Curriculum Vitae

Catarina Isabel Neno Resende de Oliveira

Data da última atualização »Last update : 09/08/2012

Catarina Isabel Neno Resende de Oliveira awarded her MD PhD in Neurology in 1984 at the University of Coimbra. She is full Professor of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Consultant of Neurology at the Neurological Clinic, in the Coimbra University Hospital and coordinator of the scientific area of Neuroscience and Disease at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology. Research in this area has been particulary effective in the understanding of the molecular Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and in promoting translational research on Neurodegeneration disorders. She has coordinated several scientific projects on brain aging and dementia. Her contributions to science are described in over 200 publications, dealing with biochemical, molecular and genetic studies aiming to elucidate the mechanisms of neurodegeneration, occurring in prion and Alzheimer’s dementia, in order to identify biomarkers of disease and new targets for therapeutical intervention. Dr. Catarina Oliveira has served on and chaired several committees at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, being involved in the last curricular reform undertaken at her Medical School. She is currently coordinating the PhD program on Health Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and is the Director of the Department Graduate Studies at the same Faculty. As Professor of Biochemistry, she has implemented PBL teaching and learning strategies, fostering the interaction with clinical areas. She has worked with the Faculty of Medicine and the University of Coimbra in the design of educational and research programmes.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Catarina Isabel Neno Resende de Oliveira
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Oliveira CR
Categoria profissional
Professor Catedrático
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Médicas-Ciências da Saúde.
Ciências Médicas-Medicina Básica.
Ciências Médicas-Medicina Clínica.
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade de Coimbra
Faculdade de Medicina
Rua Larga
3004-504 Coimbra
Telefone: (+351)239820190
Fax: (+351)239822776
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1998 Agregação
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1984 Doutoramento
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

1970 Licenciatura
Licentiate degree
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular
Jan/1992-Actual Investigador-coordenador

Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra
Jan/1989-Actual Chefe de Serviço
Jan/1981-Jan/1988 Clínico Geral
Jan/1976-Jan/1980 Interno Complementar

Universidade de Coimbra
Jan/1999-Actual Professor Catedrático
Jan/1991-Jan/1998 Professor Associado
Jan/1971-Jan/1991 Assistente

Atividades de Direção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)
Universidade de Coimbra
- Presidente

Jan/2003-2006 Instituto of Investigação Interdisciplinar
- Presidente

Jan/2003-2006 Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology of Coimbra
- Vice-Presidente

Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador responsável
Participation as responsible Researcher
Biochemical and Behavioural Study of Opioid - Cocaine Interactions
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/SAU-FCT/58330/2004.

Neuroprotecção por receptores de adenosina: acoplar o aumento da formação de adenosina com o bloqueio de receptores A2A
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCI/SAU-FCF/59215/2004.

Efeito neuroprotector do Neuropeptídeo Y na excitotoxidade e na epilepsia do lobo temporal
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/NSE/46848/2002.

Estudo comparativo dos mecanismos neurotóxicos da proteína do prião e da beta-amilóide. Potenciais estratégias de neuroprotecção
Referência do projeto»Project reference: POCTI/36101/NSE/2000.

Neurotoxicidade do glutamato nas células da retina; eventos pós-receptor
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PRAXIS/P/SAU/14 120/98.

Desenvolvimento de células excitáveis em cultura e adaptação ao stress oxidativo
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PRAXIS/2/2.1/BIA/126/94.

Lesão oxidativa da retina. Relação com o envelhecimento e a diabetes
Referência do projeto»Project reference: JNICT,PMCT/C/SAU/217/90.

Alterações Membranares e Envelhecimento
Referência do projeto»Project reference: JNICT,PMCT/C/IMU/583/87.

Línguas (Languages)
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).

Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).
Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente).

Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
1965 Prémio D. Diniz , Universidade de Coimbra.
1968 Prémio Boerhinger , Universidade de Coimbra.
2005 Prémio do “Melhor Artigo Original de Pesquisa do Ano “ .
2006 Prémio Estímulo à Excelência , Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
2007 Distinção na “Homenagem à Mulher Portuguesa – A Mulher Portuguesa saída da Universidade de Coimbra, Associação dos Antigos Estudantes de Coimbra.
2008 Prémio Nunes Correa Verdades de Faria , na área do envelhecimento, Santa Casa da Misericórdia, Lisboa.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual Portuguese Society of Biochemistry, Membro.
Actual Society for Free Radical Research, European Region, Membro.
1991- 1999 Portuguese Society of Neurochemistry , Membro.
1992- 1995 Portuguese Society of Neurology , Membro.
1992- 1995 Portuguese Society of Neuroscience, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
1. Moreira, Paula I; Oliveira, Catarina R. 2011. Mitochondria as Potential Targets in Antidiabetic Therapy.  In Diabetes - Perspectives in Drug Therapy, ed. Mathias Schwanstecher, 331 - 356. ISBN: 978-3-642-17213-7. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. M, Laço; CR, Oliveira; L, Henry; H, Paulson; AC, Rego. 2012. "Compromised mitochondrial complex II in models of Machado Joseph disease", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1822: 139 - 149.
2. Mota-Pinto, Anabela; Rodrigues, Vítor; Botelho, Amália; Veríssimo, Manuel T; Morais, António; Alves, Catarina; Rosa, Manuel S; de Oliveira, C. R. 2011. "A socio-demographic study of aging in the Portuguese population: The EPEPP study", Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 52, 3: 304 - 308.
3. Ferreira, I. L; Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Nascimento, Maria V; Ribeiro, Márcio; Proença, M. T; Januário, Cristina; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2011. "Bioenergetic dysfunction in Huntington's disease human cybrids", Experimental Neurology 231, 1: 127 - 134.
4. Crespo, Inês; Luísa Vital, A; Belen Nieto, A; Rebelo, Olinda; Tão, Hermínio; Celeste Lopes, M; Oliveira, Catarina R; French, Pim J; Orfao, Alberto; Dolores Tabernero, M. 2011. "Detailed Characterization of Alterations of Chromosomes 7, 9, and 10 in Glioblastomas as Assessed by Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Arrays", The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, 1: 1 - 2.
5. Correia, Sónia C; Santos, Renato X; Cardoso, Sandra M; Santos, Maria S; Oliveira, Catarina R; Moreira, Paula I. 2011. "Cyanide preconditioning protects brain endothelial and NT2 neuron-like cells against glucotoxicity: Role of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and HIF-1a", Neurobiology of Disease, 1: 1 - 2.
6. Duarte, A.I.; Petit, G.H.; Ranganathan, S.; Li, J.-Y.; Oliveira, C.R.; Brundin, P.; Björkqvist, M.; Rego, A.C.. 2011. "IGF-1 protects against diabetic features in an in vivo model of Huntington's disease", Experimental Neurology 231, 2: 314 - 319.
7. Rosenstock, Tatiana R; de Brito, O. M; Lombardi, Vitoria; Louros, Susana; Ribeiro, Marcio; Almeida, Sandra; Ferreira, Ildete L; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2011. "FK506 ameliorates cell death features in Huntington’s disease striatal cell models", Neurochemistry International, 1: 1 - 2.
8. Esteves, A. R; Arduíno, D. M; Silva, D. F. F; Oliveira, C. R; Cardoso, S. M. 2011. "Mitochondrial Dysfunction: The Road to Alpha-Synuclein Oligomerization in PD", Parkinson's Disease 2011, 1: 1 - 20.
9. Šebestík, Jaroslav; Marques, Sérgio M; Falé, Pedro L; Santos, Susana; Arduíno, Daniela M; Cardoso, Sandra M; Oliveira, Catarina R; Serralheiro, M. L. M; Santos, M. A. 2011. "Bifunctional phenolic-choline conjugates as anti-oxidants and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors", Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry 26, 4: 485 - 497.
