Paulo Cezanne Reis Vieira
Data da última atualização
»Last update
13/07/2016 |
Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name |
Paulo Cezanne Reis Vieira |
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name |
Vieira, P. |
Domínio científico de atuação
Scientific domain |
Ciências Naturais-Ciências Biológicas.
Endereço profissional
Professional address |
Universidade de Évora Instituto de Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais Mediterrânicas Laboratório de Nematologia Lab. Nematologia/ICAAM, Polo da Mitra Évora 7002-554 Évora Portugal Telefone: (+351)917479977 Correio electrónico: |
Gender |
Masculino»Male |
Graus Académicos
(Academic Degrees)
2012 |
Doutoramento Phd |
Molecular and cellular interactions
(4 anos » years)
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
2007 |
Mestrado Master degree |
Biologia de Pragas e Doenças das Plantas
(2 anos » years)
Universidade de Évora,
2002 |
Licenciatura Licentiate degree |
(5 anos » years)
Universidade de Évora,
Formação complementar ( studies)
2013 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Estados Unidos.
2010 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Bio-informatic analyses of molecular sequences.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
2010 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Flux cytometry.
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
2010 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
RNAi in plant parasitic nematodes.
Queen s University,
2000 |
Curso de curta duração Short course |
Nematode identification course .
Wagenningen University,
Países Baixos.
Vínculos profissionais
(Professional Positions)
Abr/2012-Actual |
Outra Situação |
Abr/2007-Mar/2008 |
Outra Situação |
Abr/2006-Mar/2007 |
Outra Situação |
Abr/2003-Mar/2006 |
Investigador Auxiliar |
Mar/2001-Fev/2003 |
Outra Situação |
Atividades de Investigação e Desenvolvimento (Research and Development activities)
Linhas de Investigação (Research fields)
1. |
Plant Pathology/Nematode-Plant Interaction |
I have a PhD in Plant Pathology - Molecular and Cell Interactions, with specific emphasis in plant-nematode interaction. My
background includes a wide array of experiences in Plant Nematology, which I have been developing since my graduation in 1999.
My experience in this field is vast, starting during my undergraduate degree at the University of Évora (Portugal), focused
mainly on general nematode taxonomy, with particular interest on plant-parasitic nematodes. As a post-graduate, my research
focused on the pinewood nematode (PWN), where I worked on the taxonomy of this genus, and studied the genetic variability
of this species among the affected pine forests in Portugal.
In the past years, my major career goal has been conducted on the basic understanding of the molecular interactions between
plant-parasitic nematodes and their hosts. More recently, my research has been focused on migratory plant-parasitic nematodes
with high economic relevance, specifically on genome and transcriptome data mining analyses of essential and parasitism-related
genes of root lesion nematodes..
Projetos de Investigação (Research projects)
Participação como Investigador Participation as Researcher |
2007-2008 Evaluation and development of effective natural nematicides for economically-important phytophagous nematodes using phytochemicals
from the Brassicaceae and essential oil producing species
Referência do projeto»Project reference: PTDC/AGR-AAM/74579/2006.
2003-2006 Development of improved Pest Risk Analysis techniques for quarantine pests, using pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,
in Portugal as a model system
Referência do projeto»Project reference: QLK5-CT-2002-00672.
2001-2003 Nema-CD: Information database for the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, and other economically important nematodes |
Referência do projeto»Project reference: na. POCTI/AGR/32619/99
Línguas (Languages)
Compreende Understandig |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Fala Speaking |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Lê Reading |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Razoavelmente). |
Escreve Writing |
Português (Bem), Inglês (Bem), Francês (Pouco). |
Prémios e títulos (Awards Prizes, and Honours)
2011 |
The John M. Webster Outstanding Student Award,
The Nathan A. Cobb Foundation, Society of Nematologists.
2005 |
Annual American Club Award,
The American Club of Lisbon .
2012 |
First Place in the Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez-Kábana Student Poster Competition, XLIV ONTA Meeting,
Membro de Associações Profissionais/Científicas (Professional/Scientific Association membership)
Actual |
Society of Nematologists, Membro.
