Curriculum Vitae

Cristiana Oliveira Pires Duarte

Data da última atualização »Last update : 07/11/2016

Cristiana Oliveira Pires Duarte. Publicou 31 artigos em revistas especializadas e 62 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Actua na área de Psicologia Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 49 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Cristiana Oliveira Pires Duarte
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Duarte, C.
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Sociais-Psicologia.

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2004-2009 Mestrado
Master degree
Mestrado Integrado em Psicologia (5 anos » years) .
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade de Coimbra
Nov/2010-Actual Investigador Auxiliar

Atividades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development activities)
Universidade de Coimbra
Nov/2010-Actual Centro de Investigação do Núcleo de Est. e Int. Cognitivo-Comportamental
Linhas de investigação»Research fields:

Cognitive - Behavioural Models, Social Rank Theory, Psychopathology and Health

Atividades de Direção e Administração (Management and Administration activities)
Universidade de Coimbra
Nov/2010-Actual Centro de Investigação do Núcleo de Est. e Int. Cognitivo-Comportamental
- Outro - Actividades de gestão e administração

Linhas de Investigação (Research fields)
1. Cognitive - Behavioural Models, Social Rank Theory, Psychopathology and Health

Domínio Científico: Ciências Sociais / Área Científica: Psicologia.

Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Mar/2012 - Actual Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Membro.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Ferreira, Cláudia; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, Cristiana. 2011. "Physical appearance as a measure of social ranking: The role of a new scale to understand the relationship between weight and dieting", Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 0: 0 - 0.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Duarte, Cristiana; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Ferreira, Cláudia; Silva, Bárbara. 2016. "Caught in the struggle with food craving: Development and validation of a new cognitive fusion measure", Appetite, 101: 146 - 155.
2. Duarte, Cristiana; Pinto-Gouveia, José. 2016. "Body image flexibility mediates the effect of body image-related victimization experiences and shame on binge eating and weight", Eating Behaviors, 23: 13 - 18.
3. Duarte, Cristiana; Pinto-Gouveia, José. 2016. "Body image as a target of victimization by peers/parents: Development and validation of the Body Image Victimization Experiences Scale", Women & Health, online: 1 - 19.
4. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Mendes, Ana. 2016. "Psychometric Properties of the Intuitive Eating Scale -2 and Association with Binge Eating Symptoms in a Portuguese Community Sample", International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 16, 3: 329 - 341.
5. Matos, Marcela; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Gilbert, Paul; Duarte, Cristiana; Figueiredo, Cláudia. 2015. "The Other As Shamer Scale – 2: Development and validation of a short version of a measure of external shame", Personality and Individual Differences, 74: 6 - 11.
6. Hopkins, M; Finlayson, G; Duarte, C.; Whybrow, S; Ritz, P; Horgan, G W; Blundell, J E; Stubbs, R J. 2015. "Modelling the associations between fat-free mass, resting metabolic rate and energy intake in the context of total energy balance", International Journal of Obesity 40, 2: 312 - 318.
7. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.. 2014. "Thinness in the pursuit for social safeness: an integrative model of social rank mentality to explain eating psychopathology.", Clinical psychology \& psychotherapy 21, 2: 154 - 165.
8. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Fráguas, S.. 2014. "The protective role of self-compassion in relation to psychopathology symptoms and quality of life in chronic and in cancer patients", Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 21, 4: 311 - 323.
9. Ferreira, C.; Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2014. "Shame memories and eating psychopathology: The buffering effect of self-compassion", European Eating Disorders Review 22, 6: 487 - 494.
10. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2014. "Self-criticism, perfectionism and eating disorders: The effect of depression and body dissatisfaction", International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 14, 3: 377 - 396.
11. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.. 2014. "Escaping from body image shame and harsh self-criticism: Exploration of underlying mechanisms of binge eating", Eating Behaviors 15, 4: 638 - 643.
