Curriculum Vitae

António Manuel Santos Carriço Portugal

Data da última atualização »Last update : 15/05/2013

António Manuel Santos Carriço Portugal Publicou 41 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 104 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
António Manuel Santos Carriço Portugal
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Portugal, António Manuel Santos Carriço

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Gomes, F.; Machado, H.; San Martin, E; Portugal, A.; Canhoto, J.. 2013. "Mycorrhizal synthesis between Pisolithus arhizus and an adult selected clone of Arbutus unedo in vitro and in nursery", Journal of Forestry Research 24, 2: . - ..
2. Trovão, J.; Mesquita, N.; Paiva, D.S.; Paiva de C. H; Avelar, L.; Portugal, A.. 2013. "Can arthropods act as vectors of fungal dispersion in heritage collections? A case study on the archive of the University of Coimbra, Portugal", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 79, .: 49 - 55.
3. Nunes, Inês; Mesquita, Nuno; Cabo Verde, S; Bandeira, Ana M. L; Carolino, Maria M; Portugal, António; Botelho, Maria L. 2013. "Characterization of an airborne microbial community: A case study in the archive of the University of Coimbra, Portugal", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 79, .: 36 - 41.
4. Nunes, Inês; Mesquita, Nuno; Cabo Verde, S; Carolino, Maria M; Portugal, António; Botelho, Maria L. 2013. "Bioburden assessment and gamma radiation inactivation patterns in parchment documents", Radiation Physics and Chemistry, .: . - ..
5. Ochoa, Marta; Duraes, Luisa; Beja, Ana M; Portugal, Antonio. 2012. "Study of the suitability of silica based xerogels synthesized using ethyltrimethoxysilane and/or methyltrimethoxysilane precursors for aerospace applications", Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 61, 1: 151 - 160.
6. Nunes, Ines; Mesquita, Nuno; Verde, Sandra C; Trigo, Maria J; Ferreira, Armando; Carolino, Maria M; Portugal, Antonio; Botelho, Maria L. 2012. "Gamma radiation effects on physical properties of parchment documents: Assessment of Dmax", Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81, 12: 1943 - 1946.
7. Conceicao, Eduardo L. T; Portugal, Antonio A. T. G. 2012. "Comparison of Two Robust Alternatives to the Box-Draper Determinant Criterion in Multiresponse Kinetic Parameter Estimation", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51, 3: 1118 - 1130.
8. Duraes, L.; Benedini, L.; Costa, B. F. O; Portugal, A. T. G. 2012. "Sol-gel synthesis and washing of amorphous g-FeO(OH) xerogels", Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik 43, 5: 427 - 434.
9. Duraes, L.; Matias, T.; Segadaes, A. M; Campos, J.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2012. "MgAl2O4 spinel synthesis by combustion and detonation reactions: A thermochemical evaluation", Journal of the European Ceramic Society 32, 12: 3161 - 3170.
10. Duraes, L.; Ochoa, M.; Rocha, N.; Patricio, R.; Duarte, N.; Redondo, V.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2012. "Effect of the Drying Conditions on the Microstructure of Silica Based Xerogels and Aerogels", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12, 8: 6828 - 6834.
11. Mesquita, N.; Portugal, A.; Piñar, G.; Loureiro, J.; Coutinho, A.P.; Trovão, J.; Nunes, I.; Botelho, M.L.; Freitas, H.. 2012. "Flow cytometry as a tool to assess the effects of gamma radiation on the viability, growth and metabolic activity of fungal spores", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, .: 1 - 8.