Actual |
European Society of Nematologists, Membro.
Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural
(Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural
Livros publicados/organizados ou edições Published/organized books or Editions |
1. |
Borges, P.A.V.; Costa, A.; Cunha, R.; Gabriel, R.; Martins, A.F.; Melo, I.; Parente, M.; Raposeiro, P.; Santos, R.S.; Silva, L.; Vieira, P.; Vieira, V.. eds. 2010. A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. ed. 1. Lisboa: Princípia. |
2. |
Mota, Manuel; Vieira, P.. eds. 2008. Pine wilt disease: a worldwide threat to forest ecosystems ed. 1. Springer Science: Springer Science + Business Media B.V.. |
3. |
Borges, P.A.V.; Abreu, C.; Cunha, R.; Aguiar, A.M.F.; Carvalho, P.; Jardim, R.; Melo, I.; Oliveira, P.; Sérgio, C.; Serrano, A.R.; Vieira, P.. eds. 2008. A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. ed. 1. Madeira: Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. |
4. |
Pena Santiago, R; Castillo, P.; Escuer, M.; Guerrero, P.; Talavera, M.; Vieira, P.. 2004. Tylenchid species (Nematoda, Tylenchida) recorded in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands: A compedium.. ed. 2. Jaén: Universidade de Jaén. |
5. |
Mota, M.; Vieira, P.. eds. 2004. The Pinewood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. ed. 1. Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers. |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
1. |
de Almeida-Engler, J; Vieira, P.; Rodiuc, Natalia; Grossi de S. M; Engler, G.. 2015. The plant cell cycle machinery: usurped and modulated by plant parasitic nematodes.. In Plant Nematode Interactions. , na - na. . Elsevier: Elsevier. |
2. |
Borges, P.A.V.; Costa, A.; Cunha, R.; Gabriel, R.; Gonçalves, V.; Martins, A.F.; Melo, I.; Parente, M.; Raposeiro, P.; Rodrigues, P.; Santos, R.S.; Silva, L.; Vieira, P.; Vieira, V.. 2010. Description of the Terrestrial and marine biodiversity of the Azores.. In A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores, 9 - 33. . Lisboa: Princípia. |
3. |
Vieira, P.; Sturhan, D.; Barbosa, P.; Padre, L.; Mota, M.. 2010. List of the terrestriaL nematodes (Nematoda) from Azores.. In A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores. , 157 - 163. . Lisboa: Princípia. |
4. |
Mota, M.; Futai, K.; Vieira, P.. 2009. Pine wilt disease and the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.. In Integrated Management of Fruit Crops and Forest Nematodes., 253 - 274. . Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. |
5. |
Mota, M.; Vieira, P.. 2008. Pine wilt disease in Europe. . In Pine Wilt Disease. , 33 - 38. . Japan: Springer Japan. |
6. |
Vieira, P.; Mota, M.; Padre, L.; Adão, H.. 2008. The Nematodes (Nematoda) of the Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos.. In A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. , 213 - 220. . Madeira: Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. |
7. |
Akbulut, S.; Vieira, P.; Yuksel, Besir; Baysal, I.; Serin, M.; Mota, M.. 2008. Potential threat and present status of survey of pinewood nematode in Turkey. In Pine wilt disease: a worldwide threat to forest ecosystems. , 59 - 68. . Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. |
8. |
Eisenback, J.D.; Vieira, P.; Ryss, A.; Mota, M.. 2008. Taxonomic databases for Bursaphelenchus and other aphelenchoid nematodes.. In Pine wilt disease: a worldwide threat to forest ecosystems., 133 - 138. . Netherlands: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. |
9. |
Borges, P.A.V.; Abreu, C.; Vieira, P.; Carvalho, P.; Fontinha, S.; Jardim, R.; Melo, I.; Oliveira, P.; Sequeira, M.M.; Sérgio, C.; Serrano, A.R.; Sim-Sim, M.; Aguiar, A.M.F.. 2008. Terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity of the Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. . In A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos., 13 - 25. . Madeira: Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Universidade dos Açores, Funchal and Angra do Heroísmo. |
10. |
Mota, M.; Bonifácio, L.; Bravo, M.A.; Naves, P.; Penas, A.C.; Pires, J.; Sousa, E.; Vieira, P.. 2004. Discovery of PWN in Portugal and in Europe. . In The pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus., 1 - 5. . Netherlands: Brill Academics Publisher. |
Artigos em revistas com arbitragem científica Papers in periodics with scientific refereeing |
1. |
VIEIRA, PAULO; Wantoch, Sarah; Lilley, Catherine J; Chitwood, David J; Atkinson, Howard J; Kamo, Kathryn. 2015. "Expression of a cystatin transgene can confer resistance to root lesion nematodes in Lilium longiflorum cv. ‘Nellie White’", Transgenic Research, on-line: na - na.
