Diana de Aguiar Pereira dos Santos
Data da última atualização
»Last update
12/04/2016 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Diana de Aguiar Pereira dos Santos |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Santos, DA |
Categoria profissional
Position |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de Motricidade Humana Unidade Cientifíco-Pedagógica de Exercício e Saúde Estrada da Costa Cruz-Quebrada 1495-688 Oeiras Portugal Telefone: (+351)214149241Extensão: 241 Fax: (+351)214149193 Correio electrónico: dianasantos@fmh.utl.pt |
Gender |
Feminino»Female |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
2009-2013 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Motricidade Humana na especialidade Atividade Física e Saúde
(4 anos » years)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
2002-2007 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
Ciências do Desporto, Ramo de Educação Física e Desporto escolar
(5 anos » years)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
Formação complementar ( studies)
2012-2013 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Health in Numbers: Quantitative Methods in Clinical Public Health Research.
Harvard University,
Estados Unidos.
2012-2012 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp.
Johns Hopkins University,
Estados Unidos.
2011-2011 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Validação de métodos e instrumentos na avaliação do movimento humano.
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
2011-2011 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Temas Emergentes em Actividade Física e Saúde.
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
2010-2011 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Programa de aperfeiçoamento em actividades de Fitness, Actividades de Grupo.
Manz Formação,
2010-2010 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
The Doubly Labeled Water Method.
The Obesity Society,
Estados Unidos.
2010-2010 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Physical activity, supplementation, and weight control.
Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
2008-2008 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Level one Athropometrist (Technician - Restricted Profile).
International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry,
2008-2008 |
Outros Others |
Simpósio Satélite Composição Corporal e Saúde (13th ECSS). Faculdade de Motricidade Humana - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa,
2001-2001 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
OFFICE 2000.
Forma - Formação Profissional,
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias |
Set/2014-Actual |
Professor Auxiliar |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
Set/2014-Actual |
Outra Situação |
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa |
Set/2013-Actual |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Set/2012-Jul/2013 |
Assistente |
Set/2007-Abr/2009 |
Técnico Superior 1ª Classe |
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia |
Mai/2009-Ago/2013 |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Atividades de Ensino (Teaching activities)
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias |
Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:
- Saúde e Condição Física(Docente)
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa |
Curso»Academic program: Ciências do Desporto Disciplinas lecionadas»Taught units:
- Promoção da Saúde(Docente)
- Prescrição de Exercício(Docente)
Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador Participation as Researcher |
2010-2013 Alterações na Composição Corporal e Desempenho Físico no Decorrer de uma Época Desportiva em Atletas de Elite-Body Composition and Physical Performance Changes Over a Season in Elite Athletes |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/DES/098963/2008. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2010-2011 Efeitos da ingestão de café na água corporal total, distribuição de fluidos intra e extracelulares e no dispêndio energético |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: IHS. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Instituto de Hidratação e Saúde.
Participação como Doutorando Participation as Phd student |
2010- Alterações na Composição Corporal e Desempenho Físico no Decorrer de uma Época Desportiva em Atletas de Elite-Body Composition and Physical Performance Changes Over a Season in Elite Athletes |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/DES/098963/2008. Financiador(es)»Funding:
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Razoavelmente). |
Fala Speaking |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente), Espanhol (Pouco). |
Lê Reading |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Bem), Espanhol (Pouco). |
Escreve Writing |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco), Espanhol (Pouco). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2011 |
Finalista de "Nutrition Awards, na Categoria de Investigação em Ciências da Nutrição",
Associação Portuguesa de Nutricionistas e Associação Green Project Awards.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições Published/organized books or Editions |
1. |
Baptista, F; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Mota, J; Santos, R; Vale, S; Ferreira, JP; Raimundo, A; Moreira, H. 2011. Observatório Nacional da Actividade Física - Livro Verde da Actividade Física, Instituto do Desporto de Portugal. ed. 1. Lisboa: Estrelas de Papel, Lda. |
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Fields, DA; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2016. "Suitability of Bioelectrical Based Methods to Assess Water Compartments in Recreational and Elite Athletes", Journal of the American College of Nutrition, epub ahead: 1 - 9.
2. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Grøntved, A; Andersen, LB; Ekelund, U. 2016. "A Comparison between BMI, Waist Circumference, and Waist-To-Height Ratio for Identifying Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Children
and Adolescents", PLOS ONE 11, 2: e0149351 - e0149351.
3. |
Collaboration, NCD R. F. 2016. "Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement
studies with 19·2 million participants", The Lancet 387, 10026: 1377 - 1396.
4. |
Santos, DA. 2016. "Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4·4 million participants", The Lancet 387, 10027: 1513 - 1530.
5. |
Gonçalves, EM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2015. "Assessment of total body water and its compartments in elite judo athletes: comparison of bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy
with dilution techniques", Journal of Sports Sciences 33, 6: 634 - 640.
6. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Owen, N. 2015. "Breaking-up Sedentary Time Is Associated With Physical Function in Older Adults", The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 70, 1: 119 - 124.
7. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Marques, EA; Mota, J. 2015. "Criterion-referenced fitness standards for predicting physical independence into later life", Experimental Gerontology 61, n.a.: 142 - 146.
8. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Fields, DA; Lukaski, HC; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2015. "Estimation of total body water and extracellular water with bioimpedance in athletes: A need for athlete-specific prediction
models", Clinical Nutrition, Epub ahead: 1 - 7.
9. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Pimenta, N; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, B; Sardinha, LB. 2015. "Independent Association of Muscular Strength and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children", International Journal of Sports Medicine 36, 8: 624 - 630.
10. |
Júdice, PB; Santos, DA; Hamilton, MT; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2015. "Validity of GT3X and Actiheart to estimate sedentary time and breaks using ActivPAL as the reference in free-living conditions", Gait & Posture 41, 4: 917 - 922.
11. |
Júdice, PB; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. 2015. "Associations of breaks in sedentary time with abdominal obesity in Portuguese older adults", AGE 37, 2: 2 - 10.
12. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Thomas, DM; Sardinha, LB. 2015. "Utility of Novel Body Indices in Predicting Fat Mass in Elite Athletes", Nutrition 31, 7-8: 948 - 954.
13. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Pimenta, NM; Pinto, R; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, B; Sardinha, LB. 2015. "Single and combined effects of body composition phenotypes on carotid intima-media thickness", Pediatric Obesity, Epub ahead: n/a - n/a.
14. |
Sardinha, LB; Ekelund, U; dos Santos, L; Cyrino, ES; Silva, AM; Santos, DA. 2015. "Breaking-up sedentary time is associated with impairment in activities of daily living", Experimental Gerontology 72, -: 57 - 62.
15. |
Mouad, M; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Teixeira, VH; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2015. "Validação da Bioimpedância Elétrica por Multifrequência em Atletas", Revista Brasileira de Ciência e Movimento 23, 1: 48 - 57.
16. |
Sardinha, LB; Marques, A; Minderico, CS; Palmeira, A; Martins, SM; Santos, DA; Ekelund, U. 2015. "Longitudinal Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Academic Achievement", Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, epub ahead: xx - xx.
17. |
Sardinha, LB; Ekelund, U; dos Santos, L; Cyrino, ES; Silva, AM; Santos, DA. 2015. "Breaking-up sedentary time is associated with impairment in activities of daily living", Experimental Gerontology 72, -: 278 - 278.
18. |
Melo, X; Fernhall, B; Santos, DA; Pinto, R; Pimenta, NM; Sardinha, LB; Santa-Clara, H. 2015. "The acute effect of maximal exercise on central and peripheral arterial stiffness indices and hemodynamics in children and
adults", Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, Epub ahead: 1 - 11.
19. |
Laires, MJ; Monteiro, CP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Bicho, M. 2014. "Magnesium Status and Exercise Performance in Athletes", Trace elements and electrolites 31, 1: 13 - 20. |
20. |
Marques, EA; Baptista, F; Santos, R; Vale, S; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Normative Functional Fitness Standards and Trends of Portuguese Older Adults: Cross-Cultural Comparisons", Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 22, 1: 126 - 137.
21. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Magalhães, JP; Fields, DA; Minderico, CS; Ekelund, U; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Validity of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for the measurement of free-living energy expenditure in very active individuals", Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 17, 4: 387 - 393.
22. |
Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Minderico, CS; Allison, DB; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2014. "Association of basketball season with body composition in elite junior players", The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 54, 2: 162 - 173. |
23. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Ekelund, U; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for assessing energy expenditure in free-living adults during a double-blind
crossover caffeine trial using doubly labeled water as the reference method", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 69, 1: 20 - 27.
24. |
Santos, R; Mota, J; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Physical fitness percentiles for Portuguese children and adolescents aged 10–18 years", Journal of Sports Sciences 32, 16: 1510 - 8.
25. |
Marques, EA; Baptista, F; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Risk for losing physical independence in older adults: the role of sedentary time, light, and moderate to vigorous physical
activity", Maturitas 79, 1: 91 - 5.
26. |
Santos, DA; Dawson, JA; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Minderico, CS; Allison, DB; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2014. "Reference Values for Body Composition and Anthropometric Measurements in Athletes", PLoS ONE 9, 5: e97846 - e97846.
27. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Pimenta, NM; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, B; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Linking cardiorespiratory fitness classification criteria to early subclinical atherosclerosis in children", Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 40, 4: 386 - 392.
28. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Increases in Intracellular Water Explain Strength and Power Improvements over a Season", International Journal of Sports Medicine 35, 13: 1101 - 1105.
29. |
Santos, DA; Gobbo, LA; Matias, CN; Petroski, EL; Gonçalves, EM; Cyrino, ES; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2013. "Body composition in taller individuals using DXA: A validation study for athletic and non-athletic populations", Journal of Sports Sciences 31, 4: 405 - 413.
30. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Minderico, CS; Schoeller, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2013. "Total energy expenditure assessment in elite junior basketball players: a validation study using doubly labeled water", Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 27, 7: 1920 - 1927.
31. |
Silva, AM; Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; St-Onge, MP; Gonçalves, EM; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB. 2013. "Total body water and its compartments are not affected by ingesting a moderate dose of caffeine in healthy young adult males", Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 38, 6: 626 - 632.
32. |
Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Carita, AI; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2013. "A moderate dose of caffeine ingestion does not change energy expenditure but decreases sleep time in physically active males:
a double-blind randomized controlled trial", Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 38, 1: 49 - 56.
33. |
Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Hamilton, MT; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2013. "Caffeine Intake, Short Bouts of Physical Activity, and Energy Expenditure: A Double-Blind Randomized Crossover Trial", PLoS ONE 8, 7: e68936 - e68936.
34. |
Baptista, F; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Mota, J; Santos, R; Vale, S; Ferreira, JP; Raimundo, A; Moreira, H; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Prevalence of the Portuguese Population Attaining Sufficient Physical Activity", Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 44, 3: 466 - 473.
35. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Santos, R; Gobbo, LA; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Are cardiorespiratory fitness and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity independently associated to overweight, obesity,
and abdominal obesity in elderly?", American Journal of Human Biology 24, 1: 28 - 34.
36. |
Silva, DA; Benedetti, TR; Ferrari, EP; Meurer, ST; Antes, DL; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB; Vieira, F; Petroski, EL. 2012. "Anthropometric profiles of elite older triathletes in the Ironman Brazil compared with those of young Portuguese triathletes
and older Brazilians", Journal of Sports Sciences 30, 5: 479 - 484.
37. |
Gonçalves, EM; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Lemos-Marini, SH; de Oliveira S. A; Mendes-dos-Santos, CT; De-Mello, MP; Guerra-Júnior, G. 2012. "Accuracy of anthropometric measurements in estimating fat mass in individuals with 21-hydroxylase deficiency", Nutrition 28, 10: 984 - 990.
38. |
Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Gobbo, LA; Schoeller, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Validity of extracellular water assessment with saliva samples using plasma as the reference biological fluid", Biomedical Chromatography 26, 11: 1348 - 1352.
39. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Fields, DA; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2012. "Is bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy accurate in estimating changes in fat-free mass in judo athletes?", Journal of Sports Sciences 30, 12: 1225 - 1233.
40. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Monteiro, CP; Vasco, A.; Baptista, F.; Sardinha, LB; Laires, MJ; Silva, AM. 2012. "Magnesium intake mediates the association between bone mineral density and lean soft tissue in elite swimmers", Magnesium Research 25, 3: 120 - 125. |
41. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Santos, R; Vale, S; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Sedentary behavior and physical activity are independently related to functional fitness in older adults", Experimental Gerontology 47, 12: 908 - 912.
42. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Coelho-e-Silva, MJ; Raimundo, A; Moreira, H; Santos, R; Vale, S; Baptista, F; Mota, J. 2012. "Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in a Representative Sample of Portuguese Adults", PLoS ONE 7, 10: e47883 - e47883.
43. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Gonçalves, EM; Fields, DA; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2012. "Is bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy accurate in estimating total body water and its compartments in elite athletes?", Annals of Human Biology 40, 2: 152 - 156.
44. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Santa-Clara, H; Matias, CN; Fields, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Determinant factors of cardiorespiratory fitness in Portuguese adolescents of different ethnicities", Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano 13, 4: 243 - 249.
45. |
Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Rocha, PM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB; Laires, MJ. 2011. "Magnesium intake is associated with strength performance in elite basketball, handball and volleyball players", Magnesium Research 24, 4: 215 - 219.
46. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Petroski, EL; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Changes in regional body composition explain increases in energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players over the season", European Journal of Applied Physiology 112, 7: 2727 - 2737.
47. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Fields, DA; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Accuracy of DXA in estimating body composition changes in elite athletes using a four compartment model as the reference method", Nutrition & Metabolism 7, 1: 22 - 22.
48. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Raposo, MF; Martins, F; Sardinha, LB; Bicho, M; Laires, MJ. 2010. "Magnesium and strength in elite judo athletes according to intracellular water changes", Magnesium Research 23, 3: 138 - 141.
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos com arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings with scientific refereeing |
1. |
Ornelas, R; Melo, X; Santos, DA; Santa-Clara, MH; Sardinha, LB. 2015. "Contributions Of Pulse Pressure In Adolescence And Adulthood To Vascular Health Of Young Adults", Trabalho apresentado em European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium 2015, In Book of abstracts of the EYHS 2015, Oslo. |
2. |
Melo, X; Fernhall, B; Santos, DA; Pinto, R; Pimenta, NM; Sardinha, LB; Santa-Clara, MH. 2015. "Carotid Artery Elastic Function And Hemodynamic Changes Following Maximal Exercise In Children And Adults", Trabalho apresentado em 62th Annual Meeting, 6th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise Fatigue
of the American College of Sports Medicine , In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Diego. |
3. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Thomas, DM; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Energy expenditure, energy balance and body composition over a season", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Cascais.
4. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Pimenta, N; Martins, S; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, BO; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Recommended Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level For Vascular Health In 11-12 Years-old Children", Trabalho apresentado em ACSM's 61st Annual Meeting, In Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Orlando, Florida.
5. |
Melo, X; Fernhall, B; Santos, DA; Pinto, R; Pimenta, NM; Sardinha, LB; Santa-Clara, MH. 2014. "Age-based Comparison Of The Acute Effect Of Maximal Exercise On Arterial Stiffness In Children And Adults", Trabalho apresentado em ARTERY 2014, In ARTERY Research, Maastricht. |
6. |
Santos, R; Mota, J; Santos, DA; Moreira, H; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. 2013. "Physical fitness percentiles for Portuguese children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years", Trabalho apresentado em ISBNPA - International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, In Abstracts ISBNPA 2013 - International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent. |
7. |
Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. 2013. "Role of sedentary Behaviour and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical activity on Fatness Phenotypes in Children", Trabalho apresentado em 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Indianapolis, Indiana. |
8. |
Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2013. "Role of Caffeine Intake on short Bouts Frequency in Light and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical activity Patterns", Trabalho apresentado em 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Indianapolis, Indiana. |
9. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. 2013. "Elite Players that Increased Intracellular Water Improved Jumping Height and Strength Over the Season", Trabalho apresentado em 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Indianapolis, Indiana. |
10. |
Dias, JV; Jourdan , A; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM. 2013. "Maximal Leg Isometric Strength and Rate Of Force development across Portuguese Elite athletes From different Sports", Trabalho apresentado em 60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Indianapolis, Indiana. |
11. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Martins, R; Almeida, JP; Sardinha, LB; Fernhall, BO. 2012. "Energy Expenditure During An Exercise Training Session For Cardiac Patients", Trabalho apresentado em 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, California. |
12. |
Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Regression models to predict abdominal obesity with Waist Circumference in children", Trabalho apresentado em 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, California. |
13. |
Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Silva, AM; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Comparison of waist circumference measurements using different protocols in children", Trabalho apresentado em 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, California. |
14. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Petroski, EL; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Are Body Composition Changes Associated with Energy Expenditure in Elite Junior Basketball Players?", Trabalho apresentado em 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, California. |
15. |
Júdice, PB; Silva, AM; Magalhães, JP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Does caffeine intake increases energy expenditure and habitual physical activity? A double-blind randomized crossover trial.", Trabalho apresentado em 59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, San Francisco, California. |
16. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Mota, J. 2012. "Attitudes towards physical activity are associated with the risk of being insufficiently active", Trabalho apresentado em 8th International conference on diet and activity methods, In Abstract Book of the 8th International conference on diet and activity methods - Methodological Challenges for Measuring the
Achievements of International Policies, Rome. |
17. |
Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Meeting current physical activity guidelines, independently of sedentary time, is determinant for obesity prevention in childhood
and adolescence", Trabalho apresentado em 8th International conference on diet and activity methods, In Abstract Book of the 8th International conference on diet and activity methods - Methodological Challenges for Measuring the
Achievements of International Policies, Rome. |
18. |
Santos, R; Mota, J; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Objectively measured sedentary behavior is associated with body mass index, independently of physical activity levels, in
school-aged Portuguese youth", Trabalho apresentado em 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, In Abstracts book of the 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, Funchal, Madeira Island. |
19. |
Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Martins, SM; Palmeira, A; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Cardiorespiratory fitness potentiates academic achievement in school-aged children", Trabalho apresentado em 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, In Abstracts book of the 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, Funchal, Madeira Island. |
20. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Accuracy of a Combined Heart Rate and Motion Sensor for Assessing Energy Expenditure in Free-Living Adults during a Double-blind
Crossover Caffeine Trial using Double Labeled Water as the Reference Method", Trabalho apresentado em The Obesity Society Annual Meeting, In Obesity Abstract Book, San Antonio, Texas. |
21. |
Gonçalves, EM; Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2012. "Doses Moderadas de Cafeína tem Efeito sobre a Água Corporal Total e Seus Compartimentos em Homens Saudáveis? ", Trabalho apresentado em IV Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo, Nutrição e Exercício, In Anais do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo, Nutrição e Exercício, 2012, Londrina, PR. Elected for special award session “Prêmio Ger-Ar Med – Destaque Científico IV Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo, Nutrição
e Exercício”. |
22. |
Laires, MJ; Monteiro, CP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA. 2012. "Magnesium status and performance", Trabalho apresentado em XIIIth International Magnesium Symposium, In Magnesium Research, Mérida, México. |
23. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Fields, DA; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Do Changes in Total-Body Water and Fluid Distribution Predict Outcome in Forearm Maximal Strength in Elite Judo Athletes?", Trabalho apresentado em International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
24. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Energy Requirements of Elite Junior male basketball Players: A Validation Study Using Doubly Labeled Water", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
25. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Changes in Fat-Free Mass Composition and Density in Elite Basketball Players over an Entire Season", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
26. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Effects Total body Water and Body Fluid Distribution Changes on Strength in Elite Basketball Players", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
27. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Gobbo, LA; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Extracellular Water Assessment by Bromide Dilution with Saliva Samples: A Validation Study Using Plasma as the Reference Biological
Fluid", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
28. |
Minderico, CS; Gonçalves, EM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Moderate-to-Vigorous Objectively Measured Physical Activity are Associated Odds Ratio for Overweight
and Obesity in Children", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
29. |
Matias, Catarina N; Silva, Analiza M; Santos, Diana A; Sardinha, Luís B. 2011. "Is Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy Accurate to Estimate Fat-Free Mass Changes in Elite Judo Athletes? ", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
30. |
Gonçalves, EM; Gobbo, LA; Petroski, EL; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Guerra-Junior, G; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Validation of body components assessed by DXA using the sum of two separate scans: a preliminary study", Trabalho apresentado em 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, In International Journal of Obesity, Hangzhou.