10. Moreira, Paula I; Custódio, José B; Nunes, Elsa; Oliveira, Paulo J; Moreno, António; Seiça, Raquel; Oliveira, Catarina R; Santos, Maria S. 2011. "Mitochondria from distinct tissues are differently affected by 17ß-estradiol and tamoxifen", The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 123, 1-2: 8 - 16.
11. S., Cardoso; Carvalho, C; R, Santos; SC, Correia; MS, Santos; R., Seiça; CR, Oliveira; PI, Moreira. 2011. "Impact of STZ-induced hyperglycemia and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in plasma amino acids and cortical synaptosomal neurotransmitters", Synapse, 65: 457 - 466.
12. Fonseca, Ana C. R; Resende, Rosa; Oliveira, Catarina R; Pereira, Cláudia M. 2010. "Cholesterol and statins in Alzheimer's disease: Current controversies", Experimental Neurology 223, 2: 282 - 293.
13. L, Diogo; M, Cordeiro; P, G; I, Fineza; C, Moura; CR, Oliveira; M, Veiga; T, Garcia; M., Grazina. 2010. "Value of brain magnetic resonance imaging in mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders", Pediatr Neurol 42, 3: 196 - 200.
14. Esteves, A. R; DM, Arduino; RH, Swerdlow; R., Oliveira C; SM, Cardoso. 2010. "Microtubule depolymerization potentiates alpha-synuclein oligomerization", Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 1, 5: 1 - 1.
15. SC, Marques; CR, Oliveira; TF, Outeiro; C., Pereira. 2010. "Alzheimer's disease: the quest to understand complexity. ", J Alzheimers Dis.  21, 2: 373 - 383.
16. Branco, Diogo M; DM, Arduino; AR, Esteves; DF, Silva; SM, Cardoso; R., Oliveira C. 2010. "Cross-talk between mitochondria and proteasome in Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis", Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2, 17: 1 - 1.
17. SC, Marques; CR, Oliveira; C., Pereira; TF, Outeiro. 2010. "Epigenetics in neurodegeneration: A new layer of complexity. ", Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. , 0: 00 - 000.
18. SC, Correia; Carvalho, C; S., Cardoso; RX, Santos; MS, Santos; R., Oliveira C; G., Perry; X, Z; MA, Smith; PI, Moreira. 2010. "Mitochondrial preconditioning: a potential neuroprotective strategy", Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 26, 2: 138 - 138.
19. Carvalho, C; MS, Santos; I, Baldeiras; CR, Oliveira; R, Seica; PI, Moreira. 2010. "Chronic Hypoxia Potentiates Age-Related Oxidative Imbalance in Brain Vessels and Synaptosomes.", Curr Neurovasc Res. , 7: 288 - 300.
20. AR, Esteves; DM, Arduino; RH, Swerdlow; CR, Oliveira; MS, Santos. 2010. "Dysfunctional mitochondria uphold calpain activation: Contribution to Parkinson's disease pathology. ", Neurobiol Dis.  37, 3: 723 - 730.
21. SM, Cardoso; C., Pereira; PI, Moreira; DM, Arduino; AR, Esteves; CR, Oliveira. 2010. "Mitochondrial control of autophagic lysosomal pathway in Alzheimer´s disease.", Experimental Neurology , 223: 294 - 298.
22. RJ, Guerreiro; J, Beck; R, Gibbs; I, Santana; MN, Rossor; JM, Schott; MA, Nalls; H, Ribeiro; B, Santiago; C, Fox; CR, Oliveira; J, Collinge; S, Mead; A, Singleton; J, Hardy. 2010. "Genetic Variable in CLU and Its Association with Alzheimer´s disease.", Plos One, 5: 3 - 3.
23. R., Costa; E, Ferreiro; SM, Cardoso; CR, Oliveira; C., Pereira. 2010. "ER Stress-Mediated Apoptotic Pathway Induced by A beta Peptide Requires the Presence of Functional Mitochondria", J Alzheimer Dis  20, 2: 625 - 636.
24. SC, Correia; RX, Santos; SM, Cardoso; Carvalho, C; MS, Santos; CR, Oliveira; PI, Moreira. 2010. "Effects of estrogen in the brain: is it a neuroprotective agent in Alzheimer’s disease?", Curr Aging Sci. , 3: 113 - 126.
25. A, Carmo; I, Patricio; MT, Cruz; H, Carvalheiro; CR, Oliveira; MC, Lopes. 2010. "CXCL12/CXCR4 promotes motility and proliferation of glioma cells. ", Cancer Biol Ther, 9: 1 - 1.
