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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Education and Training  > Projects


  • ICT in Schools

    In January 2006 all state schools from the 1st to the 12th years had broadband Internet connections, with the exception of a small number of those that would cease operating in summer 2006. A year before only 18% had a broadband connection.

  • Computers for Students

    From 2005, through special programs to facilitate the acquisition of laptop computers with Internet broadband connection by families with students, more than 1 million computers were deployed, aiming at generalizing the use of computers and the Internet at home by students and families.

  • ICT in Adult Education

    The New Opportunities Programme (site in Portuguese), launched in December 2005 to provide an ample opportunity of education to adults and youth who had left school without completing secondary education and having involved 1.1 students, included the systematic training in ICT skills and facilitated acquisition of laptop computers.

  • ICT in Professional Training

    The Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP) (site in Portuguese) included training on ICT skills in all its programmes. In addition, the IEFP has specific training programs in ICT, including Computer Science, Computers in the User's perspective, Electronics and Automation.

  • Recognition of ICT Skills

    Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) is in charge of coordinating the system for recognising and promoting basic Information Technology (IT) competences, namely by awarding the Basic Information Technology (IT) Skills Diploma, instituted by Decree Law No.140/2001 (text in Portuguese), of 24th April, as an instrument for fighting e-exclusion, consolidating citizenship and promoting social cohesion in the context of the Information Society.

  • Open Training in Internet Spaces

    Internet Spaces (Telecenters) are public places with free access to computers and Internet with staff support (monitors) to facilitate the use of these technologies by people. The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) promoted the organization of the Internet Spaces Network integrating a set of 1,172 Internet Spaces in operation at various points in the country.

  • Technology Specialization Courses in ICT

    At the end of 2010 there were 98 Technology Specialization Courses (CET) in ICT subsjects, in 34 institutions of higher education, in 33 locations, and on 19 subjects, while in 2005 there were 32 CET in ICT subjects, in 16 institutions of higher education, in 11 locations, and on 8 subjects.

  • ICT Academies

    Higher education ICT Academies aim at vocational training in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the corresponding internationally-recognised certification based on widely-recognised training programmes, prepared by companies of international standing in the areas of ICT.

  • Undergraduate Programs in ICT

    In 2009/2010 about 9,865 students enrolled for the first time in Higher Education undergraduate ICT programmes, 52% more than in 2005/2006, an increase that was almost the double of that observed in all areas (27%).

  • Advanced Training in ICT

    The Advanced Training in ICT includes post-graduate training at PhD, Postdoctoral and "Executive Masters" level, and reached a considerable number of people, having been greatly enhanced since 2006 by a considerable increase of PhD and Postdoctoral fellowships and by the international partnerships with Carnegie Mellon University, MIT and U. Texas at Austin.