Curriculum Vitae

Adelino Vicente Mendonça Canário

Data da última atualização »Last update : 14/06/2015

Adelino Vicente Mendonça Canário. Concluiu a Agregação - em 1992. É Professor Catedrático na Universidade do Algarve. Publicou 222 artigos em revistas especializadas e 12 trabalhos em actas de eventos, possui 3 capítulos de livros publicados. Co-orientou 2 dissertações de mestrado na área de Ciências Biológicas. Actua na área de Ciências Naturais com ênfase em Ciências Biológicas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 567 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: tilapia, Oreochromis, androgens, 11-ketotestosterone, Aromatase, Cyp19, Sex Behaviour, aggression, behaviour e bile acids.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Adelino Vicente Mendonça Canário
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Canario, A. V. M.
Categoria profissional
Professor Catedrático
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Algarve
Centro de Ciências do Mar
Campus de Gambelas
8005-139 Faro
Telefone: (+351)289800925
Fax: (+351)289800069
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1992 Agregação
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal.

1985-1989 Doutoramento
University of East Anglia, Reino Unido.
Instituição portuguesa que atribuiu reconhecimento/equivalência/registo » Portuguese Instituition providing acknowledgement/equivalence/registry : Universidade de Lisboa.
Com o tipo » With the type: Equivalência » Equivalence.

1976-1982 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Shanghai Ocean University
Abr/2014-Actual Outra Situação

Universidade do Algarve
Jul/1995-Actual Professor Catedrático

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco).

Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco).

