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Home  > Knowledge Networks  > News  > Beginning of the UTexas Austin - Portugal Program Preparation

Beginning of the UTexas Austin - Portugal Program Preparation

 - 22/03/2006

Logotype of the University of Texas at Austin Today, at a ceremony (text in Portuguese) held at Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, Monte da Caparica, Almada, under the framework of the Knowledge Networks activities, saw the launch of the basics of a cooperation project with the University of Texas at Austin, one of the largest and most prestigious State universities in the USA, with the emphasis on the creation and dissemination of digital and multimedia content.

The IC2 – Innovation, Creativity and Capital Institute and the College of Communication will be the main units of the University of Texas in Austin which will function as the catalysts for the desired cooperation, without this preventing other institutes and departments from being involved, whenever this is judged as propitious.

The main areas involved in the new partnership are the production and distribution of digital and interactive content, including new systems of distribution for small screens and through the Internet, journalism in interactive environments, advanced digital systems and solutions, including wireless technologies and applications in learning systems, education and training.

The new accord, which follows on from those recently signed with MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology and CMU – Carnegie Mellon University, also seeks the joint development of teaching and research activities, support for the commercialisation of science and technology, institutional development, economic value and new information and communication technologies.

The process now underway with the University of Texas in Austin includes an initial stage of identifying and selecting programs, activities and instruments in Portugal which will be able to benefit from the desired bilateral cooperation. This initial stage should be concluded within a period of 4 months, and lead to a medium and long-term institutional agreement.

Boosting scientific capability and innovation have been identified as the key to competitivity and growth for the Portuguese economy, with the Government having stated that within the framework of the Technological Plan this legislature should double the scientific and technological capacity and stimulate the setting-up and growth of new technologically-based companies.


Last updated ( 25/08/2011 )