Curriculum Vitae

Sergey Levichev

Data da última atualização »Last update : 30/05/2013

Sergey Levichev. Concluiu Física da matéria condensada pela Universidade do Nizhnii Novgorod em 2005. É Investigador Principal na Universidade do Minho. Publicou 29 artigos em revistas especializadas e 11 trabalhos em actas de eventos. Actua nas áreas de Ciências Exactas com ênfase em Física e Engenharia e Tecnologia com ênfase em Nanotecnologia. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 118 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos. No seu curriculum DeGóis os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: InAs quantum dots, HETEROSTRUCTURES, Nanocrystals, CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION, rf-magnetron co-sputtering, photoelectric properties, Photoluminescence, semiconductor/electrolyte system, CdSe e CdTe.

Endereço de acesso a este CV:

Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Sergey Levichev
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Levichev, Sergey
Categoria profissional
Investigador Principal
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain
Ciências Exactas-Física.
Engenharia e Tecnologia-Nanotecnologia.
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Universidade do Minho
Escola de Ciências
Centro de Física (CF)
Campus de Gualtar
4710-057 Braga
Telefone: (+351)253604060
Fax: (+351)253604061
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
1999-2005 Doutoramento
Física da matéria condensada.
Universidade do Nizhnii Novgorod, Rússia (Federação da).

1997-1999 Mestrado
Master degree
Física da matéria condensada (2 anos » years) .
Universidade do Nizhnii Novgorod, Rússia (Federação da).

Formação complementar ( studies)
2009-2009 Curso de curta duração
Short course
HSC10: Synchrotron Radiation techniques contribution to nanoscience.
European Synchrotron Radiation Facilities, França.

Vínculos profissionais (Professional Positions)
Universidade do Minho
Out/2005-Actual Investigador Principal

Universidade do Nizhnii Novgorod
Jan/2001-Set/2005 Investigador Auxiliar

Línguas (Languages)
Russo (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Alemão (Pouco).
Russo (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Português (Pouco), Alemão (Pouco).

Russo (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Alemão (Pouco).
Russo (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Português (Bem), Alemão (Pouco).