2. |
Vieira, P.; de Almeida-Engler, J. 2015. "The plant cell inhibitor KRP6 is involved in multinucleation and cytokinesis disruption in giant-feeding cells induced by
root-knot nematode", Plant Signaling and Behavior, in press: na - na. |
3. |
Dayi, Mehmet; Calin, Monica; Akbulut, Süleyman; Gu, Jianfeng; Schröder, Thomas; VIEIRA, PAULO; Braasch, Helen. 2014. "Morphological and molecular characterisation of Bursaphelenchus andrassyi sp. n. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) from Romania
and Turkey", Nematology 16, 2: 207 - 218.
4. |
VIEIRA, PAULO; CASTAGNONE, CHANTAL; Mallez, Sophie; Espada, Margarida; Navas, Alfonso; MOTA, MANUEL; CASTAGNONE-SERENO, PHILIPPE. 2014. "Sequence variability of the MspI satellite DNA family of the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus at different geographic
scales", Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 70, 1: 120 - 129.
5. |
Rodiuc, Natalia; VIEIRA, PAULO; Banora, Mohamed Y; de Almeida E. J. 2014. "On the track of transfer cell formation by specialized plant-parasitic nematodes", Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 5: 1 - 14.
6. |
Zhao, Lilin; MOTA, MANUEL; VIEIRA, PAULO; Butcher, Rebecca A; Sun, Jianghua. 2014. "Interspecific communication between pinewood nematode, its insect vector, and associated microbes", Trends in Parasitology 30, 6: 299 - 308.
7. |
Cermák, Václav; VIEIRA, PAULO; Cudejková, Mária; Gaar, Vladimir; Mikušková, Katerina; Tománková, Katerina; Eisenback, Jonathan D; MOTA, MANUEL. 2014. "Bursaphelenchus hofmanni Braasch, 1998 associated with peat growth substrate in hops nurseries in the Czech Republic", Nematology 16, 6: 739 - 742.
8. |
Cerevkova, Andrea; MOTA, MANUEL; Vieira, P.. 2014. "Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner & Buhrer, 1934) Nickle, 1970 – pinewood nematode: a threat to European forests", Lesnícky Casopis Forestry Journal , 60: 125 - 129. |
9. |
Mallez, Sophie; Castagnone, Chantal; Espada, Margarida; VIEIRA, PAULO; Eisenback, Jonathan D; Harrell, Mark; MOTA, MANUEL; Aikawa, Takuya; Akiba, Mitsuteru; Kosaka, Hajime; CASTAGNONE-SERENO, PHILIPPE; Guillemaud, Thomas. 2014. "Worldwide invasion routes of the pinewood nematode: What can we infer from population genetics analyses?", Biological Invasions, in press: na - NA.
10. |
Inácio, M.L.; Nóbrega, F.; Vieira, P.; Bonifácio, L.; Naves, P.; Sousa, E.; MOTA, MANUEL. 2014. "First detection of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus associated with Pinus nigra in Portugal, and in Europe", Forest Pathology, in press: 0 - 0. |
11. |
Vieira, P.; De Clercq, A; Stals, H.; Van Leene, J; Van De S. E; Van Isterdael, G; Eeckhout, D.; Persiau, G.; Van Damme, D; Verkest, A.; Antonino de S. J. D; Junior; Glab, N.; Abad, P.; Engler, G.; Inze, D.; de Veylder, L; De Jaeger, G; Engler, J. d. A. 2014. "The Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor KRP6 Induces Mitosis and Impairs Cytokinesis in Giant Cells Induced by Plant-Parasitic
Nematodes in Arabidopsis", The Plant Cell 26, 6: 2633 - 2647.