26. Ferreira, Ildete L; Nascimento, Maria V; Ribeiro, Márcio; Almeida, Sandra; Cardoso, Sandra M; Grazina, Manuela; Pratas, João; Santos, Maria J; Januário, Cristina; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2010. "Mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis in Huntington's disease human cybrids", Experimental Neurology 222, 2: 243 - 255.
27. Lopes, Joao P; Oliveira, Catarina R; Agostinho, Paula. 2010. "Neurodegeneration in an Aß-induced model of Alzheimer’s disease: the role of Cdk5", Aging Cell 9, 1: 64 - 77.
28. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Garrido, J.; Borges, F.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2010. "Neurotoxicity of heroin-cocaine combinations in rat cortical neurons.", Toxicology 276, 1: 11 - 17.
29. DM, Arduino; AR, Esteves; A, Domingues; C., Pereira; SM, Cardoso; CR, Oliveira. 2009. "ER-mediated stress induces mitochondrial-dependent caspases activation in NT2 neuron-like cells. ", BMB Rep 42, 11: 719 - 724.
30. Canas, P. M; Porciuncula, L. O; Cunha, G. M. A; Silva, C. G; Machado, N. J; Oliveira, J. M. A; Oliveira, C. R; Cunha, R. A. 2009. "Adenosine A2A Receptor Blockade Prevents Synaptotoxicity and Memory Dysfunction Caused by  -Amyloid Peptides via p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathway", Journal of Neuroscience 29, 47: 14741 - 14751.
31. PI, Moreira; SM, Cardoso; C., Pereira; MS, Santos; CR, Oliveira. 2009. "Mitochondria as a Therapeutic Target in Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes. ", CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets,, 8: 492 - 511.
32. Sidransky, E.; Nalls, M.A.; Aasly, J.O.; Aharon-Peretz, J.; Annesi, G.; Barbosa, E.R.; Bar-Shira, A.; Berg, D.; Bras, J.; Brice, A.; Chen, C.-M.; Clark, L.N.; Condroyer, C.; De Marco, E; Dürr, A.; Eblan, M.J.; Fahn, S.; Farrer, M.J.; Fung, H.-C.; Gan-Or, Z.; Gasser, T.; Gershoni-Baruch, R.; Giladi, N.; Griffith, A.; Gurevich, T.; Januario, C.; Kropp, P.; Lang, A.E.; Lee-Chen, G.-J.; Lesage, S.; Marder, K.; Mata, I.F.; Mirelman, A.; Mitsui, J.; Mizuta, I.; Nicoletti, G.; Oliveira, C.; Ottman, R.; Orr-Urtreger, A.; Pereira, L.V.; Quattrone, A.; Rogaeva, E.; Rolfs, A.; Rosenbaum, H.; Rozenberg, R.; Samii, A.; Samaddar, T.; Schulte, C.; Sharma, M.; Singleton, A.; Spitz, M.; Tan, E.-K.; Tayebi, N.; Toda, T.; Troiano, A.R.; Tsuji, S.; Wittstock, M.; Wolfsberg, T.G.; Wu, Y.-R.; Zabetian, C.P.; Zhao, Y.; Ziegler, S.G.. 2009. "Multicenter Analysis of Glucocerebrosidase Mutations in Parkinson's Disease", New England Journal of Medicine 361, 17: 1651 - 1661.
33. Teixeira, Vitor H; Olaso, Robert; Martin-Magniette, Marie-Laure; Lasbleiz, Sandra; Jacq, Laurent; Oliveira, Catarina R; Hilliquin, Pascal; Gut, Ivo; Cornelis, François; Petit-Teixeira, Elisabeth; Rich, Benjamin. 2009. "Transcriptome Analysis Describing New Immunity and Defense Genes in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients", PLoS ONE 4, 8: 6803 - 6803.
34. Almeida, Sandra; Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Laço, Mário; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2009. "Dysregulation of CREB Activation and Histone Acetylation in 3-Nitropropionic Acid-Treated Cortical Neurons: Prevention by BDNF and NGF", Neurotoxicity Research 17, 4: 399 - 405.
35. Almeida, S.; Laço, M.; Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Oliveira, C.R.; Rego, A.C.. 2009. "BDNF regulates BIM expression levels in 3-nitropropionic acid-treated cortical neurons", Neurobiology of Disease 35, 3: 448 - 456.
36. Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, Ana C; Oliveira, Catarina R. 2008. "Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the neurotoxicity of opioid and psychostimulant drugs", Brain Research Reviews 58, 1: 192 - 208.
