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1st ceFIMS Project Newsletter

 - 19/02/2011

ceFIMS Project Logo The 1st ceFIMS Project Newsletter was published on the 18th of February of 2011. The Special Feature of this Newsletter is the article "Cars That Talk: The Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems" which is subtitled "Portugal Has the Largest Vehicular Networks Testbed in Europe". The article refers to the network of 500 taxi cabs of Porto developed as part of the project DRIVE-IN - Distributed Routing and Infotainment through Inter-Vehicular Networking of the Carnegie Mellon – Portugal Program.

The DRIVE-IN project involves researchers from the universities of Porto and Aveiro, the Associate Laboratory Institute of Telecommunications, the enterprises NDrive and Geolink, and also the Institute for Mobility and Land Transport, the RadiTaxis Cooperative and the Carnegie Mellon – Portugal Program.

The project ceFIMS - Coordination of the European Future Internet Forum of Member States is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) approved in February 2010 within the FP7 – 7th Framework Programme of Research of the European Union (EU), whose consortium the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) integrates and which has the objective of ensuring support for the dialogue among government agencies/ministries and research councils and funding agencies and the development and consolidation of the Future Internet national programs, and the collaboration in a transnational European environment, joining efforts together and seeking to reach critical mass for fostering the research on the Future Internet in Europe. The kick-off of the ceFIMS Project (see Kick-off do Projecto de Coordenação do Forum da Internet do Futuro (ceFIMS) (text in Portuguese)) was held on the 28th of September of 2010, in Brussels.

The ceFIMS provides support to the FIF – Future Internet Forum of Member and Associate States (see Launch of the Future Internet Forum in Prague) and promotes the exchange of knowledge between the different actors, in particular with the creation of a website that aims to be the main Internet of Future Internet research in Europe. In the ceFIMS project, UMIC coordinates the Working Package responsible for creating the project infrastructure, which has the task of establishing a Steering Committee consisting of members of the FIF, and also includes the tasks carried out by the WIT - Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland, regarding the establishment of the Secretariat, the development and maintenance of the Web portal and the formalization of the Future Internet Forum.

In addition to the UMIC and WIT, which coordinates the project, the project consortium includes the NWO – Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the University of Luxembourg, NKTH – National Office for Research and Technology of Hungary, and AETIC – Association of ICT Enterprises of Spain.

Last updated ( 09/08/2011 )