31. |
Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB; Laires, MJ. 2011. "Magnesium intake is associated with strength performance in elite basketball, handball and volleyball players", Trabalho apresentado em Magnesium Research, In Magnesium Research, Bologna, Italy. |
32. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Body cell mass is a cardiorespiratory fitness predictor in male and female elite swimmers", Trabalho apresentado em American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Denver, Colorado.
33. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for the measurement of energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players", Trabalho apresentado em International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
34. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Do elite swimmers report accurately their energy requirements? A validation study using doubly-labeled water", Trabalho apresentado em International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
35. |
Quintas, I; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Gobbo, LA; Gonçalves, EM; Magalhães, JP; Júdice, PB; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Does caffeine intake affect resting energy expenditure?", Trabalho apresentado em International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
36. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Quintas, I; Gobbo, LA; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Pre-season characterization of elite portuguese athletes for total and activity energy expenditure and physical activity level", Trabalho apresentado em International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
37. |
Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Quintas, I; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Total energy expenditure: combined heart rate and motion sensor vs uni-axial accelerometry models", Trabalho apresentado em International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism, In Maastricht, The Netherlands, Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
38. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2011. "Do changes in fat-free mass composition explain increases in resting energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players
throughout the season", Trabalho apresentado em Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, In Electronic Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Liverpool, UK. |
39. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Is Body Cell Mass Determinant For Cardiorespiratory Fitness In Male And Female Elite Basketball Players?", Trabalho apresentado em 57th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, In Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Baltimore, Maryland.
40. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Fields, DA; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Relationship between changes in total-body water and fluid distribution with maximal forearm strength in elite judo athletes", Trabalho apresentado em Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, In Electronic Book of Abstracts - 15th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Antalya. |
41. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Raposo, MF; Martins, F; Sardinha, LB; Bicho, M; Laires, MJ. 2010. "Magnesium and Strength in Elite Combat Sports Athletes According to Intracellular Water Changes", Trabalho apresentado em II Simposio Iberico del Magnesio y V Jornadas de Elementos Traza, In Magnesium Research, Zaragoza. |
42. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity are Independently Associated Odds-Ratio for Abdominal
Obesity", Trabalho apresentado em Obesity 2010 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, In Obesity, San Diego, Ca. |
43. |
Matias, CN; Silva, Analiza M; Santos, DA; Rodrigues, A; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Validity of Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy Using Deuterium Dilution as the Reference Method in Middle-Aged and Elderly
Portuguese Men and Women", Trabalho apresentado em Obesity 2010 28th Annual Scientific Meeting, In Obesity, San Diego, Ca. |
44. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Pacheco, R. 2010. "Is body cell mass a cardiorespiratory fitness predictor in male and female elite basketball players? ", Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Nacional de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte / I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Vasca de
Medicina del Deporte, In Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, Bilbao, País Basco. |
45. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN. 2010. "Effects of an entire season on body composition and performance in elite basketball players", Trabalho apresentado em Effects of an entire season on body composition and performance in elite basketball players, In Archivos de Medicina del Deporte, Bilbao, País Basco . |
46. |
Rosado, ML; Pimenta, N; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Santa-Clara, H; Sardinha, LB. 2010. "Body composition assessment in female fibromyalgia patients: Accuracy of a skinfold model equation", Trabalho apresentado em XI ISAK World Conference, In Book of Abstracts of the ISAK – The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry World Conference 2010, Estoril. |
47. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Quitério, AL; Oliveira, S; Santos, DA; Valamatos, MJ; Sardinha, LB. 2009. "An Intracellular Water Reduction Before A Competition Decreases Upper-body Power Output In Elite Judo Athletes", Trabalho apresentado em 56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Sciences, In Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Seatle, USA.
48. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Quitério, AL; Oliveira, Susana; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2009. "An Intracellular Water Reduction Before A Competition Decreases Grip Strength In Elite Judo Athletes", Trabalho apresentado em 14th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, In Book of Abstracts - 14th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Oslo. |
49. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Santa-Clara, H; Cristóvão, P; Sardinha, LB. 2008. "Determinant Factors of Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Caucasian and African Portuguese Adolescents", Trabalho apresentado em 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, In Book of Abstracts - 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences, Estoril. |
Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing |
1. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Thomas, DM; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Energy Expenditure, Energy Balance and Body Composition Over a Season", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Energy Expenditure, Energy Balance and Body Composition Over a Season, Cascais. |
2. |
Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Impact of Physical Activity Energy Expenditure at Moderate and Vigorous Intensity on Total and Abdominal Obesity in Youth", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
3. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Pimenta, N; Santos, DA; Pinto, R; Martins, S; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, BO; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "Single and Combined Influences of Body Composition Phenotypes on IMT Among 11-12 Years-Old Children", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
4. |
Monteiro, CP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Jesus, M. 2014. "Hematocrit Variations Mediates the Association Between Aerobic Capacity And Fat-Free Mass Changes", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
5. |
Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2014. "Skinfold Thikness Measurment in Athletes: a comparison between Lohman's and ISAK protocols", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
6. |
Moço, A; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. 2014. "A Partial Scanning Technique for the Assessment of Broad Individuals Using DXA", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
7. |
Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. 2014. "The Role of Physical Activity Energy Expenditure at Light And Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity on Obesity and Abdominal Obesity
in Elderly", Trabalho apresentado em 10th International Symposium on Body Composition, In Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Symposium on Body Composition - Linking Functional Body Composition to Nutrition,
Exercise, and Health, Cascais. |
8. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. 2012. "Are Changes in Body Composition Associated With Jumping Height and Strength Over a Season in National Level Basketball, Handball,
And Volleyball Players?", Trabalho apresentado em 18th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, In Proceedings, 18th Annual Congress of the European-College-of-Sport Science, Barcelona. |
Apresentação oral de trabalho Oral work presentation |
1. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Pimenta, N; Martins, S; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, BO; Sardinha, LB. Recommended Cardiorespiratory Fitness Level For Vascular Health In 11-12 Years-old Children,ACSM's 61st Annual Meeting,Orlando, Florida,2014 (Poster).
2. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Thomas, DM; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. Energy expenditure, energy balance and body composition over a season,10th International Symposium on Body Composition,Cascais,2014 (Comunicação). |
3. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Pimenta, NM; Santos, DA; Pinto, R; Martins, S; Minderico, CS; Fernhall, BO; Sardinha, LB. Single and combined influences od body composition phenotypes on IMT among 11-12 years old children,10th International Symposium on Body Composition,Cascais,2014 (Comunicação). |
4. |
Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Impact of physical activity energy expenditure at moderate and vigorous intensity on total and abdominal obesity in youth,10th International Symposium on Body Composition,Cascais,2014 (Comunicação). |
5. |
Magalhães, JP; Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. Role of sedentary Behaviour and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical activity on Fatness Phenotypes in Children,60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Indianapolis, Indiana,2013 (Poster). |
6. |
Dias, JV; Jourdan , A; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM. Maximal Leg Isometric Strength and Rate of Force development across Portuguese Elite athletes From different Sports,60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Indianapolis, Indiana,2013 (Poster). |
7. |
Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. Role of Caffeine Intake on short Bouts Frequency in Light and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical activity Patterns,60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Indianapolis, Indiana,2013 (Poster). |
8. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. Are Changes in Body Composition Associated With Jumping Height and Strength Over a Season in National Level Basketball, Handball,
And Volleyball Players?,18th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science,Barcelona,2013 (Comunicação). |
9. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. Elite Players that Increased Intracellular Water Improved Jumping Height and Strength Over the Season,60th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Indianapolis, Indiana,2013 (Poster). |
10. |
Santos, R; Mota, J; Santos, DA; Moreira, H; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Sardinha, LB. Physical fitness percentiles for Portuguese children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years,ISBNPA 2013 - International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity,Ghent,2013 (Poster). |
11. |
Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Silva, AM; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Comparison of waist circumference measurements using different protocols in children,59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,San Francisco, California,2012 (Poster). |