12. |
Calin, M.; Costache, C.; Braasch, H.; Zaulet, M.; Buburuzan, L.; Petrovan, V.; Dumitru, M.; Mota, M.; Vieira, P.. 2014. "New reports of Bursaphelenchus species associated with conifer trees in Romania ", Forest Pathology, on-line: n/a - n/a.
13. |
Cermák, V.; Vieira, P.; Gaar, V.; Cudejková, M.; Foit, J.; Zouhar, M.; Douda, O.; Mota, M.. 2013. "On the genus Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchinae) associated with wood and insects from declining
forest trees in the Czech Republic ", Forest Pathology, 0: n/a - n/a.
14. |
Mallez, Sophie; Castagnone, Chantal; Espada, Margarida; Vieira, Paulo; Eisenback, Jonathan D; Mota, Manuel; Guillemaud, Thomas; Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe. 2013. "First Insights into the Genetic Diversity of the Pinewood Nematode in Its Native Area Using New Polymorphic Microsatellite
Loci", PLoS ONE 8, 3: e59165 - e59165.
15. |
Calin, M.; Vieira, P.; Costache, C.; Braasch, H.; Gu, J.; Wang, J.; Mota, M.. 2013. " Survey of the genus Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) in Romania ", EPPO Bulletin 43, 1: 144 - 151.
16. |
Vieira, P.; Mota, M.. 2013. "On the track of Bursaphelenchus pinophilus Brzeski and Baujard, 1997 (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) in Portugal ", Forest Pathology, n/a: n/a - n/a.
17. |
VIEIRA, PAULO; Escudero, Carmen; Rodiuc, Natalia; Boruc, Joanna; Russinova, Eugenia; Glab, Nathalie; MOTA, MANUEL; De Veylder, L; Abad, Pierre; ENGLER, Gilbert; de Almeida E. J. 2013. "Ectopic expression of Kip-related proteins restrains root-knot nematode-feeding site expansion", New Phytologist 199, 2: 505 - 519.
18. |
Iberkleid, Ionit; VIEIRA, PAULO; de Almeida E. J; Firester, Kalia; Spiegel, Yitzhak; Horowitz, Sigal B. 2013. "Fatty Acid-and Retinol-Binding Protein, Mj-FAR-1 Induces Tomato Host Susceptibility to Root-Knot Nematodes", PLoS ONE 8, 5: e64586 - e64586.
19. |
VIEIRA, PAULO; Kyndt, Tina; Gheysen, Godelieve; Engler, Janice A. 2013. "An insight into critical endocycle genes for plant-parasitic nematode feeding sites establishment", Plant Signaling & Behavior 8, 6: e24223 - e24223.
20. |
VIEIRA, PAULO; ENGLER, Gilbert; de Almeida E. J. 2013. "Enhanced levels of plant cell cycle inhibitors hamper root-knot nematode-induced feeding site development", Plant Signaling & Behavior 8, 12: e26409 - e26409.
21. |
Kyndt, Tina; VIEIRA, PAULO; Gheysen, Godelieve; de Almeida-Engler, J. 2013. "Nematode feeding sites: unique organs in plant roots", Planta 238, 5: 807 - 818.
22. |
Vicente, Cláudia; Espada, Margarida; Vieira, Paulo; Mota, Manuel. 2012. "Pine Wilt Disease: a threat to European forestry", European Journal of Plant Pathology 133, 1: 89 - 99.
23. |
Cermák, Václav; Vieira, Paulo; Cudejková, Mária; Iroká, Katerina; Foit, Jirí; Gaar, Vladimír; Mota, Manuel. 2012. "Bursaphelenchus pinophilus Brzeski & Baujard, 1997 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchinae) associated with nematangia on Pityogenes
bidentatus (Herbst, 1783) (Coleoptera: Scolytinae), from the Czech Republic", Nematology 14, 3: 385 - 387.
