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5th Meeting of the MIT - Portugal Program Government Committee

 - 22/11/2008

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The Governing Committee of the MIT - Portugal Program met on 21 November 2008, at Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), for the 5th time since this Program was started around two years previously, on 11 October 2006, under the scope of the Partnerships for the Future activities integrated within the Commitment to Science for Portugal’s Future initiative.

The main aims of the meeting were to consider and approve the report on the Program’s activities, with the 1st part of the meeting including the participation of the executive directors of the various areas of the Program, to receive information from the President of the External Review Committee of the MIT - Portugal Program, Professor Henk Sol, regarding the process of assessing the candidatures for the projects presented during the public tender opened under the scope of the Program. It also included discussion and approval of the main strategic and budgetary guidelines, discussion and approval of the Budget Plan for 2009, and analysis of operational matters and procedures.

The Governing Committee of the MIT - Portugal Program is headed by the President of Science and Technology Foundation (FCT), João Sentieiro, and also includes the Chancellor of MIT, Phil Clay, the Dean of the School of Engineering at MIT, Subra Suresh, the President of Knowledge Society Agency (UMIC), Luis Magalhães, and the directors of the Program at MIT and in Portugal, Daniel Roos and Paulo Ferrão, respectively.

Further information can be obtained from the MIT – Portugal Program website .

Last updated ( 28/09/2011 )