12. Matos, M.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2014. "Eating disorders: When social rank perceptions are shaped by early shame experiences", Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 88, 1: 38 - 53.
13. Ferreira, Cláudia; Trindade, Inês A; Duarte, Cristiana; Pinto-Gouveia, José. 2014. "Getting entangled with body image: Development and validation of a new measure", Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, In press: 0 - 0.
14. Duarte, Cristiana; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Ferreira, Cláudia; Batista, Diana. 2014. "Body Image as a Source of Shame: A New Measure for the Assessment of the Multifaceted Nature of Body Image Shame", Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, In press: 0 - 0.
15. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2014. "The psychometric properties of the Body Image Shame Scale for Adolescents (BISS-A)", Revista de Saúde Pública, 48: 190 - 281.
16. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Fráguas, S.. 2013. "The protective role of self-compassion in relation to psychopathology symptoms and quality of life in chronic and in cancer patients", Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 21, 4: 311 - 323.
17. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2013. "Self-compassion in the face of shame and body image dissatisfaction: Implications for eating disorders", Eating Behaviors 14, 2: 207 - 210.
18. Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2013. "Internalizing early memories of shame and lack of safeness and warmth: The mediating role of shame on depression", Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 41, 4: 479 - 493.
19. Ferreira, C.; Gouveia, J.P.; Duarte, C.. 2013. "Drive for thinness as a women's strategy to avoid inferiority", International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 13, 1: 15 - 29.
20. Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2012. "When I don't like myself: Portuguese version of the Internalized Shame Scale", Spanish Journal of Psychology 15, 3: 1411 - 14.
21. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.. 2012. "Thinness in the pursuit for social safeness: An integrative model of social rank mentality to explain eating psychopathology", Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 21, 2: 154 - 165.
22. Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2012. "Above and beyond emotional valence: The unique contribution of central and traumatic shame memories to psychopathology vulnerability", Memory 20, 5: 461 - 477.
23. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2011. "The validation of the body image acceptance and action questionnaire: Exploring the moderator effect of acceptance on disordered eating", International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 11, 3: 327 - 345.
24. Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2011. "O traço de mindfulness como protector nos comportamentos bulímico", Psychologica 52, 2: 401 - 422.
25. Dinis, A.; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, C.. 2011. "Contributos da validação da versão portuguesa do Questionário de Estilos de Coping", Psychologica, 54: 35 - 62.
26. Dinis, A.; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, C.; Castro, T.. 2011. "Estudo de validação da versão portuguesa da Escala de Respostas Ruminativas - Versão reduzida", Psychologica, 54: 175 - 202.
27. Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, José. 2011. "A necessidade de competir para evitar a inferioridade: Estudos de validação da versão portuguesa da SAIS.", Psychologica, 54: 5 - 34.
28. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, C.. 2011. "Desenvolvimento de uma Escala de Comparação Social através da Aparência Física: Estrutura factorial e estudos de validação numa amostra feminina da população geral", Psychologica, 54: 309 - 330.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2016. "Efeitos longitudinais do bullying na psicopatologia alimentar: O papel da vergonha corporal", Trabalho apresentado em 11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios da Psicologia da Saúde num Mundo em Mudança, In J. Carvalho (Chair), Avaliação do comportamento alimentar, Lisbon, Portugal.
2. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "The impact of bullying on body image shame and eating psychopathology: The protective effect of self-reassurance", Trabalho apresentado em III Congresso Internacional do CINEICC: Investigação, avaliação e intervenção – Que ligações?, In M. Cunha (Chair), O impacto dos processos de regulação emocional na saúde mental dos adolescentes, Coimbra, Portugal.
3. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Stubbs, J.. 2016. "Compassion in body image, weight and eating-related problems", Trabalho apresentado em 5th International Conference On Compassion Focused Therapy, In P. Gilbert (Chair), Compassion Focused Therapy Interventions, Manchester, United Kingdom.
4. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2016. "Bullying and body shame in adolescent girls: The role of fears of compassion and self-criticism", Trabalho apresentado em 5th International Conference On Compassion Focused Therapy, In Poster session presented at the meeting 5th International Conference On Compassion Focused Therapy, Manchester, United Kingdom.
5. Duarte, C.; Stalker, C.; Catarino, F.; Morris, L.; Gilbert, P.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Stubbs, J.. 2016. "The relationship between body image and weight-related shame and loss of control of eating in participants of a weight management programme", Trabalho apresentado em European Obesity Summit 2016, In Poster session presented at European Obesity Summit 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden.
6. Duarte, C.; Stalker, C.; Catarino, F.; Morris, L.; Gilbert, P.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Stubbs, J.. 2016. "Body image and weight-related shame prospectively predict binge eating symptomology and weight outcomes: The value of deshaming approaches to weight management", Trabalho apresentado em European Obesity Summit 2016, In Poster session presented at European Obesity Summit 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden.
7. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, José; Duarte, C.. 2012. " Dietary restraint as a competition strategy for social acceptance", Trabalho apresentado em Asociación Española De Psicología Conductual (AEPC), In R., Quevedo-Blasco & V., Quevedo-Blasco (Eds.), Avances en psicología clínica, Santander.
8. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Carvalho, S.; Ferreira, C.; Matos, M.; Cunha, M.; Costa, J.; Duarte, J.; Palmeira, L.; Castilho, P.. 2015. "Programa de intervenção focado na psicoeducação, mindfulness e compaixão para a ingestão alimentar compulsiva", Trabalho apresentado em III Congresso Internacional do CINEICC: Investigação, avaliação e intervenção – Que ligações?, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), Compassion into practice: Interventions in different samples , Coimbra, Portugal.
9. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "Mediator emotion regulation processes on the relationship between shame and binge eating in Binge Eating Disorder", Trabalho apresentado em III Congresso Internacional do CINEICC: Investigação, avaliação e intervenção – Que ligações?, In S. Gregório (Chair), Psicopatologia alimentar e obesidade: Da caracterização à intervenção, Coimbra, Portugal.
10. Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Catarino, F.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.. 2015. "Emotion regulation, eating, weight amd well being", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference On Compassion Focused Therapy, In Effects of compassionate mind training on weight outcomes, depression, shame, self-criticism in participants attending Slimming World support groups, P. Gilbert (Chair), Manchester, United Kingdom.
11. Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "The impact of traumatic features of shame memories and body image flexibility on eating psychopathology", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In O. Kassinopoulos (Chair), Shame, ACT Processes and their relation to Eating Disorders and Sexual Orientation., Berlin, Germany.
12. Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Duarte, J.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Catarino, F.; Gilbert, P.. 2015. "Cultivating the compassionate self: A randomized control trial of a evolution informed model of self-compassion training", Trabalho apresentado em 4th International Conference On Compassion Focused Therapy, In P. Gilbert (Chair), Innovative CFT interventions, Manchester, United Kingdom.
13. Ferreira, C.; Trindade, I.; Duarte, C.. 2015. "The effect of body image inflexibility on adolescent restrained eating", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the ACBS Annual World Conference 13, Berlin, Germany.
14. Ferreira, C.; Trindade, I.; Duarte, C.. 2015. "Entanglement with body image and women’s psychological well-being", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the ACBS Annual World Conference 13, Berlin, Germany.
15. Catarino, F.; Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.. 2015. "Emotion regulation and weight management overview", Trabalho apresentado em UK Congress of Obesity (UKCO) 2015, In J. Swift (Chair), Slimming World Symposium – The role of emotion regulation in weight loss and maintenance, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
16. Matos, M.; Duarte, J.; Duarte, C.; Gilbert, P.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Catarino, F.. 2015. "Nurturing the Compassionate Self: A randomized control trial of a compassion imagery intervention", Trabalho apresentado em 45th EABCT Congress, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the 45th EABCT Congress, Jerusalem, Israel.
17. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Cunha, M.; Matos, M.; Duarte, J.; Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.; Castilho, P.. 2015. "BEfree I: Um olhar sobre o programa", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), BEfree: Programa de intervenção em grupo para a ingestão alimentar compulsiva, Coimbra, Portugal.
18. Duarte, C.; Sérgio, C.. 2015. "BEfree II: Estudo de eficácia do programa", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), BEfree: Programa de intervenção em grupo para a ingestão alimentar compulsiva, Coimbra, Portugal.
19. Duarte, C.; Sérgio, C.. 2015. "BEfree III: Exploração dos processos de mudança terapêutica", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), BEfree: Programa de intervenção em grupo para a ingestão alimentar compulsiva, . Coimbra, Portugal.
20. Duarte, C.. 2015. "Studies of the mechanisms by which emotion regulation may influence weight loss and maintenance in lifestyle weight management", Trabalho apresentado em UK Congress of Obesity (UKCO) 2015, In J. Swift (Chair), Slimming World Symposium – The role of emotion regulation in weight loss and maintenance, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
21. Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Gail, C.; Morris, L.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.. 2015. "The impact of self-criticism and self-reassurance on weight related positive and negative affect and wellbeing in participants of a commercial weight management programme", Trabalho apresentado em 22nd European Congress on Obesity, In Poster session presented at the meeting 22nd European Congress on Obesity, Prague, Czech Republic.
22. Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Gail, C.; Morris, L.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.. 2015. "The impact of self-criticism and self-reassurance on weight related positive and negative affect and wellbeing in participants of a commercial weight management programme", Trabalho apresentado em 22nd European Congress on Obesity, In Poster session presented at the meeting 22nd European Congress on Obesity, Prague, Czech Republic.
23. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "Binge eating as an avoidance of negative emotions: The buffering effect of body image flexibility", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In S. Min (Chair), Values, Flexibility in Eating Disorders, Berlin, Germany.
24. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "Ingestão alimentar compulsiva: Processo envolvidos na sua vulnerabilidade e manutenção", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress on Obesity and Binge Eating, In C. Ferreira (Chair), Aspetos psicológicos na ingestão alimentar compulsiva, Coimbra, Portugal.
25. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.. 2015. "The role of shame and the entanglement with body image and eating in Binge Eating Disorder", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In O. Kassinopoulos (Chair), Shame, ACT Processes and their relation to Eating Disorders and Sexual Orientation, Berlin, Germany.
26. Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.; Trindade, I.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "The backlash of inflexible eating rules: Development and validation of a new measure of eating-related inflexibility", Trabalho apresentado em 45th EABCT Congress, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the 45th EABCT Congress, Jerusalem, Israel.
27. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2015. "Examining the sources and impact of body image victimization experiences: Development and validation of a new measure", Trabalho apresentado em 45th EABCT Congress, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the 45th EABCT Congress, , Jerusalem, Israel.
28. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Mendes, A.. 2015. "Turning towards adaptive eating behaviours: Examination of the Portuguese version of the Intuitive Eating Scale-2 and its association with decentering and body image flexibility", Trabalho apresentado em ACBS Annual World Conference 13, In Poster session presented at the meeting of the ACBS Annual World Conference 13, Berlin, Germany.
29. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Azevedo, J.. 2015. "Estudo do comportamento alimentar adaptativo: Propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa da Escala de Alimentação Intuitiva", Trabalho apresentado em International Congress Saudavelmente, In Poster session presented at the meeting International Congress Saudavelmente, Coimbra, Portugal.
30. Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.. 2015. "Affective and emotional processes", Trabalho apresentado em International Seminar Motivate Healthy Active Lifestyles - From Behavioural Science to Behavioural Change and Self-regulation, In Luísa Lima (Chair), DETERMINANTS - Psychological processes in health behaviour change, Lisbon, Portugal.
31. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, José. 2014. "“My body, my shame”: Does body image shame plays a specific role in binge eating?", Trabalho apresentado em 2º Health IPL - Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria: Desafios & Inovação em Saúde, In Revista de Saúde Pública, Leiria.
32. Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2014. "The buffering effect of warmth and safeness memories and feelings against shame on depression", Trabalho apresentado em 2º Health IPL - Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria: Desafios & Inovação em Saúde, In Revista de Saúde Pública, Leiria.
33. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.. 2010. "From the vulnerability to the engagement on bulimic behaviors – The protective function of a mindful mind ", Trabalho apresentado em XL EABCT-LINKS, In XL EABCT-LINKS, Milan, Italy.
34. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2014. "The psychometric properties of the Body Image Shame Scale for Adolescents (BISS-A)", Trabalho apresentado em 2º Health IPL - Congresso Internacional de Saúde do IPLeiria: Desafios & Inovação em Saúde, In Revista de Saúde Pública, Leiria, Portugal.
35. Catarino, F.; Duarte, C.. 2014. "Bringing compassion to a common problem: Weight regulation", Trabalho apresentado em DCP 2014 Annual Conference, the British Psychological Society, In P. Gilbert (Chair), Integrating Compassion Approaches in Clinical Psychology, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
36. Duarte, C.. 2014. "Can self-compassion heal the damaging impact of shame memories on eating psychopathology? ", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Compassion Focused Therapy, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), The healing effect of self-compassion in different clinical contexts and facets, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
37. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Cunha, C.. 2014. "Fears of compassion in adolescence: Fears of Compassion Scales’ examination and implications in this population", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Compassion Focused Therapy, In Poster session presented at the meetig of the 3rd International Conference on Compassion Focused Therapy, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
38. Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.; Morris, L.. 2014. "Struggling to lose weight: The impact of shame, self-criticism and social rank on eating psychopathology in overweight and obese members of the general population", Trabalho apresentado em 10th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting, In Oral presentation at the meeting of 10th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting, United Kingdom.
39. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Matos, M.. 2014. "Emotional Eating Scale: Psychometric properties in a Portuguese nonclinical population", Trabalho apresentado em 44th EABCT Congress, In Poster presentation at the meeting of the 44th EABCT Congress, Neetherlands.
40. Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Fráguas, S.. 2014. "Facing chronic illness and cancer with compassion: Its protective effect on psychopathology symptoms and quality of life", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Conference on Compassion Focused Therapy, In Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), The healing effect of self-compassion in different clinical contexts and facets, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
41. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.. 2013. "How body shame interacts with body image dissatisfaction, self-criticism and depressive symptoms in the prediction of eating psychopathology", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies,, In 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies,, Morocco, Marrakech.
42. Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.; Liam, M.. 2013. "Struggling to lose weight: The impact of shame, self-criticism and social rank on eating psychopathology in overweight and obese people", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In J. Pinto-Gouveia, (Chair), Feeding self-compassion as protection against shame and self-criticism in eating disorders and obesity, Morocco, Marrakech.
43. Duarte, C.; Ferreira, C.; Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Can trait mindfulness and self-compassion moderate the impact of shame traumatic and central memories in patients with eating disorders?", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Mindfulness, In First International Conference on Mindfulness, Rome, Italy.
44. Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Self-compassion in the face of shame in eating disorders", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In J. Pinto-Gouveia, (Chair), Feeding self-compassion as protection against shame and self-criticism in eating disorders and obesity, Marrakech, Morocco.
45. Matos, M.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Can self-compassion heal the damaging impact of shame memories on eating psychopathology?", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
46. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Fráguas, F.. 2013. "The protective role of self-compassion in relation to psychopathology symptoms and quality of life in chronic and in cancer patients", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Mindfulness, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: Benefits for different populations, Rome, Italy.
47. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Accepting vs. feeling ashamed of one ´s body: Distinct mediating roles on the link between body dissatisfaction and bullying and eating psychopathology", Trabalho apresentado em UK and Ireland ACT/Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, In UK and Ireland ACT/Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, London, UK.
48. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.. 2013. "Social rank mentality and eating psychopathology: The protective role of self-compassion", Trabalho apresentado em UK and Ireland ACT/Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), The protective role of psychological acceptance and self-compassion in different populations, London, UK.
49. Matos, M.; Duarte, C.; Stubbs, J.; Gilbert, P.; Morris, L.. 2013. "The importance of compassionate approaches to obesity treatment", Trabalho apresentado em 20th European Congress on Obesity, In A. Hill (Chair), Slimming World: The essential role of compassion, understanding and care in weight loss, London, UK.
50. Matos, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Duarte, J.. 2013. "Early memories of shame and lack of safeness and warmth and depression: The mediator effect of internal shame", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
51. Palmeira, L.; Lucena-Santos, P.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Psychological flexibility and distress tolerance mediates the impact of negative affect on eating psychopathology", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
52. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Matos, M.; Fráguas, S.. 2013. "Self-compassion as a buffer against psychopathology symptoms and promoter of quality of life in chronic and in cancer patients", Trabalho apresentado em UK and Ireland ACT/Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, In UK and Ireland ACT/Contextual Behavioural Science Conference, London, UK.
53. Lucena-Santos, P.; Palmeira, L.; Duarte, C.; Oliveira, M.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Distress Tolerance Scale-Simons (DTS-S): Preliminary data for the Portuguese Version", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In Poster session at the meeting 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
54. Gregório, S.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.; Simões, L.. 2013. "Decentering: Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Experiences Questionnaire", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Mindfulness, In Poster session presented at the First International Conference on Mindfulness, Rome, Italy.
55. Ferreira, C.; Trindade, I.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Getting entangled with body image: Development and validation of a new measure", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In Poster session at the meeting 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
56. Ferreira, C.; Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.. 2013. "Self-compassion in the face of body image dissatisfaction: Implications for eating disorders’ conceptualization and treatment", Trabalho apresentado em First International Conference on Mindfulness, In Poster session presented at the First International Conference on Mindfulness, Rome, Italy.
57. Duarte, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Rodrigues, R.; Siva, A.. 2013. "Bullying and eating psychopathology in young adolescents: The impact of body shame and psychological inflexibility", Trabalho apresentado em 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, In Poster session at the meeting of 43rd Annual Congress of the European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies, Marrakech, Morocco.
58. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2012. "Living life and not one s body: The protective effect of body image acceptance in eating psychopathology", Trabalho apresentado em Asociación Española De Psicología Conductual (AEPC), In R., Quevedo-Blasco & V., Quevedo-Blasco (Eds.), Avances en psicología clínica , Santander.
59. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2012. "Physical appearance as a measure of social comparison: The development of a new scale", Trabalho apresentado em Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), In R., Quevedo-Blasco & V., Quevedo-Blasco (Eds.), Avances en psicología clínica, Santander.
60. Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Gregório, S.; Duarte, C.; Simões, L.. 2012. "Decentering: Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the experiences questionnaire (EQ)", Trabalho apresentado em Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC), In R., Quevedo-Blasco & V., Quevedo-Blasco (Eds.), Avances en psicología clínica, Santander.
61. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2011. "Body image acceptance moderates the impact of body image dissatisfaction on disordered eating ", Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual EABCT Congress, In J. Pinto-Gouveia (Chair), Acceptance as an emotion regulation process , Reykjavik, Iceland.
62. Ferreira, C.; Pinto-Gouveia, J.; Duarte, C.. 2011. "Physical appearance as a central domain in social rank: Its impact as a mediator between weight and dieting ", Trabalho apresentado em 41st Annual EABCT Congress, In Paper session 25 Emotional and cognitive processes in eating disorders, presented at the meeting of the 41st EABCT Annual Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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