24. |
Jaouannet, Maëlle; Perfus-Barbeoch, Laetitia; Deleury, Emeline; Magliano, Marc; Engler, Gilbert; Vieira, Paulo; Danchin, Etienne G. J; Rocha, Martine D; Coquillard, Patrick; Abad, Pierre; Rosso, Marie-Noëlle. 2012. "A root-knot nematode-secreted protein is injected into giant cells and targeted to the nuclei", New Phytologist 194, 4: 924 - 931.
25. |
Vieira, Paulo; Engler, Gilbert; de Almeida E. J. 2012. "Whole-mount confocal imaging of nuclei in giant feeding cells induced by root-knot nematodes in Arabidopsis", New Phytologist 195, 2: 488 - 496.
26. |
de Almeida E. J; Kyndt, Tina; Vieira, Paulo; Van Cappelle, E; Boudolf, Veronique; Sanchez, Vanesa; Escobar, Carolina; De Veylder, L; Engler, Gilbert; Abad, Pierre; Gheysen, Godelieve. 2012. "CCS52 and DEL1 genes are key components of the endocycle in nematode-induced feeding sites ", The Plant Journal 72, 2: 185 - 198.
27. |
Vieira, Paulo; Banora, Mohamed Y; Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe; Rosso, Marie-Noëlle; Engler, Gilbert; de Almeida E. J. 2012. "An Immunocytochemical Procedure for Protein Localization in Various Nematode Life Stages Combined with Plant Tissues Using
Methylacrylate-Embedded Specimens", Phytopathology 102, 10: 990 - 996.
28. |
Rosso, Marie-Noëlle; Vieira, Paulo; de Almeida-Engler, J; Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe. 2011. "Proteins secreted by root-knot nematodes accumulate in the extracellular compartment during root infection", Plant Signaling & Behavior 6, 8: 1232 - 1234.
29. |
Borges, P.A.V.; Cardoso, P.; Cunha, R.; Gabriel, R.; Gonçalves, V.; Hortal, J.; Martins, A.F.; Melo, I.; Rodrigues, P.; Santos, A.M.C.; Silva, L.; Trinatis, K.A.; Vieira, P.; Vieira, V.. 2011. "Macroecological patterns of species distribution, composition and richness of the Azorean terrestrial biota", Ecologi@, 1: 22 - 35. |
30. |
Vieira, P.; Danchin, E. G. J; Neveu, C.; Crozat, C.; Jaubert, S.; Hussey, R. S; Engler, G.; Abad, P.; de Almeida-Engler, J; Castagnone-Sereno, P.; Rosso, M.-N.. 2010. "The plant apoplasm is an important recipient compartment for nematode secreted proteins", Journal of Experimental Botany 62, 3: 1241 - 1253.
31. |
Danchin, E. G. J; Rosso, M.-N.; Vieira, P.; de Almeida-Engler, J; Coutinho, P. M; Henrissat, B.; Abad, P.. 2010. "Multiple lateral gene transfers and duplications have promoted plant parasitism ability in nematodes", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, 41: 17651 - 17656.
32. |
Barbosa, P.; Lima, A.S.; Vieira, P.; Dias, L.S.; Tinoco, M.T.; Barroso, J.G.; Pedro, L.G.; Figueiredo, A.C.; Mota, Manuel. 2010. "Nematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode,
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus", Journal of Nematology, 46: 8 - 16.
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33. |
Ryss, Alexander; Mota, Manuel; Vieira, Paulo; Santos, Ana R. 2009. "On the vulval morphology of some species of Bursaphelenchus (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchinae)", Nematology 11, 5: 793 - 798.
34. |
Valadas, V.; Vieira, P.; Oliveira, S.; Mota, M.. 2009. "First report of the genus Heterorhabditis (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae) from continental Portugal", Helminthologia 46, 1: 45 - 48.
35. |
Akbulut, S.; Vieira, P.; Ryss, A.; Valadas, V.; Keten, A.; Mota, M.. 2008. "Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Nematoda: Parasitaphelenchidae) species associated with Pinus species in northern Turkey", Helminthologia 45, 2: 89 - 95.
