

The 9th meeting of the PMC will be held in Oporto on 4 and 5 July 2012.


The 8th meeting of the PMC will be held in Paris on 7 February 2012.


today in Santander the 5th Seminar on Dissemination Project under the theme - "Knowledge Networks on Innovation, Creativity and Social Media Beyond the Atlantic Area."
(See Events tab for details).


today in Santander the 7th Meeting of the PMC Project. For the first time the Scientific Committee was convened, which is an important milestone for the entire project and that the future will achieve important goals.


The 7th meeting of the PMC will be held in Santander on 14 November 2011.

The partner of Santander, on November 15, 2011, will hold the 5th Seminar on Dissemination Project.


Held today in Lisbon on 6 th Meeting of the PMC Project.


The 6th Meeting of the PMC will be held in Lisbon on 3 October 2011.


Held today in Oxford the 4th Seminar Dissemination Project under the theme - "The Future Internet: The Social Nature of Technical Choices" and "Will the Internet of the Future Design Be Driven".
(See Events tab for details).

Held today at Oxford the 5th Meeting of the PMC Project.


The 5th meeting of the PMC will be held at the University of Oxford on June 27, 2011.

The partner of Oxford, on June 28, 2011, will hold the 4th Seminar on Dissemination Project.


Held today in Toulouse the 4th Meeting of the PMC Project.


The 4th Meeting of the PMC will be held at the University of Toulouse to May 9, 2011.


Held today at Coruña the 3rd Seminar Dissemination Project under the theme - "Advanced Knowledge Networks for the Innovation Beyond The Atlantic Area."
(See Events tab for details).

International Divulgation Seminar Program, which will be held in Coruna on January 28, 2011.

It was held the second video-conference where it was discussed the same aspects of the first, with special focus on activities to be undertaken. The partner Fundación Universidad de A Coruña led the topic of conversation since it was discussed the agenda for the next seminar taking place in Coruña - Spain on January 28, 2011.

We carried out the first video-conference, where it was discussed four aspects that we quote:
     1. Activities to develop;
     2. Contents of the Project Site;
     3. Collaborative Platform;
     4. Development of Common Methodologies;

Next International Divulgation Seminar will be held in Coruna on January 28, 2011.

It was Held in Cardiff  the International Seminar "Advanced Knowledge Networks Beyond the Atlantic Area”. Soon more information will be available in the Events.

Occurred on this date in the premises of the University of Cardiff - Cplan the 2nd meeting of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) with the following agenda:

    1. Situation Report (SITREP) at 18th of October 2010;
    2. Nomination of the Scientific Commission (SC);
    3. Approval of the Rules of Procedure of the PMC, CTC and SC;
    4. Contractualisation of a First Level Controller by each partner;
    5. Definition of the Project's Tangible Results of the Project;
    6. Communication and Dissemination Activities.

Divulgation Seminars Plan to be implemented under the project "KNETWORKS Towards Knowledge Society."
(Descarregar ficheiro em formato pdf)


Next International Divulgation Seminar is scheduled for Cardiff on a date to announce.

In this day was held in Lisbon the Kick-Off International Seminar "KNETWORKS Towards the Knowledge Society". For more information see Events.

Occurred on this date the 1st meeting of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) held in the CEGER facilities, with the following agenda:

  1. Situation Report (SITREP) at 29th June to be presented by the Lead Partner;
  2. Composition of the Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) and Coordination Technical Committee (CTC);
  3. Discussion on Scientific Commission (SC): final composition and invitations to be made, tasks, procedures and articulation with the PMC and CTC;
  4. Internal Communication Scheme;
  5. Communication and Dissemination First activities: logo, Website Virtual Collaborative Platform k@networks, Newsletter nr. 1;
  6. Financial Circuit;
  7. Verification of the Documentation to send for the JTS.
    (Note: English is the only adopted language for the KNETWORKS Project).

The Partneship Agreement between the project partners was signed in this date

This was the date that CEGER was notified by the Management Authority of the approval of the KNETWORKS Project.
