Curriculum Vitae

Maria Margarida Lopes Figueiredo

Data da última atualização »Last update : 02/07/2013

Maria Margarida Lopes Figueiredo Publicou 51 artigos em revistas especializadas. Actua na área de Engenharia Química Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 104 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Maria Margarida Lopes Figueiredo
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Figueiredo, Maria Margarida Lopes
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Engenharia Química.

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Figueiredo, Andreia; Coimbra, Patrícia; Cabrita, António; Guerra, Fernando; Figueiredo, Margarida. 2013. "Comparison of a xenogeneic and an alloplastic material used in dental implants in terms of physico-chemical characteristics and in vivo inflammatory response", Materials Science and Engineering: C 33, 6: 3506 - 3513.
2. Duarte, G. V; Moura, A. I; Moreira, R.; Nunes, J.; Figueiredo, M. M; Carvalho, M. G. 2013. "Evaluation of Several Forest Residues as Potential Raw Material for Bioethanol Production in Portugal", J. Bioprocess Eng. Biorefinery 2, .: 73 - 78.
3. Figueiredo, Margarida; Cunha, Sara; Martins, Gabriela; Freitas, Joao; Judas, Fernando; Figueiredo, Helena. 2011. "Influence of hydrochloric acid concentration on the demineralization of cortical bone", Chemical Engineering Research & Design 89, 1A: 116 - 124.
4. Jose Moura, M; Faneca, H.; Pedroso Lima, M; Helena Gil, M; Margarida Figueiredo, M. 2011. "In Situ Forming Chitosan Hydrogels Prepared via Ionic/Covalent Co-Cross-Linking", Biomacromolecules 12, 9: 3275 - 3284.
5. Moutinho, Isabel M. T; Ferreira, Paulo J. T; Figueiredo F, M. L. 2011. "PAPER SURFACE CHEMISTRY AS A TOOL TO IMPROVE INKJET PRINTING QUALITY", Bioresources 6, 4: 4259 - 4270.
6. Costa, Tiago G; Gamelas, Jose A; Moutinho, Isabel M; Margarida Figueiredo, M; Ferreira, Paulo J. 2010. "The influence of paper surface sizing on inkjet pigment penetration", Appita Journal 63, 5: 392 - 398.
7. Figueiredo, M. M; Fernando, A.; Martins, G.; Freitas, J.; Judas, F.; Figueiredo, H.. 2010. "Effect of the calcination temperature on the composition and microstructure of hydroxyapatite derived from human and animal bone", Ceramics International 36, 8: 2383 - 2393.
8. Figueiredo, Margarida; Henriques, Jose; Martins, Gabriela; Guerra, Fernando; Judas, Fernando; Figueiredo, Helena. 2010. "Physicochemical Characterization of Biomaterials Commonly Used in Dentistry as Bone Substitutes-Comparison with Human Bone", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 92B, 2: 409 - 419.
9. Moutinho, Isabel M; Ihalainen, Petri; Figueiredo, Margarida; Peltonen, Jouko; Ferreira, Paulo J. 2010. "Evaluation of the Topography of Surface Sized Eucalyptus Based Papers", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49, 1: 1 - 5.
10. Ferreira, Paulo J; Gamelas, Jose A; Moutinho, Isabel M; Ferreira, Ana G; Gomez, Nuria; Molleda, Cristina; Figueiredo, M. M. 2009. "Application of FT-IR-ATR Spectroscopy to Evaluate the Penetration of Surface Sizing Agents into the Paper Structure", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48, 8: 3867 - 3872.
11. Teixeira Moutinho, I. M; Kleen, Anne M; Lopes Figueiredo, M. M; Tavares Ferreira, P. J. 2009. "Effect of surface sizing on the surface chemistry of paper containing eucalyptus pulp", Holzforschung 63, 3: 282 - 289.
12. Moura, M. J; Figueiredo, M. M; Gil, M. H. 2008. "Rheology of Chitosan and Genipin Solutions ", ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM IV Book Series: MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 587, .: 27 - 31.
