Curriculum Vitae

Nuno Miguel de Sousa Lunet

Data da última atualização »Last update : 26/02/2016

Nuno Miguel de Sousa Lunet Publicou 150 artigos em revistas especializadas. Nas suas actividades profissionais interagiu com 321 colaboradores em co-autorias de trabalhos científicos.

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Dados pessoais (Personal data)
Nome completo
Full name
Nuno Miguel de Sousa Lunet
Nome em citações bibliográficas
Quoting name
Lunet, Nuno Miguel de Sousa
Endereço profissional
Professional address
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto
Alameda Professor Hernâni Monteiro
4200-319 Porto
Correio electrónico:

Graus Académicos (Academic Degrees)
2000-2005 Doutoramento
Doutoramento em Saúde Pública.
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Produção científica, técnica e artística/cultural (Scientific, technical and artistical/cultural production)
Artigos em revistas sem arbitragem científica
Papers in periodics without scientific refereeing
1. Pacheco-Figueiredo, L.; Antunes, L.; Bento, M.J.; Lunet, N.. 2016. "Incidence of second primary cancers in North Portugal?a population-based study", Journal of Cancer Survivorship 10, 1: 142 - 152.
2. Pelucchi, C.; Lunet, N.; Boccia, S.; Zhang, Z.-F.; Praud, D.; Boffetta, P.; Levi, F.; Matsuo, K.; Ito, H.; Hu, J.; Johnson, K.C.; Ferraroni, M.; Yu, G.-P.; Peleteiro, B.; Malekzadeh, R.; Derakhshan, M.H.; Ye, W.; Zaridze, D.; Maximovitch, D.; Aragonés, N.; Martín, V.; Pakseresht, M.; Pourfarzi, F.; Bellavia, A.; Orsini, N.; Wolk, A.; Mu, L.; Arzani, D.; Kurtz, R.C.; Lagiou, P.; Trichopoulos, D.; Muscat, J.; La Vecchia, C; Negri, E.. 2015. "The stomach cancer pooling (StoP) project: Study design and presentation", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 24, 1: 16 - 23.
3. Padrão, P.; Severo, M.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Prista, A.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2015. "Model-based patterns of cardiovascular risk factors in Mozambique", Annals of Human Biology 42, 2: 159 - 166.
4. Ricardo, S.; Marcos-Silva, L.; Pereira, D.; Pinto, R.; Almeida, R.; Söderberg, O.; Mandel, U.; Clausen, H.; Felix, A.; Lunet, N.; David, L.. 2015. "Detection of glyco-mucin profiles improves specificity of MUC16 and MUC1 biomarkers in ovarian serous tumours", Molecular Oncology 9, 2: 503 - 512.
5. Pereira, S.; Fontes, F.; Sonin, T.; Dias, T.; Fragoso, M.; Castro-Lopes, J.M.; Lunet, N.. 2015. "Neurological complications of breast cancer: A prospective cohort study", Breast 24, 5: 582 - 587.
6. Ferro, A.; Peleteiro, B.; Malvezzi, M.; Bosetti, C.; Bertuccio, P.; Levi, F.; Negri, E.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Worldwide trends in gastric cancer mortality (1980-2011), with predictions to 2015, and incidence by subtype", European Journal of Cancer 50, 7: 1330 - 13.
7. Gouvinhas, C.; Severo, M.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Worldwide patterns of ischemic heart disease mortality from 1980 to 2010", International Journal of Cardiology 170, 3: 309 - 314.
8. Gama, H.; Oliveira, L.; Pereira, M.L.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Use of medicines by homeless people in Porto, Portugal | Uso de medicamentos por pessoas sem-teto no Porto, Portugal", Cadernos de Saude Publica 30, 1: 207 - 212.
9. Pereira, M.L.; Carreira, H.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2014. "Trends in prevalence of diabetes mellitus and mean fasting glucose in Portugal (1987-2009): A systematic review", Public Health 128, 3: 214 - 221.
10. Araújo, F.; Gouvinhas, C.; Fontes, F.; La Vecchia, C; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Trends in cardiovascular diseases and cancer mortality in 45 countries from five continents (1980-2010)", European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 21, 8: 1004 - 10.
11. Lopes-Conceição, L.; Pereira, M.L.; Araújo, C.; Laszczýnska, O.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2014. "The use of reperfusion and revascularization procedures in acute coronary syndrome in Portugal: A systematic review", Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 33, 11: 707 - 715.
12. Gomes, J.; Damasceno, A.; Carrilho, C.; Lobo, V.; Lopes, H.; Madede, T.; Pravinrai, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Diogo, D.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "The effect of season and temperature variation on hospital admissions for incident stroke events in Maputo, Mozambique", Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 23, 2: 271 - 277.