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual American Assossiation for the Advancement of Science, Membro fundador.
Actual Society for Endocrinology, Membro fundador.
Actual Society for Experimental Biology, Membro.
Actual American Physiological Society, Membro.
Actual Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Membro.
Actual Associação Ibérica de Endocrinologia Comparativa, Membro.
Actual European Society for Comparative Endocrinology, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Canario, Adelino V. M; Ros, Albert F. H; Oliveira, Rui F; Taborsky, Michael; Brockmann, H. J. 2008. Hormones and alternative reproductive tactics in vertebrates.  In Alternative Reproductive Tactics, ed. Rui F. Oliveira, Michael Taborsky, H. Jane Brockmann, 132 - 174. ISBN: 9780511542602. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Volckaert, F. A. M. J; Batargias, C.; Canario, A. V. M; Chatziplis, D.; Chistiakov, D.; Haley, C.; Libertini, A.; Tsigenopoulos, C.. 2008. Genome Mapping and Genomics in Fishes and Aquatic Animals.  In Genome Mapping and Genomics in Animals, ed. Kocher, T. D., Kole, C., 117 - 133. ISBN: 978-3-540-73836-7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
3. Oliveira, R. F; Ros, A. F. H; Hirschenhauser, K.; Canario, A. V. M. 2001. Androgens and Mating Systems in Fish: Intra- and Inter-specific Analysis.  In Perspective in Comparative Endocrinology Unity and Diversity, ed. Goos H., Rastogi R., Vaudry H., Pierantoni R., 985 - 993. ISBN: 978-88-3231-526-4. Sorrento (Napoli), Italy : Monduzzi Editore MEDIMOND s.r.l..
4. Danks, J. A; Trivett, M. K; Nishii, M.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Joss, J.M.; Martin, T.J.; Ingleton, P. M. 1977. The evolutionary history of parathyroid hormone-related protein.  In Advances in Comparative Endocrinology, ed. S. Kawashima and S. Kikuyama, 255 - 259. ISBN: 883231116X. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Huertas, M.; Almeida, O.G.; Canário, A.V.M.; Hubbard, P.C.. 2014. "Tilapia male urinary pheromone stimulates female reproductive axis", General and Comparative Endocrinology, 196: 106 - 111.
2. Alexandrino, M.; Costa, R.; Canário, A.V.M.; Costa, M.C.. 2014. "Clostridia initiate heavy metal bioremoval in mixed sulfidogenic cultures", Environmental Science and Technology 48, 6: 3378 - 33.
3. Almeida, Olinda; Canário, Adelino V; Oliveira, Rui F. 2014. "Castration affects reproductive but not aggressive behavior in a cichlid fish", General and Comparative Endocrinology, 207: 34 - 40.
4. Da Silva, J; Choudhury, R.; Porel, M.; Pischel, U.; Jockusch, S.; Hubbard, P.C.; Ramamurthy, V.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2014. "Synthetic versus natural receptors: Supramolecular control of chemical sensing in fish", ACS Chemical Biology 9, 7: 1432 - 14.
5. Tsigenopoulos, Costas S; Louro, Bruno; Chatziplis, Dimitrios; Lagnel, Jacques; Vogiatzi, Emmanouella; Loukovitis, Dimitrios; Franch, Rafaella; Sarropoulou, Elena; Power, Deborah M; Patarnello, Tomaso; Mylonas, Constantinos C; Magoulas, Antonios; Bargelloni, Luca; Canario, Adelino; Kotoulas, Georgios. 2014. "Second generation genetic linkage map for the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata L.", Marine Genomics 18, .: 77 - 82.
6. Martins, R.S.T.; Pinto, P.I.S.; Guerreiro, P.M.; Zanuy, S.; Carrillo, M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2014. "Novel galanin receptors in teleost fish: Identification, expression and regulation by sex steroids", General and Comparative Endocrinology 205, .: 109 - 120.
7. Keller-Costa, Tina; Hubbard, Peter C.; Paetz, Christian; Nakamura, Yoko; da Silva, José P.; Rato, Ana; Barata, Eduardo N.; Schneider, Bernd; Canario, Adelino V.M.. 2014. "Identity of a Tilapia Pheromone Released by Dominant Males that Primes Females for Reproduction", Current Biology 24, 18: 2130 - 2135.
8. Gregório, S.F.; Carvalho, E.S.M.; Campinho, M.A.; Power, D.M.; Canário, A.V.M.; Fuentes, J.. 2014. "Endocrine regulation of carbonate precipitate formation in marine fish intestine by stanniocalcin and PTHrP", Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 9: 1555 - 15.
9. Sequeira, Vera; Neves, Ana; Paiva, Rafaela B; Vieira, Ana R; Canário, Adelino; Gordo, Leonel S. 2014. "Diversity of sexual strategies of fish species caught by bottom trawl off the western Iberian Peninsula", Marine Biology Research 11, 4: 1 - 14.
10. Hubbard, Peter C; Mota, Vasco C; Keller-Costa, Tina; da Silva, J. P; Canário, Adelino V. 2014. "Chemical communication in tilapia: A comparison of Oreochromis mossambicus with O. niloticus", General and Comparative Endocrinology 207, .: 13 - 20.
11. Churcher, Allison M; Pujolar, Jose; Milan, Massimo; Hubbard, Peter C; Martins, Rute S; Saraiva, João L; Huertas, Mar; Bargelloni, Luca; Patarnello, Tomaso; Marino, Ilaria A; Zane, Lorenzo; Canário, Adelino V. 2014. "Changes in the gene expression profiles of the brains of male European eels (Anguilla anguilla) during sexual maturation", BMC Genomics 15, 1: 799 - 799.
12. Louro, Bruno; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. 2014. "Advances in European sea bass genomics and future perspectives", Marine Genomics 18, Part A: 71 - 75.
13. Anjos, Liliana; Gomes, Ana S; Redruello, Begoña; Reinhardt, Richard; Canário, Adelino V; Power, Deborah M. 2013. "PTHrP-induced modifications of the sea bream (Sparus auratus) vertebral bone proteome", General and Comparative Endocrinology 191, .: 102 - 112.
14. Martos-Sitcha, Juan A; Gregório, Silvia F; Carvalho, Edison S. M; Canario, Adelino V. M; Power, Deborah M; Mancera, Juan M; Martínez-Rodríguez, Gonzalo; Fuentes, Juan. 2013. "AVT is involved in the regulation of ion transport in the intestine of the sea bream (Sparus aurata)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 193, na: 221 - 228.
15. Anjos, Liliana; Gomes, Ana S; Melo, Eduardo P; Canário, Adelino V; Power, Deborah M. 2013. "Cartilage Acidic Protein 2 a hyperthermostable, high affinity calcium-binding protein", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics 1834, 3: 642 - 650.
16. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canário, A. V. M. 2013. "Olfactory transduction pathways in the Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis ", Journal of Fish Biology 83, 3: 501 - 514.
17. Gregorio, Slvia F; Carvalho, Edison S. M; Encarnacao, Sandra; Wilson, Jonathan M; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. M; Fuentes, Juan. 2013. "Adaptation to different salinities exposes functional specialization in the intestine of the sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)", Journal of Experimental Biology 216, 3: 470 - 479.
18. Laurentino, S. S; Pinto, P. I. S; Tomas, J.; Cavaco, J. E. B; Sousa, M.; Barros, A.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Socorro, S.. 2013. "Identification of androgen receptor variants in testis from humans and other vertebrates", Andrologia 45, 3: 187 - 194.
19. Keller-Costa, T.; Lopes, O. S; Almeida, O. G; Hubbard, P. C; Iacovella, A.; Lima, M.; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2013. "Muscular hypertrophy of urinary bladders in dominant tilapia facilitates the control of aggression through urinary signals (vol 149, pg 953, 2012)", Behaviour 150, 3-4: 445 - 446.
20. Sequeira, V.; Vieira, A.R.; Neves, A.; Paiva, R.B.; Canário, A.V.M.; Gordo, L.S.. 2013. "Whole or sectioned otoliths? Choosing the best method for aging bluemouth, Helicolenus dactyloterus (Delaroche, 1809)", Fisheries Research 147, .: 235 - 239.
21. Correia, S.; Oliveira, P.F.; Guerreiro, P.M.; Lopes, G.; Alves, M.G.; Canário, A.V.M.; Cavaco, J.E.; Socorro, S.. 2013. "Sperm parameters and epididymis function in transgenic rats overexpressing the Ca2+-binding protein regucalcin: A hidden role for Ca2+ in sperm maturation?", Molecular Human Reproduction 19, 9: 581 - 589.
22. Martins, R.S.T.; Power, D.M.; Fuentes, J.; Deloffre, L.A.M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2013. "DAX1 regulatory networks unveil conserved and potentially new functions", Gene 530, 1: 66 - 74.
23. Schein, Vanessa; Cardoso, Joao C. R; Pinto, Patricia I. S; Anjos, Liliana; Silva, Nadia; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. M. 2012. "Four stanniocalcin genes in teleost fish: Structure, phylogenetic analysis, tissue distribution and expression during hypercalcemic challenge", General and Comparative Endocrinology 175, 2: 344 - 356.
24. Keller-Costa, T.; Lopes, O. S; Almeida, O. G; Hubbard, P. C; Iacovella, A.; Lima, M.; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2012. "Muscular hypertrophy of urinary bladders in dominant tilapia facilitates the control of aggression through urinary signals", Behaviour 149, 9: 953 - 975.
25. Damasceno-Oliveira, A.; Fernández-Durán, B.; Gonçalves, J.M.S.; Couto, E.; Canário, A.V.M.; Coimbra, J.. 2012. "Plasma steroid hormone levels in female flounder Platichthys flesus and the influence of fluctuating hydrostatic pressure", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 163, 3-4: 272 - 277.
26. Carvalho, Edison S. M; Gregório, Sílvia F; Power, Deborah M; Canário, Adelino V. M; Fuentes, Juan. 2012. "Water absorption and bicarbonate secretion in the intestine of the sea bream are regulated by transmembrane and soluble adenylyl cyclase stimulation", Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182, 8: 1069 - 10.
27. Volckaert, Filip A; Hellemans, Bart; Batargias, Costas; Louro, Bruno; Massault, Cécile; Van Houdt, J. K; Haley, Chris; de Koning, D; Canario, Adelino V. 2012. "Heritability of cortisol response to confinement stress in European sea bass dicentrarchus labrax", Genetics Selection Evolution 44, 1: 15 - 15.
28. Pinto, P.I.S.; Teodósio, R.; Socorro, S.; Power, D.M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2012. "Structure, tissue distribution and estrogen regulation of splice variants of the sea bream estrogen receptor a gene", Gene 503, 1: 18 - 24.
29. Ferlazzo, A.; Carvalho, E.S.M.; Gregorio, S.F.; Power, D.M.; Canario, A.V.M.; Trischitta, F.; Fuentes, J.. 2012. "Prolactin regulates luminal bicarbonate secretion in the intestine of the sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)", Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 21: 3836 - 38.
30. Deloffre, L.A.M.; Andrade, A.; Filipe, A.I.; Canario, A.V.M.. 2012. "Reference genes to quantify gene expression during oogenesis in a teleost fish", Gene 506, 1: 69 - 75.
31. Burnard, D.; Hubbard, P.C.; Müller, C.T.; Griffiths, S.W.; Andreou, D.; Osselton, M.D.; Canário, A.V.M.; Gozlan, R.E.. 2012. "Chemically-mediated sexual display postures in pre-ovulatory female topmouth gudgeon, Pseudorasbora parva", Behaviour 149, 9: 1003 - 10.
32. Pinheiro, Pedro L; Cardoso, João C; Power, Deborah M; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2012. "Functional characterization and evolution of PTH/PTHrP receptors: insights from the chicken", BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 1: 110 - 110.
33. Bayunova, L.; Semenkova, T.; Canario, A. V. M; Gerasimov, A.; Barannikova, I.. 2011. "Free and conjugated androgen and progestin levels in the serum of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas) males treated with female coelomic fluid", Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27, 2: 655 - 659.
34. Alexandrino, Maria; Macías, Francisco; Costa, Rodrigo; Gomes, Newton C; Canário, Adelino V; Costa, Maria C. 2011. "A bacterial consortium isolated from an Icelandic fumarole displays exceptionally high levels of sulfate reduction and metals resistance", Journal of Hazardous Materials 187, 1-3: 362 - 370.