13. Moutinho, I.; Figueiredo, M.; Ferreira, P. T. 2008. "Caracterización de la superficie de papeles de impresión y escritura con encolado superficial", Celulosa y Papel 24, 2: 6 - 15.
14. Guine, R. P. F; Rodrigues, A. E; Figueiredo, M. M. 2007. "Modelling and simulation of pear drying", Applied Mathematics and Computation 192, 1: 69 - 77.
15. Moura, M. J; Figueiredo, M. M; Gil, M. H. 2007. "Rheological study of genipin cross-linked chitosan hydrogels", Biomacromolecules 8, 12: 3823 - 3829.
16. Moutinho, Isabel M. T; Ferreira, Paulo J. T; Figueiredo, Margarida L. 2007. "Impact of surface sizing on inkjet printing quality", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46, 19: 6183 - 6188.
17. Moutinho, Isabel M; Figueiredo, Margarida; Ferreira, Paulo J. 2007. "Evaluating the surface energy of laboratory-made paper sheets by contact angle measurements", Tappi Journal 6, 6: 26 - 32.
18. Ferreira, L.; Figueiredo, M. M; Gil, M. H; Ramos, M. A. 2006. "Structural analysis of dextran-based hydrogels obtained chemoenzymatically", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B-Applied Biomaterials 77B, 1: 55 - 64.
19. Guine, R. P. F; Ramos, M. A; Figueiredo, M. M. 2006. "Shrinkage characteristics and porosity of pears during drying", Drying Technology 24, 11: 1525 - 1530.
20. Henriques, J.; Figueiredo, H.; Figueiredo, M.; Guerra, F.. 2006. "Morphological, structural and chemical characterization of bone graft substitutes ", Journal of Clinical Periodontology 33, .: 77 - ..
21. Carvalho, M. G; Ferreira, P. J; Santos, Jmrca; Amaral, J. L; Figueiredo, M. M. 2005. "Effect of extended cooking and oxygen prebleaching on the surface energy of Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps", Journal of Pulp and Paper Science 31, 2: 90 - 94.
22. Carvalho, M. G; Santos, Jmrca; Martins, A. A; Figueiredo, M. M. 2005. "The effects of beating, web forming and sizing on the surface energy of Eucalyptus globulus kraft fibres evaluated by inverse gas chromatography", Cellulose 12, 4: 371 - 383.
23. Moura, M. J; Ferreira, P. J; Figueiredo, M. M. 2005. "Mercury intrusion porosimetry in pulp and paper technology", Powder Technology 160, 2: 61 - 66.
24. Santos, E.; Schulz, H.; Figueiredo, M. M. 2005. "Papermaking potential of hardwood pulps for decorative paper: a comparative study", Tappi Journal 4, 9: 20 - 24.
25. Silva, C. M; Ribeiro, A. J; Figueiredo, M. M; Ferreira, D.; Veiga, F.. 2005. "Microencapsulation of hemoglobin in chitosan-coated alginate microspheres prepared by emulsification/internal gelation", Aaps Journal 7, 4: E903 - E913.
26. Ferreira, P.; Velho, J.; Figueiredo, M.; Mendes, A.. 2005. "Effect of thermal treatment on the structure of PCC particles", TAPPI JOURNAL 4, 11: 18 - 22.
27. Carvalho, M. G. V; Martins, A. A; Figueiredo, M. M. 2003. "Kraft pulping of Portuguese Eucalyptus globulus: effect of process conditions on yield and pulp properties.", Appita 56, 4: 267 - 274.
28. Judas, F.; Proenca, A.; Moura, M.; Piedade, A.; Figueiredo, M.. 2002. "The relevance of physical characterisation in the evaluation of the performance of bone allografts ", ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM I Book Series: KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS 230, .: 467 - 470.
29. Figueiredo, Maria M. L. 2002. "Characterisation of eucalypt wood by mercury porosimetry - data interpretation.", The microReport 13, 3: 8 - 9.
30. Moura, M. J; Figueiredo, M. M. 2002. "Aplicação das Técnicas de Picnometria de Gás e de Porosimetria de Mercúrio à Caracterização da Madeira de E. globulus", Silva Lusitana 10, 2: 207 - 216.