13. Carreira, H.; Lorenzoni, C.; Carrilho, C.; Ferro, J.; Sultane, T.; Garcia, C.; Amod, F.; Augusto, O.; Silva-Matos, C.; Vecchia, C.L.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Spectrum of pediatric cancers in mozambique: An analysis of hospital and population-based data", Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 31, 6: 498 - 508.
14. Catarino, R.; Spratley, J.; Catarino, I.; Lunet, N.; Pais-Clemente, M.. 2014. "Sleepiness and sleep-disordered breathing in truck drivers: Risk analysis of road accidents", Sleep and Breathing 18, 1: 59 - 68.
15. Silva, V.; Padrão, P.; Novela, C.; Damasceno, A.; Pinho, O.; Moreira, P.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Sodium content of bread from bakeries and traditional markets in Maputo, Mozambique", Public Health Nutrition 18, 4: 610 - 614.
16. Castro, C.; Bosetti, C.; Malvezzi, M.; Bertuccio, P.; Levi, F.; Negri, E.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Patterns and trends in esophageal cancermortality and incidence in Europe (1980-2011) and predictions to 2015", Annals of Oncology 25, 1: 283 - 290.
17. Peleteiro, B.; Bastos, A.; Ferro, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection worldwide: A systematic review of studies with national coverage", Digestive Diseases and Sciences 59, 8: 1698 - 17.
18. Gomes, J.; Damasceno, A.; Carrilho, C.; Lobo, V.; Lopes, H.; Madede, T.; Pravinrai, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Diogo, D.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "On the causal paths underlying the relation between atmospheric temperature and acute stroke", Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 23, 1: 195 - 197.
19. Peleteiro, B.; Severo, M.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Model-based patterns in stomach cancer mortality worldwide", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 23, 6: 524 - 531.
20. Costa, A.R.; Fontes, F.; Pereira, S.; Gonçalves, M.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Impact of breast cancer treatments on sleep disturbances - A systematic review", Breast 23, 6: 697 - 709.
21. Couto, M.I.; Monteiro, A.; Oliveira, A.; Lunet, N.; Massano, J.. 2014. "Depression and anxiety following Deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis | Depressão e ansiedade após estimulação cerebral profunda na doença de Parkinson: Revisão sistemática e meta-análise", Acta Medica Portuguesa 27, 3: 372 - 382.
22. Durães, C.; Muñoz, X.; Bonet, C.; García, N.; Venceslá, A.; Carneiro, F.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.; Lindkvist, B.; Boutron-Ruault, M.-C.; Bueno-De-Mesquita, H.B.; Rizzato, C.; Trichopoulou, A.; Weiderpass, E.; Naccarati, A.; Travis, R.C.; Tjønneland, A.; Gurrea, A.B.; Johansson, M.; Riboli, E.; Figueiredo, C.; González, C.A.; Capellà, G.; MacHado, J.C.; Sala, N.. 2014. "Genetic variants in the IL1A gene region contribute to intestinal-type gastric carcinoma susceptibility in European populations", International Journal of Cancer 135, 6: 1343 - 13.
23. Paiva, D.; Silva, S.; Severo, M.; Ferreira, P.; Santos, O.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2014. "Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the health literacy assessment tool METER in the Portuguese adult population", Patient Education and Counseling 97, 2: 269 - 275.
24. Oliveira, M.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Cytology use for cervical cancer screening in Portugal: Results from the 2005/2006 National Health Survey", European Journal of Public Health 24, 2: 253 - 258.
25. de Pereira, M; Oliveira, L.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Caries and oral health related behaviours among homeless adults from Porto, Portugal.", Oral health \& preventive dentistry 12, 2: 109 - 116.
26. Lunet, N.; Peleteiro, B.; Bastos, J.; Correia, S.; Marinho, A.; Guimarães, J.T.; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H.. 2014. "Child day-care attendance and Helicobacter pylori infection in the Portuguese birth cohort Geração XXI", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 23, 3: 193 - 198.
27. Pereira, M.L.; Araújo, C.; Dias, P.; Lunet, N.; Subirana, I.; Marrugat, J.; Capewell, S.; Bennett, K.; Azevedo, A.. 2014. "Age and sex inequalities in the prescription of evidence-based pharmacological therapy following an acute coronary syndrome in Portugal: The EURHOBOP study", European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 21, 11: 1401 - 14.
28. Pina, F.; Botelho, F.; Lopes, T.; Lopes, I.; Figueiredo, G.; Portugal, R.; Ferro, A.; Cruz, F.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Can serum angiogenin be used to improve the diagnostic performance in prostate cancer screening?", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 23, 3: 166 - 172.
29. Carreira, H.; Bastos, A.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.. 2014. "Breast-feeding and Helicobacter pylori infection: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Public Health Nutrition 18, 3: 500 - 520.
30. Viana, M.; Laszczynska, O.; Mendes, S.; Fri{\~o. 2014. "Medication adherence to specific drug classes in chronic heart failure", Journal of managed care \& specialty pharmacy 20, 10: 1018 - 10.
