OII-University of Oxford

The Oxford Internet Institute was founded as a department of the University of Oxford in 2001, as an academic centre for the study of the societal implications of the Internet. For researchers: The OII  research faculty ,  academic visitors  and  research associates  are engaged in a variety of research projects covering social, economic, political, legal, industrial, technical and ethical issues of the Internet in  everyday life ,  governance and democracy , science and learning  and  shaping the Internet .

The Institute is build on Oxford's expertise in social science and humanities research in order to offer objective, independent investigation into issues of community, public policy and governance arising from the spread of the Internet. The Institute also facilitates conferences, engage in collaborative research and, in due course, develop an educational programme at graduate level.

The main areas of research are:  Internet in everyday life, governance and democracy,science and learning, shaping the Internet and networks and economic.

A brief description of the Knetworks project in the OII's website, here.

If you want to learn more about the the research develped at the OII, clikc the image.
Oxford Internet Institute

The Chancellor, Masters
and Scholars of
the University of Oxford

Oxford Internet Institute - OII

1 St Giles,
Oxford OX1 3J
Tel: +44 (0)1865 287210
Fax: +44 (0)1865 287211