35. Estêvão, M. D; Silva, Nadia; Redruello, Begona; Costa, Rita; Gregório, Silvia; Canário, Adelino V. M; Power, Deborah M. 2011. "Cellular morphology and markers of cartilage and bone in the marine teleost Sparus auratus", Cell and Tissue Research 343, 3: 619 - 635.
36. Cardoso, J.C.R.; Laiz-Carrion, R.; Louro, B.; Silva, N.; Canario, A.V.M.; Mancera, J.M.; Power, D.M.. 2011. "Divergence of duplicate POMC genes in gilthead sea bream Sparus auratus", General and Comparative Endocrinology 173, 3: 396 - 404.
37. Liarte, S.; Chaves-Pozo, E.; Abellán, E.; Meseguer, J.; Mulero, V.; Canario, A.V.M.; García-Ayala, A.. 2011. "Estrogen-responsive genes in macrophages of the bony fish gilthead seabream: A transcriptomic approach", Developmental & Comparative Immunology 35, 8: 840 - 849.
38. Velez, Zélia; Hubbard, Peter C; Hardege, Jörg D; Welham, Kevin J; Barata, Eduardo N; Canário, Adelino V. 2011. "Evidence that 1-methyl-l-tryptophan is a food-related odorant for the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", Aquaculture 314, 1-4: 153 - 158.
39. Mendonça, V.M.; Sprung, M.; Castro, M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2011. "Particle retention efficiency of a coastal ecosystem in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean", Wetlands 31, 6: 1175 - 11.
40. Hubbard, P.C.; Barata, E.N.; Ozório, R.O.A.; Valente, L.M.P.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2011. "Olfactory sensitivity to amino acids in the blackspot sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo): A comparison between olfactory receptor recording techniques in seawater", Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 197, 8: 839 - 849.
41. Vieira, Florbela A; Gregório, Silvia F; Ferraresso, Serena; Thorne, Michael A; Costa, Rita; Milan, Massimo; Bargelloni, Luca; Clark, Melody S; Canario, Adelino V; Power, Deborah M. 2011. "Skin healing and scale regeneration in fed and unfed sea bream, Sparus auratus", BMC Genomics 12, 1: 490 - 490.
42. Boulton, K.; Massault, C.; Houston, R.D.; de Koning, D; Haley, C.S.; Bovenhuis, H.; Batargias, C.; Canario, A.V.M.; Kotoulas, G.; Tsigenopoulos, C.S.. 2011. "QTL affecting morphometric traits and stress response in the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)", Aquaculture 319, 1-2: 58 - 66.
43. Oliveira, R.F.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2011. "Nemo through the lookingglass: A commentary on desjardins \& Fernald", Biology Letters 7, 4: 487 - 488.
44. Vogiatzi, E.; Lagnel, J.; Pakaki, V.; Louro, B.; V.M. Canario, A; Reinhardt, R.; Kotoulas, G.; Magoulas, A.; Tsigenopoulos, C.S.. 2011. "In silico mining and characterization of simple sequence repeats from gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) expressed sequence tags (EST-SSRs); PCR amplification, polymorphism evaluation and multiplexing and cross-species assays", Marine Genomics 4, 2: 83 - 91.
45. Huertas, M.; Hagey, L.; Hofmann, A. F; Cerda, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Hubbard, P. C. 2010. "Olfactory sensitivity to bile fluid and bile salts in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla), goldfish (Carassius auratus) and Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) suggests a 'broad range' sensitivity not confined to those produced by conspecifics alone", Journal of Experimental Biology 213, 2: 308 - 317.
46. Gonçalves, David; Saraiva, João; Teles, Magda; Teodósio, Rita; Canário, Adelino V; Oliveira, Rui F. 2010. "Brain aromatase mRNA expression in two populations of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo with divergent mating systems", Hormones and Behavior 57, 2: 155 - 161.
47. Redruello, Begoña; Louro, Bruno; Anjos, Liliana; Silva, Nádia; Greenwell, Roger S; Canario, Adelino V; Power, Deborah M. 2010. "CRTAC1 homolog proteins are conserved from cyanobacteria to man and secreted by the teleost fish pituitary gland", Gene 456, 1-2: 1 - 14.
48. Delgado, Claudia; Canario, Adelino V. M; Dellinger, Thomas. 2010. "Sex ratios of loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta during the juvenile pelagic stage", Marine Biology 157, 5: 979 - 990.
49. Guerreiro, Pedro M; Canario, Adelino V. M; Power, Deborah M; Renfro, J. L. 2010. "Piscine PTHrP regulation of calcium and phosphate transport in winter flounder renal proximal tubule primary cultures", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299, 2: R603 - R6.
50. Ferraresso, Serena; Milan, Massimo; Pellizzari, Caterina; Vitulo, Nicola; Reinhardt, Richard; Canario, Adelino V; Patarnello, Tomaso; Bargelloni, Luca. 2010. "Development of an oligo DNA microarray for the European sea bass and its application to expression profiling of jaw deformity", BMC Genomics 11, 1: 354 - 354.
51. Canario, A. V. M; Kuhl, Heiner; Beck, Alfred; Wozniak, Grzegorz; Volckaert, Filip A. M; Reinhardt, Richard. 2010. "The European sea bass Dicentarchus labrax genome puzzle: comparative BAC-mapping and low coverage shotgun sequencing", BMC Genomics 11, 1: 68 - 68.
52. Massault, C.; Hellemans, B.; Louro, B.; Batargias, C.; Van Houdt, J; Canario, A. V. M; Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Bovenhuis, H.; Haley, C.; De Koning, D. 2010. "QTL for body weight, morphometric traits and stress response in European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax", Animal Genetics 41, 4: 337 - 345.
53. Pinto, Patrícia I; Matsumura, Hideo; Thorne, Michael A; Power, Deborah M; Terauchi, Ryohei; Reinhardt, Richard; Canário, Adelino V. 2010. "Gill transcriptome response to changes in environmental calcium in the green spotted puffer fish", BMC Genomics 11, 1: 476 - 476.
54. Louro, B.; Passos, A.L.S.; Souche, E.L.; Tsigenopoulos, C.; Beck, A.; Lagnel, J.; Bonhomme, F.; Cancela, L.; Cerdà, J.; Clark, M.S.; Lubzens, E.; Magoulas, A.; Planas, J.V.; Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Reinhardt, R.; Canario, A.V.M.. 2010. "Gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) and European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) expressed sequence tags: Characterization, tissue-specific expression and gene markers", Marine Genomics 3, 3-4: 179 - 191.
55. Fuentes, J.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2010. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein-stanniocalcin antagonism in regulation of bicarbonate secretion and calcium precipitation in a marine fish intestine", AJP: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 299, 1: R150 - R158.
56. Pinheiro, Pedro L; Cardoso, João C; Gomes, Ana S; Fuentes, Juan; Power, Deborah M; Canário, Adelino V. 2010. "Gene structure, transcripts and calciotropic effects of the PTH family of peptides in Xenopus and chicken", BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1: 373 - 373.
57. Deloffre, Laurence A; Martins, Rute S; Mylonas, Constantinos C; Canario, Adelino V. 2009. "Alternative transcripts of DMRT1 in the European sea bass: Expression during gonadal differentiation", Aquaculture 293, 1-2: 89 - 99.
58. Barata, E. N; Hubert, F.; Conceicao, L. E. C; Velez, Z.; Rema, P.; Hubbard, P. C; Canario, A. V. M. 2009. "Prey odour enhances swimming activity and feed intake in the Senegalese sole", Aquaculture 293, 1-2: 100 - 107.
59. Huertas, M.; Canario, A. V. M; Hubbard, P. C. 2009. "Follow your nose: Chemical communication throughout the European eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) life-cycle", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 153, 2: 90 - 90.
60. Kolmakov, Nikolay N; Hubbard, Peter C; Lopes, Orlando; Canario, Adelino V. M. 2009. " Effect of Acute Copper Sulfate Exposure on Olfactory Responses to Amino Acids and Pheromones in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) ", Environmental Science & Technology 43, 21: 8393 - 8399.
61. Martins, Rute S; Fuentes, Juan; Almeida, Olinda; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. 2009. "Ca2+-Calmodulin regulation of testicular androgen production in Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 162, 2: 153 - 159.
62. Oliveira, R. F; Silva, A.; Canario, A. V. M. 2009. "Why do winners keep winning? Androgen mediation of winner but not loser effects in cichlid fish", Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276, 1665: 2249 - 2256.
63. Passos, Ana L; Pinto, Patrícia I; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. 2009. "A yeast assay based on the gilthead sea bream (teleost fish) estrogen receptor ß for monitoring estrogen mimics", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 5: 1529 - 1537.
64. Pinto, P. I. S; Estevao, M. D; Redruello, B.; Socorro, S. M; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2009. "Immunohistochemical detection of estrogen receptors in fish scales", General and Comparative Endocrinology 160, 1: 19 - 29.
65. Saraiva, J. L; Barata, E. N; Canário, A. V. M; Oliveira, R. F. 2009. " The effect of nest aggregation on the reproductive behaviour of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo ", Journal of Fish Biology 74, 4: 754 - 762.
66. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2009. "Adaptation to reduced salinity affects the olfactory sensitivity of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858) to Ca2+ and Na+ but not amino acids", Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 16: 2532 - 2540.
67. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Welham, K.; Hardege, J. D; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2009. "Identification, release and olfactory detection of bile salts in the intestinal fluid of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", Journal of Comparative Physiology a-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 195, 7: 691 - 698.
68. Saraiva, J. L; Oliveira, R. F; Barata, E. N; Canário, A. V. M. 2009. "The effect of nest aggregation on the reproductive behaviour of the peacock blenny Salaria pavo ", Journal of Fish Biology 74, 4: 754 - 762.
69. Kolmakov, N.N.; Hubbard, P.C.; Lopes, O.; Canario, A.V.M.. 2009. "Effect of acute copper sulfate exposure on olfactory responses to amino acids and pheromones in goldfish (Carassius auratus)", Environmental Science and Technology 43, 21: 8393 - 99.
70. Bayunova, L.; Canario, A. V. M; Semenkova, T.; Couto, E.; Gerasimov, A.; Barannikova, I.. 2008. "Free androgens and progestins and their conjugated forms in serum and urine of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas) males", Cybium 32, 2: 273 - 274.
71. Bender, N.; Heg-Bachar, Z.; Oliveira, R. F; Canario, A. V. M; Taborsky, M.. 2008. "Hormonal control of brood care and social status in a cichlid fish with brood care helpers", Physiology & Behavior 94, 3: 349 - 358.
72. Bevelander, G. S; Pinto, E. S. L. C; Canario, A. V. M; Spanings, T.; Flik, G.. 2008. "CYP27A1 expression in gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus, L.): Effects of calcitriol and parathyroid hormone-related protein", Journal of Endocrinology 196, 3: 625 - 635.
73. Serrano, R. M; Lopes, O.; Hubbard, P. C; Araujo, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Barata, E. N. 2008. "11-Ketotestosterone Stimulates Putative Sex Pheromone Production in the Male Peacock Blenny, Salaria pavo (Risso 1810)", Biology of Reproduction 79, 5: 861 - 868.
74. Serrano, R. M; Lopes, O.; Hubbard, P. C; Araujo, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Barata, E. N. 2008. "Seasonal cell differentiation and olfactory potency of secretions by the anal glands of male peacock blenny Salaria Pavo", Journal of Fish Biology 73, 7: 1790 - 1798.