31. Padrão, P.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Carreira, H.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Tobacco consumption in Mozambique: Use of distinct types of tobacco across urban and rural settings", Nicotine and Tobacco Research 15, 1: 199 - 205.
32. Amaro, J.; Severo, M.; Vilela, S.; Fonseca, S.; Fontes, F.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Patterns of breast cancer mortality trends in Europe", Breast 22, 3: 244 - 253.
33. Fontes, F.; Severo, M.; Castro, C.; Lourenço, S.; Gomes, S.; Botelho, F.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Model-based patterns in prostate cancer mortality worldwide.", British journal of cancer 108, 11: 2354 - 23.
34. Bastos, J.; Peleteiro, B.; Barros, R.; Alves, L.; Severo, M.; de Fátima P. M; Pinto, H.; Carvalho, S.; Marinho, A.; Guimarães, J.T.; Azevedo, A.; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Sociodemographic determinants of prevalence and incidence of helicobacter pylori infection in portuguese adults", Helicobacter 18, 6: 413 - 422.
35. Bastos, J.; Peleteiro, B.; Pinto, H.; Marinho, A.; Guimarães, J.T.; Ramos, E.; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Prevalence, incidence and risk factors for Helicobacter pylori infection in a cohort of Portuguese adolescents (EpiTeen)", Digestive and Liver Disease 45, 4: 290 - 295.
36. Carrilho, C.; Gouveia, P.; Yokohama, H.; Lopes, J.M.; Lunet, N.; Ferro, J.; Ismail, M.; Walboomers, J.; Sobrinho-Simões, M.; David, L.. 2013. "Human papillomaviruses in intraepithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva: A study from Mozambique", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 22, 6: 566 - 568.
37. Carreira, H.; Coutinho, F.; Carrilho, C.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "HIV and HPV infections and ocular surface squamous neoplasia: Systematic review and meta-analysis", British Journal of Cancer 109, 7: 1981 - 19.
38. Dourado, F.; Carreira, H.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Mammography use for breast cancer screening in Portugal: Results from the 2005/2006 National Health Survey", European Journal of Public Health 23, 3: 386 - 392.
39. Gama, H.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Diogo, D.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Low prevalence of hypertension with pharmacological treatments and associated factors.", Revista de saúde pública 47, 2: 301 - 308.
40. Baldaque-Silva, F.; Marques, M.; Lunet, N.; Themudo, G.; Goda, K.; Toth, E.; Soares, J.; Bastos, P.; Ramalho, R.; Pereira, P.; Marques, N.; Coimbra, M.; Vieth, M.; Dinis-Ribeiro, M.; Macedo, G.; Lundell, L.; Marschall, H.-U.. 2013. "Endoscopic assessment and grading of Barrett's esophagus using magnification endoscopy and narrow band imaging: Impact of structured learning and experience on the accuracy of the Amsterdam classification system", Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 48, 2: 160 - 167.
41. Gomes, J.; Damasceno, A.; Carrilho, C.; Lobo, V.; Lopes, H.; Madede, T.; Pravinrai, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Diogo, D.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Determinants of early case-fatality among stroke patients in Maputo, Mozambique and impact of in-hospital complications", International Journal of Stroke 8, 100 A: 69 - 75.
42. Pereira, M.L.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.; Carreira, H.; O'Flaherty, M.; Capewell, S.; Bennett, K.. 2013. "Explaining the decline in coronary heart disease mortality in Portugal between 1995 and 2008", Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 6, 6: 634 - 642.
43. Pacheco-Figueiredo, L.; Antunes, L.; Bento, M.J.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Evaluation of the frequency of and survival from second primary cancers in North Portugal: A population-based study", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 22, 6: 599 - 606.
44. Ferreira, D.; Carreira, H.; Silva, S.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Assessment of the contents related to screening on Portuguese language websites providing information on breast and prostate cancer | Avaliação dos conteúdos em websites sobre rastramento do câncer da mama e da próstata em língua Portuguesa", Cadernos de Saude Publica 29, 11: 2163 - 21.
45. Damasceno, A.; Padrão, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Prista, A.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Cardiovascular risk in Mozambique: Who should be treated for hypertension?", Journal of Hypertension 31, 12: 2348 - 23.
46. Bastos, J.; Carreira, H.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2013. "Childcare attendance and Helicobacter pylori infection: Systematic review and meta-analysis", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 22, 4: 311 - 319.
47. Carreira, H.; Pereira, M.L.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Trends of BMI and prevalence of overweight and obesity in Portugal (1995-2005): A systematic review", Public Health Nutrition 15, 6: 972 - 981.
48. Teixeira, C.; Lunet, N.; Rodrigues, T.; Barros, H.. 2012. "The Bishop Score as a determinant of labour induction success: A systematic review and meta-analysis", Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 286, 3: 739 - 753.
