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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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1st Meeting of the Carnegie Mellon - Portugal Program External Review Committee

 - 12/12/2007

Carnegie Mellon Logotype The Carnegie Mellon - Portugal Program External Review Committee is meeting for the first time today and tomorrow, 13th and 14th December 2007, in Lisbon.

This Committee, coordinated by Professor Sir John O'Reilly from the University of Cranfield, United Kingdom, also includes the following internationally-renowned researchers: Joel Moses (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Tariq Durrani (University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom), Luigia Aiello (University of Rome, Italy), David Audretsch (University of Indiana and Max Plank Institute, USA).

Partnerships for the Future started the various post-graduate programs leading to joint degrees between Portuguese institutions and the Carnegie Mellon in September 2007. 23 PhD students are currently working in Portugal and 11 at Carnegie Mellon, and there are roughly 22 Masters students in Portugal.

Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC) signed the respective collaboration agreement, which also encompasses 12 higher education institutions (11 universities and 1 polytechnic institution) and their respective research centres and units in the thematic areas involved, 4 Associated Laboratories, ISQ – Institute for Welding and Quality, and the FCCN – Foundation for National Scientific Computation. UMIC is principally involved in the Technology, Innovation and Public Policies area, in particular in the sub area of Public Policies for Online Industries and Software and in the topic of Telecommunications Policies and Management. The President of UMIC, Luis Magalhães, is part of the Carnegie Mellon - Portugal Program’s Board of Directors.

Last updated ( 28/09/2011 )