75. Tanguy, A.; Bierne, N.; Saavedra, C.; Pina, B.; Bachere, E.; Kube, M.; Bazin, E.; Bonhomme, F.; Boudry, P.; Boulo, V.; Boutet, I.; Cancela, L.; Dossat, C.; Favrel, P.; Huvet, A.; Jarque, S.; Jollivet, D.; Klages, S.; Lapegue, S.; Leite, R.; Moal, J.; Moraga, D.; Reinhardt, R.; Samain, J. F; Zouros, E.; Canario, A. V. M. 2008. "Increasing genomic information in bivalves through new EST collections in four species: Development of new genetic markers for environmental studies and genome evolution", Gene 408, 1-2: 27 - 36.
76. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2008. "Functional Asymmetry in the Olfactory System of a Flatflish (Solea Senegalensis)", Chemical Senses 33, 8: 150 - 150.
77. Volckaert, Filip A; Barbier, Michèle; Canário, Adelino V; Olsen, Jeanine L; Wesnigk, Johanna; Clark, Melody; Boyen, Catherine. 2008. "Empowering marine science through genomics", Marine Genomics 1, 1: 33 - 35.
78. Kolmakov, Nikolay N; Kube, Michael; Reinhardt, Richard; Canario, Adelino V. 2008. "Analysis of the goldfish Carassius auratus olfactory epithelium transcriptome reveals the presence of numerous non-olfactory GPCR and putative receptors for progestin pheromones", BMC Genomics 9, 1: 429 - 429.
79. Hubbard, Peter; Canário, Adelino; Huertas, Mar. 2008. "Chemical communication in the genus Anguilla: A minireview", Behaviour 145, 10: 1389 - 1407.
80. Ferraresso, Serena; Vitulo, Nicola; Mininni, Alba N; Romualdi, Chiara; Cardazzo, Barbara; Negrisolo, Enrico; Reinhardt, Richard; Canario, Adelino V; Patarnello, Tomaso; Bargelloni, Luca. 2008. "Development and validation of a gene expression oligo microarray for the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)", BMC Genomics 9, 1: 580 - 580.
81. Hirschenhauser, Katharina; Canário, Adelino V; Ros, Albert F; Taborsky, Michael; Oliveira, Rui F. 2008. "Social context may affect urinary excretion of 11-ketotestosterone in African cichlids", Behaviour 145, 10: 1367 - 1388.
82. Serrano, Rui M; Barata, Eduardo N; Birkett, Michael A; Hubbard, Peter C; Guerreiro, Patricia S; Canario, Adelino V. M. 2008. "Behavioral and olfactory responses of female Salaria pavo (Pisces : Blenniidae) to a putative multi-component male pheromone", Journal of Chemical Ecology 34, 5: 647 - 658.
83. Bayunova, Liubov; Semenkova, Tatiana; Canario, Adelino V. M; Couto, Elsa; Gerasimov, Arnold; Barannikova, Irina. 2008. "Levels of free and conjugated androgens and progestins in coelomic fluid and serum of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas) females", Cybium 32, 2: 275 - 276.
84. Barata, E.N.; Serrano, R.M.; Miranda, A.; Nogueira, R.; Hubbard, P.C.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2008. "Putative pheromones from the anal glands of male blennies attract females and enhance male reproductive success", Animal Behaviour 75, 2: 379 - 389.
85. Scott, A.P.; Hirschenhauser, K.; Bender, N.; Oliveira, R. F; Earley, R.L.; Sebire, M.; Ellis, T.; Pavlidis, M.; Hubbard, P.C.; Huertas, M.; Canario, A. V. M. 2008. "Non-invasive measurement of steroids in fish-holding water: Important considerations when applying the procedure to behaviour studies", Behaviour 145, 10: 1307 - 1328.
86. Canario, A.V.M.; Bargelloni, L.; Volckaert, F. A. M. J; Houston, R.D.; Massault, C.; Guiguen, Y.. 2008. "Genomics toolbox for farmed fish", Reviews in Fisheries Science 16, SUPPL.1: 1 - 13.
87. Barata, E.N.; Fine, J.M.; Hubbard, P.C.; Almeida, O.G.; Frade, P.; Sorensen, P.W.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2008. "A sterol-like odorant in the urine of Mozambique tilapia males likely signals social dominance to females", Journal of Chemical Ecology 34, 4: 438 - 449.
88. Abbink, W.; Hang, X. M; Guerreiro, P. M; Spanings, F. A. T; Ross, H. A; Canario, A. V. M; Flik, G.. 2007. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein and calcium regulation in vitamin D-deficient sea bream (Sparus auratus)", Journal of Endocrinology 193, 3: 473 - 480.
89. Fuentes, J.; Guerreiro, P. M; Modesto, T.; Rotllant, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2007. "A PTH/PTHrP receptor antagonist blocks the hypercalcemic response to estradiol-17 beta", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 293, 2: 956 - 960.
90. Fuentes, J.; Haond, C.; Guerreiro, P. M; Silva, N.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2007. "Regulation of calcium balance in the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii: a role for PTHrP", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 293, 2: R884 - R893.
91. Garcia-Lopez, A.; Couto, E.; Canario, A. V. M; Sarasquete, C.; Martinez-Rodriguez, G.. 2007. "Ovarian development and plasma sex steroid levels in cultured female Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 146, 3: 342 - 354.
92. Guerreiro, P. M; Renfro, J. L; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2007. "The parathyroid hormone family of peptides: structure, tissue distribution, regulation, and potential functional roles in calcium and phosphate balance in fish", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 292, 2: R679 - R696.
93. Hubbard, Peter C; Canário, Adelino V. 2007. "Evidence that olfactory sensitivities to calcium and sodium are mediated by different mechanisms in the goldfish Carassius auratus", Neuroscience Letters 414, 1: 90 - 93.
94. Huertas, M.; Hubbard, P. C; Canario, A. V. M; Cerda, J.. 2007. "Olfactory sensitivity to conspecific bile fluid and skin mucus in the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.)", Journal of Fish Biology 70, 6: 1907 - 1920.
95. Velez, Zélia; Hubbard, Peter C; Barata, Eduardo N; Canário, Adelino V. 2007. "Differential detection of conspecific-derived odorants by the two olfactory epithelia of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 153, 1-3: 418 - 425.
96. Velez, Zélia; Hubbard, Peter C; Hardege, Jörg D; Barata, Eduardo N; Canário, Adelino V. 2007. "The contribution of amino acids to the odour of a prey species in the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", Aquaculture 265, 1-4: 336 - 342.
97. Bshary, Redouan; Oliveira, Rui F; Oliveira, Tânia S; Canário, Adelino V. 2007. "Do cleaning organisms reduce the stress response of client reef fish?", Frontiers in Zoology 4, 1: 21 - 21.
98. Martins, Rute S. T; Deloffre, L; Mylonas, C.C; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2007. "Developmental expression of DAX1 in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax: lack of evidence for sexual dimorphism during sex differentiation. ", Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 5: 19 - 19.
99. Barata, Eduardo N; Hubbard, Peter C; Almeida, Olinda G; Miranda, Antonio; Canario, Adelino V. M. 2007. "Male urine signals social rank in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)", BMC Biology, 5: 54 - NA.
100. Canario, A. V. M; Socorro, Silvia; Martins, Deborah M. P. R. S; Mylonas, Constatinos C. 2007. "A cDNA for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 11ß-hydrolase: Gene expression during the thermosensitive period and gonadogenesis", General and Comparative Endocrinology 150, 1: 164 - 173.
101. Acerete, L.; Balasch, J.C.; Castellana, B.; Redruello, B.; Roher, N.; Canario, A.V.M.; Planas, J.V.; MacKenzie, S.; Tort, L.. 2007. "Cloning of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Differential expression of GR and immune genes in gilthead seabream after an immune challenge", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 148, 1: 32 - 43.
102. Abbink, W.; Bevelander, G. S; Hang, X. M; Lu, W. Q; Guerreiro, P. M; Spanings, T.; Canario, A. V. M; Flik, G.. 2006. "PTHrP regulation and calcium balance in sea bream (Sparus auratus L.) under calcium constraint", Journal of Experimental Biology 209, 18: 3550 - 3557.
103. Bevelander, G. S; Hang, X. M; Abbink, W.; Spanings, T.; Canario, A. V. M; Flik, G.. 2006. "PTHrP potentiating estradiol-induced vitellogenesis in sea bream (Sparus auratus, L.)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 149, 2: 159 - 165.
104. Canario, A. V. M; Rotllant, J.; Fuentes, J.; Guerreiro, P. M; Teodosio, H. R; Power, D. M; Clark, M. S. 2006. "Novel bioactive parathyroid hormone and related peptides in teleost fish", Febs Letters 580, 1: 291 - 299.
105. Fuentes, J.; Figueiredo, J.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2006. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein regulates intestinal calcium transport in sea bream (Sparus auratus)", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 291, 5: R1499 - R1506.
106. Garcia-Lopez, A.; Anguis, V.; Couto, E.; Canario, A. V. M; Canavate, J. P; Sarasquete, C.; Martinez-Rodriguez, G.. 2006. "Non-invasive assessment of reproductive status and cycle of sex steroid levels in a captive wild broodstock of Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis (Kaup)", Aquaculture 254, 1-4: 583 - 593.
107. Garcia-Lopez, A.; Fernandez-Pasquier, V.; Couto, E.; Canario, A. V. M; Sarasquete, C.; Martinez-Rodriguez, G.. 2006. "Testicular development and plasma sex steroid levels in cultured male Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis Kaup", General and Comparative Endocrinology 147, 3: 343 - 351.
108. Guerreiro, Pedro M; Rotllant, Josep; Fuentes, Juan; Power, Deborah M; Canario, Adelino V. 2006. "Cortisol and parathyroid hormone-related peptide are reciprocally modulated by negative feedback", General and Comparative Endocrinology 148, 2: 227 - 235.
109. Huertas, M.; Scott, A. P; Hubbard, P. C; Canario, A. V. M; Cerda, J.. 2006. "Sexually mature European eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) stimulate gonadal development of neighbouring males: Possible involvement of chemical communication", General and Comparative Endocrinology 147, 3: 304 - 313.
110. Modig, C.; Modesto, T.; Canario, A. V. M; Cerda, J.; von Hofsten, J; Olsson, P. E. 2006. "Molecular characterization and expression pattern of zona pellucida proteins in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)", Biology of Reproduction 75, 5: 717 - 725.
111. Pinto, P. I. S; Teodosio, H. R; Galay-Burgos, M.; Power, D. M; Sweeney, G. E; Canario, A. V. M. 2006. "Identification of estrogen-responsive genes in the testis of sea bream (Sparus auratus) using suppression subtractive hybridization", Molecular Reproduction and Development 73, 3: 318 - 329.
112. Rotllant, J.; Guerreiro, P. M; Redruello, B.; Fernandes, H.; Apolonia, L.; Anjos, L.; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2006. "Ligand binding and signalling pathways of PTH receptors in sea bream (Sparus auratus) enterocytes", Cell and Tissue Research 323, 2: 333 - 341.
113. Rotllant, J.; Ruane, N. M; Dinis, M. T; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2006. "Intra-adrenal interactions in fish: Catecholamine stimulated cortisol release in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 143, 3: 375 - 381.
114. Guilgur, Leonardo G; Moncaut, Natalia P; Canário, Adelino V; Somoza, Gustavo M. 2006. "Evolution of GnRH ligands and receptors in gnathostomata", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 144, 3: 272 - 283.
115. Semenkova, Tatiana B; Canario, Adelino V. M; Bayunova, Liubov V; Couto, Elsa; Kolmakov, Nikolai N; Barannikova, Irina A. 2006. "Sex steroids and oocyte maturation in the sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.)", Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22, Jun. 2006: 340 - 345.
116. Bayunova, Liubov; Canario, Adelino V. M; Semenkova, Tatiana; Dyubin, Valentin; Sverdlova, Olga; Trenkler, Igor; Barannikova, Irina. 2006. "Sex steroids and cortisol levels in the blood of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus Pallas) during final maturation induced by LH-RH-analogue", Journal of Applied Ichthyology 22, 4: 334 - 339.