49. Peleteiro, B.; La Vecchia, C; Lunet, N.. 2012. "The role of Helicobacter pylori infection in the web of gastric cancer causation", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 21, 2: 118 - 125.
50. Pereira, M.L.; Carreira, H.; Vales, C.; Rocha, V.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Trends in hypertension prevalence (1990-2005) and mean blood pressure (1975-2005) in Portugal: A systematic review", Blood Pressure 21, 4: 220 - 226.
51. Lunet, N.; Pimentel, P.. 2012. "Population based cancer registry in portugal: Reflection on its current status and future perspectives | Registo oncológico de base populacional em portugal: Reflexão sobre a situação atual e perspetivas futuras", Arquivos de Medicina 26, 3: 124 - 128.
52. Ferronha, I.; Castro, C.; Carreira, H.; Bento, M.J.; Carvalho, I.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Prediagnosis lifestyle exposures and survival of gastric cancer patients: A cohort study from Portugal", British Journal of Cancer 107, 3: 537 - 543.
53. Ferronha, I.; Bastos, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Prediagnosis lifestyle exposures and survival of patients with gastric cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 21, 5: 449 - 452.
54. Oliveira, L.P.; Pereira, M.L.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Risk factors for cardiovascular disease among the homeless and in the general population of the city of Porto, Portugal | Fatores de risco cardiovascular em pessoas semabrigo e na população geral da cidade do Porto, Portugal", Cadernos de Saude Publica 28, 8: 1517 - 15.
55. Pires, J.; Padrão, P.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-matos, C.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Impact of different reference period definitions in the quantification of alcohol consumption: Results from a nationwide STEPS survey in Mozambique", Alcohol and Alcoholism 47, 3: 328 - 333.
56. Padrão, P.; Laszczynska, O.; Silva-Matos, C.; Damasceno, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Low fruit and vegetable consumption in Mozambique: Results from a WHO STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance", British Journal of Nutrition 107, 3: 428 - 435.
57. Padrão, P.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Prista, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Physical activity patterns in Mozambique: Urban/rural differences during epidemiological transition", Preventive Medicine 55, 5: 444 - 449.
58. Magalhães, B.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 21, 1: 15 - 23.
59. Peleteiro, B.; Barros, R.; Carrilho, C.; Artiaga, J.; Cunha, L.; Modcoicar, P.; Ferreira, R.; Figueiredo, C.; Almeida, R.; La Vecchia, C; David, L.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Determinants of gastric CDX2 expression: A study in Mozambique", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 21, 6: 532 - 540.
60. Antunes, E.B.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Effects of the head lift exercise on the swallow function: A systematic review", Gerodontology 29, 4: 247 - 257.
61. Carreira, H.; Pereira, M.L.; Azevedo, A.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Effect of the type of population on estimates of mean body mass index and prevalence of overweight and obesity: A systematic review of studies of Portuguese adults", Annals of Human Biology 39, 3: 223 - 238.
62. Carreira, H.; Pereira, M.L.; Alves, L.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2012. "Dyslipidaemia, and mean blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the portuguese population: A systematic review", Arquivos de Medicina 26, 3: 112 - 123.
63. Botelho, F.; Pina, F.; Figueiredo, L.; Cruz, F.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Does baseline total testosterone improve the yielding of prostate cancer screening?", European Journal of Cancer 48, 11: 1657 - 16.
64. Carrilho, C.; Ferro, J.; Lorenzoni, C.; Sultane, T.; Silva-Matos, C.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "A contribution for a more accurate estimation of the incidence of Kaposi sarcoma in Mozambique", International Journal of Cancer 132, 4: 988 - 989.
65. Carreira, H.; Antunes, L.; Castro, C.; Lunet, N.; Bento, M.J.. 2012. "Cancer incidence and survival (19972006) among adolescents and young adults in the north of Portugal", Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 29, 7: 663 - 676.
66. Pires, J.; Padrão, P.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Lunet, N.. 2012. "Alcohol consumption in Mozambique: Results from a national survey including primary and surrogate respondents", Annals of Human Biology 39, 6: 534 - 537.
67. Bastos, J.; Botelho, F.; Pina, F.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Trends in prostate cancer mortality in Portugal (1980-2006) | Evolução da mortalidade por cancro da próstata em Portugal (1980-2006)", Acta Medica Portuguesa 24, 4: 499 - 504.
68. Peleteiro, B.; Lopes, C.; Figueiredo, C.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Salt intake and gastric cancer risk according to Helicobacter pylori infection, smoking, tumour site and histological type", British Journal of Cancer 104, 1: 198 - 207.
69. Pinto, D.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2011. "Prevalence and determinants of atypical presentation of acute coronary syndrome | Prevalência e determinantes de apresentação atípica de síndrome coronário agudo", Acta Medica Portuguesa 24, SUPPL.2: 307 - 318.