12. Conceicao, Eduardo L. T; Portugal, Antonio A. T. G. 2011. "Finite-sample comparison of robust estimators for nonlinear regression using Monte Carlo simulation: Part I. Univariate response models", Computers & Chemical Engineering 35, 3: 530 - 544.
13. Curto, J. M. R; Conceicao, E. L. T; Portugal, A. T. G; Simoes, R. M. S. 2011. "Three dimensional modelling of fibrous materials and experimental validation", Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik 42, 5: 370 - 374.
14. Duraes, Luisa; Moutinho, Ana; Seabra, Ines J; Costa, Benilde F. O; de Sousa, H. C; Portugal, Antonio. 2011. "Characterization of iron(III) oxide/hydroxide nanostructured materials produced by sol-gel technology based on the Fe(NO3)(3)center dot 9H(2)O-C2H5OH-CH3CHCH2O system", Materials Chemistry and Physics 130, 1-2: 548 - 560.
15. Duraes, Luisa; Oliveira, Orlando; Benedini, Leandro; Costa, Benilde F. O; Beja, Ana M; Portugal, Antonio. 2011. "Sol-gel synthesis of iron(III) oxyhydroxide nanostructured monoliths using Fe(NO3)(3)center dot 9H(2)O/CH3CH2OH/NH4OH ternary system", Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 6: 678 - 684.
16. Mesquita, N.; Portugal, A. T. G; Videira, S.; Rodriguez-Echeverria, S.; Bandeira, A. M. L; Santos, M. J. A; Freitas, H.. 2009. "Fungal diversity in ancient documents. A case study on the Archive of the University of Coimbra", International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 63, 5: 626 - 629.
17. Duraes, Luisa; Costa, Benilde F. O; Santos, Regina; Correia, Antonio; Campos, Jose; Portugal, Antonio. 2007. "Fe2O3/aluminum thermite reaction intermediate and final products characterization", Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 465, 1-2: 199 - 210.
18. Brito, Paulo; Duraes, Luisa; Campos, Jose; Portugal, Antonio. 2007. "Simulation of Fe2O3/Al combustion: Sensitivity analysis", Chemical Engineering Science 62, 18-20: 5078 - 5083.
19. Goncalves, Susana C; Portugal, Antonio; Goncalves, M. T; Vieira, Rita; Martins-Loucao, M. A; Freitas, Helena. 2007. "Genetic diversity and differential in vitro responses to Ni in Cenococcum geophilum isolates from serpentine soils in Portugal", Mycorrhiza 17, 8: 677 - 686.
20. Pedroso, L. M; Simoes, P.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2006. "Cyanuric acid-epichlorohydrin prepolymers", Journal of Applied Polymer Science 99, 6: 3684 - 3691.
21. Gonçalves, M. T; Gonçalves, Susana C; Portugal, António; Silva, Sandra; Sousa, José P; Freitas, Helena. 2006. "Effects of nickel hyperaccumulation in Alyssum pintodasilvae on model arthropods representatives of two trophic levels", Plant and Soil 293, 1-2: 177 - 188.
22. Pedroso, L. M; Castro, Mmca; Simoes, P.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2005. "Melamine/epichlorohydrin prepolymers: syntheses and characterization", Polymer 46, 6: 1766 - 1774.
23. Duraes, L.; Costa, B. F. O; Vasques, J.; Campos, J.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2005. "Phase investigation of as-prepared iron oxide/hydroxide produced by sol-gel synthesis", Materials Letters 59, 7: 859 - 863.
24. Pedroso, L. M; Simoes, P.; Portugal, A. T. G. 2005. "Cyanuric acid/epichlorohydrin energetic prepolymers", Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 30, 5: 338 - 343.
25. Portugal, A.; Vieira, R.; Freitas, H.. 2005. "Caracterização molecular por AFLP de isolados do fungo ectomicorrízico Cenococcum geophilum de solos derivados de formações ultramáficas do NE de Portugal", Revista de Ciências Agrárias XXVIII, .: 237 - 244.
26. Portugal, A.; Gonçalves, S.C.; Vieira, R.; Freitas, H.. 2002. "Chromosome number in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum from ultramafic soils of NE Portugal", The Nucleus  45, .: 14 - 18.