117. Pinto, Patrícia I; Passos, Ana L; Martins, Deborah M. P. R. S; Canário, Adelino V. 2006. "Characterization of estrogen receptor ßb in sea bream (Sparus auratus): Phylogeny, ligand-binding, and comparative analysis of expression", General and Comparative Endocrinology 145, 2: 197 - 207.
118. Anjos, L.; Rotlant, J.; Guerreiro, P. M; Hang, X. M; Canario, A. V. M; Balment, R.; Power, D. M. 2005. "Production and characterisation of gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus) recombinant parathyroid hormone related protein", General and Comparative Endocrinology 143, 1: 57 - 65.
119. Black, M. P; Moore, B.; Canario, A. V. M; Ford, D.; Reavis, R. H; Grober, M. S. 2005. "Reproduction in context: Field testing a laboratory model of socially controlled sex change in Lythrypnus dalli (Gilbert)", Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 318, 2: 127 - 143.
120. Kokokiris, L.; Canario, A. V. M; Mylonas, C.C; Pavlidis, M.; Kentouri, M.; Divanach, P.. 2005. "Induction of ovulation and spawning in the Mediterranean red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, by controlled delivery and acute injection of GnRHa", Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh 57, 4: 223 - 230.
121. Laiz-Carrión, Raúl; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Fuentes, Juan; Canario, Adelino V; Martín Del R. M. P; Mancera, Juan M. 2005. "Branchial osmoregulatory response to salinity in the gilthead sea bream,Sparus auratus", Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Comparative Experimental Biology 303, 7: 563 - 576.
122. Miranda, A.; Almeida, O. G; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "Olfactory discrimination of female reproductive status by male tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)", Journal of Experimental Biology 208, 11: 2037 - 2043.
123. Oliveira, R. F; Carneiro, L. A; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "No hormonal response in tied fights", Nature 437, 7056: 207 - 208.
124. Rotllant, J.; Guerreiro, P. M; Anjos, L.; Redruello, B.; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2005. "Stimulation of cortisol release by the N terminus of teleost parathyroid hormone-related protein in interrenal cells in vitro", Endocrinology 146, 1: 71 - 76.
125. Strobl-Mazzulla, Pablo H; Moncaut, Natalia P; López, Gabriela C; Miranda, Leandro A; Canario, Adelino V; Somoza, Gustavo M. 2005. "Brain aromatase from pejerrey fish (Odontesthes bonariensis): cDNA cloning, tissue expression, and immunohistochemical localization", General and Comparative Endocrinology 143, 1: 21 - 32.
126. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "Evidence for functional asymmetry in the olfactory system of the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78, 5: 756 - 765.
127. Rotllant, J.; Redruello, B.; Guerreiro, P.M.; Fernandes, H.; Canario, A.V.M.; Power, D.M.. 2005. "Calcium mobilization from fish scales is mediated by parathyroid hormone related protein via the parathyroid hormone type 1 receptor", Regulatory Peptides 132, 1-3: 33 - 40.
128. Velez, Zélia; Hubbard, Peter C; Barata, Eduardo N; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2005. " Evidence for Functional Asymmetry in the Olfactory System of the Senegalese Sole ( Solea senegalensis ) ", Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78, 5: 756 - 765.
129. Moncaut, N.; Somoza, G. M; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "Five gonadotrophin-releasing hormone receptors in a teleost fish: isolation, tissue distribution and phylogenetic relationships", Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 34, 3: 767 - 779.
130. Oliveira, Rui F; Carneiro, Luis A; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2005. "Behavioural endocrinology: No hormonal response in tied fights", Nature 437, 7056: 207 - 208.
131. Estêvão, M.D.; Redruello, B.; Canario, A.V.M.; Power, D.M.. 2005. "Ontogeny of osteonectin expression in embryos and larvae of sea bream (Sparus auratus)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 142, 1-2: 155 - 162.
132. Almeida, O.G.; Miranda, A.; Frade, P.; Hubbard, P.C.; Barata, E.N.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2005. "Urine as a social signal in the Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus)", Chemical Senses 30 SU, Suppl 1: i309 - i310.
133. Pinto, P. I. S; Passos, A.L.S.; Power, D.M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2005. "Sea bream (Sparus auratus) estrogen receptors: Phylogeny and tissue distribution", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1040, .: 436 - 438.
134. Abbink, W.; Bevelander, G. S; Rotllant, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Flik, G.. 2004. "Calcium handling in Sparus auratus: Effects of water and dietary calcium levels on mineral composition, cortisol and PTHrP levels", Journal of Experimental Biology 207, 23: 4077 - 4084.
135. Galay-Burgos, Malyka; Llewellyn, Lynda; Mylonas, Constantinos C; Canario, Adelino V; Zanuy, Silvia; Sweeney, Glen E. 2004. "Analysis of the Sox gene family in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 137, 2: 279 - 284.
136. Guerreiro, P. M; Fuentes, J.; Flik, G.; Rotllant, J.; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2004. "Water calcium concentration modifies whole-body calcium uptake in sea bream larvae during short-term adaptation to altered salinities", Journal of Experimental Biology 207, 4: 645 - 653.
137. Ros, A. F. H; Becker, K.; Canario, A. V. M; Oliveira, R. F. 2004. "Androgen levels and energy metabolism in Oreochromis mossambicus", Journal of Fish Biology 65, 4: 895 - 905.
138. Ros, A. F. H; Bruintjes, R.; Santos, R. S; Canario, A. V. M; Oliveira, R. F. 2004. "The role of androgens in the trade-off between territorial and parental behavior in the Azorean rock-pool blenny, Parablennius parvicornis", Hormones and Behavior 46, 4: 491 - 497.
139. Redruello, Begoña; Estêvão, M D; Rotllant, Josep; Guerreiro, Pedro M; Anjos, Liliana I; Canário, Adelino V; Power, Deborah M. 2004. "Isolation and Characterization of Piscine Osteonectin and Downregulation of Its Expression by PTH-Related Protein", Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20, 4: 682 - 692.
140. Hirschenhauser, K.; Taborsky, M.; Oliveira, T.; Canàrio, A.V.M.; Oliveira, R.F.. 2004. "A test of the ‘challenge hypothesis’ in cichlid fish: Simulated partner and territory intruder experiments", Animal Behaviour 68, 4: 741 - 750.
141. Singh, Pratap B; Canario, Adelino V. 2004. "Reproductive endocrine disruption in the freshwater catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis, in response to the pesticide ¿-hexachlorocyclohexane", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 58, 1: 77 - 83.
142. Carneiro, L.A.; Oliveira, R.F.; Canário, A.V.M.; Grober, M.S.. 2003. "The effect of arginine vasotocin on courtship behaviour in a blenniid fish with alternative reproductive tactics", Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 28, 1-4: 241 - 243.
143. Cavaco, J. E. B; Santos, C. R. A; Ingleton, P. M; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2003. "Quantification of prolactin (PRL) and PRL receptor messenger RNA in gilthead Seabream (Spares aurata) after treatment with Estradiol-17 beta", Biology of Reproduction 68, 2: 588 - 594.
144. Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2003. "Olfactory sensitivity of the gilthead seabream (Sparus auratus L) to conspecific body fluids", Journal of Chemical Ecology 29, 11: 2481 - 2498.
145. Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2003. "Olfactory sensitivity to catecholamines and their metabolites in the goldfish", Chemical Senses 28, 3: 207 - 218.
146. Mesquita, Rmrs; Canario, A. V. M; Melo, E.. 2003. "Partition of fish pheromones between water and aggregates of humic acids. Consequences for sexual signaling", Environmental Science & Technology 37, 4: 742 - 746.
147. Modesto, T.; Canario, A. V. M. 2003. "Hormonal control of swimbladder sonic muscle dimorphism in the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus", Journal of Experimental Biology 206, 19: 3467 - 3477.
148. Modesto, T.; Canario, A. V. M. 2003. "Morphometric changes and sex steroid levels during the annual reproductive cycle of the Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus", General and Comparative Endocrinology 131, 3: 220 - 231.
149. Ros, Albert F; Canario, Adelino V; Couto, Elsa; Zeilstra, IIja; Oliveira, Rui F. 2003. "Endocrine correlates of intra-specific variation in the mating system of the St. Peter's fish (Sarotherodon galilaeus)", Hormones and Behavior 44, 4: 365 - 373.
150. Oliveira, R. F; Hirschenhauser, K.; Canário, A. V. M; Taborsky, M.. 2003. "Androgen levels of reproductive competitors in a co-operatively breeding cichlid", Journal of Fish Biology 63, 6: 1615 - 1620.
151. Petkam, R.; Renaud, R. L; Freitas, Amms; Canario, A. V. M; Raeside, J. I; Kime, D. E; Leatherland, J. F. 2003. "In vitro metabolism of pregnenolone to 7 alpha-hydroxypregnenolone by rainbow trout embryos", General and Comparative Endocrinology 131, 3: 241 - 249.
152. Rotllant, J; Worthington, G.P; Fuentes, J; Guerreiro, P.M; Teitsma, C.A; Ingleton, P.M; Balment, R.J; Canario, A.V.M; Power, D.M. 2003. "Determination of tissue and plasma concentrations of PTHrP in fish: development and validation of a radioimmunoassay using a teleost 1–34 N-terminal peptide", General and Comparative Endocrinology 133, 1: 146 - 153.
153. Flanagan, J.A; Bendell, L.A; Guerreiro, P.M; Clark, M.S; Power, D.M; Canario, A.V.M; Brown, B.L; Ingleton, P.M. 2002. "Cloning of the cDNA for the putative calcium-sensing receptor and its tissue distribution in sea bream (Sparus aurata)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 127, 2: 117 - 127.
154. Frade, P.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2002. "Olfactory sensitivity of the Mozambique tilapia to conspecific odours", Journal of Fish Biology 61, 5: 1239 - 1254.
155. Goncalves, D. M; Barata, E. N; Oliveira, R. F; Canario, A. V. M. 2002. "The role of male visual and chemical cues on the activation of female courtship behaviour in the sex-role reversed peacock blenny", Journal of Fish Biology 61, 1: 96 - 105.
156. Guerreiro, P. M; Fuentes, J.; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2002. "Calcium balance in sea bream (Sparus aurata): the effect of oestradiol-17 beta", Journal of Endocrinology 173, 2: 377 - 385.
157. Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2002. "Possible disruption of pheromonal communication by humic acid in the goldfish, Carassius auratus", Aquatic Toxicology 60, 3-4: 169 - 183.
158. Oliveira, R. F; Hirschenhauser, K.; Carneiro, L. A; Canario, A. V. M. 2002. "Social modulation of androgen levels in male teleost fish", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 132, 1: 203 - 215.
159. Petkam, R.; Renaud, R. L; Freitas, A. M. M. S; Canario, A. V. M; Leatherland, J. F. 2002. "In vitro metabolism of progesterone, androgens and estrogens by rainbow trout embryos", Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 27, 1-2: 117 - 128.
160. Pinillos, M. L; Guijarro, A. I; Delgado, M. J; Hubbard, P. C; Canario, A. V. M; Scott, A. P. 2002. "Production, release and olfactory detection of sex steroids by the tench (Tinca tinca L.)", Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 26, 2: 197 - 210.