70. Pacheco-Figueiredo, L.; Antunes, L.; Bento, M.J.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Health-related behaviours in the EpiPorto study: Cancer survivors versus participants with no cancer history", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 20, 4: 348 - 354.
71. Cavaleiro-Pinto, M.; Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2011. "Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cardia cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Cancer Causes and Control 22, 3: 375 - 387.
72. Magalhães, B.; Bastos, J.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Dietary patterns and colorectal cancer: A case-control study from Portugal", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 20, 5: 389 - 395.
73. Araújo, C.; Azevedo, A.; Damasceno, A.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Evolving tobacco consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa | A evolução do consumo do tabaco na ¿?frica Subsariana", Arquivos de Medicina 25, 4: 153 - 155.
74. Alves, E.; Lunet, N.; Correia, S.; Morais, V.; Azevedo, A.; Barros, H.. 2011. "Medical record review to recover missing data in a Portuguese birth cohort: Agreement with self-reported data collected by questionnaire and inter-rater variability | Revisión de registros médicos para recuperar datos incompletos en una cohorte de nacimiento portuguesa: concordancia con datos recogidos por cuestionario y variabilidad interobservador", Gaceta Sanitaria 25, 3: 211 - 219.
75. Lunet, N.. 2011. "Helicobacter pylori infection in a region with high risk of gastric cancer | A Infecção por helicobacter pylori numa região de alto risco de cancro do Estômago", Arquivos de Medicina 25, 5-6: 213 - 217.
76. Peleteiro, B.; Cavaleiro-Pinto, M.; Barros, R.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Is cardia cancer aetiologically different from distal stomach cancer?", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 20, 2: 96 - 101.
77. Silva-Matos, C.; Gomes, A.; Azevedo, A.; Damasceno, A.; Prista, A.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Diabetes in Mozambique: Prevalence, management and healthcare challenges", Diabetes and Metabolism 37, 3: 237 - 244.
78. Padrão, P.; Damasceno, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Laszczynska, O.; Prista, A.; Gouveia, L.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Alcohol consumption in Mozambique: Regular consumption, weekly pattern and binge drinking", Drug and Alcohol Dependence 115, 1-2: 87 - 93.
79. Padrão, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Damasceno, A.; Lunet, N.. 2011. "Association between tobacco consumption and alcohol, vegetable and fruit intake across urban and rural areas in Mozambique", Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 65, 5: 445 - 453.
80. Botelho, F.; Pina, F.; Silva, P.; Figueiredo, G.; Cruz, F.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and prostate pathology", International Braz J Urol 36, 4: 430 - 437.
81. Botelho, F.; Pina, F.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "VEGF and prostatic cancer: A systematic review", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 19, 5: 385 - 392.
82. Pinto, D.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.. 2010. "Sensitivity and specificity of the Manchester Triage System for patients with acute coronary syndrome | Sensibilidade e especificidade do Sistema de Manchester na triagem de doentes com síndrome coronária aguda [63]", Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 29, 6: 961 - 987.
83. Bastos, J.; Peleteiro, B.; Gouveia, J.; Coleman, M.P.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "The state of the art of cancer control in 30 European countries in 2008", International Journal of Cancer 126, 11: 2700 - 27.
84. Bastos, J.; Lunet, N.; Peleteiro, B.; Lopes, C.; Barros, H.. 2010. "Dietary patterns and gastric cancer in a Portuguese urban population", International Journal of Cancer 127, 2: 433 - 441.
85. Santos, C.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Dementia and cognitive impairment: Clinical diagnosis and classification", Arquivos de Medicina 24, 3: 91 - 98.
86. Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Barros, R.; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H.. 2010. "Factors contributing to the underestimation of Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric cancer risk in a high-prevalence population", Cancer Causes and Control 21, 8: 1257 - 12.
87. Alves, C.; Alves, L.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Epidemiology of cervical cancer | Epidemiologia do cancro do colo Do útero", Arquivos de Medicina 24, 6: 266 - 277.
88. Dias-Neto, M.; Pintalhão, M.; Ferreira, M.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Salt intake and risk of gastric intestinal metaplasia: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Nutrition and Cancer 62, 2: 133 - 147.
89. Barros, R.; Peleteiro, B.; Almeida, R.; Figueiredo, C.; Barros, H.; David, L.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Relevance of high virulence Helicobacter pylori strains and futility of CDX2 expression for predicting intestinal metaplasia after eradication of infection", Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 45, 7-8: 828 - 834.
90. Correia, S.; Dinis, P.; Rolo, F.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Sampling procedures and sample representativeness in a national telephone survey: A Portuguese example", International Journal of Public Health 55, 4: 261 - 269.