36. |
Mota, Manuel; Vieira, P.; Ryss, Alexander. 2008. "The history of expansion of the genus Bursaphelenchus (Nematoda: Aphelenchida: Parasitaphelenchidae)", Doklady Biological Sciences , 419: 138 - 141. |
37. |
FRANÇOIS, CECILE; CASTAGNONE, CHANTAL; BOONHAM, NEIL; TOMLINSON, JENNY; LAWSON, REBECCA; HOCKLAND, SUE; QUILL, JAMES; VIEIRA, PAULO; MOTA, MANUEL; CASTAGNONE-SERENO, PHILIPPE. 2007. "Satellite DNA as a target for TaqMan real-time PCR detection of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus", Molecular Plant Pathology 8, 6: 803 - 809.
38. |
Valadas, V.; Boyle, S.; Vieira, P.; Kakouli-Duarte, T.; Mota, M.. 2007. "First report of an entomopathogenic nematode from continental Portugal", Helminthologia 44, 4: 226 - 229.
39. |
Vieira, P.; Burgermeister, W.; Mota, Manuel; Metge, K.; Silva, G.. 2007. "Lack of genetic variation of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Portugal revealed by RAPD-PCR analyses", Journal of Nematology, 39: 118 - 126. |
40. |
Barbosa, P.; Vieira, P.; Mota, M.. 2007. "Dinâmica de nemátodes fitoparasitas e sua relação com alguns parâmetros físico-químicos do solo durante o cultivo de beterraba
sacarina", Revista de Ciências Agrárias , 30: 535 - 545. |
41. |
Akbulut, Suleyman; Vieira, Paulo; Ryss, Alexander; Yuksel, Besir; Keten, Akif; Mota, Manuel; Valadas, Vera. 2006. "Preliminary survey of the pinewood nematode in Turkey", EPPO Bulletin 36, 3: 538 - 542.
42. |
Ryss, Alexander; Vieira, Paulo; Mota, Manuel; Kulinich, Oleg. 2005. "A synopsis of the genus Bursaphelenchus Fuchs, 1937 (Aphelenchida: Parasitaphelenchidae) with keys to species", Nematology 7, 3: 393 - 458.
Apresentação oral de trabalho Oral work presentation |
1. |
Vieira, P.; Rodiuc, N.; de Veylder, L; Engler, G.; Abad, P.; de Almeida-Engler, J. Ectopic expression of cell cycle inhibitor genes effectively interferes with root-knot nematode feeding site development.,6th ICN Meeting,2014 (Poster). |
2. |
Vieira, P.; Castagnone, Chantal; Mallez, Sophie; Espada, Margarida; Navas, A.; Mota, Manuel; Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe. Sequence variability of the MSPI satellite DNA family of the pinewood nematodes at different geographic scales,SON 52nd Annual Meeting. ,Knoxville,2013 (Poster). |
3. |
Mallez, Sophie; Castagnone, Chantal; Espada, Margarida; Vieira, P.; Eisenback, Jonathan D; Mota, Manuel; Aikawa, T.; Akiba, M.; Hosaka, H.; Castagnone-Sereno, Philippe; Guillemaud, Thomas. First insights into the genetic diversity of the pinewood nematode in its native area and around the word. ,XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology.,Lisbon,2013 (Comunicação). |
4. |
Vieira, P.; Almeida-Engler, Janice. Insight into Kip-Related Proteins in the formation and control of root-knot nematodes feeding site,SON 52nd Annual Meeting,Knoxville,2013 (Comunicação). |
5. |
Vieira, P.; Escudero, Carmen; Boruc, Joanna; Russinova, Eugenia; Glab, Nathalie; MOTA, MANUEL; De Veylder, L; Abad, Pierre; de Almeida E. J. Kip-related proteins control the development of feeding sites induced by root-knot nematodes,XLIV ONTA Meeting.,Cancun,2012 (Comunicação). |
6. |
Vieira, P.; Engler, Gilbert; Mota, Manuel; De Veylder, L; Abad, Pierre; de Almeida E. J. The Arabidopsis ICK2/KRP2 gene has a critical function on cell cycle control during root-knot nematode feeding site development,XLIV ONTA Meeting,Cancun,2012 (Poster). |
7. |
Mota, M.; Souza, R.; Vieira, P.; Espada, Margarida; Nascimento, F.; Vicente, Cláudia. Pine wilt disease and red ring disease of coconut: opportunities and perspectives in the study of two nematodes Bursaphelenchus
xylophilus and B. cocophilus.,XLIV ONTA Meeting.,Cancun,2012 (Comunicação). |
8. |
