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Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC)
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3rd Meeting of the UT Austin - Portugal Program Board of Directors

 - 03/10/2008

Logo of the University of Texas at Austin The main management body of the U Texas Austin – Portugal Program, the Governing Committee, met for the 3rd time on 3 October 2008, a little more than a year and a half since the Launching of the U Texas Austin – Portugal Program, on 2 March 2007. The meeting was concerned with analysing the progress verified in each area (Digital Content, Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and the stimulation of commercialisation activities related to science and technology by UTEN – the University Technology Enterprise Network), the strategic plan for each of these areas and the general guidelines for the awarding of budgets, research project bidding processes, new advanced training Programs for the PhD and Executive Masters Programs, the affiliation of companies to the Program, and improvement in the dissemination and communication of the Program and its activities.

The Board of Directors of the UT Austin-Portugal Program is headed by the President of the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), and this also includes the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), the Vice-President for Research and the Associate Vice-President for Research from the University of Texas at Austin, as designated by the Provost of this university, and the two co-directors of the Program, in Portugal and at UT Austin.

Last updated ( 23/08/2011 )