37. Silva, A. P; Lourenco, J.; Xapelli, S.; Ferreira, R.; Kristiansen, H.; Woldbye, D. P. D; Oliveira, C. R; Malva, J. O. 2007. "Protein kinase C activity blocks neuropeptide Y-mediated inhibition of glutamate release and contributes to excitability of the hippocampus in status epilepticus", The FASEB Journal 21, 3: 671 - 681.
38. Resende, R.; Pereira, C.; Agostinho, P.; Vieira, A.P.; Malva, J.O.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2007. "Susceptibility of hippocampal neurons to Aß peptide toxicity is associated with perturbation of Ca2+ homeostasis", Brain Research 1143, 1: 11 - 21.
39. Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. C; Garrido, Jorge; Borges, Fernanda; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina R. 2007. "Street heroin induces mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in rat cortical neurons", Journal of Neurochemistry 101, 2: 543 - 554.
40. Grazina, M.; Pratas, J.; Silva, F.; Oliveira, S.; Santana, I.; Oliveira, C.. 2006. "Genetic basis of Alzheimer's dementia: role of mtDNA mutations", Genes, Brain and Behavior 5, 1: 92 - 107.
41. Moreira, P. I; JB, Custodio; A., M; R., Oliveira C; MS, Santos. 2006. "Tamoxifen and Estradiol Interact with the Flavin Mononucleotide Site of Complex I Leading to Mitochondrial Failure", Journal of Biological Chemistry 281, 15: 10143 - 10152.
42. PI, Moreira; CR, Oliveira. 2006. "Foreword: Mitochondria in Alzheimer disease", Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 99: 00 - 00.
43. PI, Moreira; SM, Cardoso; MS, Santos; R., Oliveira C. 2006. "The key role of mitochondria in Alzheimer's disease", Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 00: 101 - 110.
44. Almeida, Sandra; Brett, Ana C; Góis, Inês N; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2006. "Caspase-dependent and -independent cell death induced by 3-nitropropionic acid in rat cortical neurons", Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 98, 1: 93 - 101.
45. Garção, Pedro; Oliveira, Catarina R; Agostinho, Paula. 2006. "Comparative study of microglia activation induced by amyloid-beta and prion peptides: Role in neurodegeneration", Journal of Neuroscience Research 84, 1: 182 - 193.
46. Ferreiro, Elisabete; Resende, Rosa; Costa, Rui; Oliveira, Catarina R; Pereira, Cláudia M. 2006. "An endoplasmic-reticulum-specific apoptotic pathway is involved in prion and amyloid-beta peptides neurotoxicity", Neurobiology of Disease 23, 3: 669 - 678.
47. Köfalvi, Attila; Oliveira, Catarina R; Cunha, Rodrigo A. 2006. "Lack of evidence for functional TRPV1 vanilloid receptors in rat hippocampal nerve terminals", Neuroscience Letters 403, 1-2: 151 - 156.
48. Moreira, P. I; Rolo, A. P; Sena, C.; Seica, R.; Oliveira, C. R; Santos, M. S. 2006. "Insulin Attenuates Diabetes-Related Mitochondrial Alterations: A Comparative Study", Medicinal Chemistry 2, 3: 299 - 308.
49. Oliveira, J. M. A; Chen, S.; Almeida, S.; Riley, R.; Goncalves, J.; Oliveira, C. R; Hayden, M. R; Nicholls, D. G; Ellerby, L. M; Rego, A. C. 2006. "Mitochondrial-Dependent Ca2+ Handling in Huntington's Disease Striatal Cells: Effect of Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors", Journal of Neuroscience 26, 43: 11174 - 11186.
50. Domingues, A.; Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Laço, M.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.; Rego, A.C.. 2006. "Expression of NR1/NR2B N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors enhances heroin toxicity in HEK293 cells", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1074, 1: 458 - 465.
51. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Cardoso, S. M; Borges, F.; Swerdlow, R.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2006. "Mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase activation in rat cortical neurons treated with cocaine or amphetamine", Brain Research 1089, 1: 44 - 54.
