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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
Home  > Society and Citizenship

Society and Citizenship

serviços públicos

According to the Connecting Portugal programme, the Society and Citizenship projects are aimed at mobilizing society and stimulating collaboration networks, namely by promoting:

  • modern, informed, aware and pro-active citizenship, for whom ICT use is a normal tool for accessing information, education, cooperative work and public discussion.
  • An extended ICT user base.
  • Communication between people and organisations.
  • Recognition and accreditation of acquired competences.
  • Collaborative working in networks and task and knowledge sharing.
  • Enhancing knowledge as a fundamental ethical, cultural, social and economic value.

The following are examples of outputs and actions to be achieved:

  • Promoting public schemes for spreading ICT to different publics and orientating State actions for social appropriation of these technologies.
  • Stimulating availability of information on monthly energy consumption by houses, services and industries, to promote rational energy use.
  • Stimulating availability of information on monthly consumption and quality of water, promoting water rationalisation systems.
  • Promoting collaborative work in networks and task and knowledge sharing in municipal, entrepreneurial, professional and social solidarity associations, in schools, national health system bodies and others based on joint interest projects.

Last Updated (03/03/2010)