31. Carvalho, G. V; Figueiredo, M. L. 2001. "Cocción kaft de eucalyptus globulus: modelos empíricos.", Información Tecnológica (Revista Intenacional do Centro de Información Tecnológica, Chile) 12, 5: 131 - 138.
32. Carvalho, M. G; Ferreira, P. J; Figueiredo, M. M. 2000. "Cellulose depolymerisation and paper properties in E-globulus kraft pulps", Cellulose 7, 4: 359 - 368.
33. Ferreira, P. J; Martins, A. A; Figueiredo, M. M. 2000. "Primary and secondary fines from Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps. Characterization and influence", Paperi Ja Puu-Paper and Timber 82, 6: 403 - 408.
34. Ferreira, P. J; Matos, S.; Figueiredo, M. M. 1999. "Size characterization of fibres and fines in hardwood kraft pulps", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 16, 1: 20 - 24.
35. Ramos, M. A; Gil, M. H; Schacht, E.; Matthys, G.; Mondelaers, W.; Figueiredo, M. M. 1998. "Physical and chemical characterisation of some silicas and silica derivatives", Powder Technology 99, 1: 79 - 85.
36. Carvalho, M. G; Ferreira, P. J; Martins, A. A; Figueiredo, M. M. 1997. "A comparative study of two automated techniques for measuring fiber length", Tappi Journal 80, 2: 137 - 142.
37. deAlmeida, L. P; Simoes, S.; Brito, P.; Portugal, A.; Figueiredo, M. M. 1997. "Modeling dissolution of sparingly soluble multisized powders", Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 86, 6: 726 - 732.
38. Gama, F. M; Carvalho, M. G; Figueiredo, M. M; Mota, M.. 1997. "Comparative study of cellulose fragmentation by enzymes and ultrasound", Enzyme and Microbial Technology 20, 1: 12 - 17.
39. Aires, A. M; Figueiredo, M. M. 1997. "Sizing Bimodal Distributions in the Submicron Range", AIDIC - Associazone Italiana di Ingegneria Chimica - Conference Series 2, .: 167 - 174.
40. Simoes, S.; Veiga, F.; Sousa, A.; Figueiredo, M. M. 1996. "Using a particle counter to assess in vitro dissolution studies", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 131, 2: 273 - 276.
41. Simoes, S.; deAlmeida, L. P; Figueiredo, M. M. 1996. "Testing the applicability of classical diffusional models to polydisperse systems", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 139, 1-2: 169 - 176.
42. Simoes, S.; Sousa, A.; Figueiredo, M. M. 1996. "Dissolution rate studies of pharmaceutical multisized powders - A practical approach using the Coulter method", International Journal of Pharmaceutics 127, 2: 283 - 291.
43. Barreiros, Fatima M; Ferreira, Paulo J; Figueiredo, M. M. 1996. "Calculating Shape Factors from Particle Sizing Data", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 13, 6: 368 - 373.
44. Rasteiro, M.G.; Figueiredo, M.M.; Freire, C.. 1994. "Modelling slurry mixing tanks", Advanced Powder Technology 5, 1: 1 - 14.
45. Ferreira, P.J.; Rasteiro, M.G.; Figueiredo, M.M.. 1994. "A new approach to measuring solids concentration in mixing tanks", Advanced Powder Technology 5, 1: 15 - 24.
46. Rasteiro, M. G; Figueiredo, M. M; Maia, M. C; Scarlett, B.. 1993. "Modelling of Solid/Liquid Flow in Pipes", Powder Handling & Processing 5, 3: 253 - 259.
47. Rasteiro, M. G; Figueiredo, M. M; FRANCO, H.. 1993. "PRESSURE DROP FOR SOLID/LIQUID FLOW IN PIPES", Particulate Science and Technology 11, 3-4: 147 - 155.
48. Ferreira, P. J; Rasteiro, M. G; Figueiredo, M. M. 1993. "INFLUENCE OF SHAPE ON PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS", Particulate Science and Technology 11, 3-4: 199 - 206.
49. Figueiredo, M. M; Rasteiro, M. G; Santos, C.; Monteiro, C.. 1991. "MASS CALIBRATION OF THE COULTER-COUNTER MODEL ZM", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 8, 4: 294 - 296.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing

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