161. Modesto, T.. 2002. "17a,20ß,21-Trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one: the probable maturation-inducing steroid of the Lusitanian toadfish", Journal of Fish Biology 60, 3: 637 - 648.
162. Hubbard, P.C.; Ingleton, P.M.; Bendell, L.A.; Barata, E.N.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2002. "Olfactory sensitivity to changes in environmental [Ca2+] in the freshwater teleost Carassius auratus: An olfactory role for the Ca2+-sensing receptor?", Journal of Experimental Biology 205, 18: 2755 - 2764.
163. Guerreiro, P. M; Fuentes, T.; Power, D. M; Ingleton, P. M; Flik, G.; Canario, A. V. M. 2001. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein: a calcium regulatory factor in sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae", American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 281, 3: R855 - R860.
164. Moutou, K. A; Canario, A. V. M; Mamuris, Z.; Power, D. M. 2001. "Molecular cloning and sequence of Sparus aurata skeletal myosin light chains expressed in white muscle: developmental expression and thyroid regulation", Journal of Experimental Biology 204, 17: 3009 - 3018.
165. Moutou, K. A; Socorro, S.; Power, D. M; Mamuris, Z.; Canario, A. V. M. 2001. "Molecular cloning and sequence of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) alpha-skeletal actin: tissue and developmental expression", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 130, 1: 13 - 21.
166. Nowell, M.A.; Power, D.M.; Canario, A.V.M.; Llewellyn, L.; Sweeney, G.E.. 2001. "Characterization of a Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Thyroid Hormone Receptor-ß Clone Expressed during Embryonic and Larval Development", General and Comparative Endocrinology 123, 1: 80 - 89.
167. Oliveira, R. F; Almada, V. C; Goncalves, E. J; Forsgren, E.; Canario, A. V. M. 2001. "Androgen levels and social interactions in breeding males of the peacock blenny", Journal of Fish Biology 58, 4: 897 - 908.
168. Oliveira, R. F; Canario, A. V. M; Grober, M. S. 2001. "Male sexual polymorphism, alternative reproductive tactics, and androgens in combtooth blennies (Pisces : Blenniidae)", Hormones and Behavior 40, 2: 266 - 275.
169. Oliveira, R.F.; Carneiro, L.A.; Canario, A.V.M.; Grober, M.S.. 2001. "Effects of Androgens on Social Behavior and Morphology of Alternative Reproductive Males of the Azorean Rock-Pool Blenny", Hormones and Behavior 39, 2: 157 - 166.
170. Power, D. M; Llewellyn, L.; Faustino, M.; Nowell, M. A; Bjornsson, B. T; Einarsdottir, I. E; Canario, A. V. M; Sweeney, G. E. 2001. "Thyroid hormones in growth and development of fish", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 130, 4: 447 - 459.
171. Oliveira, R.F.; Canario, A.V.M.; Grober, M.S.; Santos, R.Serrão. 2001. "Endocrine Correlates of Male Polymorphism and Alternative Reproductive Tactics in the Azorean Rock-Pool Blenny, Parablennius sanguinolentus parvicornis", General and Comparative Endocrinology 121, 3: 278 - 288.
172. Oliveira, Rui F; Carneiro, Luis A; Gonçalves, David M; Canario, Adelino V; Grober, Matthew S. 2001. "11-Ketotestosterone inhibits the alternative mating tactic in sneaker males of the peacock blenny, Salaria pavo", Brain, Behavior and Evolution 58, 1: 28 - 37.
173. Oliveira, Rui F; Lopes, Marco; Carneiro, Luis A; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2001. "Watching fights raises fish hormone levels", Nature 409, 6819: 475 - 475.
174. Condeça, João B; Canario, Adelino V. 2001. "Gonadal Steroidogenesis in Response to Estradiol-17ß Administration in the Sea Bream (Sparus aurata L.)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 124, 1: 82 - 96.
175. Oliveira, R.F.; Lopos, M.; Carneiro, L.A.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2001. "Erratum: Watching fights raises fish hormone levels (Nature (2000) 409 (475))", Nature 409, 6822: 475 - 475.
176. Flanagan, J.A.; Power, D.M.; Bendell, L.A.; Guerreiro, P.M.; Fuentes, J.; Clark, M.S.; Canario, A.V.M.; Danks, J.A.; Brown, B.L.; Ingleton, P.M.. 2000. "Cloning of the cDNA for Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein", General and Comparative Endocrinology 118, 3: 373 - 382.
177. Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2000. "Olfactory sensitivity to changes in environmental [Ca2+] in the marine teleost Sparus aurata", The Journal of Experimental Biology 203, 24: 3821 - 3829.
178. Power, D. M; Ingleton, P. M; Flanagan, J. A; Canario, A. V. M; Danks, J. A; Elgar, G.; Clark, M. S. 2000. "Genomic structure and expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein gene (PTHrP) in a teleost, Fugu rubripes", Gene 250, 1-2: 67 - 76.
179. Socorro, S.; Power, D. M; Olsson, P. E; Canario, A. V. M. 2000. "Two estrogen receptors expressed in the teleost fish, Sparus aurata: cDNA cloning, characterization and tissue distribution", Journal of Endocrinology 166, 2: 293 - 306.
180. Carisle, S. L; Marxer-Miller, S. K; Canario, A. V. M; Oliveira, R. F; Carneiro, L.; Grober, M. S. 2000. "Effects of 11-ketotestosterone on genital papilla morphology in the sex changing fish Lythrypnus dalli", Journal of Fish Biology 57, 2: 445 - 456.
181. DOS SANTOS, M. E; MODESTO, TERESA; MATOS, RICARDO J; Grober, Matthew S; Oliveira, Rui F; Canário, Adelino. 2000. "Sound production by the Lusitanian Toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus ", Bioacoustics 10, 4: 309 - 321.
182. Condeça, João B; Canario, Adelino V. 1999. "The Effect of Estrogen on the Gonads and on In Vitro Conversion of Androstenedione to Testosterone, 11-Ketotestosterone, and Estradiol-17ß in Sparus aurata (Teleostei, Sparidae)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 116, 1: 59 - 72.
183. Canario, A V. M; Condeca, J; Power, D M; Ingleton, P M. 1998. "The effect of stocking density on growth in the gilthead sea-bream, Sparus aurata (L.)", Aquaculture Research 29, 3: 177 - 181.
184. Danks, J. A; Trivett, M. K; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Martin, T. J; Ingleton, P. M. 1998. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein in lower vertebrates", Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 25, 9: 750 - 752.
185. Scott, A. P; Witthames, P. R; Turner, R. J; Canario, A. V. M. 1998. "Plasma concentrations of ovarian steroids in relation to oocyte final maturation and ovulation in female plaice sampled at sea", Journal of Fish Biology 52, 1: 128 - 145.
186. Borges, R. A; Oliveira, R.F.; Almada, V.C.; Canário, A.V.M.. 1998. "Short-term Social Modulation of 11-Ketotestosterone Urinary Levels in Males of Cichlid Fish Oreochromis mossambicus During Male-FemaleInteraction. ", Acta Ethologica, 1(1-2): 43 - 48.
187. Ingleton, P.M.; Power, D.M.; Canario, A.V.M.; Martin, T.J.; Danks, J.A.. 1998. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein and somatolactin in sea bream (Sparus aurata) brain and pituitary", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 839, .: 370 - 371.
188. Gonçalves, J.M.S.; Bentes, L.; Lino, P.G.; Ribeiro, J.; Canário, A.V.M.; Erzini, K.. 1997. "Weight-length relationships for selected fish species of the small-scale demersal fisheries of the south and south-west coast of Portugal", Fisheries Research 30, 3: 253 - 256.
189. Devlin, A. J; Danks, J. A; Faulkner, M. K; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Martin, T. J; Ingleton, P. M. 1996. "Immunochemical detection of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the saccus vasculosus of a teleost fish", General and Comparative Endocrinology 101, 1: 83 - 90.
190. Oliveira, R. F; Almada, V. C; Canario, A. V. M. 1996. "Social modulation of sex steroid concentrations in the urine of male cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus", Hormones and Behavior 30, 1: 2 - 12.
191. Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Ingleton, P. M. 1996. "Somatotropin release-inhibiting factor and galanin innervation in the hypothalamus and pituitary of seabream (Sparus aurata)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 101, 3: 264 - 274.
192. Danks, J.A.; Devlin, A.J.; Ho, P.M.W.; Diefenbach-Jagger, H.; Power, D.M.; Canario, A. V. M; Martin, T.J.; Ingleton, P.M.. 1993. "Parathyroid hormone-related protein is a factor in normal fish pituitary", General and Comparative Endocrinology 92, 2: 201 - 212.
193. Kime, D.E.; Scott, A.P.; Canario, A.V.M.. 1992. "In vitro biosynthesis of steroids, including 11-deoxycortisol and 5a-pregnane-3ß,7a,17,20ß-tetrol, by ovaries of the goldfish Carassius auratus during the stage of oocyte final maturation", General and Comparative Endocrinology 87, 3: 375 - 384.
194. Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 1992. "Immunocytochemistry of somatotrophs, gonadotrophs, prolactin and adrenocorticotropin cells in larval sea bream (Sparus auratus) pituitaries", Cell & Tissue Research 269, 2: 341 - 346.
195. Scott, A.P.; Canario, A.V.M.. 1992. "17a,20ß-Dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one 20-sulphate: A major new metabolite of the teleost oocyte maturation-inducing steroid", General and Comparative Endocrinology 85, 1: 91 - 100.
196. Canario, Adelino V; Scott, A.P.. 1991. "Levels of 17a,20a-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, 3ß,17a,20a-trihydroxy-5ß-pregnane, and other sex steroids, in blood plasma of male dab, Limanda limanda (marine flatfish) injected with human chorionic gonadotrophin", General and Comparative Endocrinology 83, 2: 258 - 264.
197. Scott, A. P; Canario, A. V. M; Sherwood, Nancy M; Warby, Carol M. 1991. "Levels of steroids, including cortisol and 17a,20ß-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, in plasma, seminal fluid, and urine of Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) and North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) ", Canadian Journal of Zoology 69, 1: 111 - 116.
198. Scott, A. P; Sherwood, Nancy M; Canario, A. V. M; Warby, Carol M. 1991. " Identification of free and conjugated steroids, including cortisol and 17a,20ß-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one, in the milt of Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi ", Canadian Journal of Zoology 69, 1: 104 - 110.
199. Scott, A.P.; Canario, A.V.M.. 1990. "Plasma levels of ovarian steroids, including 17a,21-dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione and 3a,17a,21-trihydroxy-5ß-pregnan-20-one, in female plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) induced to mature with human chorionic gonadotrophin", General and Comparative Endocrinology 78, 2: 286 - 298.
200. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.. 1990. "Effects of steroids and human chorionic gondotrophin on in vitro oocyte final maturation in two marine flatfish: The dab, Limanda limanda, and the plaice, Pleuronectes platessa", General and Comparative Endocrinology 77, 2: 161 - 176.
201. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.. 1990. "Identification of, and development of radioimmunoassays for 17a,21-dihydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione and 3a,17a,21-trihydroxy-5ß-pregnan-20-one in the ovaries of mature plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 78, 2: 273 - 285.
202. Scott, A.P.; Canario, A.V.M.; Prat, F.. 1990. "Radioimmunoassay of ovarian steroids in plasmas of ovulating female sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 78, 2: 299 - 302.
203. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.. 1990. "Plasma levels of ovarian steroids, including 17a-20a-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and 3ß,17a,20a-trihydroxy-5ß-pregnane, in female dabs (Limanda limanda)—marine flatfish—induced to mature and ovulate with human chorionic gonadotrophin", General and Comparative Endocrinology 77, 2: 177 - 191.
