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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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Meeting of the AAL General Assembly in Budapest

 - 15/06/2009

Logotipo da Ambient Assisted Living AssociationOn 15 June 2009 a meeting of the General Assembly of the AAL Association, in which Portugal is a founder member and represented by The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), took place in Budapest The meeting included representatives from 18 member countries as well as observers from the European Commission and the Secretariat of the AAL Association.

The agenda of the meeting, in which Portugal was represented by Eng. António Mendes dos Santos, from UMIC, included the following: discussion of new rules for internal procedures, the possibility of suspending the rights of Members of the Association in cases where a bilateral protocol with the association has not been signed, the widening of possible participants in the General Assembly meetings, national control systems, elections for the Executive Committee at the next General Assembly, scheduled for September 2009, the current position concerning the 2nd call for proposals for projects to be carried out under the framework of AAL, information regarding the organisation of the 2009 AAL Forum’2009 (Vienna, 29/Sept-1/Oct), the application process to offer to hold the AAL Forum in 2010 and future years, human resource problems at the AAL Association Secretariat, and the preparation of the 3rd call for proposals for projects.

For more information on the activities of the AAL Association consult the AAL Association website.

Last updated ( 01/08/2011 )