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European Safer Internet Day 2010

 - 08/02/2010

Logotipo do European Safer Internet Day 2010The European Safer Internet Day is on Tuesday, 9th February 2010. Just as in previous years, it is expected that 50 countries will hold awareness-raising actions on safe Internet use on this day. This event is organised at the European level by Insafe, a cooperative network of projects promoting awareness-raising for safer Internet use by citizens.

The Safer Internet (site in Portuguese) project is the responsibility of a consortium coordinated by The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), which also involves the Directorate-General for Curricular Innovation/CRIE at the Ministry of Education, the Foundation for National Scientific Computation (FCCN) and Microsoft Portugal. This consortium represents Portugal in Insafe and has organized some national initiatives to promote safe Internet use, with particular focus on elementary and secondary schools, and Internet Spaces, places providing free public Internet access with their own staff on-hand for support.

With regard to Schools, the Seguranet (site in Portuguese) team, the component of the Safer Internet (site in Portuguese) project working within the Ministry of Education, has launched a programme of activities involving students and/or parents and guardians (in Portuguese) for the week of 8 – 12 February which will contribute towards critical, aware and safer use of the Net.

Microsoft, as a member of the Safer Internet Consortium, along with the Association of Businessmen and Women for Social Inclusion (EPIS) and Millennium BCP, will carry out awareness-raising activities on 9 February on the theme of Safety on the Internet targeted at children and young adults aged between 6 and 15 years of age, in 61 primary and secondary schools throughout the country. These activities will involve around 104 volunteers from Microsoft, EPIS and Millennium and approximately 4 500 students. Microsoft has also organized the Safety on the Internet Challenge (in Portuguese), a competition aimed at all 1st Cycle Primary Schools which has the objective of promoting suggestions for Internet security measures from the students themselves. Also as part of celebrating the European Safer Internet Day, Microsoft has translated 5 informational videos on Internet safety into Portuguese:

These videos are also available at the new YouTube Safer Internet Project Channel (in Portuguese).

Following previous initiatives, the Safer Internet (site in Portuguese) project, together with the Internet Spaces Network (site in Portuguese), promotes different awareness-raising/training actions in the roughly 1 170 Internet Spaces throughout the country, in municipalities, public libraries, charities, e-Inclusion centres, job and professional training centres, cultural and leisure organisations and Ciência Viva centres. The development of awareness-raising activities in Internet Spaces is a powerful instrument for inclusion and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) penetration. With the support of The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), there will be activities from 8 to 12 February in more than 140 Internet Spaces (in Portuguese) located throughout the country.

On the Safer Internet Project

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has profoundly altered the way people live – how they learn, work, spend their free time and interact, both in terms of personal relationships and organisations.

As well as all the possibilities and benefits of ICT use, namely access to knowledge, collaboration between people and organisations, social inclusion and wealth creation, we must ensure, as with other means of interaction, that there are appropriate mechanisms and strategies to minimise possible abuse or illegal aspects stemming from the use of these technologies.

Actually this increased Internet use and access to the benefits it enables would benefit from better general clarification on how to use the Internet more safely.

The Safer Internet project was presented to the public in July 2007, and is the responsibility of a consortium coordinated by The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), which also involves the Directorate-General for Curricular Innovation and Development / CRIE – Computers, Networks and Internet in School, at the Ministry of Education, the Foundation for National Scientific Computation (FCCN) and Microsoft Portugal.

Websites for the Safer Internet project:

Last updated ( 29/07/2011 )