91. Pintalhao, M.; Dias-Neto, M.; Peleteiro, B.; Lopes, C.; Figueiredo, C.; David, L.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Salt intake and type of intestinal metaplasia in Helicobacter Pylori-infected Portuguese men", Nutrition and Cancer 62, 8: 1153 - 11.
92. Damasceno, A.; Gomes, J.; Azevedo, A.; Carrilho, C.; Lobo, V.; Lopes, H.; Madede, T.; Pravinrai, P.; Silva-Matos, C.; Jalla, S.; Stewart, S.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "An epidemiological study of stroke hospitalizations in maputo, mozambique: A high burden of disease in a resource-poor country", Stroke 41, 11: 2463 - 24.
93. Gomes, A.; Damasceno, A.; Azevedo, A.; Prista, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Saranga, S.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Body mass index and waist circumference in Mozambique: Urban/rural gap during epidemiological transition", Obesity Reviews 11, 9: 627 - 634.
94. Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Carrilho, C.; Durães, C.; Machado, J.C.; La Vecchia, C; Barros, H.. 2010. "Association between cytokine gene polymorphisms and gastric precancerous lesions: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 19, 3: 762 - 776.
95. Santos, C.; Lunet, N.. 2010. "Dementia and cognitive impairment: Burden of disease and risk factors", Arquivos de Medicina 24, 4: 141 - 149.
96. Correia, S.; Dinis, P.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Urinary incontinence and overactive bladder: A review", Arquivos de Medicina 23, 1: 13 - 21.
97. Lucas, R.; Rocha, O.; Bastos, J.; Costa, L.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Pharmacological management of osteoporosis and concomitant calcium supplementation in a Portuguese urban population: The EpiPorto study (2005-2007)", Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 27, 1: 47 - 53.
98. Alves, C.; Alves, L.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Prevalence and determinants of cervical cytology use in an urban sample of Portuguese women", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 18, 6: 482 - 488.
99. Carrilho, C.; Modcoicar, P.; Cunha, L.; Ismail, M.; Guisseve, A.; Lorenzoni, C.; Fernandes, F.; Peleteiro, B.; Almeida, R.; Figueiredo, C.; David, L.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection, chronic gastritis, and intestinal metaplasia in Mozambican dyspeptic patients", Virchows Archiv 454, 2: 153 - 160.
100. Correia, S.; Dinis, P.; Rolo, F.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Prevalence, treatment and known risk factors of urinary incontinence and overactive bladder in the non-institutionalized Portuguese population.", International urogynecology journal and pelvic floor dysfunction 20, 12: 1481 - 14.
101. Gama, H.; Correia, S.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Questionnaire design and the recall of pharmacological treatments: A systematic review", Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 18, 3: 175 - 187.
102. Alves, L.; Bastos, J.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Trends in lung cancer mortality in Portugal (1955-2005) | Evolução da mortalidade por cancro do pulmão em Portugal (1955-2005)", Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia 15, 4: 575 - 587.
103. Peleteiro, B.; Carrilho, C.; Modcoicar, P.; Cunha, L.; Ismail, M.; Guisseve, A.; Lorenzoni, C.; Fernandes, F.; Almeida, R.; Figueiredo, C.; David, L.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Chronic atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, helicobacter pylori virulence, IL1RN polymorphisms, and smoking in dyspeptic patients from Mozambique and Portugal", Helicobacter 14, 4: 306 - 308.
104. Pereira, M.L.; Lunet, N.; Azevedo, A.; Barros, H.. 2009. "Differences in prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension between developing and developed countries", Journal of Hypertension 27, 5: 963 - 975.
105. Lunet, N.. 2009. "Epidemiological studies are like cherries, one draws another", Gaceta Sanitaria 23, 5: 479 - 482.
106. Gama, H.; Ismael, A.; Sitoi, F.; Matola, A.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Factors associated with chloroquine induced pruritus during malaria treatment in Mozambican University students", Gaceta Sanitaria 23, 4: 306 - 310.
107. Damasceno, A.; Azevedo, A.; Silva-Matos, C.; Prista, A.; Diogo, D.; Lunet, N.. 2009. "Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control in mozambique: Urban/rural gap during epidemiological transition", Hypertension 54, 1: 77 - 83.
108. Lunet, N.; Rodrigues, T.; Correia, S.; Barros, H.. 2008. "Adequacy of prenatal care as a major determinant of folic acid, iron, and vitamin intake during pregnancy", Cadernos de Saude Publica 24, 5: 1151 - 11.
109. Canedo, P.; Castanheira-Vale, A.J.; Lunet, N.; Pereira, F.; Figueiredo, C.; Gioia-Patricola, L.; Canzian, F.; Moreira, H.; Suriano, G.; Barros, H.; Carneiro, F.; Seruca, R.; Machado, J.C.. 2008. "The interleukin-8-251*T/*A polymorphism is not associated with risk for gastric carcinoma development in a Portuguese population", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 17, 1: 28 - 32.