204. Canario, A. V. M; Scott, A. P. 1989. "Conjugates of ovarian steroids, including 17a,20b-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (maturation-inducing steroid), accumulate in the urine of a marine teleost, accumulate in the urine of a marine teleost (plaice; Pleuronectes platessa)", Journal of Endocrinology 123, 1: 1 - 4.
205. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.; Flint, A.P.F.. 1989. "Radioimmunoassay investigations of 20ß-hydroxylated steroids in maturing/ovulating female rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 74, 1: 77 - 84.
206. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.. 1989. "Synthesis of 20a-hydroxylated steroids by ovaries of the dab (Limanda limanda)", General and Comparative Endocrinology 76, 1: 147 - 158.
207. Canario, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.. 1988. "Structure-activity relationships of C21 steroids in an in vitro oocyte maturation bioassay in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri", General and Comparative Endocrinology 71, 2: 338 - 348.
208. Howell, B. R; Canario, A. V. M. 1987. "The influence of sand on the estimation of resting metabolic rate of juvenile sole, Solea solea (L.)", Journal of Fish Biology 31, 2: 277 - 280.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing
1. Gonçalves, David; Saraiva, João; Valério, F.; Teles, Magda; Teodósio, Rita; Canário, A. V. M; Oliveira, Rui F. N. P.. 2009. "Neuroendocrine correlates of interpopulational variation in sexual behavior in a blenniid fish", Trabalho apresentado em Annual meeting of neurociense, In 2009 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Chicago.
2. Serrano, R.M; Barata, E.N; Hubbard, P.C; Guerreiro, P; Birkett, M.A; Picket, J.A; Lopes, O; Araújo, J; Canário, A.V.M. 2006. "The anal gland of male blenny Salaria pavo: structure and function", Trabalho apresentado em VII international Congress on the Biology of Fish, In The anal gland of male blenny Salaria pavo: structure and function, St. John’s, New Foundland.
3. Barata, E.N.; Serrano, R.; Hubbard, P.C.; Birkett, M.; Lopes, O.; Araújo, J.; Pickett, J.A.; Canário, A.. 2004. "The anal glands of males Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blennidae): ultrastructure and olfactory potency of its secretions. Proceedings of Chemoreception in Aquatic Animals", Trabalho apresentado em Chemoreception in Aquatic Animals, In Proceedings of Chemoreception in Aquatic Animals, Kyoto.
4. Cavaco, J. E. B; Santos, C. R. A; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M. 2000. "Expression of prolactin (PRL) and prolactin receptor (PRL-r) mRNA in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) after treatment with estradiol", Trabalho apresentado em 6th International Symposyum on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposyum on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen (Norway).
5. Cruz, Mário A. P. A. e; Canário, Adelino V. M. 1999. "cDNA cloning and expression of brain and ovary aromatase in tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus", Trabalho apresentado em 6Th International Symposium On Reproductive Physiology of Fish, In Proceedings of the 6Th International Symposium On Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Bergen.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Hubbard, P.C.; Huertas, M.; Canário, A.V.M.. 2012. "The third Faro Workshop: Bioactive water borne chemicals", Behaviour 149, 9: 897 - 899.
2. Pinto, P. I. S; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M; Thorne, M. A. S; Reinhardt, R.; Matsumura, H.; Terauchi, R.. 2009. "Transcriptome profiling of the gills of a euryhaline teleost fish, Tetraodon nigroviridis, in response to altered calcium concentrations in water", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 154, 1: 2 - 3.
3. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Welham, K. J; Barata, E. N; Hardege, J. D; Canario, A. V. M. 2009. "Functional asymmetry in the olfactory system of a flatfish, the Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 153A, 2: S90 - S90.
4. Hubbard, P. C; Canario, A. V. M. 2008. "Possible Mechanism of Olfactory Sensitivity to Calcium in the Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)", Chemical Senses 33, 8: S62 - S62.
5. Schein, V.; Silva, N.; Power, D.M.; Canario, A.V.M.. 2008. "Immunohistochemistry of Stanniocalcin isoforms in fish tissues", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 151, 1: 27 - 27.
6. Huertas, Mar; Canario, Adelino V. M; Hubbard, Peter C. 2008. "Changes in Olfactory Sensitivity During the European Eel (Anguilla Anguilla) Life Cycle", Chemical Senses 33, 8: S150 - S150.
7. Canário, A.V.M.; Scott, A.P.; Hubbard, P.C.; Barata, E.N.. 2008. "Special Issue on bioactive water-borne chemicals: Pheromones and welfare indicators - The 'Faro Workshop' Preface", Behaviour 145, 10: 1263 - 12.
8. Canario, Adelino; Flik, Gert. 2007. "Endocrinology of calcium homeostasis", General and Comparative Endocrinology 152, 2-3: 242 - 242.
9. Guerreiro, P.M.; Laiz-Carrión, R.; Haond, C.; Modesto, T.; Fuentes, J.; Mancera, J.M.; Canario, A.V.M.. 2007. "16.P15. Branchial osmoregulatory response to salinity challenge in the Lusitanian toadfish", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 148, Supp: 73 - 74.
10. Schein, V.; Pinto, P.,; Canário, A.V.M.. 2007. "2.P3. Cloning and gene expression of two novel stanniocalcin genes in the puffer fish Tetraodon nigroviridis", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 148, Supp: 10 - 10.
11. Volckaert, F.A.M.J.; Batargias, C.; Bonhomme, F.; Canario, A. V. M; Chistiakov, D.; Choudhuri, J.V.; Galibert, F.; Georgoudis, A.; Haley, C.S.; Hellemans, B.; Kuhl, H.; Kotoulas, G.; Law, A.; Libertini, A.; Magoulas, A.; McAndrew, B.J.; Reinhardt, R.; Senger, F.; Souche, E.; Tsigenopoulos, C.; Whitaker, H.A.. 2007. "Genomic resources for the aquaculture of European sea bass", Aquaculture 272, Nov. 2007: S316 - S317.
12. Guerreiro, P. M; Canario, A. V. M; Power, D. M; Renfro, J. L. 2006. "Parathyroid hormone (PTH)-related protein stimulates Pi secretion across fish proximal tubule cells", Journal of Experimental Zoology Part a-Comparative Experimental Biology 305A, 2: 130 - 130.
13. Moncaut, N. M; Somoza, G. M; Power, D. M; Canario, A. V. M. 2006. "Co-localization of GnRH ligands and their receptors in the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax", Journal of Experimental Zoology Part a-Comparative Experimental Biology 305A, 2: 157 - 157.
14. Goncalves, D.; Domingues, A.; Alpedrinha, J.; Teodosio, R.; Canario, A. V. M; Oliveira, R. F. 2005. "Brain aromatase activity and mRNA expression in a fish with male alternative reproductive tactics.", Hormones and Behavior 48, 1: 103 - 103.
15. Grober, M. S; Rodgers, E. W; Denman, H. N; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "The interaction of social and steroidal influences in regulating transitons between adult sexual phenotypes.", Hormones and Behavior 48, 1: 104 - 104.
16. Oliveira, R. F; Cameiro, L. A; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "Mirror elicited aggression fails to trigger an endocrine response to a social challenge.", Hormones and Behavior 48, 1: 118 - 119.
17. Velez, Z.; Hubbard, P. C; Barata, E. N; Hardege, J. D; Bubblitz, R.; Canario, A. V. M. 2005. "Electro-olfactograms in response to chromatographic fractions of food-related odorants in the Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 141, 3: S199 - S199.
18. Huertas, M.; Hubbard, P. C; Scott, A. P; Canario, A. V. M; Cerda, J.. 2005. "Evidence for involvement of chemical communication in reproduction of the eel Anguilla anguilla", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 141, 3: S90 - S90.
19. Redruello, B.; Estêvão, M.D.; Rotllant, J.; Guerreiro, P.M.; Anjos, L.I.; Canário, A.V.M.; Power, D.M.. 2005. "Isolation and characterization of piscine osteonectin and downregulation of its expression by PTH-related protein", Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 20, 4: 682 - 692.
20. Canario, Adelino V. M; Cardoso, Joao C. R; Zouros, Eleftherios; Volckaert, Filip A. M. J. 2005. "Marine genomics Europe, resources for aquaculture", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 141, 3: S87 - S87.
21. Oliveira, Rui F; Canario, Adelino V. M. 2001. "Androgens and social behaviour in cichlid fishes: a short review and a case study in the Mozambique tilapia", Journal of Aquariculture and Aquatic Sciences, 9: 109 - 129.
22. Canario, Adelino V. M. 1997. "Time for change in Portuguese science", Nature 390, 6661: 656 - 656.
23. DEVLIN, AJ; POWER, DM; INGLETON, PM; CANARIO, A. 1992. "Growth-hormone of the sea bream - Separation and partial-purification", Journal of Endocrinology 135, sn: sp - sp.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Pereira, Iris S. P; Canário, Ana; Andrade, Emília; Pacheco, Alberta; Mesquita, Angelina; Pinto, Carmo; Teixeira, Graça. 2003. "A descrição linguística, o professor, o currículo e as práticas educativas configuradas pelos manuais de gramática no 1º ciclo de escolaridade básica", Trabalho apresentado em XIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, In Actas do XIX Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, Lisboa.
2. Hubbard, Peter; Barata, Eduardo; Cruz, Mário A. P. A. e; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2000. "Olfactory responses to conspecifics in the tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Conference of Comparative Endocrinologists, In Proceedinga of the 20th Conference of Comparative Endocrinologists, Faro.
3. Cruz, Mário A. P. A. e; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2000. "Pattern of expression of two aromatases and alfa and beta estrogen receptors during early development of tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus", Trabalho apresentado em 20th Conference of Comparative Endocrinologists, In Proceedings of the 20th Conference of Comparative Endocrinologists, Faro.
4. Cruz, Mário A. P. A. e; Canário, Adelino V. M. 2000. "Expression Of P450arom And Estrogen Receptors Alfa And Beta During Early Development Of Tilapia Oreochromis Mossambicus", Trabalho apresentado em Conference on Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, In Proceedings of the Conference on Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Lion.
5. Brinca, Lilia P. P. F; Fuentes, Juan; Canário, Adelino; Power, D.M. 1999. "The regulation of prolactin and growth hormone secretion by VIP in the sea bream (Sparus aurata)", Trabalho apresentado em 1st Mini Symposium on Molecular and Comparative Endocrinology , In Proceedings from the 1st Mini Symposium on Molecular and Comparative Endocrinology , Faro.
6. Brinca, Lilia P. P. F; Fuentes, Juan; Canário, Adelino; Power, Deborah M. 1998. "The regulation of PRL and GH secretion by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)", Trabalho apresentado em 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, In Proceedings from the 19th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Nijmegen.
7. Brinca, Lilia P. P. F; Canário, Adelino; Power, D.M. 1997. "The regulation of PRL and GH secretion by galanin and growth hormone-releasing factor in the sea bream (Sparus aurata L.)", Trabalho apresentado em Third International Symposium on Research for Aquaculture: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, In Proceedings from the Third International Symposium on Research for Aquaculture: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, Barcelona.