Vieira, P.; Engler, Gilbert; Mota, Manuel; Abad, P.; de Veylder, L; de Almeida E. J. Cell cycle maneuvering: a strategy taken by plant parasitic nematode to induce specialized feeding sites in plant roots.,Society of Nematologists 50th Anniversary Meeting,Corvallis,2011 (Comunicação). |
9. |
Vieira, P.; Engler, Gilbert; Mota, Manuel; Abad, Pierre; De Veylder, L; de Almeida E. J. Root-knot nematode feeding site development is impaired by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors,Society of Nematologists 50th Anniversary Meeting,Corvallis,2011 (Poster). |
10. |
Vieira, P.; Danchin, E. G. J; Neveu, C.; Crozat, C.; Jaubert, S.; Hussey, R. S; Engler, G.; Castagnone-Sereno, P.; Rosso, M.-N.; de Almeida E. J. In planta localization of plant-parasitic nematode secreted proteins reveals the apoplasm as an important recipient compartment.
,COST 872 Workshop and MC Meeting,Lisboa,2010 (Comunicação). |
Organização de evento Event organization |
1. |
Vieira, P.; Mota, M.. Nemagenics: Exploiting genomics to understand plant-nematode interactions. 4th Annual meeting COST 872. 24-27 May, Lisbon,
Portugal. ,2010 (Congresso). |
2. |
Vieira, P.; Mota, M.. Pine wilt disease: a worldwide threat to forest ecosystems. 9-14 Julho, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, Portugal. ,2006 (Congresso). |
3. |
Mota, M.; Vieira, P.. International workshop on the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. 20-22 Agosto, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal.
,2001 (Simpósio). |
Dados Complementares (Additional data)
Participação em Comissões de Avaliação Evaluation comissions participation |
1. |
International Foundation for Science (IFS, Stockholm, Sweden), 2010. |
Participação editorial em revistas Magazine editorial participation |
1. |
Vieira, P.. Plant Cell Reports, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
2. |
Vieira, P.. Molecular Plant Pathology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
3. |
Vieira, P.. Genome Biology and Evolution, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
4. |
Vieira, P.. Pest Management Science, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
5. |
Vieira, P.. PlosOne, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
6. |
Vieira, P.. European Journal of Plant Pathology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
7. |
Vieira, P.. Nematoda, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
8. |
Vieira, P.. Russian Journal of Nematology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
9. |
Vieira, P.. Forest Pathology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
10. |
Vieira, P.. Journal of Nematology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
11. |
Vieira, P.. Nematology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
12. |
Vieira, P.. Journal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
13. |
Vieira, P.. Tropical Plant Pathology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
14. |
Vieira, P.. Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, Função ou tipo de participação: Reviewer. |
Indicadores de produção
(Production indicators)
Produção científica
Scientific production |
Produção técnica
Technical production |
Dados complementares
data |
Produção científica Scientific production |
57 |
Livros e capítulos Books and book chapters |
15 |
Livros publicados ou organizados Published or organized books |
5 |
Capítulos de livros publicados Published book chapters |
10 |
Artigos científicos em revistas Papers in periodics |
42 |
Com arbitragem científica With scientific refereeing |
42 |
Produção técnica Technical production |
13 |
Outros tipos de produção técnica Other technical production |
13 |
Dados complementares (Additional data) |
15 |
Participação em Comissões de Avaliação Evaluation comissions participation |
1 |
Participação editorial em revistas Magazine editorial participation |
14 |
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