110. Canedo, P.; Durães, C.; Pereira, F.; Regalo, G.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.; Carneiro, F.; Seruca, R.; Rocha, J.; Machado, J.C.. 2008. "Tumor necrosis factor alpha extended haplotypes and risk of gastric carcinoma", Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 17, 9: 2416 - 24.
111. Peleteiro, B.; Bastos, J.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2008. "Systematic review of the prevalence of gastric intestinal metaplasia and its area-level association with smoking", Gaceta Sanitaria 22, 3: 236 - 246.
112. Canedo, P.; Corso, G.; Pereira, F.; Lunet, N.; Suriano, G.; Figueiredo, C.; Pedrazzani, C.; Moreira, H.; Barros, H.; Carneiro, F.; Seruca, R.; Roviello, F.; Machado, J.C.. 2008. "The interferon gamma receptor 1 (IFNGR1) -56C/T gene polymorphism is associated with increased risk of early gastric carcinoma", Gut 57, 11: 1504 - 15.
113. Ladeiras-Lopes, R.; Pereira, A.K.; Nogueira, A.; Pinheiro-Torres, T.; Pinto, I.; Santos-Pereira, R.; Lunet, N.. 2008. "Smoking and gastric cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies", Cancer Causes and Control 19, 7: 689 - 701.
114. Gomes, A.; Lunet, N.; Santos, A.C.; Barros, H.. 2008. "Social, demographic, clinical and lifestyle determinants of dental care visits in an urban sample of Portuguese adults.", Oral health \& preventive dentistry 6, 1: 3 - 11.
115. Falcão, H.; Lunet, N.; Neves, E.; Iglésias, I.; Barros, H.. 2008. "Anisakis simplex as a risk factor for relapsing acute urticaria: A case-control study", Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 62, 7: 634 - 637.
116. Lunet, N.; Bastos, J.; Cumaio, F.; Silva, P.; Dias, E.; Barros, H.. 2008. "Recall of drug utilization depends on subtle structural questionnaire characteristics", Pharmacy World and Science 30, 2: 175 - 181.
117. Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Figueiredo, C.; Carneiro, F.; David, L.; Barros, H.. 2007. "Smoking, Helicobacter pylori virulence, and type of intestinal metaplasia in Portuguese males", Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 16, 2: 322 - 326.
118. Peleteiro, B.; Lunet, N.; Santos-Silva, F.; David, L.; Figueiredo, C.; Barros, H.. 2007. "Short mucin 1 alleles are associated with low virulent H pylori strains infection [2]", World Journal of Gastroenterology 13, 12: 1885 - 18.
119. Lunet, N.; Valbuena, C.; Vieira, A.L.; Lopes, C.; David, L.; Carneiro, F.; Barros, H.. 2007. "Fruit and vegetable consumption and gastric cancer by location and histological type: Case-control and meta-analysis", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 16, 4: 312 - 327.
120. Lucas, R.; Lunet, N.; Carvalho, R.; Langa, J.; Muanantatha, M.; Nkunda, L.-P.; Barros, H.. 2007. "Patterns in the use of medicines by university students in Maputo, Mozambique", Cadernos de Saude Publica 23, 12: 2845 - 28.
121. Pinto, M.; Lunet, N.; Williams, L.; Barros, H.. 2007. "Billboard advertising of food and beverages is frequent in Maputo, Mozambique", Food and Nutrition Bulletin 28, 3: 365 - 366.
122. Bastos, J.; Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2007. "Breast cancer mortality trend in Portugal (1955-2002) | Evolução da mortalidade por cancro da mama em Portugal (1955-2002)", Acta Medica Portuguesa 20, 2: 139 - 144.
123. Botelho, F.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Coffee and gastric cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis", Cadernos de Saude Publica 22, 5: 889 - 900.
124. Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2006. "Cancer: A public health perspective | Cancro: Uma perspectiva de saúde pública", Arquivos de Medicina 20, 1-2: 31 - 36.
125. Lunet, N.; Valbuena, C.; Carneiro, F.; Lopes, C.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Antioxidant vitamins and risk of gastric cancer: A case-control study in Portugal", Nutrition and Cancer 55, 1: 71 - 77.
126. Lunet, N.; Williams, L.; Govind, M.; Silinto, A.; Zucua, I.; Damasceno, A.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Tobacco advertising in Maputo, Mozambique: How will they keep pressing? [2]", Gaceta Sanitaria 20, 3: 251 - 252.
127. Xavier, P.; Belo, L.; Beires, J.; Rebelo, I.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, J.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Serum levels of VEGF and TNF-a and their association with C-reactive protein in patients with endometriosis", Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics 273, 4: 227 - 231.
128. Pina, F.M.; Lunet, N.; Dias, M.M.. 2006. "Prostate cancer and aging | Carcinoma da próstata e envelhecimento: Aspectos preocupantes", Arquivos de Medicina 20, 5-6: 153 - 160.