52. Milhazes, N.; Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Martins, P.; Garrido, J.; Oliveira, C.R.; Rego, A.C.; Borges, F.. 2006. "Synthesis and cytotoxic profile of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy") and its metabolites on undifferentiated PC12 cells: A putative structure-toxicity relationship", Chemical Research in Toxicology 19, 10: 1294 - 1304.
53. Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. C; Morgadinho, Maria T; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina R. 2006. "Differential cytotoxic responses of PC12 cells chronically exposed to psychostimulants or to hydrogen peroxide", Toxicology 217, 1: 54 - 62.
54. Bernardino, L.; Xapelli, S.; Silva, A. P; B, Jakobsen; FR, Poulsen; R., Oliveira C; A, Vezzani; JO, Malva; , Zimmer. 2005. "Modulator Effects of Interleukin-1  and Tumor Necrosis Factor-  on AMPA-Induced Excitotoxicity in Mouse Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures", Journal of Neuroscience 25, 29: 6734 - 6744.
55. Duarte, Ana I; Santos, Maria S; Oliveira, Catarina R; Rego, A. C. 2005. "Insulin neuroprotection against oxidative stress in cortical neurons—Involvement of uric acid and glutathione antioxidant defenses", Free Radical Biology and Medicine 39, 7: 876 - 889.
56. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2003. "Drugs of abuse induce apoptotic features in PC12 cells", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1010, 1: 667 - 670.
57. AC, Rego; MS, Santos; FM, Areias; T, Proenca; CR, Oliveira. 2001. "Glutamate regulates the viability of retinal cells in culture", Vision Res. 41, 7: 841 - 851.
58. PI, Moreira; C., Pereira; MS, Santos; CR, Oliveira. 2000. "Effect of zinc ions on the cytotoxicity induced by the amyloid ß-peptide. ", Antioxidants & Redox Signaling  2, 2: 1 - 1.
59. CF, Marinho; JP, Barros; CR, Oliveira. 1997. "Alzheimer’s disease: “About a strange disorder of the brain cortex”. ", Alzheimer’s Res. , 3: 163 - 164.
60. Silva, C.P.; CR, Oliveira; Lima, M.C.P.. 1996. "Apoptosis as a mechanism of cell death induced by different chemotherapeutic drugs in human leukemic T lymphocytes. ", Biochem. Pharmacol.  51, 10: 1331 - 1340.
61. Fernandes, M.A.S.; I, Santana; CR, Oliveira. 1996. "Studies of the aluminium effect on superoxide dismutase activity of healthy human erythrocytes and osmotic fragility of erythrocytes in Alzheimer’s disease. ", Alzheimer’s Res., 2: 73 - 78.
62. Silva, C.P.; CR, Oliveira; Lima, M.C.P.. 1996. "Intracellular Ca2 homeostasis in human leukemic T lymphocytes is affected by anticancer drugs: implications for the regulation of leukemic cell growth.", J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res. 15, 2: 129 - 138.
63. ABS, Ribeiro; CR, Oliveira. 1994. "A barreira hemato-encefálica morfologia e função.", Coimbra Médica  655, 15: 239 - 246.
64. P, Agostinho; CB, Duarte; AP, Carvalho; CR, Oliveira. 1994. "Effect of oxidative stress on the release of [3H]-GABA in cultured chick retina cells. ", Brain Res. , 655: 213 - 221.
65. Silva, C.P.; CR, Oliveira; MC, Lima. 1993. "In vitro assay of the effects of anticancer drugs on leukemic T cells by flow microcalorimetry.", Int. J. Pharmac., 11: 25 - 30.
66. CB, Duarte; IL, Ferreira; PF, Santos; CR, Oliveira; AP, Carvalho. 1992. "Ca(2 )-dependent release of [3H]GABA in cultured chick retina cells", Brain Res.  591, 1: 27 - 32.
67. CF, Marinho; C., Januário; F, Matias; L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira. 1990. "Ageing does not affect human platelet Na /H antiporter. ", Med. Sci. Res. , 18: 567 - 568.
68. CR, Oliveira; EP, Duarte; AP, Carvalho. 1984. " Effect of phospholipase digestion and lysophosphatidylcholine on dopamine receptor binding", J Neurochem 43, 2: 455 - 465.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. R., Costa; E, Ferreiro; I, Martins; I, Santana; SM, Cardoso; CR, Oliveira; C., Pereira. 2012. "Amyloid ß-induced ER stress is enhanced under mitochondrial dysfunction conditions", Neurobiol Aging 33, 4: 8245 - 82416.
2. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Silva, L.; Silva, A.M.; Santos, M.S.; Garrido, J.; Borges, F.; Rego, A.C.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2011. "Molecular interaction between cocaine and opioids. Implications on Speedball's toxicity", Toxicology Letters 205, 1: 26 - 26.
3. PI, Moreira; CR, Oliveira. 2011. "Mitochondria as potential targets in antidiabetic therapy.", Handb Exp Pharmacol. , 203: 331 - 356.
4. M, Laço; CR, Oliveira; H, Paulson; AC, Rego. 2011. "Compromised mitochondrial complex II in models of Machado–Joseph disease", Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1822: 139 - 149.
5. PI, Moreira; JB, Custodio; E, Nunes; PJ, Oliveira; A., M; R, Seica; CR, Oliveira; MS, Santos. 2010. "Mitochondria from distinct tissues are differently affected by 17ß-estradiol and tamoxifen", J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. , 000: 0 - 00.
6. I, Baldeiras; I, Santana; MT, Proenca; MH, Garrucho; R, Pascoal; A, Rodrigues; D, Duro; CR, Oliveira. 2010. "Oxidative Damage and Progression to Alzheimer's Disease in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment.", J Alzheimers Dis, 0: 00 - 000.
7. SM, Cardoso; Carvalho, C; R, Santos; SC, Correia; MS, Santos; R, Seica; CR, Oliveira; PI, Moreira. 2010. "Impact of STZ-induced hyperglycemia and insulin-induced hypoglycemia in plasma amino acids and cortical synaptosomal neurotransmitters. ", Synapse, 0: 00 - 000.
8. Resende, R.; Baptista, M; Pereira, C.; Oliveira, C. R. 2007. "In vitro study of Amyloid-beta; peptide toxicity. The role of physical state", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, 00: 00 - 00.
9. Duarte, João M; Oliveira, Catarina R; Ambrósio, António F; Cunha, Rodrigo A. 2006. "Modification of adenosine A1 and A2A receptor density in the hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats", Neurochemistry International 48, 2: 144 - 150.
10. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Morgadinho, M.T.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2006. "Efeito crónico da heroína e do peróxido de hidrogénio em células PC12", Coimbra Médica 2, 1: 21 - 29.
11. L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira; C., Januário; I, Santana; Gonçalves, A.F.; T, Proenca; MH, Garrucho. 1992. "Doenças Neurodegenerativas. ", Revista Port. Neurol.  1, 3: 14 - 24.
12. AP, Simões; CR, Oliveira. 1989. "Influence of lipid peroxidation on dopamine receptors.", Actas Bioq. , 2: 19 - 28.
13. C, Chieira; CR, Oliveira; A, Todo-Bom; L, Chieira; C, Loureiro; I, Vieira; CP, Leite; AC, Pereira; I, Mesquita; C., Pereira; E, Gaspar. 1989. "Beta adrenoreceptores e asma bronquica. ", Via Pneumológica , 2: 121 - 128.
14. Gonçalves, A.F.; AM, Ferro; M, Diniz; CR, Oliveira; MM, Esperança; C., Januário; L, Cunha. 1986. "Tremor: casuística da consulta de doenças extrapiramidais dos HUC. ", Coimbra Médica, 4-5: 93 - 93.
15. L, Cunha; Gonçalves, A.F.; M, Diniz; CR, Oliveira; Ferro,M. A.; R, Amaral; C., Januário. 1985. "Proposta de classificação dos quadros Parkinsónicos. ", Coimbra Médica, 4-5: 257 - 260.
16. CR, Oliveira. 1981. "Binding of 3H-spiperone to caudate nucleus. ", Ciênc. Biol. , 6: 1 - 8.
17. L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira; F, Gomes. 1981. "Metabolitos ácidos no líquor céfalo-raquídeo e hidrocefalia.", Psiquiatria Clínica, 2: 113 - 114.
18. L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira; M, Diniz; R, Amaral; Gonçalves, A.F.. 1981. "Perspectivas actuais em patologia extrapiramidal. ", Psiquiatria Clínica, 2: 157 - 162.
