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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Education and Training  > Projects  > Open Training in Internet Spaces

Open Training in Internet Spaces

Internet Spaces (Telecenters) are public places with free access to computers and Internet with staff support (monitors) to facilitate the use of these technologies by people. The Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) promoted the organization of the Internet Spaces Network integrating a set of 1,172 Internet Spaces in operation at various points in the country.

The Internet Spaces Network was created by the Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), following the Internet Spaces Network Meeting held in November 2006 in order to take better advantage of this powerful instrument of inclusion and ICT penetration in the population.

Internet Spaces provide open training through open direct experience with the use of computers and the Internet with the support of monitors. Many Internet Spaces organize training sessions aimed at specific groups of people: children and youth, elderly, people with disabilities, immigrants, the general public. They also organize activities to encourage or support certain types of uses such as e-government services, safe Internet use, social networking and blogs, creating websites, e-mail, Skype communication, productivity tools like Microsoft Office.

Many Internet Spaces provide training and certify basic ICT skills through the award of the Basic Information Technology (IT) Skills Diploma (see Recognition of ICT Skills).

Last updated ( 24/10/2011 )