Prefácio, Posfácio
Preface, Postface
1. Canário, Adelino V. M; Scott, Alexander P; Barata, Eduardo N; Hubbard, Peter C. 2008. "Special Issue on bioactive water-borne chemicals: pheromones and welfare indicators - the 'FaroWorkshop' - Preface". Leiden, The Netherlands. (Prefácio)

Dados Complementares (Additional data)


Dissertação de Mestrado
Master degree dissertation
1. Alexandra Carvalho Alves, Modulação da transmissão colinérgica no órgão eléctrico de torpedo marmorata (Risso, 1810), 2010. Dissertação (Biologia Marinha - Especialização em Biotecnologia Marinha (2º ciclo)) - Universidade do Algarve (Co-orientador).
Defendida a 26 de março de 2010.
2. João Tiago Estêvão Tomé Carneiro, The ovarian bone morphogenetic protein system in Oreochromis mossambicus, 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia) - Universidade do Algarve, Bolseiro(a) de Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve (Co-orientador).

Participação no júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation

Master degree
1. Adrian Paul Harrison; POWER DM; Gabriela Araújo Silva; Pedro Miguel Guerreiro da Costa. Participação no júri de Rita Alves Costa. The effect of alpha-ketoglutarate on a piscine skin model: a molecular and morphological study, 2010.  Dissertação (Ciências Biomédicas (2º Ciclo)) - Universidade do Algarve.
Presidente do Júri - Tese defendida a 23 de Fevereiro de 2010.
2. João Miguel da Silva Cordeiro; Peter Colin Hubbard. Participação no júri de Alexandra Carvalho Alves. Modulação da transmissão Colinérgica no órgão eléctrico de Torpedo marmorata (Risso, 1810), 2010.  Dissertação (Biologia Marinha - Especialização em Biotecnologia Marinha (2º ciclo)) - Universidade do Algarve.
Presidente do júri - Tese defendida a 26 de Março de 2010.
3. Deborah M. Power; Socorro, S. M.; Deloffre, L.. Participação no júri de João Tiago Estêvão Tomé Carneiro. The ovarian bone morphogenetic protein system in Oreochromis mossambicus, 2008.  Dissertação (Mestrado em Biotecnologia) - Universidade do Algarve.
Co-orientador e vogal.

1. Adelino Vicente Mendonça Canário. Participação no júri de Luisa Maria Pinheiro Valente. Agregado, 2010. Outra, Universidade do Porto.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

Dados complementares
(Additional data)

Participação no Júri de Graus Académicos
Academic Degrees jury participation

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