19. M, Diniz; L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira; Gonçalves, A.F.; R, Amaral; ES, Santos. 1981. "Coreia de Sydenham: a propósito de 16 casos. ", Psiquiatria Clínica , 2: 239 - 243.
20. CR, Oliveira; AP, Carvalho. 1980. "Spiperone binding to subfractions of sheep caudate nucleus.", Ciênc. Biol. , 5: 325 - 334.
21. J, Pio-Abreu; CR, Oliveira; L, Cunha. 1980. "As Psicoses nas doenças extrapiramidais. Contribuição para o estudo da patogenia bioquímica das esquizofrenias.", Psiquiatria Clínica, 1: 39 - 48.
22. J, Pio-Abreu; L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira; C, Leitão; M, Diniz; J, Câmara; P, Amaral; Gonçalves, A.F.. 1980. "Dopamina, movimentos anormais e sintomas psiquiátricos. ", Psiquiatria Clínica, 1: 195 - 219.
23. CR, Oliveira; F, Ribeiro. 1977. "Tumor hipofisiário versus neurocisticercose- nota clínica", Exp. Ophthal. , 3: 75 - 78.
24. F, Ribeiro; CR, Oliveira. 1977. "Cistecercose oculo-cerebral. A propósito de um caso clínico.", Exp. Ophthal. , 5: 325 - 334.
25. L, Cunha; CR, Oliveira. 1976. "Patologia Muscular", Medicina , 11: 697 - 671.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Garrido, J.; Borges, F.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2010. "Neurotoxicity of sequential and simultaneous exposure to heroin and cocaine in rat cortical neurons", Trabalho apresentado em 7th FENS Forum, In FENS Abstracts, Amsterdão.
2. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Garrido, J.; Borges, F.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2009. "Neurotoxicity of cocaine-opioid combinations in rat cortical neurons", Trabalho apresentado em Neuroscience 2009: Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, In Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Chicago.
3. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2007. "Adaptation to oxidative stress in the chronic effects of cocaine and amphetamine", Trabalho apresentado em European Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research, In Free Radical Research, Vilamoura.
4. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2006. "Changes in toxicity in PC12 cells chronically exposed to opioid and stimulant drugs of abuse and hydrogen peroxide", Trabalho apresentado em Neuroscience 2006: Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, In Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Altanta.
5. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2005. "Heroin-induced degeneration of cortical neurons involves mitochondria-dependent apoptosis", Trabalho apresentado em Neuroscience 2005- Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, In Neuroscience Meeting Planner, Washington, DC.
6. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Morgadinho, M.T.; Sarmento, A.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2005. "Differential cytotoxic responses of PC12 cells chronically exposed to psychostimulants or to hydrogen peroxide", Trabalho apresentado em 8th Meeting of the Portuguese Neuroscience Society, In Sinapse, Luso.
7. Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Rego, A.C.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2004. "Heroin neurotoxicity involves apoptosis and increased reactive oxygen species in rat cortical neurons", Trabalho apresentado em 4th FENS Forum, In FENS Abstracts, Lisbon.
8. Rego, A.C.; Cunha-Oliveira, T.; Macedo, T.; Oliveira, C.R.. 2002. "Involvement of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway in PC12 cell death induced by heroin, amphetamine and cocaine", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd FENS Forum, In FENS Abstracts, Paris.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Livros e capítulos
Books and book chapters
Capítulos de livros publicados
Published book chapters
Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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