27. Portugal, A. T. G; Martinho, P.; Vieira, R.; Freitas, H.. 2001. "Molecular characterization of Cenococcum geophilum isolates from an ultramafic soil in Portugal", South African Journal of Science 97, 11-12: 617 - 619.
28. Santos, Jmrca; Gil, M. H; Portugal, A. T. G; Guthrie, J. T. 2001. "Characterisation of the surface of a cellulosic multi-purpose office paper by inverse gas chromatography", Cellulose 8, 3: 217 - 224.
29. Simoes, P.; Pedroso, L. M; Portugal, A. T. G; Carvalheira, P.; Campos, J.. 2001. "New propellant component, part I. Study of 4,6-dinitroamino-1,3,5-triazine-2(1H)-one (DNAM)", Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 26, 6: 273 - 277.
30. Simoes, P.; Pedroso, L. M; Portugal, A. T. G; Plaksin, I.; Campos, J.. 2001. "New propellant component, part II. Study of a PSAN/DNAM/HTPB based formulation", Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics 26, 6: 278 - 283.
31. Portugal, A.; Martinho, P.; Vieira, R.; Freitas, H.. 2001. "Molecular characterization of Cenococcum geophilum isolates from an ultramafic soil in Portugal", SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 97, .: 617 - 619.
32. Portugal, A.; Vieira, R.; Freitas, H.. 2001. "O uso de marcadores genéticos na caracterização de isolados do micobionte Cenococcum geophilum de solos ultramáficos do NE de Portugal", Revista de Ciências Agrárias XXIV, .: 227 - 238.
33. Portugal, A.; Vieira, R.; Gonçalves, S.C.; Freitas, H.. 2001. "Aspectos cariológicos do fungo ectomicorrízico Cenococcum geophilum de áreas ultramáficas do NE Portugal", Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana LXX, .: 157 - 165.
34. Feio, J.; Mota, A.; Cabral, M. A; Martins, M. A; Lemos, L.; Marques, V. N; Roseiro, A.; Portugal, A. T. G; Isabel, O.. 2000. "Participation of the pharmaceutical services of the hospitals of the University of Coimbra in the Kidney Transplantation Unit's clinical trials", Transplantation Proceedings 32, 8: 2685 - 2686.
35. Pais, Ficc; Portugal, Aatg. 1998. "A mathematical model for non-catalytic liquid-solid reversible reactions", Computers & Chemical Engineering 22, 3: 459 - 474.
36. Simoes, P. N; Pedroso, L. M; Portugal, A. A; Campos, J. L. 1998. "Study of the decomposition of phase stabilized ammonium nitrate (PSAN) by simultaneous thermal analysis: determination of kinetic parameters", Thermochimica Acta 319, 1-2: 55 - 65.
37. deAlmeida, L. P; Simoes, S.; Brito, P.; Portugal, A. T. G; Figueiredo, M.. 1997. "Modeling dissolution of sparingly soluble multisized powders", Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 86, 6: 726 - 732.
38. Simoes, P. N; Portugal, A. T. G; Campos, J. A. 1997. "Characterization and kinetic analysis of the thermal decomposition of 2-oxy-4,6-dinitramine-s-triazine in non-isothermal conditions", Thermochimica Acta 298, 1-2: 95 - 108.
39. Pais, Ficc; Portugal, Aatg. 1994. "DETERMINATION OF THE STEADY-STATE OF ISOTHERMAL 2-PHASE CONTINUOUS STIRRED-TANK REACTORS", Chemical Engineering Science 49, 20: 3447 - 3456.
40. Portugal, A.; Ryan, M.F.; Santos, M.S.N.. 1993. "Acção de um extracto de folhas de Ruta chalepensis (Rutaceae) sobre o nemátode-das-galhas-radiculares, Meloidogyne javanica (Meloidogynidae)", Ciência Biológica: Ecology and Systematics 13, .: 38 - ..

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Pais, Ficc; Portugal, Aatg. 1996. "Steady-state behaviour of isothermal two-phase continuous stirred tank reactors for extreme solids concentrations", Chemical Engineering Science 51, 2: 321 - 323.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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