129. Rocha, O.; Lunet, N.; Costa, L.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Osteoporosis treatment in Portugal: Trends and geographical variation | Tratamento da osteoporose em Portugal: Tendência e variação geográfica", Acta Medica Portuguesa 19, 5: 373 - 380.
130. Mesquita, P.; Almeida, R.; Lunet, N.; Reis, C.A.; Silva, L.F.S.; Serpa, J.; Van Seuningen, I; Barros, H.; David, L.. 2006. "Metaplasia - A transdifferentiation process that facilitates cancer development: The model of gastric intestinal metaplasia", Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis 12, 1-2: 3 - 26.
131. Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2006. "From science to art and back: Epidemiology and public health in the post-graduate education of the University of Porto | Da ciência à arte e de volta: Epidemiologia e saúde pública no ensino de pós-graduação na Universidade do Porto", Arquivos de Medicina 20, 4: 133 - 135.
132. Lunet, N.; Severo, M.; Barros, H.. 2006. "Detour standard or error standard | Desvio padrão ou erro padrão", Arquivos de Medicina 20, 1-2: 55 - 56.
133. Lunet, N.; Falcão, H.; Sousa, M.; Bay, N.; Barros, H.. 2005. "Self-reported food and drug allergy in Maputo, Mozambique", Public Health 119, 7: 587 - 589.
134. Lunet, N.; Carvalho, R.; Barros, H.. 2005. "Gastric cancer research: Articles published in national and international journals by Portuguese authors | Investigação em cancro gástrico: Artigos publicados em revistas nacionais e internacionais por autores Portugueses", Arquivos de Medicina 19, 4: 139 - 143.
135. Xavier, P.; Beires, J.; Belo, L.; Rebelo, I.; Martinez-De-Oliveira, J.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2005. "Are we employing the most effective CA 125 and CA 19-9 cut-off values to detect endometriosis? [1]", European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 123, 2: 254 - 255.
136. Lunet, N.; Lacerda-Vieira, A.; Barros, H.. 2005. "Fruit and vegetables consumption and gastric cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies", Nutrition and Cancer 53, 1: 1 - 10.
137. Lunet, N.; Carvalho, R.; Barros, H.. 2004. "An appraisal of gastric cancer research in cancer journals", Gastric Cancer 7, 3: 172 - 175.
138. Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2004. "Does vitamin C dietary intake modify the association between Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer?", European Journal of Epidemiology 19, 11: 1061 - 10.
139. Lunet, N.; Pina, F.; Barros, H.. 2004. "Regional trends in Portuguese gastric cancer mortality (1984-1999)", European Journal of Cancer Prevention 13, 4: 271 - 275.
140. Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2004. "The tobacco epidemic in countries of Portuguese language | A epidemia do tabaco em países de língua Portuguesa", Arquivos de Medicina 18, 3: 156 - 158.
141. Carvalho, R.; Teixeira, J.; Lunet, N.. 2004. "Drug donations... useful or useless? | Doações de medicamentos... Úteis ou inúteis?", Arquivos de Medicina 18, 4: 205 - 207.
142. Falcão, H.; Lunet, N.; Lopes, C.; Barros, H.. 2004. "Food hypersensitivity in Portuguese adults", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 58, 12: 1621 - 16.
143. Serpa, J.; Lunet, N.; Mendes, N.; Barros, H.; David, L.; Matsuo, K.; Ikehara, Y.; Nakamura, T.; Hamajima, N.. 2004. "Lewis and Secretor status and Helicobacter pylori eradication (multiple letters) [1]", Epidemiology and Infection 132, 5: 997 - 999.
144. Tokudome, S.; Kuriki, K.; Suzuki, S.; Akasaka, S.; Kosaka, H.; Ishikawa, H.; Yoshimura, T.; Azuma, T.; Van, D.D.; Khan, N.C.; Sriamporn, S.; Wiangnon, S.; Soeripto, ; Tkiningsih, Fx.E.; Moore, M.A.; Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2004. "Re: Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer: Facing the enigmas [4]", International Journal of Cancer 112, 1: 166 - 169.
145. Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2003. "The need for methodology | Sobre a necessidade da metodologia", Arquivos de Medicina 17, 4: 132 - 135.
146. Barros, H.; Lunet, N.. 2003. "Association between child-care and acute diarrhea: A study in Portuguese children", Revista de Saude Publica 37, 5: 603 - 608.
147. Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2003. "Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric cancer: Facing the enigmas", International Journal of Cancer 106, 6: 953 - 960.
148. Lunet, N.; Barros, H.. 2002. "Gender differences in the treatment of hypertension: A community based study in Porto | Diferenças entre sexos no tratamento da hipertensão arterial: Um estudo comunitário no Porto", Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia 21, 1: 7 - 19.

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