12. |
Santos, R; Mota, J; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. Objectively measured sedentary behavior is associated with body mass index, independently of physical activity levels, in
school-aged Portuguese youth,7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium,Funchal, Madeira,2012 (Poster). |
13. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Sardinha, LB. Accuracy of a Combined Heart Rate and Motion Sensor for Assessing Energy Expenditure in Free-Living Adults during a Double-blind
Crossover Caffeine Trial using Double Labeled Water as the Reference Method,30th Obesity Society Annual Meeting,San Antonio, Texas,2012 (Poster). |
14. |
Júdice, PB; Silva, AM; Magalhães, JP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB. Does caffeine intake increases energy expenditure and habitual physical activity? A double-blind randomized crossover trial,59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,San Francisco, California,2012 (Poster). |
15. |
Sardinha, LB; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Mota, J. Attitudes towards physical activity are associated with the risk of being insufficiently active,8th International conference on diet and activity methods,Roma,2012 (Poster). |
16. |
Melo, X; Santa-Clara, H; Santos, DA; Martins, R; Almeida, JP; Sardinha, LB; Fernhall, BO. Energy Expenditure During An Exercise Training Session For Cardiac Patients,59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,San Francisco, California,2012 (Comunicação). |
17. |
Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. Meeting current physical activity guidelines, independently of sedentary time, is determinant for obesity prevention in childhood
and adolescence,8th International conference on diet and activity methods,Roma,2012 (Poster). |
18. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Petroski, EL; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Are Body Composition Changes Associated with Energy Expenditure in Elite Junior Basketball Players?,59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,San Francisco, California,2012 (Comunicação). |
19. |
Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Palmeira, A; Martins, S; Baptista, F; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Regression models to predict abdominal obesity with Waist Circumference in children,59th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,San Francisco, California,2012 (Poster). |
20. |
Gonçalves, EM; Júdice, PB; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Magalhães, JP; Armada-da-Silva, P; Sardinha, LB; Silva, AM. Doses Moderadas de Cafeína tem Efeito sobre a Água Corporal Total e Seus Compartimentos em Homens Saudáveis?,IV Congresso Brasileiro de Metabolismo,Nutrição e Exercício,Londrina, PR,2012 (Comunicação). |
21. |
Laires, MJ; Monteiro, CP; Matias, CN; Santos, DA. Magnesium status and performance,XIII International Magnesium Symposium,Merida,2012 (Comunicação). |
22. |
Minderico, CS; Santos, DA; Martins, S; Palmeira, A; Sardinha, LB. Cardiorespiratory fitness potentiates academic achievement in school-aged children,7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium,Funchal, Madeira Island,2012 (Poster). |
23. |
Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. Is Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy Accurate to Estimate Fat-Free Mass Changes in Elite Judo Athletes?,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Poster). |
24. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Quintas, I; Gobbo, LA; Sardinha, LB. Pre-season characterization of elite portuguese athletes for total and activity energy expenditure and physical activity level,2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism,Maastricht,2011 (Poster). |
25. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. Body cell mass is a cardiorespiratory fitness predictor in male and female elite swimmers,58th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Denver, Colorado,2011 (Poster). |
26. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. Effects Total body Water and Body Fluid Distribution Changes on Strength in Elite Basketball Players,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Comunicação). |
27. |
Minderico, CS; Gonçalves, EM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Moderate-to-Vigorous Objectively Measured Physical Activity are Associated Odds Ratio for Overweight
and Obesity in Children,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,China,2011 (Poster). |
28. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB. Changes in Fat-Free Mass Composition and Density in Elite Basketball Players over an Entire Season,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Comunicação). |
29. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. Accuracy of a combined heart rate and motion sensor for the measurement of energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players,2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism,Maastricht,2011 (Comunicação). |
30. |
Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Gobbo, LA; Sardinha, LB. Extracellular Water Assessment by Bromide Dilution with Saliva Samples: A Validation Study Using Plasma as the Reference Biological
Fluid,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Comunicação). |
31. |
Gonçalves, EM; Gobbo, LA; Petroski, EL; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Guerra-Junior, G; Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB. Validation of body components assessed by DXA using the sum of two separate scans: a preliminary study,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Poster). |
32. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Fields, DA; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. Do Changes in Total-Body Water and Fluid Distribution Predict Outcome in Forearm Maximal Strength in Elite Judo Athletes?,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies,Hangzhou,2011 (Comunicação). |
33. |
Quintas, I; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Gobbo, LA; Gonçalves, EM; Magalhães, JP; Júdice, PB; Sardinha, LB. Does caffeine intake affect resting energy expenditure?,2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism,Maastricht,2011 (Poster). |
34. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Do elite swimmers report accurately their energy requirements? A validation study using doubly-labeled water,2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism,Maastricht,2011 (Poster). |
35. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Do changes in fat-free mass composition explain increases in resting energy expenditure in elite junior basketball players
throughout the season?,16th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences,Liverpool,2011 (Comunicação). |
36. |
Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Gonçalves, EM; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Energy Requirements of Elite Junior male basketball Players: A Validation Study Using Doubly Labeled Water,9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, Hangzhou,Hangzhou,2011 (Comunicação). |
37. |
Santos, DA; Matias, CN; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Rocha, PM; Sardinha, LB; Laires, MJ. Magnesium intake is associated with strength performance in elite basketball, handball and volleyball players,European Magnesium Meeting,Bologna,2011 (Poster). |
38. |
Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Júdice, PB; Quintas, I; Sardinha, LB. Total energy expenditure: combined heart rate and motion sensor vs uni-axial accelerometry models,2nd International conference on Recent Advances and Controversies in Measuring Energy Metabolism,Maastricht,2011 (Poster). |
39. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN. Effects of an entire season on body composition and performance in elite basketball players,. XIII Congreso Nacional de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte / I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Vasca
de Medicina del Deporte,Bilbao,2010 (Comunicação). |
40. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Baptista, F; Mota, J; Sardinha, LB. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity are Independently Associated Odds-Ratio For Abdominal
Obesity,Obesity 2010 28th Annual Scientific Meeting,San Diego, Ca,2010 (Poster). |
41. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Pacheco, R. Is body cell mass a cardiorespiratory fitness predictor in male and female basketball players? ,XIII Congreso Nacional de la Federación Española de Medicina del Deporte / I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Vasca de
Medicina del Deporte,Bilbao, País Basco,2010 (Comunicação). |
42. |
Rosado, ML; Pimenta, N; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Santa-Clara, H; Sardinha, LB. Body composition assessment in female fibromyalgia patients: Accuracy of a skinfold model equation,XI ISAK World Conference,Estoril,2010 (Comunicação). |
43. |
Rocha, PM; Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Sardinha, LB. Is Body Cell Mass Determinant For Cardiorespiratory Fitness In Male And Female Elite Basketball Players?,57th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,USA,2010 (Comunicação). |
44. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Fields, DA; Heymsfield, SB; Sardinha, LB. Relationship between changes in total-body water and fluid distribution with maximal forearm strength in elite judo athletes,15th Annual European College of Sport Science,Antalya,2010 (Comunicação). |
45. |
Matias, CN; Silva, AM; Santos, DA; Rodrigues, A; Minderico, CS; Sardinha, LB. Validity of Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy Using Deuterium Dilution as the Reference Method in Middle-Aged and Elderly
Portuguese Men and Women,Obesity 2010 28th Annual Scientific Meeting,San Diego, Ca,2010 (Poster). |
46. |
Matias, CN; Santos, DA; Monteiro, CP; Silva, AM; Raposo, MF; Martins, Fátima; Sardinha, LB; Bicho, M; Laires, MJ. Magnesium and Strength in Elite Combat Sports Athletes According to Intracellular Water Changes,II Simposio Iberico del Magnesio y V Jornadas de Elementos Traza,Zaragoza,2010 (Poster). |
47. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Quitério, AL; Oliveira, S; Santos, DA; Sardinha, LB. An Intracellular Water Reduction Before A Competition Decreases Grip Strength In Elite Judo Athletes,14th Annual congress of the European College of Sport Sciences,Oslo,2009 (Poster). |
48. |
Silva, AM; Matias, CN; Quitério, AL; Oliveira, Susana; Santos, DA; Valamatos, MJ; Sardinha, LB. An Intracellular Water Reduction Before A Competition Decreases Upper-body Power Output In Elite Judo Athletes,56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine,Seatle,2009 (Poster). |
49. |
Santos, DA; Silva, AM; Santa-Clara, H; Cristóvão, P; Sardinha, LB. Determinant Factors of Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Caucasian and African Portuguese Adolescents,13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Sciences,Estoril,2008 (Comunicação). |
Curso de curta duração lecionado Taught short course |
1. |
Santos, DA. Oradora na IV Jornada Técnico-Científica em Exercício e Saúde na ESDRM-IPS, abordando o tema: Avaliação da Composição Corporal:
as melhores e mais actuais estratégias para implementar em programas de intervenção", 2011 (Extensão), promovido por Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém. Duração: 2 horas.. |
Relatório de investigação Technical report |
1. |
Silva, AM; Sardinha, LB; Armada-da-Silva, P; Júdice, PB; Magalhães, JP; Santos, DA; Matias, CN. Efeitos da ingestão de cafeína na água corporal total, distribuição de fluidos intra e extracelulares e no dispêndio energético,2012.
Dados Complementares (Additional data)
Participação editorial em revistas Magazine editorial participation |
1. |
Santos, DA. Journal of Obesity, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
2. |
Santos, DA. BMC Public Health, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
3. |
Santos, DA. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano. |
4. |
Santos, DA. Journal of Sports Science, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção técnica
Technical production |
Produção científica Scientific production |
106 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
1 |
Livros publicados ou organizados Published or organized books |
1 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
48 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
48 |
Trabalhos em eventos Papers in conference proceedings |
57 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
49 |
Sem arbitragem científica Without scientific refereeing |
8 |
Produção técnica Technical production |
51 |
Outros tipos de produção técnica Other technical production |
51 |
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Plataforma de Curricula DeGóis: http://www.degois.pt | Icons by Axialis Team |