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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Legal Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer

 - 14/03/2008

Copyright and Industrial Property

The content of the domain is subject to copyright, related rights and Industrial Property rights and may not be used outside the conditions agreed.

Users may copy, import or use information or national symbols on this domain for personal or public use free of charge, provided they are for not-for-profit use or used to offend. Users must always reference the information source.

Consent must be sought from the authors of material or the source referenced for domains to which this domain links, in accordance with the respective copyright information.

Any attempts to alter information, load information, or conduct any other action which may damage and jeopardise system integrity are strictly prohibited and may be punished in accordance with the legislation in force.

Disclaimer statement

UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, PI, hereafter referred to as UMIC, shall manage this domain with the goal of improving public access to information on the services identified on it. UMIC intends to keep this information updated and thorough and shall try to correct all errors that are flagged to it.

The content listed on this domain does not constitute advice or a suggestion, nor does it establish any type of contractual relationship of accountability. UMIC shall not be responsible for any losses or damages, whether direct or indirect, incurred by any users concerning information given on this domain.

UMIC shall not be liable for the precision, quality, safety, legality or licitude, including compliance with the rules regarding protection of copyright , Industrial Property and related rights for content, products or services given on this domain that have been provided by other bodies, advertisers or partners.

UMIC cannot guarantee that documents available on this domain faithfully reproduce officially-adopted texts. Consequently, only the versions of acts published in the Portuguese official journal, Diário da República are considered authentic.

LinksHypertext Links

UMIC shall not be responsible for the quality or veracity of content reproduced on Internet domains to which hypertext links, also known as hyperlinks or links, on these pages lead. UMIC has no control over content, products and services offered by third parties through links on the domain.

Applicable Law

This domain is governed by Portuguese Law.

© 2006 UMIC - Knowledge Society Agency, PI. All rights reserved.

Last updated ( 16/07/2010 )