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing
1. Vieira, E.M.F.; Pinto, S.R.C.; Levichev, S.; Rolo, A.G.; Chahboun, A.; Buljan, M.; Barradas, N.P.; Alves, E.; Bernstorff, S.; Conde, O.; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2011. "Influence of the deposition parameters on the growth of SiGe nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3 matrix", Microelectronic Engineering 88, 4: 509 - 513.
3. Khodorov, A; Levichev, S; Rolo, A G; Karzazi, O; Chahboun, A; Novak, J; Vorobiev, A; Tavares, C J; Eyidi, D; Rivière, J-P; Beaufort, M F; Barradas, N P; Alves, E; Barber, D J; Lanceros-Mendez, S; Gomes, M J. M. 2010. "Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3: structural and electrical properties ", Nanotechnology 21, 50: 505705 - 505705.
4. Karzazi, O.; Chahboun, A.; Rolo, A. G; Hlil, E. K; Benzakour, N.; Bouslykhane, K.; Hourmatallah, A.; Levichev, S.; Khodorov, A.; Gomes, M. J. 2010. "Study of the substitution effect of Mn doped in ZnO matrix", The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 50, 3: 30801 - 30801.
5. Khodorov, A.; Levichev, S.; Chahboun, A.; Rolo, A. G; Bernstorff, S.; Barradas, N. P; Alves, E.; Gomes, M. J. M. 2010. "Growth and characterization of Mn-doped ZnO/TiO2 multilayer nanostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition", physica status solidi (c) 7, 11-12: 2724 - 2726.
6. Buljan, M.; Grenzer, J.; Holy, Vaclav; Radic, N.; Misic-Radic, T.; Levichev, Sergey; Bernstorff, S.; Pivac, B.; Capan, I.. 2010. "Structural and charge trapping properties of two bilayer (Ge+SiO2)/SiO2 films deposited on rippled substrate", APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 97: 1631171 - 1631173.
7. Levichev, Sergey; Mamor, Mohammed; Rolo, Anabela G; Pinto, Sara R. C; Khodorov, Anatoli; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2009. "Electrical conduction of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in silicon oxide films", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 9, 6: 3418 - 3423.
8. Levichev, Sergey; Chahboun, Adil; Rolo, Anabela G; Conde, Olinda; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2009. "Post growing annealing effect on the optical, electrical and structural properties of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in silica thin films.", Thin Solid Films 517, 7: 2538 - 2540.
9. Buljan, M.; Pinto, Sara R. C; Kashtiban, Reza J; Rolo, Anabela G; Chahboun, Adil; Bangert, Ursel; Levichev, Sergey; Holy, Vaclav; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2009. "Size and spatial homogeneity of SiGe quantum dots in amorphous silica matrix", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106: 0843191 - 0843196.
10. Chahboun, A.; Levichev, S.; Rolo, A.G.; Conde, O.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2009. "Temperature dependence of photoluminescence from CdSe nanocrystals embedded in silica matrix", Journal of Luminescence 129, 10: 1235 - 1238.
11. Levichev, Sergey; Basa, Peter; Rolo, Anabela G; Barradas, Nuno P; Alves, Eduardo; Horvath, Zsolt J; Conde, Olinda; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2008. "Charging effects in CdSe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix produced by rf magnetron sputtering", Microelectronic Engineering 85, 12: 2374 - 2377.
12. Levichev, Sergey; Basa, Peter; Horvath, Zsolt J; Chahboun, Adil; Rolo, Anabela G; Barradas, Nuno P; Alves, Eduardo; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2008. "Memory effect on CdSe nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 matrix", Solid State Communications 148, 3-4: 105 - 108.
13. Kafadaryan, Elena; Levichev, Sergey; Pinto, Sara R. C; Aghamalyan, N. R; Hovsepyan, R. K; Badalyan, G. R; Chahboun, Adil; Rolo, Anabela G; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2008. "Investigation of photoelectrical properties of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix", SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 23, 9: 095025 - 095029.
14. Levichev, Sergey; Rolo, Anabela G; Chahboun, Adil; Conde, Olinda; Kovalev, A. I; Wainstein, D. L; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2008. "Confinement effect in CdTe nanocrystals embedded in silica thin films", physica status solidi (a) 205, 6: 1500 - 1504.
15. Caldelas, Pedro; Rolo, Anabela G; Chahboun, Adil; Foss, S.; Levichev, Sergey; Finstad, T. G; Gomes, Maria J. M; Conde, Olinda. 2008. "Structural and optical properties of Ge nanocrystals embedded in Al2O3", Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 2: 572 - 576.
16. Karpovich, I. A; Zvonkov, B. N; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V; Tikhov, S. V; Filatov, D. O; Gorshkov, A. P; Ermakov, A. Y. 2004. "Tuning the energy spectrum of InAs/GaAs quantum dots by varying the thickness and composition of the thin double GaAs/InGaAs cladding layer", Semiconductors 38, 4: 431 - 436.
17. Tikhov, S. V; Shobolov, E. L; Podol'skiy, V. V; Levichev, Sergey. 2003. "Effect of hydrogen on the photoelectric properties of palladium/anodic oxide/gallium arsenide Schottky diodes", TECHNICAL PHYSICS 48, 2: 219 - 224.
18. Tikhov, S. V; Shobolov, E. L; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V. 2003. "Effect of surface modification on the properties of hydrogen-sensitive GaAs-Based Schottky diodes", TECHNICAL PHYSICS 48, 5: 592 - 597.
19. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Morozov, S. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Gorshkov, A. P; Ermakov, A. Y. 2002. "Photoelectric spectroscopy of InAs/GaAs quantum dot structures in a semiconductor/electrolyte system", Nanotechnology 13, 4: 445 - 450.
20. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Morozov, S. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Gorshkov, A. P; Ermakov, A. Y. 2002. "Photoelectric spectroscopy of InAs/GaAs quantum dot heterostructures in semiconductor/electrolyte system", IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SERIYA FIZICHESKAYA 66, 2: 187 - 189.
21. Karpovich, I. A; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Levichev, Sergey; Zdoroveishev, A. V; Perevoshikov, V. A. 2001. "Investigation of the buried InAs/GaAs quantum dots by atomic force microscopy combined with selective chemical etching", PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3, 4: 341 - 348.
22. Karpovich, I. A; Gorshkov, A. P; Levichev, Sergey; Morozov, S. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O. 2001. "Photoelectric spectroscopy of InAs/GaAs quantum dot heterostructures in a Semiconductor/Electrolyte system", SEMICONDUCTORS 35, 5: 543 - 549.

Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Vieira, E M. F; Diaz, R; Grisolia, J; Parisini, A; Martín-Sánchez, J; Levichev, S; Rolo, A G; Chahboun, A; Gomes, M J. M. 2013. "Charge trapping properties and retention time in amorphous SiGe/SiO2 nanolayers", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 9: 095306 - 095306.
2. Sekhar, K.C.; Levichev, S.; Kamakshi, Koppole; Doyle, S.; Chahboun, A.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2013. "Effect of rapid thermal annealing on texture and properties of pulsed laser deposited zinc oxide thin films", Materials Letters 98, 1: 149 - 152.
3. Sekhar, K.C.; Khodorov, A.; Chahboun, A.; Levichev, S.; Almeida, A.; Moreira, J. A; Kamakshi, Koppole; Silva, C.J.R.; Pereira, M.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2012. "Oxygen partial pressure effect on structural and electrical behavior of pulsed laser deposited Zn0.98Co0.02O thin films", Materials Chemistry and Physics 135, 1: 174 - 180.
4. Vieira, E. M. F; Marti¿?n-Sa¿?nchez, J.; Rolo, A. G; Parisini, A.; Buljan, M.; Capan, I.; Alves, E.; Barradas, N. P; Conde, O.; Bernstorff, S.; Chahboun, A.; Levichev, S.; Gomes, M. J. M. 2012. "Structural and electrical studies of ultrathin layers with Si0.7Ge0.3 nanocrystals confined in a SiGe/SiO2 superlattice", Journal of Applied Physics 111, 10: 104323 - 104323.
5. Levichev, Sergey; Khodorov, Anatoli; Karzazi, Ouiame; Vorobiev, Alexei; Chahboun, Adil; Konovalov, Oleg; Gomes, Maria J. M. 2012. "Structural Study of Formation of Mn-Doped ZnO Nanocrystals Embedded in Alumina Matrix from ZnMnO/Al$_{2}$O$_{3}$ Multilayer Nanostructures", Applied Physics Express 5, 4: 041101 - 041101.
6. Khodorov, A.; Rolo, A.G.; Hlil, E.K.; Ayres de C. J; Karzazi, O.; Levichev, S.; Correia, M.R.; Chahboun, A.; Gomes, M.J.M.. 2011. "Effect of oxygen pressure on the structural and magnetic properties of thin Zn0.98Mn0.02O films", The European Physical Journal Applied Physics 57, 1: 10301 - 10301.
7. Capan, Ivana; Buljan, Maja; Misic-Radic, Tea; Pivac, Branko; Radic, Nikola; Grenzer, Joerg; Holy, Vaclav; Levichev, S.; Bernstorff, Sigrid. 2011. "Electrical Characterization of Ge Nanocrystals in Oxide Matrix", MRS Proceedings 1305, 1: aa17-01 - aa17-01.

