices within an estuarine environment. ECSA 54 Symposium, Sesimbra, Portugal,12-16 May.

Veríssimo, H., van der Linden, P., Marques, J.C. 2013. Biological Traits Analysis (BTA). DEVOTES project Annual Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, 26-28 November.

Veríssimo, H., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M., Teixeira, H., Fath, B.D., Marques, J.C. 2010. Benthic indices performance in capturing ecological changes in transitional systems following a human induced physical disturbance. ECSA47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14-19 September.

Alves, A.S., Adão, H., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M., Vinagre, P., Veríssimo, H. & Marques, J.C. 2010. Seasonal and spatial variability of nematodes and macrofauna assemblages in the Mondego estuary: can these communities provide comparable ecological assessment information? ECSA47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14-19 September.

Veríssimo, H., Fath, B. & Marques, J. C. Long-term ecological response of benthic communities to natural and human induced changes in physical conditions in the Mondego estuary. What are the implications for system’s ecological quality status evaluation and management? FLAD (Luso American Foundation) - Lisbon, Portugal, June 2009.

Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H., Veríssimo, H. & Marques, J.C. Long-Term Ecological Response of Subtidal Macrobenthic Communities to Human Pressures and Extreme Climatic Events in a Temperate NE Atlantic Estuary. ASLO 2009 - Nice, France - 26-30 January, 2009.

Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H., Baeta, A., Veríssimo, H., Pinto, R. & Marques, J.C. 2008. Ecological response of subtidal macrobenthic communities to natural and human induced changes in a temperate NE Atlantic estuary. ECSA 44, Bahía Blanca, 29-3 September / October.

Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H., Baeta, A., Veríssimo, H., & Pinto, R. 2008. Ecological response of subtidal macrobenthic communities to natural and human induced changes in a temperate NE Atlantic estuary. XV Simpósio Ibérico de Estudos de Biologia Marinha, Funchal, Portugal, 9-13 September.

Marques, J.C., Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H., Pinto, R. & Veríssimo, H. 2006. Funcionamento hidrológico do estuário do Mondego. Bases para um programa de restauração ecológica. Workshop Técnico “Avaliação do impacto ecológico e/ou químico das pressões antropogénicas nas águas costeiras e de transição”, Instituto Nacional da Água, Lisbon, 15 December.

Veríssimo, H., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H.,Marques, JC. Harmonization of the OSPAR Convention and Water Framework Directive ecological criteria for transitional waters quality assessment. Mondego estuary case study. INAG, 29th June, 2006.
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an der Linden P., Marchini A., Dolbeth M., Patrício J., Veríssimo H., Marques J.C. 2015. The performance of trait-based indices in an estuarine environment. DEVOTES annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 December.

van der Linden P., Marchini A., Dolbeth M., Patrício J., Veríssimo H., Marques J.C. 2015. The performance of trait-based indices in an estuarine environment. International Workshop on "Trait-based approaches to ocean life", New Hampshire, USA, 5-8 October.

Veríssimo, H., Bremner, J., Garcia, C., Patrício, J., van der Linden, P., Marques, J.C., 2012. Assessment of the subtidal macrobenthic community functioning of a temperate estuary following environmental restoration. SIEBM XVII, San Sebastián, Spain, 11-14 September.

Veríssimo, H., Gamito, S., Patrício, J., Neto, J.M. & Marques, J.C. 2010. Effects of extreme events on estuarine subtidal macroinvertebrates of the Mondego estuary. ECSA47 Symposium, Figueira da Foz,Portugal, 14-19 September.

Neto, J.M., Patrício, J., Teixeira, H., Veríssimo, H. & Marques, J.C. 2009. Long-term ecological response of subtidal macrobenthic communities to human pressures and extreme climatic events in a temperate NE Atlantic estuary. ASLO 2009, Nice, 24-31 January.
8. supervising theses
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9. language skills
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portuguese first language first language first language
english excelent very good very good
spanish very good regular very good
french good regular good
10. other information [e.g. patents]
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2016 - Member of the Organizing Committe of the DEVOTES FP7 project annual meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 December (http://www.devotes-project.eu/2015-devotes-meeting)

2010 - Member of the Organizing Committee of ECSA 47 Symposium - ‘Integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological quality in estuarine and coastal systems worldwide’. Figueira da Foz, 14-19 September(www.uc.pt/imar/ecsa47).