Trabalhos completos/resumidos em eventos sem arbitragem científica
Papers in conference proceedings without scientific refereeing
1. Levichev, Sergey; Pinto, Sara R. C; Rolo, Anabela G; Gomes, Maria J. M; Conde, Olinda; Kovalev, A. I; Wainstein, D. L. 2007. "Annealing effect on the structural and optical properties of CdSe nanocrystals embedded in a SiO2 matrix", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Workshop on semiconductor nanostructures, SEMINANO’07, In Abstract of 3rd International Workshop on semiconductor nanostructures, SEMINANO’07, Bad Honnef.
2. Rolo, Anabela G; Levichev, Sergey; Pinto, Sara R. C; Caldelas, Pedro; Gomes, Maria J. M; Conde, Olinda; Chahboun, Adil; Kovalev, A. I; Wainstein, D. L. 2007. "CdTe nanocrystals embedded in silica films grown by rf- magnetron sputtering", Trabalho apresentado em 3rd International Workshop on semiconductor nanostructures, SEMINANO’07, In Abstract of 3rd International Workshop on semiconductor nanostructures, SEMINANO’07, Bad Honnef.
3. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O. 2002. "Photoelectronic properties of InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with combined quantum well and self-organized quantum dot layers", Trabalho apresentado em 12th International Semicoducting and Insulating Materials Conference (SIMC-XII2002), In Proceedings of 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMICONDUCTING & INSULATING MATERIALS , SMOLENICE.
4. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Ermakov, A. Y. 2002. "Influence of the thickness and composition of cup layer on photoelectronic properties of the InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot heterostructures.", Trabalho apresentado em Fifth International Scientific Conference: Nanotechnologies in the area of physics, chemistry and biotechnology, In Abstract of the Fifth International Scientific Conference: Nanotechnologies in the area of physics, chemistry and biotechnology, St. Petersburg.
5. Karpovich, I. A; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Morozov, S. V; Levichev, Sergey; Filatov, D. O; Zdoroveishev, A. V; Gorshkov, A. P. 2002. "Morphology, optical and photoelectric properties of the InAs/GaAs surface and buried quantum dots grown by Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy", Trabalho apresentado em 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Institute of Physics Conference Series Number 171, Edinburgh.
6. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Ermakov, A. Y. 2002. "Influence of the thickness and composition of cup layer on photoelectronic properties of the InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot heterostructures", Trabalho apresentado em International Youth Scientific Conference: Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science, In Abstracts of Int. Youth Scientific Conf.: Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science, Kyiv.
7. Zvonkov, B. N; Karpovich, I. A; Baidus, N. V; Levichev, Sergey; Gushina, Y. Y; Morozov, S. V; Filatov, D. O. 2000. "Extremely uniform InAs/GaAs quantum dots emitting at 1.46 mkm at room temperature grown by MOCVD with Bi doping", Trabalho apresentado em 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS, In SPRINGER PROCEEDINGS IN PHYSICS, OSAKA.
8. Karpovich, I. A; Levichev, Sergey; Zdoroveishev, A. V; Baidus, N. V. 2001. "Investigation of the buried InAs/GaAs quantum dots by SPM combined with selective chemical etching.", Trabalho apresentado em International Conference: Scanning Probe Microscopy, In Proceedings of International Conference: Scanning Probe Microscopy, Nizhnii Novgorod.
9. Levichev, Sergey; Karpovich, I. A; Baidus, N. V; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O. 2001. "Investigation of the morphology and photoelectronic properties of the quantum InGaAs/GaAs layers using selective chemical etching.", Trabalho apresentado em Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science, In Abstracts of International Young Scientist Conference: Scientific Problems of Optics and High Technology Material Science, Kyiv.
10. Levichev, Sergey; Karpovich, I. A; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O. 2000. "Photoelectric spectroscopy of InGaAs/GaAs nanostructures with combined quantum wells and quantum dots.", Trabalho apresentado em nternational Young Scientist Conference: Scientific Problems of Optics in XXI century, In Proceedings of International Young Scientist Conference: Scientific Problems of Optics in XXI century, Kyiv.
11. Karpovich, I. A; Zvonkov, B. N; Filatov, D. O; Levichev, Sergey; Baidus, N. V; Nekorkin, S. M. 2000. "Photoelectronic properties of InAs/GaAs nanostructures with combined quantum well and quantum dot layers grown by Metal-Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy.", Trabalho apresentado em Nanostructures: physics and technology, In Proceedings of Nanostructures: physics and technology, St. Petersburg.

Indicadores de produção (Production indicators)

Produção científica
Scientific production

Artigos científicos em revistas
Papers in periodics
Com arbitragem científica
With scientific refereeing
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing
Trabalhos em eventos
Papers in conference proceedings
Sem arbitragem científica
Without scientific refereeing

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